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1、Words and Phrases,把自己累死死于心脏病典型的A型工作成瘾,work oneself to death die of a heart attack a perfect Type A be/become addicted to working,在休息日被升到最高职位分出时间做没有特别的职业技能,on ones day off be promoted to the top spot divide ones time with of no particular marketable skills,挚爱南方制造公司新婚打零工,dearly loved/ones favorite a m

2、anufacturing firm down south newly married do odd jobs,继续吸大麻读懂。的不安 理清财务问题优先认股权很容易。的人询问,stay in grass read ones bitterness straighten out ones financesstock options a natural choice formake inquires about,Sentences,因为我不能失去工作,所以不能惹怒老板。I mustnt annoy my boss because I cant afford to lose my job.他对她置之不理

3、,继续前行。He completely ignored her and kept on walking.,除非我们作重大改变,否则该组织将无法继续存在。The organization cannot survive unless we make some major changes.电子邮件已经大大地取代了传统的商务信件。Email has largely replaced the traditional business letter.,她生来具有舞蹈家的优雅风度。She has the natural grace of a born dancer.从数千申请人中挑选出她来做那份工作。She

4、 was picked out from thousands of applicants for the job.,我们会把情况弄清的。Well get the case straightened out.她已取得那块土地的购置权。She has taken an option on that piece of land.,precisely,precisely what/how/where etc 你就是我要找的那个人。You are precisely the person Im looking for.生产成本应当精确计算。The cost of production should be

5、 precisely calculated.,be(get/grow/become)addicted to:(1)to grow a liking to do sth.so much that one does not want to stop 对入迷(2)to become physiologically dependent on a habit-forming substance 对上瘾,To be continued,1.我们可以在业余时间玩玩游戏放松一下,但决不能上瘾。,In our spare time,we may relax ourselves by playing comput

6、er games,but we should never grow addicted to it.,2.卫生部的一项调查表明,与前些年相比,越来越多的青少年吸烟成瘾。,According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Health,a growing number of teenagers are addicted to smoking compared with the previous years.,on his day off:in his rest day 在他休息的那天,1.寒假再有一个月就到了。一想到这我就激动不已。,The wi

7、nter vacation is only a month off,at the thought of which I feel overexcited.,2.经理给全体职员放了两天假,这对他们确实是个惊喜。,The manager gave the staff two days off,which was a happy surprise to them.,off置于时间名词之后表示不工作或表示还有多长时间。,conceive:vt.form an idea of;imagine 构想出,设想conceivably:ad.imaginably;believably 可想象地;可以相信地,1.

8、很难想象恐怖主义活动给世界人民带来的损失和痛苦。,Its hard to conceive the sufferings and damages to the world people brought about by the terrorist activities.,2.为了升职当经理,他采取了一切可能的手段。,In order to get promoted as a manager,he tried every conceivable means.,To be continued,前缀:con-(或com-):共同,联合contemporary a.同时代的 conclude v.结束

9、;总结confirm v.坚定;证实 condense v.凝结;浓缩conflict n./vi.冲突 concentrate v.集中combine v.联合,结合 commemorate v.纪念compress v.压缩 compete vi.竞争;竞赛,词根:-ceive-:得到、收到conceive 设想,想象 deceive欺骗perceive觉察,领悟 receive收到,接受,executive,a marketing executive senior/top executive chief executive officer 她脸皮太薄,不适合在广告公司做业务员。She i

10、s too thin-skinned to be an account executive in an advertising agency.,survivor,地震幸存者需要紧急援救。Emergency help is needed for survivors of the earthquake.霍尔医生死后遗下妻子和三个女儿。Dr Hall is survived by his wife and three daughters.survival of the fittest,compete with sb.(in/for):to strive with sb.to attain a goa

