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1、Unit Two,Text AIt Was a Good Barn,1.drop in on an old friend顺路拜访了一位老朋友顺路拜访一位音乐节目主持人 a DJ 2.fall into deep conversation促膝深谈陷入热恋 deep love 3.point toward a neighboring farm指着邻近的农场指着邻近的一幢建筑 a neighboring building 4.take care of the barn照管谷仓照管这些古老的宅院 these old houses5.drip down inside the posts顺着柱子里面往下滴

2、顺着墙壁外面直往下滴 outside the wall,6.a sharp series of cracks一阵尖锐的爆裂声一阵尖锐的呼救声 cries for help7.turn an incident over and over in ones mind再三思考某事再三思忖医生的忠告 the doctors e to recognize最终认识到最终知道 know9.unsettled disputes没有解决的争端没有解决的问题 problems10.keep the barn in good repair把谷仓维护得很好把汽车保养得很好 the car.,Main Ideas Fil

3、l in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions according to the above reading passage.As a common _ among people,_ has to be taken good _of.In this passage,the author compares it with a _ built barn.No _ how strong the posts and beams may be,_ rainwater weakens the _,the barn will _.In the sa

4、me way,in order to keep your friendship with others,you have to write letters to each other from time to time,keep the _ you have made,and _ all quarrels in time.,relationship,friendship,care,solidly,matter,if,links,fall apart,promises,settle,Detailed Understanding of Text A,Answer the following que

5、stions according to the text.1.Why does the author think that relationships are mysteries?Because it is hard to explain why some last _ while others _.2.How did the barn fall apart?,fall apart quickly,for a long time,blown,It was_ by a strong wind.,3.A barn is similar to friendship in two ways.What

6、are they?1)Like the beams that are supported by other beams,people _,however great they are.2)Like the roof that needs _,friendship should be _.4.What would have been needed to keep the barn from falling?_,mending,also need the support of other people,taken good care of,Mending the roof in time.,1.W

7、e were in his studysurrounded by maybe a thousand books,and fell into deep conversation about everything from personal computers to the life of Beethoven.A.seat B.seats C.seating D.seated2.out his window to the wooded hills,he pointed toward a farm.A.Gazing,neighbored B.Gazing,neighboring C.Gazed,ne

8、ighboring D.Gazed,neighbored3.My friend said he had turned the incident and in his mind,and finally came to recognize some parelledls between building a barn and building a friendship.A.over,over B.out,out C.of,of D.up,up4.No matter strong you are,notable your achievements,you have enduring signific

9、ance only in your relationship to others.A.what,what B.when,when C.how,how D.who,who,D,B,A,C,5.To make your life a sound structure will serve others and fulfill your own potential,you have to remember that strength,however powerful,cant endure unless it has the support of others.A.it B.what C.where

10、D.that6.Relationships have to be for.A.care B.caring C.cared D.cares7.Letters,thanks,promises,quarrels all this acts like rainwater running through the roof,weakening the link between the beams.A.unwrites,unsays,breaks,unsettles B.unwritten,unsaid,broken,unsettled C.unwiting,unsaying,breaking,unsett

11、ling D.unwrite,unsay,break,unsettle,D,C,B,The author and his friend first talked about many subjects and then turned to the topic of friendship.According to the authors friend,relationships are mysteries because some endure while others fall apart.The friend also talked about a large barn in a neigh

12、boring farm.When the owner left for richer lands in the Midwest,no one took care of the barn.Rainwater got through and dripped down inside the posts and beams.One day a high wind came along,and the barn fell apart.From the fall of th barn,the authors friend learned that no matter how strong you are,

13、you need the support of others.He also learned that,like the roof of a barn,relationships have to be cared for if you want them to last for a long time.,The author and his friend first talked about many subjects and then turned to the topic of friendship.According to the authors friend,relationships

14、 are mysteries because some endure while others.The friend also talked about a large in a neighboring farm.When the owner left for in the Midwest,no one took care of the barn.Rainwater got through and dripped.One day came along,and the barn fell apart.From the fall of th barn,the authors friend lear

15、ned that no matter how strong you are,you need the support.He also learned that,like the roof of a barn,relationships have to be cared for if you want them to last for a long time.,Unit Two,Text BBeing a Good Friend,1.share interests有共同的兴趣有共同的爱好 hobbies 2.be neither too dominant nor too dependent既不具

16、有太强的支配欲,也不具有太强的依赖性既不是太有钱,也不是太穷 be too rich too poor 3.once a year一年一次一月一次 a month4keep the friendship going保持友谊保持关系 the relationship.5.occasional telephone calls 偶尔通通电话 偶尔有些头疼 headaches,6expressions of care and concern 关爱的表达情感(期待)的表达 expression of emotion/expectation7personal relationships私人关系公共关系 p

17、ublic.8.day-to-day problems日常问题日常事务 businesses 9.carry out their plans执行他们的计划 实现他的梦想 his dreams10.emotional support感情上的支持 感情上的烦恼 troubles,11.be true of most cultures像大多数文化一样像大多数情况一样 most cases12.idealize friendship将友谊理想化将感情理想化 love13.wish to be forgiven想要别人原谅自己想被别人遗忘 be forgotten14.be prepared to gi

