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1、新目标 Go for it!八年级下 Unit4 She said helping others changed her life.说课课件,Good morning ladies and gentlemen!,The topic is Go for it!Grade 8B unit 4 She said helping others changed her life Reading,Part one.Analysis of the teaching material.,This reading tells about a volunteer named Yang Lei from Pekin

2、g University.After leaving school,she volunteered to teach in a mountain village in Gansu Province.Before reading,while reading and after readingReported speech Play an important part,Part two.Analysis of the students.,Be anxious about Show their talents Listening and speaking abilities Reading and

3、writing skills,Part three.Teaching aims.,(1)Knowledge object village,area,thin,ate,decision,open up,start,influence,danger,husband,finish,make somebody do She said helping others changed her life.(2)Ability object Use Reported Speech to tell Yang Leis story(3)Moral object Train stidents love public

4、welfair and the quality of helpfulness,Part four.Key points and difficult points.,Key points:Important words and sentences Train good reading strategiesDifficult points:Understand the meaning of the word they dont know from the context and use Reported speech,Part five.Teaching strategies.,Use Task-

5、teaching,Cooperation,Pairwork and groupworkMulti-media,Part six Studying strategies,1)Take an active part in all activitiesGuess the meaning Find out the main idea and the topic sentences2)Deal with difficulties and make volunteer posters,Part seven.Teaching steps.,Step 1 Warming up(3 minutes)(1)A c

6、hant.I am a girl.I am a girl.She said she was a girl.I am a boy.I am a boy.He said he was a boy.I can sing.I can sing.He said he could sing.I can dance.I can dance.She said she could dance.(设计说明):为学生创造轻松愉快的学习气氛,激发学生的好奇心。让学生更好地理解间接引语,注意其中人称和时态的变换。(2)Show the picture of Yang Lei,introduce her to the s

7、tudents.提出4个中心问题,Who is Yang Lei?What did she do?Why did she do that?How would it help?(设计说明):问题简单清晰易懂,在学习文章内容的同时,帮助学生在头脑中形成文章主线,巩固文章大意。,Step2.Before reading.(2 minutes),Boys and girls,do you know who need help?What should we do to help them?Please discuss with your partner and fill in the chart.,(设

8、计说明):学生以小组形式讨论,教师给出一定时间检查讨论结果。启发学生积极动脑思考,养成善于观察周围人和事物的习惯,并引导他们要帮助那些需要帮助的人们。,Step3.Fast reading.(5 minutes),Ask the students to read the passage quickly.(1)Try to tell the main idea of the passage.(2)Try to find out the top sentence of each paragraph.(设计说明):找出每段大意Top sentence,为书写summary 提供学习策略 指导,使学生

9、掌握阅读技巧。快速阅读需要抓住文章的关键点,总览全 文,概括每段的大意。Step4.Detail reading.(15minutes),Please read the text carefully.(1)Try to put the words into the correct space as you read.(2)Try to find out some important expressions and some points you dont know.And then work in pairs to deal with your difficulties.(设计说明):引导学生

10、研读课文,尽可能去发现文中出现的重要语言现象,同时通过小组合作解决自己的疑难问题,教师巡视并及时发现和解决问题。,Step5.Teaching some useful expressions.(5 minutes),(1).Ask students to write down the useful new words and phrases.(2)Lead Ss to read some difficult sentences.The program was started by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Young Pioneers.

11、Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in Chinas rural areas.(3)Explain some sentences.Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you.The Peking University graduate first went there as a volunteer on a one-year program.She said she like

12、s being a good influence in the childrens lives.(设计说明):在学生细读课文后,师生共同探讨文章的一些重点句子,对课文中个别较长的句子教师可适当解释。教师 解答学生的疑惑,也就是共 同探究,合作学习。,Step6.After reading.(5 minutes),(1).Ask Ss to write a summary of the reading,using no more than 100 words.They can discuss in pairs.(2).Show a sample summary.(3).Ask students

13、to retell the passage according to their own understanding.(4).Compare your life with Yang Leis students life.,(设计说明):考察学生的归纳总结能力,能在运用中掌握语言,提高阅读质量。通过彼此的生活对比,让学生们珍惜生活,能尽其所能帮助别人。,Step7 Discussion(2 minutes),(1).Let them talk about:If I am a volunteer,what will I do?(2).Ask some Ss to talk about what t

14、o do.,(设计说明):引导学生学以致用,用自己的语言仿写句子。是今天这节 课的高潮和升华。,Step 8.Go for it!(2minutes),Many people of all ages do volunteer work.The groups in the chart help people or animals all around the world.Which one do you like to work for?Explain your reasons to the class.Ask different Ss to say their ideas to the cla

15、ss.(设计说明):调查学生喜欢什么志愿者活动,并说出应该怎么做,这是本节课的拓展活动。,Step 9.Blackboard design.,Unit 4 Reading-She said helping others helped her life.1、Important Words and Expressions:poor village area meter thin ate decision husband start influence return hometown 2、Grammar Focus:Go on learning Reported Speech.3、Summary:P

16、aragraph1:Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village changed the life of Yang Lei from Peking University.Paragraph2:She said young people today needed to experience different things.Paragraph 3:The students love having the volunteer teachers there.Paragraph 4:Yang Lei said she could op

17、en up her students eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.Paragraph 5:She enjoyed her time as a volunteer very much.Step 10.Homework(1 minute)1.Write the new words and phrases.2.Retell the text by using some important expressions.,Step 11.Teaching reflection.,课前导入时,通过一首Chant 激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性。在学生对语篇的理解有难度时,增加了“难句好句赏析”,效果较好。在借助媒介获取细节信息的活动中,教师要肯定学生的逻辑思维能力,增加他们学习英语的信心。但是不足之处是学生活动不够积极,没能充分调动他们的积极性,这方面要多考虑。,


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