11、l,such as gaining an advantage or winning a victory(在方面为得到)和竞争,随着中国加入世贸组织,外国公司同中国企业争夺市场 的竞争更加激烈。,With Chinas entry into the WTO,foreign companies are competing more fiercely with their Chinese counterparts for market.,beloved,他们的爱子之死是一个痛苦的打击。The death of their beloved son was a cruel blow.认识他的人都很喜欢他

12、.This man was beloved by/of all who knew him.,be content to do sth./be content with sth.:feel satisfied to do/with sth.对感到满足,1.我们不要仅仅满足于过去取得的成绩,这会阻碍我们取得新的进步。,We should not merely feel content with the past achievement,for it will prevent us from making further progress.,2.他似乎很乐意为别人干一些跑腿的差事。,He seems

13、 quite content to run errands for others.,odd:a.1).not regular or fixed 临时的;不固定的 2).strange;unusual 奇怪的,异常的,odd job 临时工作,零工 odd numbers奇数an odd fellow 奇怪的人 odd corners 偏僻的角落odd money(剩下的)零钱at odd times(moments)在有空的时候;偶而an odd man(hand)打杂的短工,To be continued,他出身于一个贫穷的大家庭,靠做多份零工勉强度日。,He was from a big

14、poor family and managed to make ends meet by doing multiple odd jobs.,grass(slang),informal marijuana 大麻 to grass on sb 告某人的密 the grass is greener(on the other side)used to say that other places or situations seem better than yours,although they may not really be betterthe grass rootsthe ordinary pe

15、ople in an organization,rather than the leaders,board,木板/公告板/委员会/膳食 board of directors 董事会,理事会bulletin board(电子)公告牌我们将很高兴供给你们膳宿。Well be very glad to board and lodge you.,straighten:v.make or become straight(使)变直,后缀:-en:to make or become 使变得 sharpen v.削尖,磨快 moisten v.弄湿blacken v.使变黑 brighten v.(使)变亮,

16、(使)愉快deepen v.深化 quicken v.加快,加速broaden v.变宽,扩大 flatten v.变平,变单调 lighten v.减轻,(使)轻松,(使)发亮,To be continued,straighten out:settle or resolve sth.;remove difficulties from sth.解决(问题);理清(混乱情况),1.每次都由我们来收拾这种混乱的局面,我们对此已经厌烦了。,Every time its left to us to straighten out the confusion,of which weve grown tir

17、ed.,2.他的学业糟糕透了,要改变这种情况得花大力气。,His studies are in a terrible mess.It will take great efforts to straighten out.,and all that:and so on 等等,他喜欢体育运动,篮球,足球,羽毛球,乒乓球等等。,He cares for sports activities,basketball,football,badminton,table tennis and all that.,wind up:1)cause sb.to become nervous and worried 使紧

18、张;使不安 2)turn a part of a machine around and around to make it work 上满发条 3)to come or bring to a finish;end 结束,使结束,我在结束讲话之前,想向赞助这个节目的公司表示感谢。,Before I wind up the speech,I want to express my appreciation for the companies which sponsor the program.,discreet,他行为谨慎。He is discreet in his behavior.她向坐在角落里

19、的年轻人投以审慎的目光。She flashed the young man in the corner a discreet glance.I stood back at a discreet distance.,make inquiries about(concerning)sth.:make a close examination of sth.in search for information or truth 调查,询问,1.为了在与同行的竞争中占有优势,这位销售经理对市场进行了调查。,In order to get an edge in the competition with th

20、e counterparts,the sales manager made inquiries about the market.,2.他们的老板亲切、和蔼,经常询问员工的日常生活情况。,Kind and considerate,their boss often makes inquiries about the staffs daily life.,Exercises,Understanding Idiomatic Expressions,I.Understanding Idiomatic Expressions,The meaning of idiomatic expressions ca

21、nbe very hardeven impossible to guess.Word formations in dictionaries dont alwayshelp,and can even fool us entirely!However,context clues,such as examples,oppositesexplanations,or similar phrases can be helpfulto figure out the meaning of them.,Reading Skill,1.The new comer was as comfortable as an