18、ve respect乐于尊重别人乐于帮助别人 give help,Main Ideas,Fill in the blanks with appropriate words or expressions according to the above reading passage.Most Americans share the same expectations for their friends.For example,they believe that the _of time they spend together is more important than_.They get hel

19、p for their day-to-day business from ordinary friends but receive _ support,_,and _ from close friends.Like people from other _,Americans sometimes _ too much from their friends.But true friendship always means giving and receiving.If we expect to be _ and _ by others,we should be _ to love and resp

20、ect others.,quality,quantity,emotional,encouragement,affection,cultures,expect,loved,respected,prepared,Detailed Understanding,Qualities of friends and close friends Adjectives:dependable;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_(Adjective+)Nouns:affection;_;_;_;_;_;_;_,respectable,accepting,understanding,honest,sincere,loya

21、l,communicative,independent,respect,loyalty,company,emotional support,encouragement,care,concern,Complete each of the following sentences accordingto the text with an appropriate expression given below.,Verbs:give;_;_;_Verb+Nouns or Prepositional Phrases:share interests,activities,and fun;_;_;_;_;_,

22、forgive,remember,understand,provide emotional support,encouragement,and affection,be in a giving mood,prefer their company to that of others,be sympathetic,give affection,respect,and loyalty,1.Americans are generally consistent naming the qualities that they look for in a close friend.A.on B.to C.in

23、 D.of2.Most Americans consider friends too when they demand too much time and attention.A.dominant B.dominance C.dominate D.domination3.In the United States the quantity of time friends spend together is not so important as the quality of time.A.near B.nearly C.nearing D.neared4.But they will keep t

24、he friendship going the experience continues to be a rewarding one.A.so long that B.such long as C.as long as D.long as,C,A,B,C,5.In the United States many traditional expressions of care and concern were once part of personal relationships have been popularly used in small businesses and government

25、 offices.A.who B.it C.what D.that6.As a result,Americans expect their friends to use the friendly relationships found in these businesses and offices,rather close friendships,to carry out their plans.A.than B.that C to D.of7.is true of most cultures,American culture idealizes friendship,standards th

26、at are nearly impossible to meet.A.As,set B.At,set C.As,setting D.At,setting,D,A,C,8.They expect close friends always to remember,always to be in a giving mood,to prefer their company that of others.A.in B.to C.with D.on9.Expectaions like these make a close friend almost impossible.A.be B.been C.bei

27、ng D.to be10.Perhaps the best advice for a close friend is to give you are given.A.be,that B.being,what C.being,that D.be,what 11.We are some measure responsible for the friendships we have or do not have.A.in B.on C.at D.to,B,C,B,A,1.Dave Kelly is the man who is writing a history of wine-making.2.T

28、he man who lives on the third floor works in the Labor Department of the government.3.I went to see Lion King,which was showing at Warner Theater.4.The woman Don married is making millions from her paintings.5.The instructions which were sent with the machine dont make sense.6.John Price,who used to

29、 live in Sydney,is working in Melbourne now.7.The shop which changed owners last year has never been successful.8.Joe fell in love with the girl who sold ice-cream at the theater.9.They say that the man who owns a TV company has been kidnapped.10.The journey which took them more than twelve hours wa

30、s only 600 km.,1.Picking up the phone,she shouted,“Dont bother me again.”2.Like so many other animals,monkeys have to leave the forest because there are more and more human activities around there.3.The teacher wanted her students to be too dependent too imdependent.4.My son isnt so tall as yours.5.

31、Perhaps is to return what you have taken from the library.,1.She sat in the middle of the room,watched by the whole class.2.I read the novel three times,deeply moved by the young mans courage in fighting his disease.3.No worders would go back to work unless their boss promised to give them a pay rai

32、se.4.No one will go there unless you go with them.5.Most children are interested in watching cartoon programs on TV.6.The children are excited about visiting the zoo in the afternoon.7.Prices like these make buying houses almost impossible.8.Fast-working computers like these make solving the mathema

33、tical problem very easy.,1.I am taking a worker from a neighboring factory.2.After going to bed last night,I ed in my mind but still couldnt find a solution.3.cold or hot it is,I keep practicing everyday.4.To what you hope for,you should start working hard from today.5.Although we have been for thre

34、e years,we still keep our friendship going.6.It rained.,none of us could go to the concert.7.many college students,students of our university love to read the novels of this author.8.My health is to a large measure the care by the doctors and nurses.,Now please write your message here:,Dear Manager

35、of XX Internet Store,I am writing to you about the MP3 player I bought from your shop.With the reference to your ad on .,I ordered it on the Internet on 20 May.At the same time,your store made such promises as next day delivery,no charge for shipping,free repair in one year,and 50 hours battery life

36、.However,the player didnt arrive until 30 May.I actually paid 769 yuan for it and was charged 10 yuan for shipping.To my disappointment,the battery life is only 32 hours or so.I was extremely upset to discover all this.I am returning the MP3 player by separate post with this letter and look forward to receiving a full refund.,


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