1、2007.7.3 嘉兴,初中第三册上解析,王笃勤英语语言文学博士(北京师范大学),2007.7.3 嘉兴,提纲,分析中考题,明晰要求介绍教材编写的基本理念分析每一单元的教学方式,2007.7.3 嘉兴,中考分析,听力:对话独白(内容简单,考查方式传统,试题简单,不到五级水平)(能听懂接近正常语速的故事和记叙文,理解故事的因果关系;能在听的过程中用适当方式做出反应;能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,并能从中提取信息和观点;能根据语调和重音理解说话者的意图;能借助语境克服生词障碍、理解大意)词汇语法:冠词、名词、介词(表意功能,但是只是理解)并列连词:表意情态动词:表意短语:疑问词:口头交际用语宾语从句:
2、结构,2007.7.3 嘉兴,试题要求,28.Our parents tell us _ at the world.It will make us happy,lively and warm.A.smileB.to smileC.smilingD.smiledWhat is the man probably saying to the woman in the right picture?A.Dont step on the grass!B.May I come in?C.Are you all right now?D.Hi,Eric speaking.,2007.7.3 嘉兴,完形填空:传统
3、阅读理解:传统,其中一个有难度词汇运用:不是运用,而是翻译任务型阅读:理解问句,分析与话题之间的关系,制作问卷,2007.7.3 嘉兴,任务阅读,为了解同学们在双休日所进行的活动和对双休日的看法,请你选编一份“调查问卷”。要求:1、问卷(Questionnaire)共有五个问题;2、从7174小题的A、B选项中选择适合的选项,组成第一至第四个问题,第五个问题由你自己拟定,并写在75小题的横线上。Questionnaire()71.A.Do you like your weekend?B.Whats your favorite food and drink?()72.A.Do you do yo
4、ur homework on Sundays?B.Are you busy from Monday to Friday?()73.A.How many days are there in a year?B.What do you usually do at the weekend?()74.A.What color is your new coat?B.Help your parents with the housework,do you?75.Do you get up late at the weekend?/Where do you spend your weekend?/_?,2007
5、.7.3 嘉兴,五级要求,能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行修改能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系能简单描述人物或事件能根据所给图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说明,2007.7.3 嘉兴,写作,76.美国朋友Jack正在写一篇有关“中秋月饼”的说明。请你结合图示和生活经验,帮助他完成下面的介绍。(本小题5分)On Mid-autumn Day,Chinese people eat the _.There are many different kinds of mooncakes.Some are big and some are small.And t
6、hey have _ inside.They taste _.Everyone hopes that eating the cake will bring them good luck.,2007.7.3 嘉兴,77.Jack想了解中国人是怎么过“春节”的。请你根据下图所示,结合实际,用英语向他介绍。要求:1、语言正确、流畅;2、以图片所示为主要内容,可适当增减有关信息;3、除已提供的开头外,书写词数80个左右。(短文的开头已写好,你只需接着写)(本小题15分),2007.7.3 嘉兴,教材特点,功能结构话题任务有机结合本套教材将功能与结构融合于话题与任务之中,通过话题的循环和任务的运用,呈现
7、相应的结构与功能。以语法为纲;以话题为中心;活动中渗透功能;通过任务学习评价目标达成。,2007.7.3 嘉兴,教材的结构特点,整体结构:12(10)个模块,2个复习单元模块结构:,Unit 1 Listening,pronunciation and speaking,Unit 2 Reading,and writing,Unit 3 Language in use,Module Task,Around the world,Learning to learn,Compre-hensive language ability,2007.7.3 嘉兴,已学语法,时态:一般现在、现在进行、一般将来时、
8、现在完成时、过去进行时、情感动词:can,should,must(2上),would(2下)比较级Has/have gotSome,any,人称代词系动词:sound,look,taste,feel动词不定式、动名词(宾语)宾语从句状语从句(条件、时间:while,when,before,until,as soon as、原因:because,so、目的:so that)直接引语和间接引语,2007.7.3 嘉兴,初三教材,上册:新的语法项目被动语态构词法定语从句冠词、大数字主谓一致每单元有一定量的新词下册:无新语法项目,有部分生词、课文话题的需求,2007.7.3 嘉兴,听力和阅读目标,知识
9、:知识描述的是学生对于一些实际信息的回忆情况,体现的是学生的记忆能力。理解:指不死记硬背,能理解教师传授给的知识,在没有完全理解它的含义或者它与其它知识的关系时也能很好低利用它。应用:指能在具体情景中运用抽象的概念,能将学到的知识应用于新的情景中。分析:指完成任务的时候能将一个复杂的信息分解成几个要素,从而使各要素之间的关系变得很清楚。综合:指能够将不同的元素和成分组合成一个结构连贯的模型。评价:指能运用自己和他人的评价标准对某种现象 作出定性或定量的评价。,2007.7.3 嘉兴,听力活动的层次,第一层:辨认(discrimination and identification)第一层是初级层
10、次,是二、三两层发展的基础,主要是语音辨认、信息辨认、符号辨认等等,可以通过正误辨认、匹配、勾画等方式训练和检查。当然,本层次的辨认也分不同的等级,语音辨认就属于最初级的要求,说话者意图的辨认就成为高级要求。2.第二层:转换(transferring)信息转化属于第二层次的要求,要求学生能够将听到的信息转换到图、表中,这其中涉及到对信息的分析和笔头输出。本层次同样设计到不同的层次,包括原信息转换和运用自己的语言进行转化。本层次可以利用填图、填表等方式进行。3.第三层:重组与再现(reformulation and reproduction)一、二层次属于信息获取,第三层次要求学生用自己的语言重
11、新组合获取信息通过口头方式或笔头方式表达出来。在教学中可以组织学生根据所填写的图表进行复述练习等活动。,2007.7.3 嘉兴,听力活动的层次,4.第四层:社会含义(interpretation of social meaning)听力为交际服务,交际要求有效、得体,而社会含义的理解就成为交际的关键。听力中可以让学生听包含不同语言形式的几个场景,然后让其将描述与图片场景匹配。描述中通过语言的正式程度表达社会含义,图片中可以通过穿着、身势语等方式展示正式的程度。5.第五层:评价与应用(evaluation and application)评价与应用属于听力的最高层次,因为它要求学生不仅要理解信息
12、、转述信息,同时能够运用自己的语言对信息进行评价和应用。听不是目的,听是为了了解对方的意图,听是为了交流交际和沟通,为了解决问题,为了进一步的说和写。因此,评价和应用是听力教学中力图达到的一个层次。课堂上可以通过讨论、辩论、问题解决等活动完成。,2007.7.3 嘉兴,阅读目标,level 1:信息辨认,主要指事实信息辨认 level 2:信息转换,指能将事实信息转换到图表之中,可以转述事实信息 Level 3:信息重组,指能够根据要求用自己的语言回答有关阅读的问题 Level 4:理解隐含之意,包括观点信息 Level 5:理解文章中的语用信息或社会含义 Level 6:综合、应用和评价阅读
13、信息,2007.7.3 嘉兴,语法词汇,知识目标:了解词义、结构(听力、阅读、选择、匹配)理解目标:领会其意义和功能(听力、阅读)应用:应用词汇和语法传达信息、表达思想、实施交际、解决问题、完成任务(口语、写作产出输出),2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 1,目标:听力:信息辨认(具体信息),意图理解?表达?转述?阅读:信息辨认(具体信息)、信息转化,信息表达?信息应用?语言:理解,应用文化:了解世界奇迹,丰富知识任务:making a poster of a wonder of the world,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 1(设计),听力:Talk about pictur