22、old shoe and we soon became friends.,Guess the meaning of the following idiomatic expressions.,easy to talk and work with,II.Exercises,Reading Skill,2.A motor would be a white elephant to him,because he cant drive.,a big but useless object to its owner,3.I told her to read over her composition and w

23、eed out every sentence that was not about the subject.,to remove what is unwanted,Reading Skill,4.Some students are lazy,but others beat their brains and succeed.,to think out sth.difficult,Reading Skill,5.The way most people look at you,youd think a trashman was a monster.Say hello and they stare a

24、t you in surprise.They dont realize were human.,A trashman is someone that everyone wants to get away from.,Reading Skill,Test Yourself,Listening Comprehension,ReadingComprehension,Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations.After each question there will be a pause.During the pa

25、use you must make your choice.,Reading,随 笔,A)Place another order.B)Call to check on it.C)Wait patiently.D)Go and find the furniture.,M:I havent received the furniture I ordered yet.Maybe I should call to check on it.W:Dont worry.It takes at least a week to arrive.Q:What does the woman think the man

26、should do?,Reading,1.,随 笔,A)She doesnt need the job.B)She hasnt got a job yet.C)She has got a good job.D)She is going to start work soon.,M:Congratulations!I understand youve got a job.When will you start to work?W:You must be thinking of someone else.Im still waiting to hear the good news.Q:What do

27、es the woman mean?,Reading,2.,随 笔,3.A)She got home before 9 oclock.B)She had a bad cold.C)She had a car accident.D)She was delayed.,W:If it hadnt been snowing so hard,I might have been home by 9 oclock.M:Its too bad you didnt make it.Jane was here and she wanted to see you.Q:What happened to the wom

28、an?,Reading,随 笔,4.A)She hasnt gone camping for several weeks.B)She likes to take long camping trips.C)She prefers not to go camping on weekends.D)She often spends a lot of time planning her camping trips.,M:Janet is quite interested in camping,isnt she?W:Yes,she often goes for weeks at a time.Q:What

29、 does the woman say about Janet?,Reading,随 笔,5.A)A writer.B)A teacher.C)A reporter.D)A student.,W:Good evening,Professor David.My name is Susan Gray.Im with the local newspaper.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?M:Not at all.Go ahead,please?Q:What is Susan Gray?,Reading,随 笔,6.A)She has not hea

30、rd of Prof.Johnson.B)She has not heard of Prof.Johnsons brother.C)She is a good friend of Prof.Johnsons brother.D)She does not know Prof.Johnsons brother.,M:Do you know Professor Johnsons brother?W:Ive never met him,but Ive heard that he is as well-known as Johnson herself.Q:What do we learn from th

31、e womans reply?,Reading,随 笔,7.A)Coming back for a later show.B)Waiting in a queue.C)Coming back in five minutes.D)Not going to the movie today.,W:The movie starts in 5 minutes and theres bound to be a long line.M:Why dont we come back for the next show?Im sure it would be less crowded.Q:What is the

32、man suggesting?,Reading,随 笔,8.A)He has got a heart attack.B)He was unharmed.C)He was badly hurt.D)He has fully recovered from the shock.,W:Were you hurt in the accident?M:I was shocked at the time,but wasnt hurt at all.My bike was totally damaged,though.Q:What do we know about the man?,Reading,随 笔,9

33、.A)The man went to Australia during Christmas.B)The man visited Australia during the summer vacation.C)The man didnt have a good time because of the different weather.D)The man remained home while his parents went to see his uncle.,W:Where were you on Christmas David?I called you several times and n

34、obody was home.M:My parents and I traveled to Australia to visit my uncle.It was quite an experience to spend Christmas in summer.Q:What do we learn from this conversation?,Reading,随 笔,10.A)To attend a party at a classmates home.B)To do homework with her classmate.C)To attend an evening class.D)To h

