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1、Unit 10 Pompeii Robert Silverberg,Part 1.Introduction and pictures of Pompeii Part 2.WordsPart 3.Phrases and ExpressionsPart 4.GrammarPart 5.paraphrases,location:near modern Naples in Italy,8km(5.0mi)away from Mount Vesuvius,Pompeiis Yesterday,a picture tour:a birds-eye view,a picture tour:a street

2、leading to Mt.Vesuvius,a picture tour:the temple of Jupiter,a picture tour:theater,Todays Pompeii,General introduction:an ancient Roman town-city,Founded in the 7th century BC,destroyed and buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79,rediscovered in 1748,well-preserved and looks exactly like i

3、t was on its last day,a popular tourist destination now.,1.mighty 2.overwhelm 3.perish 4.poisonous 5.reverberate 6.savage,Words,7.shatter8.shroud9.stumble10.topple11.trample12.absorb,List:,13.band14.board15.branch16.collapse17.crouch,18.descend19.drift20.flee21.Intact,Phrases and Expressions,List:,a

4、t hand die away plunge into in store for,branch out pour down make ones way to descend on,a rain of come down from strike onan arm of,restore sb/sth to sthgo overblow up,Grammar,分词短语做状语,分词作状语实际把状语从句简化。简化的条件:其逻辑主语一定要与主句的主语保持一致,例:As the book is written in simple English,the book is easy to read.-Writt

5、en in simple English,the book is easy to read,分词作状语时可分为以下几种形式:,*doing:用来表示主动,且前后动作同时进行。Returning home later,my friend learned that the police had been to the flat.,*having done:用来表示主动,且动作发生在主句之前。Having seen the film before,I decided not to see it again.,*being done:用来表示被动,且前后动作同时进行。Being questioned

6、by the police,he felt frightened.,*done:用来表示被动且完成Destroyed in the storm,the house will be rebuilt.,分词作状语时可分为以下几种形式:,*having been done:用来表示被动,而且强调动作持续 一段时间或次数。Having been defeated three times,he had to give up.,*否定形式:not/never+分词结构Not studying hard,he didnt pass the test.Never having taken a plane be

7、fore,he was nervous.,Paraphrases,Beneath the protecting shroud of ash,the city lay intact.(L.2,Para5)英释:The city remained as it had been before the eruption.It had been protected by the thick layer of ash that buried the city deep.To go to Pompeii today is to take a trip backward in time.The old cit

8、y comes to life all around you.(L.1,Para6)英释:To go to Pompeii today is like taking a trip to the past.The city is no langer a dead city.You can imagine what was going on around you.,Paraphares,The sound of the explosion died away,but it still reverberated in everyones ears.(L.1,Para13)英释:Even when t

9、he loud sound stopped,people did not recover from the shock.An hour went by and darkness still shrouded everying.All was confusion.The people of Pompeii now knew that doom was at hand.(L.3,Para14)英释:An hour passed,but things did not improved and darkness still covered everything.There was total chao

10、s everywhere.The people of pompeii now knew that they would not survive the eruption.,1.mighty,Adj.a.very strong and powerful 强而有力的,Example:a mighty warrior,威猛的斗士,He struck him with a mighty blow across his shoulder.,他猛地一下砸在他的肩膀上。,2.overwhelm,v.to cover sb./sth.Completely(水)淹过,漫过,、,e.g.:A great wave

11、 overwhelmed the boat.一个巨浪吞没了那只小船。,3.Perish,v.to be lost or destroyed 毁灭,perishableadj.易腐烂的,易变质的,Perishable foods/goods,e.g.:A family of five perished in the fire.一个五口之家在大火中丧生。,4.poisonous,adj.1.causing death or illness if swallowed or absorbed into the body 有毒的,poisonous chemicals 有毒的化学用品 poisonous

12、 snakes 毒蛇,5.reverberate,v.(sound)to be repeated several times as it is reflected off different surfaces.回响,e.g.:His voice reverberated around the hall.他的声音在大厅里回荡.。,6.savage,adj.fierce and violent凶恶的,暴力的,e.g.:She had been badly hurt in what police described as a savage attack.她遭受袭击而身受重伤警方称这是一次“野蛮的袭击