14、e(difficult)Listen Speaking:open,not designed to apply the information in listening,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 1(Design),阅读:选择填空与考试接轨表格转化:具体信息提取任务阅读:阅读的真实目的?建议活动:Do you have similar experiences?Describe pictures.Describe the length/width/depth/height of something using the way in the text.,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Modul
15、e 1(unit 3),Complementary activitiesDescribe the changes of your hometown,your school or your own life.Introduce one wonder of the worldThe past,present and future of the Great Wall.Combine“Around the world”with“Module Task”.学生课下完成,课堂展示注意分工:收集信息、图片、信息分析整理、美工、文字,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 2(objectives),听力:能够
16、根据信息进行推理判断(answer the questions)能够评价观点?能够转述信息?阅读:讲Tom Sawyer的故事分析故事评价故事语法:了解一般现在时的被动语态的构成和用法,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 2(Unit 1),Match:让学生用语言描述(课前准备)Listening:Old copies,as far as By Confucius and by(?)ShakespeareBetty:But he isnt known as a great thinker like Confucius.Betty:No,but Make a list:good activi
17、tyEveryday English:Think of situations to use the expressions/Provide situations for students to choose expressions评价能力:Activity 8 Do you agree?Perhaps thats what makes“Great Books”theyre still read today.,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 2(Unit 2),Activity 1:与Unit 1衔接,3、4难以回答Activity 3:培养细节阅读、分析能力和自主学习能力补充:Struc
18、ture of a story,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 2(Unit 3),被动语态Activity 1:understanding,learn about the structure and meaning of passive voiceActivity 2:practiceActivity 3:practice in contextActivity 4:situation-based transition exerciseActivity 5:application,区别主动与被动,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 2(3),Around the worldAs a r
19、eading materialModule TaskMaybe a little difficult for junior middle school students.Adapted or replaced,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Unit 3(objectives),听力:能力提取有关比赛的信息能够转述信息理解代词所指阅读:信息转述:taking notes,任务性信息应用:模仿写作语言:将来时被动语态的应用,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 3(design),BrainstormingWords related to matches,match,Persons concerned,
20、Actions,Results,places,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 3,Language in listeningBe againstStand forDefeat/beatHold a matchtoA tough matchIn a teamSeasonFansWhat do you reckon?Be mad withSo that,Describe a matchIntroduce a playerSo that只是了解,不做训练处理,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 3(unit 2),Pre-reading:applicableReading:Reading f
21、or main ideasReading for detailsWriting:from phrases to sentences,from sentences to passagesLanguage:first of all,be invited to.,a symbol of,make sure,an overnight success,a special programme,record races,compare with,hurdles event,a gold medal,there is more to life than training,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module
22、3(unit 3),活动1直接训练,增加归纳式展示活动活动2 综合练习,时态语态混合活动3 应用,真实再现活动68听力,模拟考试Around the world:采用项目学习的方式Module TaskApplicable,present examples,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 4(objectives),听力:辨认具体信息(在概要中辨认错误信息)回答推理问题理解句子含义阅读了解并能讲述书的历史掌握因果关系的表达方式语言:掌握现在完成时的被动语态和情态动词的被动语态,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 4(unit 1),Pre-listening:改为discussionL
23、anguage to practice:Everyday EnglishOn a visit toIssues/copies of a magazineTo charge the batterySee to Very good activities in Unit 1,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 4(unit 2),Reading:good activitiesSuggestions:analyze the introduction of the text,there should an open ending(What do you think?)Collocation:disco
24、very activityCreate paperMake/produce/print booksReceive/download/find/keep information,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Scanning activity,Read to find the followingWhen paper was createdWhen the Internet appearedHow many objects are mentioned to show the use of paperRole play paperSuppose you were paper,can you tell cl
