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1、教師專業評鑑人員之培訓 新老師輔導專員,波士頓公立學校2007 年新項目,New Teacher Developer新老師輔導專員,Goals:目的1.Provide critical orientation and support(提供開學前訓練與支持)2.Accelerate their skill and knowledge development(加速教學技能與知識的發展)3.Facilitate opportunities for reflection and self assessment(提供老師反思與自我評鑑的機會)4.Develop and retain strong new

2、 teachers(保住優秀好老師),NTD Responsibilities輔導專員責任(1),Work with 14 novice teachers in one or across several schools.在一校或多校負責14位新老師Maintain a trusting,confidential relationship 與新老師建立互信關係,NTD Responsibilities輔導專員責任(2),Assist in planning,reflecting on and analyzing their practice 幫助新老師計劃教案,反思與分析教學Reviewing

3、 student work to enhance student achievement 幫助新老師檢查學生作業提升學生成績,NTD Responsibilities輔導專員責任(3),Regularly confer with new teachers 定期與新老師開會討論教學Observe exemplary practice and model lessons 帶新老師觀摩優良教學,NTD Responsibilities輔導專員責任(4),Model teaching methodologies,e.g.team teaching,demonstrations and simulati

4、ons.演示教學法Identify resources,support and professional development 提供教學資源與專業發展機會,NTD Responsibilities輔導專員責任(5),Maintain and submit documents or work 定期繳工作記錄Promote professional community among new teachers 與其他新老師保持聯係,NTD Responsibilities輔導專員責任(6),Participate in PD 12days seminars as part of their work

5、day,focused on skills and strategies that support new teacher development.一年內參加12天培訓,加強本身技能與教學策略以輔導新老師,NTD Qualifications 輔導專員該具備之資格(1),Valid MA license 麻州教師執照K-12 teaching experience 小、初、高中教學經驗Strong interpersonal skills 善與人相處,NTD Qualifications輔導專員該具備之資格(2),Commitment to diversity,ensuring all stu

6、dents access to the highest quality instruction,and closing the achievement gap 對各族裔平等,保證提供所有學生最高品質教育的機會,減縮族裔之間的差距,NTD Qualifications輔導專員該具備之資格(3),Mastery of pedagogical and subject matter skills 精通教學法並具備學科專業技能Expertise in designing and implementing standards-based instruction 精通“以學習目標為準”的教學設計與課堂實施策

7、略,NTD Qualifications 輔導專員該具備之資格(4),Commitment to professional growth and learning 獻身於專業成長與學習 Experience in relating to adult learners 熟知如何與成年學習者交流Experience leading PD or creating learning opportunities for teachers 曾有教師培訓或為教師設計學習機會 的經驗,NTD Qualifications 輔導專員該具備之資格(5),Willing to help new teachers t

8、o identify progress against standards for teaching proficiency 願意幫助新老師鑑定教學增長進步情況Willing to accommodate the scheduling needs of new teachers.能夠遷就新老師的課表,盡量給予他們方便,NTD Conditions輔導專員工作條件,183days+18 hours+2.5 hours/week 183 天+18 小時+每星期2.5小時From mid August to mid June 由八月中至六月中,NTD Compensation輔導專員津貼,BTU S

9、alary plus 5%for additional work hours.波士頓教師公會所定待遇之外,另加百分之五,NTD Academy輔導專員進修項目(1),Foundations in Mentoring and Formative Assessment 教學輔導基礎理論與形成式評鑑Coaching and Observation Strategies 教學輔導和課堂觀察策略,NTD Academy輔導專員進修項目(2),Analysis of Student Work 分析學生作業Planning and Designing Professional Development for Teachers 計劃與設計教師專業發展培訓,


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