13、”,7.shatter,v.to suddenly break into small pieces 粉碎,使破碎,e.g.The explosion shattered all the windows in the building.这次爆炸把所有窗户都震碎了,8.shroud,V to cover or hide sth.覆盖,隐藏,e.g.:The city was shrouded in mist.城市笼罩在雾霭之中,9.stumble,a.to hit your foot against sth while you are walking or running and almost f

14、all 跌跌撞撞地走,e.g.The child stumbled and fell.孩子绊了一下,摔倒了。,10.topple,v.to become unsteady and fall down;to make sth do this 使失去平衡而坠落,倒塌,倒下,e.g.:He brushed past,toppling her from her stool.他经过时蹭了她一下,使她从凳子上摔了下来 a plot to topple the President 一个推翻总统的阴谋,11.trample,v.a.to step heavily on sb./sth.so that you

15、crush or harm 践踏,e.g.:He was trampled to death by a runaway horse.他被一匹脱缰的奔马踩死了。The government is trampling on the views of ordinary people.政府在践踏民意。,v.to take sth into the mind and learn or understand it.理解,消化,吸收。Eg.Its a lot of information to absorb all at once.要一下子消化这么多资料,真是很难。to take in a liquid,g

16、as or other substance from the surface or space arround.吸收(液体,气体)等Eg.Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.植物可以吸收二氧化碳释放氧气.。,12.absorb,n.A group of people who do sth together一伙人,一帮人Eg.He persuaded a small band of volunteers to help.他劝服了一小批志愿者来帮忙。流行音乐,乐队Eg.She is a singer with a band.她是一

17、个乐队的歌手。,13.band,v.To get on a ship,train,plan,bus eg.The ship was boarded by customs officals.海关官员登上了这艘船。,14.board,v.To divide into two or more parts,especially smaller or less important parts分开,分叉 Eg.Dont be afraid to branch out and try new ideas.不要怕另辟蹊径,不妨尝试新的想法。branch off 分叉改道,转道 branch out(into

18、sth)拓展(新业务),涉足(新工作),15.branch,v.to fall down or fall in suddenly(突然地)倒塌 The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.房顶在雪的重量下突然坍塌 Eg.Talks between management and unions have collapsed.资方和工会的谈判已告破裂,16.Collapse,v.To loewr your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you.蹲,蹲下 Eg.He crouched

19、down beside her.他在她的旁边蹲下来。crouch over sth/sb 俯身接近 Eg.He crouched over the papers on his desk.他俯身看他桌上的文件。,17.crouch,v.To come or go down from a higher to a lower level 下来,下去,下降 Eg.the results,ranked in descending order.结果按递减顺序排列如下。,18.descend,Be descended from sb 是某人的后裔He claims to be descended from

20、a spanish prince.他声称是一位西班牙王子的后裔。Descend into sth 逐渐陷入The country was descending into chaos.这个国家陷入一片混乱Descend on sb/sth 突然大批来访Hundreds of football fans descended on the city.数百名足球迷蜂拥入城 Descend to sth 降低身份去做;竟做出;堕落到.地步They descended to the level personal insults.他们竟卑鄙到进行人身侮辱的地步。,v.To move along smooth

21、ly or slowly in water or air.漂流,漂移,Eg.clouds drifted across the sky.朵朵云在空中飘过。,19.drift,To leave a person or place very quickly逃避,逃跑。Flee(from)sb/sth;flee(to/into.)A camp for refugees fleeing from the war.收留战争难民的难民营。eg.He fled to London after an arguement with his family.与家人争吵之后,他逃到伦敦。,20.flee,plete

22、and not damaged 完好无损的,完整的。Eg.He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact.他受审获释,名誉丝毫未受损害。,21.intact,1.at hand,Close to you in time or distance,即将到来;在手边,e.g.:I havent my book at hand.Ill show it to you later.The autumn harvest is at hand.,hand downhand onhand over,把.传下来;宣判把传递下去移出,交出,v.,e.g.:W