25、ass your life and how you feel faced with the Internet?,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 4(unit 3),增加展示活动Find sentences that contain the following in Unit 1 and Unit 2 and tell their meaningsCan/could be+vedHave/has been+ved增补专题训练或应用活动What should or shouldnt be done to ensure the following?Computers work smoothly
26、Save the badly woundedThe students will not be infected with SARSLose weight,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 4(unit 3),Around the worldRead and introduce e-books When they first appearedHow they look likeAdvantagesDisadvantagesProspectModule taskPassive voice is not a must in this taskChanges of Beijing/Hong Kan
27、g(poster),2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 5(objectives),听力转述在博物馆禁止之事判断具体信息正确表达禁止令阅读能够介绍英国科学博物馆能够应用相关信息介绍自己喜欢的博物馆理解代词的指代意义语法正确使用禁止的表达方式,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 5(listening),Pre-reading:goodListening:two levels of listening activitiesLanguage:Look forward toHang onAs wellOn ones ownI wasnt paying attentionSomebody take
28、 too longKind of,Chain reactionOne student makes a statement,another student follows by saying“I as well”or“but I not”.Try to use the given expressions.,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 5(unit 2),Describing pictures/Introduce the science museum with picturesAnalyze the writing mechanismTopic sentenceConclusionSup
29、porting methodsIndicators:in most but for example,above all,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Using examples,This is my favorite room because you can do physics experiments.For example,But you have to obey some rules as well.For examplePractice:using examples to illustrate the followingPaper books are better than e-books
30、Ordinary magazines are better than online magazinesScience museums are more popular than other museums,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 5(unit 3),Activity 2:not practicing rulesGiving explanations:I failed to take a picture in the museumI was fined 50 Yuan on the train.The driver was fined 200 Yuan.He was nearly
31、drowned.The teacher had to go to the community center to take back his students.We have no water to drink now.Module Task To be done in class.But the topic can be anything not necessarily a museum.Telling Regulations to newcomers.,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 6(objectives),听力转述有关green school的信息根据信息进行推理判断说:能够就
32、时下环境问题发表看法阅读:转述有关reduce,reuse,recycle的信息能正确使用because,so,so that表达环保问题语法:掌握派生词,句子中正确使用派生词,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 6(unit 1),Pre-listening:vocabularyListening:Activity before doing Activity 7Find words related to the following words:enjoy,environment,care,waste,reuse,hope(1)enjoyable online magazine(2)envi
33、ronmental education(3)be careful about environment(4)It is wasteful to throw away(5)collect reusable waste,(6)Im hopeful that,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 6(unit 2),Activity 4:can be a pre-reading activity and used after first readingPre-reading:Do you know the following?The latest fashionAir conditioningSort
34、 the wasteComplementary:Read and decide what you have done and what not in environmental protectionCompare and find out the differenceChoose one environmental guideWritingIt is not a poster,but a writing activityIt can be a poster.Choose one title to expand,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Language in reading,Instead of
35、Do harm toMake a differenceSave moneyReduce pollutionAs goodIf possibleAs long as possibleMake sureFind outTake part in recycling programmesSuch as,Make your choice and explainGo to school by bus/by bikeOpen the window/air conditioningHome-made/made abroadBuy necessary things/fashionable thingsRepai
