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1、Lesson 3Message of the Land,Detailed analysis:Paras.4-7,What are the changes that have taken place in the village in recent years?What are the significances of“pigs”,“water buffaloes”and“jeans”to the woman and the young people?How does the woman present the changes in her speech?What is the womans p
2、hilosophy of life?,Changes in the villages in Esarn,barter for things,cash,neighbors help to build houses,reap price or dig well,pay money for it,fine bamboo pieces,village crafts,plastic things,plastic bags,never went to hairdresser,painted lips or nails,sell pigs and water buffalo to buy a pair of
3、 jeans,offer food to the monks and go to temple regularly,leave these things to old people,condemned ungrateful son,and give him a good beating,shout and scream at his mother,Words&Expressions,barterreplacespring upfashionablestriketend tocondemnas foroccur to,barter,I had to barter with the locals
4、for food.In the local market,meat and vegetables are bartered for electrical goods.The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for their freedom.,v.to exchange(goods,property,etc.)for other goods,etc.without using money,replace,Lectures have replaced the old tutorial system.Can anything replace a
5、mothers love?Ill replace the vase I broke as soon as possible.He replaced the book on the shelf.,v.a.to take the place of b.to get a new one for sth.broken or stolen c.to put back in its place,Spring up,New houses were springing up all over the town.Dozens of websites have sprung up to provide infor
6、mation for travelers.New dot-com companies are springing up all the time.,to appear,develop,grow,etc.quickly or suddenly,spring to ones feetspring to sbs assistancespring to mind spring into famespring to lifespring a surprise on sb.spring up like mushroomsspring from aristocracy,一跃而起十万火急地赶去救援某人在脑海中
7、突然闪现一举成名焕发生机使某人大吃一惊雨后春笋般地涌现出身于贵族,fashionable,Strong colors are very fashionable at the moment.It suddenly became fashionable for politicians to talk about green issues.He runs a very fashionable restaurant near the Harbor.,after a fashion after the fashion of come into fashion follow the fashion go
8、out of fashion in(the)fashion make fashion out of(the)fashion be all the fashion,勉强,马马虎虎 像,跟一样;模仿 开始风行 赶时髦 不再风行 合于时尚 装装样子 不合时尚(服装,举止等)极时髦,风行一时,strike,The temple burned down after it was struck by lightning last year.Lightning struck the barn and set it on fire.Lightning never strikes twice.(=Somethi
9、ng bad or unpleasant is not likely to happen to the same person or in the same place twice.),strike sb.on the head poverty-stricken area strike fear/terror into sbs heart strike a blow against/to/at strike a balance between strike a bargain/deal strike a match strike oil/gold strike a pose/an attitu
10、de The solution struck me immediately.,打中某人的头 贫困区 使某人产生害怕恐惧 给予一击 在之间达成平衡 成交 划火柴 发现石油金矿 摆姿势态度 我立刻想到这个解决办法。,tend to,People tend to need less sleep as they get older.Young children tend to get sick more often than adults.Recent studies show that girls tend to be better at languages than boys.,condemn,L
11、ocal authorities have been condemned for failing to tackle the problem of homelessness.The law has been condemned as an attack on personal liberty.He was found guilty and condemned to death.,v.a.to disapprove sth.or sb.,esp.because you think it is morally wrong b.to give judgment against,as for,As f
12、or you,I never want to see you here again.As for the burglar,he escaped through the window.As for my past,Im not telling you anything.Cf.as against 与比较,与相对照as from/as of 自起as to/as regards 关于,至于,occur to,I suppose it didnt occur to you to phone the police.It never seems to occur to my children to co
13、ntact me.It had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her.,if an idea or thought occurs to you,it suddenly comes into your mind,Similar expressions:have an ideahave a thoughtcross sbs mindenter sbs mindstrikecome/spring to mind,Difficult sentences,Only ten years ago,you could b
14、arter for things,but now its all cash.(para.4)Just ten years ago,we could exchange one thing for another,but today we have to use money to get everything we need.Shops have sprung up,filled with colorful plastic things and goods we have no use for.(para.4)Many shops appear in a short time.In these s