23、hen we were young,clothes might be handed down from one to the next.The moral excellences are handed on from father to son.When you vacate the room,you should hand over the door key to me.,3.plunge into,1.to experience sth unpleasant2.to jump into sth,especially with force3.To start doing sth in an

24、enthusiastic way,especially without thinking carefully about what you are doing,e.g.:The country plunged deeper into recession.The pool was declared open and eager swimmers plunged in/into.She was about to plunge into her story when the phone rang.,热情投入,贸然行动,陷入(不快的事情),2.die away,to become gradually

25、weaker or fainter and finally disappear,e.g.The sound of their laughter died away.,die down die off die out,die down:to become gradually less strong,loud,noticeable,etc.减弱,降低 die off:to die one after the other until there are none left.相继死去,先后死去 die out:to stop existing.指物种、家族、习惯、观念等)绝迹,消失;绝种;绝灭,4.i

26、n store for,Waiting to happen to sb.,e.g.:We dont know what life holds in store for us.我们不知道等待我们的将是什么样的生活。,即将发生,等待着,6.Pour down,e.g.Suddenly therewas a startling flash of brightlightening,andthunderrolled.Rain started topourdown.,突然间闪电雷鸣大作,大雨倾盆而下。,5.branch out,vary in order to expand;to start to do

27、an activity that you may not done before especially in your work or business.,扩大,扩展,涉足(新工作),扩展(新业务),e.g.:I continued studying moths,and branched out to other insects.I decided branch out on my own.,我决定自主创业。,pour sth.into sth.to provide a large amount of money for sth.,e.g.:The government has poured

28、millons into the education system.,pour out If youpour outyour thoughts,feelings,or experiences,you tell someone all about them.,倒出(想法、情感、经历等),事情的来龙去脉被和盘托出。,e.g.:The whole story came pouring out.,7.make ones way to,find a way to somewhere;go forward,找到去某地的路;前往,a terrible rain of fire and ash a rain

29、of sth:a large number of things that fall from the sky at the same time.-of petals;-of arrows;-of bullets a shower of:a lot of small light things falling or moving through the air together-of leaves;-of stones a storm of:a sudden loud amount of noise made by a group of people in reaction to sth-of c

30、riticism;-of applause,8.descend on/upon,to visit sb.or sth.in large numbers,降临,来临,Hundreds of football fans descended on the city.,数百名足球迷蜂拥入城,e down from,to come from one place to another 从.到.(通常指从一国的北部到南部,或从大地方到小地方)Rich men came down from wealthy Rome to build seaside villas.富人专程从富有的罗马建造海滨别墅come do

31、wn from the mountain 从山上下来 come down from the sky 从天空落下来,an arm of sth:a long and narrow area of land or water that is joined to a broader area Nearby was the Bay of Naples,an arm of the blue Mediterranean.,11.An arm of,12.strike on,打在上;突然想起 Eg.Our boat struck on a sunken rock.我们船触礁了。I struck on tur

32、ning on the radio on the way to the station.在去车站的路上,我突然想到我的收音机还依然开着。,13.Restore sb/sth to sth,to bring sb/sth back a former condition,place or position.使复原,使复位,使复职Eg.restore farmland to lakes 退田还湖 restore stability to finan 稳定金融市场 We hope to restore the regarden to its former glory.我们想把这花园变得和过去一样美丽。

33、,14.go over,To examine or check sth carefully 仔细检查(或审查,查阅)某事Eg.Go over your work before you hand in it.to study sth carefully,especially by repeating it 反复研究,仔细琢磨Eg.He went over the events of the day in his mind.他心里反复琢磨白天发生的事。,15.Blow up,To explode;to be destroyed by an explosion爆炸,被炸毁A police officer was killed when his car blew up.一名警察在其汽车爆炸时遇难。To start studdenly and with force爆发A storm was blowing up.暴风雨大作。A crisis has blown up over the presidents latest speech.总统最近的讲话引发了一场危机。,Thank You!,


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