36、r/throw awayPaper cup/china cupHigh-quality paper/recycled paper,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 6(unit 3),Around the worldProjects:each group makes a poster about one environmental group/institutionCombined with Module TaskModule TaskPrepare before classMake a poster or PPT or webpagePresent in class,2007.7.3 嘉
37、兴,Unit 7(unit 1),Pre-listening:activate the schemaWhat do you know about Australia/Sydney?Activity 4:The directions are not clear/specific.Complementary:Guess what place I like/have visited?Write the letter for Tony(to be compared with the text in Unit 2),2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 7(unit 2),Pre-reading:Gue
38、ss what Tony is going to say guess which of the following might be included into what Tony says in his letter.Activity 6-Activity 5-Activity 4(requirement not clear)Activity 7:Can be used as reading.Read and match the topics with corresponding paragraphs.,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 7(unit 3),1.根据活动1、2进行归纳分析
39、Activity 5 不能训练学生的应用能力Activity 6 训练的为学生的理解能力增加:调查Where will you go for you holiday?Id like to go to places that _Id like to go to places where _,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 7(unit 3),Around the world:Student prepare before class and present in classModule TaskNot appealing to studentsSurvey about favorite pl
40、aces for holidays,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 8(unit 1),Activity 4:can help understanding of the main ideaActivity 5:too difficult,students need to read several times to figure out the answersTell your experiences as TonyCant see over other peoples headsSaw He ZhongThe drums were too loudGo upstairsGet some
41、shots of the boy playing the guitar on the leftLot his cameraFather is coming,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 8(unit 1),At the Dance,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 8(unit 2),Activity 1:can cultivate the cognitive ability of categorizationActivity 3:the comment should be that on the photosActivity 4:should be done before Act
42、ivity 3Activity 5:meaninglessActivity 8:If students do not have a favorite photograph?,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 8(unit 3),Activity 1:what is practiced is vocabulary not sentence structureActivity 2:the usage of attributive clauseActivity 3:differentiationActivity 5:the first part-there is no necessity to
43、use the attributive clauseAsk and answer questions:goodModule taskFocus on photo or stories behind photosWriting a passage should not be put at the preparation stage,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 9(Unit 1),There should be activities to train students ability to use the information in the dialogue,at least info
44、rmation transfer.Telling stories according to picturesRole play,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 9(unit 2),Pre-reading:可展开些Reading:Activity 4:帮助理解主题Activity 5:词语理解Activity 6:逻辑理解,分析能力(应加强)Writing:不太适合在这里开展可让学生选择课文中介绍的一个卡通任务做介绍,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 9(unit 3),Activity 1:situation-based,goodActivity 3:注意其中的3不一定要用定语从句,
45、而4不是训练的定语从句Around the world:与课文一起,让学生阅读后介绍Module Task:有意义,可以开发学生的想象力,可以让学生课下做,然后展示评比就可以。,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 10(unit 1),Activity 1:Look at the photos and decide(改为discuss)这里只有一个听力活动,应该增补Listen and match,LinglingBettyTonyDaming,Training for the OlympicsTake part in basketball trainingPlay in the schoo
46、l teamGo runningDo weight trainingBump into the teacher,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 10(unit 2),增补阅读活动Group the following according to the text.A:junk food B:healthy foodHamburgers,chips,pizzas,ice cream,vegetables,meat,rice,pasta Is your school menu the same?Suppose you were the student in the school,tell the story of Jamie,please.,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Module 10(unit 3),Vocabulary in unit 2Whats your diet like?What do you prefer?What do you refuse to eat?What do you need to ban?Around the world:课下阅读,课堂介绍Module task:课堂完成,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Unit 11Unit 12,2007.7.3 嘉兴,Thank You for your cooperation!,