15、hops there are lots of colorful plastic things and things that are useless for us.,Difficult sentences,This question has never occurred to me.(para.7)Ive never asked myself about the question whether I am happy or not.Yes,this bag of bones dressed in rags can still plant and reap rice from morning t
16、ill dusk.(para.7)Its true Im not strong and my clothes are full of holes,but I can still work in the rice fields all day.,Grammar points,Tenses:present simple,present perfect,past simpleUnreal conditional clause,Tense:present perfect,通常用在两种情况:1)某个动作或状况延续到现在或者说话的这一时刻;2)已然完成得动作或事件。两种情况都可以用一般现在时来表述同样的意
17、义,如:Weve known each other for a long time.=We are old friends.The President has been assassinated.=The President is dead.,Tense:past simple,用于谈论过去的事情,可以是短暂的、很快完成的动作或事件,也可以是长时间持续的动作或状况,还可以用于说过去常常、反复发生的情况。如:He walked into the bar and ordered a cup of coffee.I lived in Nanchang until I was 25.When I wa
18、s a child we always went to the seaside in August.,Present simple&Present perfect,区别:现在完成时里表述的过去发生的动作或状况通常都有现在意义,对现在的情况产生影响,或者虽然不是近期的动作或状况时,也依然是当事者的经历、知识。通常的时间状语都是不确定的,如ever,never,already等(just是个例外),而一般过去时的时间状语都是确定的、具体的,如:in 1990,yesterday,then等。特殊结构:This is the first time用现在完成时 Its a long time sinc
19、e用一般过去时(注意:该结构主句通常用一般现在时,而且该结构通常不用于否定句)Its ten years since we didnt see each other.(),Unreal conditional clause,非真实条件句,顾名思义是用if引导的表示过去、现在的非真实的条件从句,还可用于表达将来难以实现的条件。与主句的时态搭配后,称为虚拟语气句。If there were no air,there would be no life on the earth.If I had married her,I would have been unhappy.If the string s
20、hould break,the ball would fly away from your hand.If it rained tomorrow,wed stay at home.,非真实条件句:特殊情况,无连词条件句:在这种条件从句里,不用连词表示条件,而用主谓部分倒装的方法来表明非真实的条件关系。只有少数助动词才有此功能:had,were,should,could,might。这种句型主要用于庄重语体,尤其科技英语、法律英语。这种从句可以放在主句之前或之后。否定时不能用缩略形式放在句首,Werent,()错综时间条件句:有时候条件从句与主句所表示的时间是不一致的。如:如果你当时听了大夫的劝
21、告,你现在就好了。在这种情况下,只能借助于动词时态的调整了:If you had followed the doctors advice,you would be quite well.,Detailed analysis:Paras.8-11,What are the farmers feelings towards his wife?From the farmers talk,what is the foremost thing in his mind?Why?What is the farmers philosophy of life?,Words&Expressions,be at p
22、eace withtiedownon the winghealshimmerpass on,be at peace with,The two countries are at peace with each other.The country is at peace with its neighbors for the first time in years.If you do this,you will not be at peace with me in the future.,in a situation in which there is no war or fighting;in h
23、armony with,be at peace with oneselfmake ones peace withmay sb.rest in peacea peace settlementconclude(sign)a peace,心平气和(同)和解,修好愿某人的灵魂安息和平解决缔结(签订)合约,tiedown,Children do tie you down,dont they?She didnt want to be tied down by a full-time job.A plan of union ties the negotiations down to real facts a
24、nd real pieces of church life.,to restrict sb./sth.to certain conditions,tie.up,a.to tie sb.s arms,legs,etc.so that they cannot move b.to be very busy,so that you cannot do anything else,*Her hair was tied up in a hair net and the hat was removed and placed to the right of her chest.*Im sorry,hes ti
25、ed up at the moment.Could you call back later?,on the wing,This area is noted for butterflies in summer,and in August the purple hairstreak will be on the wing.John shot the duck on the wing.,The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。Birds of a f
26、eather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。Its an ill bird that fouls its own nest.恶鸟渎巢(指家丑不可外扬)Kill two birds with one stone.一石二鸟(一举两得),heal,It took three months for my arm to heal properly.The trauma(心灵创伤)of divorce can often be healed by successful remarriage.Time heals all sorrows.,v.a.(esp.of wounds)(to c
27、ause)to become healthy and sound b.to(help sb.)become mentally or emotionally strong again after a bad experience,shimmer,The lake shimmered in the moonlight.Hed reached to click off the light,and the room shimmered again with the faintest light from the moon.She likes the shimmer of glasses in the
28、candlelight.,v./n.to shine with a soft light that looks as if it shakes slightly,Synonyms:shinegleamglimmerflashglowbeam,pass on,I passed her message on to her mother.Pass the book on to me when youve finished with it.It was discovered that he had been passing secrets on to the Russians whilst working at the Pentagon(五角大楼).,to hand or give sth.to sb.else,esp.after receiving or using it oneself,