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1、Part Two,Reading Centered Activities,1.In-Class Reading,2.After-Class Reading,Part Two:In-Class Reading Pre-Reading,Pre-Reading,1.In a normal day,what are the three riskiest things you do?,The three riskiest things I do in a normal day are to ride my bicycle in heavy traffic,run down stairs and do s

2、cientific experiments.,In my opinion,they are crossing the road in heavy traffic,drunken driving,and diving.,2.What should we do to manage risk in ordinary life?,One way to manage risk in ordinary life is through rational planning.By considering alternatives and balancing the greatest or most likely

3、 risks against the greatest or most likely rewards,we can often make better decisions and give greater consideration to long-term outcomes.By always having a contingency plan in case our main plan fails,we can usually avoid catastrophes.But planning takes effort,and we must balance this effort again

4、st the pleasure of doing things spontaneously because they are not very important or not very risky,and plan other things carefully because they are very important or very risky.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Pre-Reading,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Global Reading,Organization Analysis,Part

5、Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Organization Analysis,Risks are always a matter of probability rather than certainty.,Part I,(Para.1-3),Part II,(Para.4-7),Part III,(Para.8),Nothing we do is completely safe.The point is to decide the risk level and then act accordingly.,Managing risks with common

6、 sense and information about risk level.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,The author supports the main idea by comparing hypochondria with anxiety about the risks of life.,Part I,(Para.1-3),In both cases,the fear or anxiety feeds on partial information.,The hypochondriac can turn to a physic

7、ian to get a definitive clarification of the situation.,Risks are a matter of probability rather than certainty.,Part II(Para.4-7),1.We should inform ourselves about the _ before making any decision.(Para.4),Example1:We need to know the relative safety of _ and _ before our purchase.(Para.5),relevan

8、t risks,large cars,small cars,2.Problem:How do we measure the _ of a risk?(Para.6),Example2:Which activity is riskier,_ or _?(Para.6),level,riding in a car,mining,3.Solution:Risk levels can be expressed in _ or _.(Para.6-7),_ is four times riskier than _.(Para.7),ratios,fractions,Mining,Riding in a

9、car,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Part III(Para.8),Risk can never be totally eliminated from any situation.It can only be managed in a sensible way.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Global Reading,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Detailed Reading,Passage Reading,Understanding Sentences

10、,Word Study,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,1 At some time or other,all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac,imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms.Some people just have to hear about a new disease and they begin checking themselves to

11、 see if they may be suffering from it.2 But fear of disease is not our only fear,and neither is risk of disease the only risk we run.Modern life is full of all manner of threatsto our lives,our peace of mind,our families,and our future.3 And from these threats come questions that we must pose to our

12、selves:Is the food I buy safe?Are toys for my children likely to hurt them?Should my family avoid smoked meats?Am I likely to be robbed on vacations?Our uncertainties multiply indefinitely.,Risks and You,Passage Reading,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Anxiety about the risks of life is a

13、bit like hypochondria;in both,the fear or anxiety feeds on partial information.But one sharp difference exists between the two.The hypochondriac can usually turn to a physician to get a definitive clarification of the situationeither you have the suspected disease or you dont.4 It is much more diffi

14、cult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned,because with many risks,the situation is not as simple.Risks are almost always a matter of probability rather than certainty.You may ask,“Should I wear a seat belt?”If youre going to have a head-on collision,of course.5 But what if you get hit

15、 from the side and end up trapped inside the vehicle,unable to escape because of a damaged seat belt mechanism?,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,So does this mean that you should spend the extra money for an air bag?Again,in head-on collisions,it may well save your life.But what if the bag

16、 accidentally inflates while you are driving down the highway,thus causing an accident that would never have occurred otherwise?All of this is another way of saying that nothing we do is completely safe.6 There are risks,often potentially serious ones,associated with every hobby we have,every job we

17、 take,every food we eatin other words,with every action.But the fact that there are risks associated with everything we are going to do does not,or should not,reduce us to trembling neurotics.Some actions are riskier than others.The point is to inform ourselves about the relevant risks and then act

18、accordingly.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,For example,larger cars are generally safer than small ones in collisions.But how much safer?7 The answer is that you are roughly twice as likely to die in a serious crash in a small car than in a large one.Yet larger cars generally cost more t

19、han small ones(and also use more gas,thus increasing the environmental risks!),so how do we decide when the reduced risks are worth the added costs?The ultimate risk avoider might,for instance,buy a tank or an armored car,thus minimizing the risk of death or injury in a collision.But is the added co

20、st and inconvenience worth the difference in price,even supposing you could afford it?We cannot begin to answer such questions until we have a feel for the level of risks in question.So how do we measure the level of a risk?Some people seem to think that the answer is a simple number.We know,for ins