35、ave supper out with her classmate.,M:Its seven oclock already.Mary should be home by now.W:Oh.I forgot to tell you that she called this afternoon and told me that she was going to a party at her classmates house and wouldnt be home until 10.Q:What did Mary say she was going to do?,Reading,随 笔,Direct

36、ions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank above the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.,Listening,随 笔,Workaholics live for their work,often spending many ex

37、tra hours at work,and often taking work home to complete.Americanswhen compared to many other countriesare 1 _ a work-hard culture,but when work becomes the sole reason for a persons existence above more important things,the issue becomes 2 _.,typically,Listening,critical,随 笔,Part of the matter is s

38、ocietal.Americans are working more hours per week than in years past,and with all the downsizings(减员)and lack of replacement hirings,more and more workers are putting in extra hours to complete the work previously completed by others.Some studies show that as many as 40 percent of workers dont even

39、3 _ to take vacations,partly because of fears they may not have a job to come back to if they do.,bother,Listening,随 笔,Part of the matter is 4_.We live and work in a connected environmente-mails,fax machines,cell phones,and digital assistantsmaking it hard for workers to truly get time away from the

40、ir work.,technological,Listening,随 笔,Part of the matter is financial.Whether it is how more and more of us 5_ define success in terms of financial and materialistic measures or the fact that many Americans simply must work multiple jobs simply to earn a living wage and keep their families out of 6_,

41、we are working more and more for the financial outcomes.,Listening,随 笔,mistakenly,poverty,7 _ of the reasons,workaholism can be a serious condition that can lead to the decline and destruction of families,as well as to serious stress-related health problems.When work becomes the sole reason for bein

42、gwhen it becomes the only thing we think about,the only thing that truly makes us happy then it is time for some sort of 8 _.,Regardless,intervention,Listening,随 笔,And do not 9_ hard work for workaholism.Hard workers know the boundaries between work and personal times,while workaholics have no perso

43、nal times and cannot 10 _ well outside of work.,End,confuse,Listening,随 笔,function,Directions:For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,Writing is a slow process,requiring _ thought,time and ef

44、fort.A)significant B)considerable C)enormous D)numerous,Writing is a slow process,requiring _ thought,time and effort.A)significant B)considerable C)enormous D)numerous,下一页,上一页,Back,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,3.Only a selected number of landladies in the neighbourhood have been allowed by the uni

45、versity to take in _.A)residents B)inhabitants C)lodgers D)settlers,2.Thank you for applying for a position with our firm.We do not have any openings at this time,but we shall keep your application on _ for two months.A)pile B segment C)sequence D)file,下一页,上一页,2.Thank you for applying for a position

46、 with our firm.We do not have any openings at this time,but we shall keep your application on _ for two months.A)pile B segment C)sequence D)file,3.Only a selected number of landladies in the neighbourhood have been allowed by the university to take in _.A)residents B)inhabitants C)lodgers D)settler

47、s,Back,During the conference the speaker tried to _ to them his feelings concerning the urgency of a favorable decision.A)comply B)impose C)imply D)convey,5.He _ his control by making his students quiet.A)assessed B)asserted C)acquired D)monitored,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,5.He _ his control by

48、making his students quiet.A)assessed B)asserted C)acquired D)monitored,下一页,上一页,During the conference the speaker tried to _ to them his feelings concerning the urgency of a favorable decision.A)comply B)impose C)imply D)convey,Back,6.If you want to get into that tunnel,you first have to _ away all t

49、he rocks.A)repel B)pull C)transfer D)dispose,Test Yourself-Multiple Choice,Our journey was slow because the train stopped _ at different villages.A)unceasingly B)gradually C)continuously D)continually,6.If you want to get into that tunnel,you first have to _ away all the rocks.A)repel B)pull C)trans

50、fer D)dispose,Our journey was slow because the train stopped _ at different villages.A)unceasingly B)gradually C)continuously D)continually,下一页,上一页,Back,9.According to the instructions we received,we cannot accept photocopies(复印件),but need the _.A)source B)resources C)origin D)original,Test Yourself


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