21、tance,that about 25,000 people per year die in automobile accidents.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,By contrast,only about 300 die per year in mine accidents and disasters.Does that mean that riding in a car is much riskier than mining?Not necessarily.The fact is that some 200 million Am

22、ericans regularly ride in automobiles in the United States every year;perhaps 700,000 are involved in mining.The relevant figure that we need to assess a risk is a ratio or fraction.The numerator of the fraction tells us how many people were killed or harmed as the result of a particular activity ov

23、er a certain period of time;the denominator tells us how many people were involved in that activity during that time.All risk levels are thus ratios or fractions,with values between 0(no risk)and 1(totally risky).,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,By reducing all risks to ratios or fraction

24、s of this sort,we can begin to compare different sorts of riskslike mining versus riding in a car.The larger this ratio,that is,the closer it is to 1,the riskier the activity in question.8 In the case just discussed,we would find the relative safety of car travel and coal mining by dividing the numb

25、ers of lives lost in each by the number of people participating in each.Here,it is clear that the riskiness of traveling by car is about 1 death per 10,000 passengers;with mining,the risk level is about 4 deaths per 10,000 miners.So although far more people are killed in car accidents than in mining

26、,the latter turns out to be four times riskier than the former.Those ratios enable us to compare the risks of activities or situations as different as apples and oranges.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,If you are opposed to risks,you will want to choose your activities by focusing on the

27、 small-ratio exposures.If you are reckless,then you are not likely to be afraid of higher ratios unless they get uncomfortably large.9 Once we understand that risk can never be totally eliminated from any situation and that,therefore,nothing is completely safe,we will then see that the issue is not

28、one of avoiding risks altogether but rather one of managing risks in a sensible way.Risk management requires two things:common sense and information about the character and degree of the risks we may be running.,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Understanding Sentences,Comments,Example,1.At

29、 some time or other,all of us have played the part of a hypochondriac,imagining that we have some terrible disease on the strength of very minor symptoms.,在说不定的某个时候,我们大家都曾充当过疑病症患者的角色,只凭一些轻微的症状便怀疑自己得了某种可怕的病。,Translation,“imagining that very minor symptoms.”为现在分词短语,在句中作状语,对主句作进一步解释。,Having no money,I

30、borrowed some from John.(Reason)Walking along the bank,I met a friend.(Time)Turning to the right,you will see the shop.(Condition),Back to the text,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Understanding Sentences,Never have they heard of such strange things.Hardly could I believe my eyes when I en

31、tered the room.,2.But fear of disease is not our only fear,and neither is risk of disease the only risk we run.,Translation,然而,对疾病的恐惧并非我们唯一的恐惧。同样,患病的危险也并非我们唯一会遇上的危险。,Comments,It is an inverted structure with an adverb put at the beginning of a sentence.此句为倒装结构。,Example,Back to the text,Part Two:In-C

32、lass Reading Detailed Reading,From the room came the sound of children singing.From the fountain bubbled a stream of cold water.,3.And from these threats come questions that we must pose to ourselves:,Translation,从而产生了好些问题,我们不得不问自己,。,Comments,This sentence means that these threats give rise to quest

33、ions that we must ask ourselves.当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组,谓语动词为go,come等表示位置转移的动作动词时,句子通常全部倒装。,Example,Back to the text,Understanding Sentences,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Translation,Comments,Example,When were concerned,you can go whenever you want.就我们而言,你什么时候走都行。As far as policy is concerned,I

34、 have to say something.谈到政策,我得说几句。,4.It is much more difficult when anxiety about other forms of risk is concerned,because with many risks,the situation is not as simple.,但当涉及到其它形式的风险时,事情就要困难得多,因为对许多风险来说,情况并不那么简单。,“when sth.is concerned”意为“就来说,就而言”,有时常用“as far as sth.is concerned”来表示。,Back to the te

35、xt,Understanding Sentences,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Translation,5.But what if you get hit from the side and end up trapped inside the vehicle,unable to escape because of a damaged seat belt mechanism?,倘若你的车侧面被撞,结果你被困在车里,又因安全带装置遭破坏而无法挣脱,那怎么办呢?,Comments,“what if”相当于“what would happen

36、 if”,意为:“如果那又怎么办呢?”,Example,What if she changes her mind and doesnt turn up?如果她改变主意不来怎么办?What if his mother doesnt like the girl?要是他妈妈不喜欢这个女孩该怎么办?,To be continued,Understanding Sentences,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Comments,“end up trapped”一句中trapped是过去分词表示伴随,词组“end up”的意思是“最后成为(处于)”,

37、后面可接名词(短语)、形容词、现在分词、过去分词或介词短语作状语。,Example,He ended up(as)head of the firm.他最后成了公司的主管。,Back to the text,Understanding Sentences,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Translation,句中“often potentially serious one”是插入语,其作用是作进一步解释或说明。此处是说明risks。“be associated with”意思为“be related to”。“every hobby we

38、have”,“every job we take”和“every food we eat”都是with的宾语。,6.There are risks,often potentially serious one,associated with every hobby we have,every job we take,and every food we eatin other words,with every action.(l.29-31),有些风险,常常是潜在的重大风险,与我们的每个业余爱好、所做的每项工作、所吃的每种食物有关,换句话说,与所进行的任何活动有关。,Comments,Unders

39、tanding Sentences,To be continued,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Example,A healthy life is frequently thought to be associated with the open countryside and homegrown food.,Back to the text,Understanding Sentences,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Translation,7.The answer is tha

40、t you are roughly twice as likely to die in a serious crash in a small car than in a large one.,答案是这样:在一起严重的车祸中,坐小车丧生的可能性是坐大车的两倍左右。,Comments,表示倍数可以用“times+as+adj.+as”或者“times+the+of”。,Example,The room is twice as big as that one.The room is twice the size of that one.,Back to the text,Understanding

41、Sentences,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Translation,这是一个简单句,主干结构为“we would find the relative safety”。of引起的介词短语作定语修饰前面的名词“relative safety”,“by dividing.in each”是句子的方式状语,句首的“In the case just discussed”为状语,意思是“在刚刚讨论的情况中”。结尾中出现了两个each都指的是“each activity”,“每一项活动”。,8.In the case just discussed

42、,we would find the relative safety of car travel and coal mining by dividing the numbers of lives lost in each by the number of people participating in each.,在刚才讨论的例子中,我们可以用每一项活动中死亡的人数除以参与该活动的总人数,从而找出汽车旅行与采煤的相对安全性。,Comments,To be continued,Understanding Sentences,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed R

43、eading,Comments,divide.by 用去除,Example,If you divide 30 by 6,the answer is 5.以6除30,答案为5。Thirty divided by six is five.30除以6等于5。,Back to the text,Understanding Sentences,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Translation,9.Once we understand that risk can never be totally eliminated from any situa

44、tion and that,therefore,nothing is completely safe,we will then see that the issue is not one of avoiding risks altogether but rather one of managing risks in a sensible way.,一旦我们懂得在任何情况下都不能完全排除危险,因而任何事情都不是绝对安全的,我们就会明白问题不在于彻底避免危险而在于如何理智地管理危险。,To be continued,Understanding Sentences,Part Two:In-Class

45、 Reading Detailed Reading,本句是一个主从复合句,once引导的从句中,谓语 understand后有两个由that引导的并列宾语从句,主句“we will then see.way”中,动词see也带了一个由that引导的宾语从句,从句的主要结构为“the issue is not.but rather.”。,Comments,Example,Once the books are open,phone calls go unanswered,TV unwatched and newspapers unread.一旦打开书本学习,就不接电话、不看电视、不读报纸了。Onc

46、e environmental damage is done,it takes many years for the system to recover.对环境一旦造成破坏,就要花很多年的时间才能使整个系统恢复。,once(conj.)一旦,Back to the text,Understanding Sentences,Word Study,risk,at risk 处于危险之中,The disease is spreading,and all children under five are at risk.Heart disease can be avoided if people at

47、risk take medical advice.,at the risk of 冒的危险,He saved my life at the risk of losing his own.At the risk of offending you,I must tell you that I disapprove of your behavior.,Some phrases with“risk”:,To be continued,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading,Part Two:In-Class Reading Detailed Reading

48、,run the risk of 冒的危险,1.I dont want to run the risk of meeting George.2.I was afraid to run the risk of betting on the game.,take a risk/risks 冒险做可能失败或危险的事,1.You are taking a big risk driving so fast.2.But he must be cautious;he must take no unnecessary risks.,Back to the text,Word Study,Part Two:In

49、-Class Reading Detailed Reading,She was hired on the strength of her computer skills.基于她的计算机能力,她被录用了。I bought the book on the strength of your recommendation.我是因为听了你的推荐才买这本书的。,play the part of,play the role of 扮演的角色,He played the part of Hamlet in the play.他在剧中扮演哈姆雷特的角色。,on the strength of,on the ba

50、se of;relying on;with the support or help of 基于,由于的影响,凭借,Back to the text,Back to the text,Word Study,pose v.,give rise to(a difficult or dangerous situation)提出;造成,形成,Some phrases with“pose”:pose a problem/difficulty/risk/threat/challenge/question,1.Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat.


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