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1、Tutorial 1,Objective,8 New Words,Activities On Passage A,Basic E-commerce Writing,&Related Reading,Tutorial 1,8 Notes To Passage B,Activities On Passage B,:Work online,Unit 1,Objective:In this unit,we will learn:C What is electronic commerce C Identify the future of electronic commerce C The develop

2、ment of Internet C Basic E-commerce English Writing Focus:The definitions of electronic commerce.Nodus:The evolution of electronic commerce,学 习 目 标,Broadly speaking,electronic commerce is the production,advertising,sale and distribution of products via telecommunications networks.,Passage A,从广义上来讲,电

3、子商务是指通过电讯网络进行产品的生产、宣传、销售和配送的活动。,4注解:电子商务的定义各有千秋。维基百科()上的定义是:从总体上来看,电子商务是指对整个贸易活动实现电子化。从狭义上讲EC(Electronic Commerce)是指在互联网(Internet)、企业内部网(Intranet)和增值网(VAN,Value Added Network)上以电子交易方式进行交易活动和相关服务活动,是传统贸易活动各环节的电子化、网络化。,They are raising funds for a new laboratory.,Passage A,fund,n.C,1.资金,基金,专款,他们在募款建一个

4、新的实验室。,2.(银行)存款,He has a great fund of story about great men.,Passage A,3.现款,财源,4.【英】国债,公债,5.(知识等的)积累,积蓄(+of),他有一肚子关于名人的故事。,谁为这一计划提供资金?,Passage A,及物动词 vt.,1.提供(事业,活动等的)资金,Who is funding the project?,2.积累,In Thailand rice is an important commodity for export.,Passage A,Commodity,n.C,1.商品;日用品,米是泰国的一项重

5、要出口商品。,2.有用的东西,有价值之物,He purchased this stamp at an auction.,Passage A,Purchase,及物动词 vt.,1.买,购买,他在拍卖会中购得这枚邮票。,He worked all summer to save money for the purchase of a piano.,Passage A,n.C,1.买,购买UC,他工作了一整个夏天,为的是存钱买架钢琴。,2.所购之物C,He filled the car with his purchases.,他把买的东西装满车子。,Consume,Passage A,Consume

6、r,n.C消费者;消耗者,及物动词 vt.,1.消耗,花费;耗尽,She consumed most of her time in reading.,她把大部分时间都花在读书上。,3.烧毁,毁灭,Passage A,2.吃完,喝光,The kids soon consumed all the food on the table.,孩子们一会儿功夫便把桌上的食品全部吃光。,The fire consumed half the village.,大火吞噬了半个村庄。,1.用大写书写,Passage A,capitalize,不及物动词 vi.利用,及物动词 vt.,2.核定.的资本额;供给(资本)

7、;估(价),They could not agree about the distribution of the profits.,Passage A,distribution,n.C,1、分发;分配;配给物UC,他们无法就利润分配一事达成协议。,2.销售(量)U,We have a good product but our distribution is bad.,我们的产品很好,但销售情况不佳。,The combination of the 50 states forms the United States of America.,Passage A,combination,n.C,1.结

8、合(体);联合(体)UC,五十个州结为一体组成了美利坚合众国。,2.(有共同目的的)团体;联盟C,The farmers are forming a combination to market their goods at fair prices.,农场主结成联盟,以便用合理的价格销售货物。,The enemy encompassed the city.,Passage A,encompass,及物动词 vt.,1.围绕;包围,敌人包围了这个城市。,2.包含,My plan encompasses every possibility.,我的计划包含了各种可能。,Communication be

9、tween old and young people is not so difficult as you think.,Passage A,communication,n.C,1.传达;交流,交往;通信;传染U,青老年之间的思想交流没有你想的那样困难。,2.通讯(交通)设施P1,Our city has excellent communications with all parts of the country.,我们城市具有完备的交通网与全国各地联系。,I will transmit the money by special messenger.,Passage A,transmit,及物

10、动词 vt.,1.传送,传达,我将专门派人送这笔钱。,2.传(光、热、声等);传动,They are trying to find a better way of transmitting energy.,他们正试图寻找一种更好的输能方法。,及物动词 vt.,Passage A,standard,n.C标准,水平;规格;规CU,standardize,使标准化;使合标准;使统一,Efforts to standardize English spellings have not been completely successful.,将英语拼写标准化的努力并不完全成功。,A senior mem

11、ber of the committee was authorized to act for the chairman during his absence.,Passage A,authorize,及物动词 vt.,1.授权给,全权委托,主席不在时,授权委员会中的一位资深委员代理他的职务。,2.批准,认可;允许,The local government authorized the construction of a new airport.,地方政府批准建造一个新机场。,Dr.White specialized in childrens diseases.,Passage A,specia

12、lize,不及物动词 vi.,专攻;专门从事(+in),怀特医生专治儿科疾病。,及物动词 vt.,使专门化;使特殊化,specialized knowledge 专门知识,The government will not negotiate with the terrorists.,Passage A,negotiate,不及物动词 vi.,谈判,协商,洽谈(+with/for),政府决不与恐怖分子谈判。,他们最终谈判达成了一个和平条约。,Passage A,及物动词 vt.,1.通过谈判达成,谈成(+with),They finally negotiated a peace treaty.,2

13、.【口】顺利通过,成功地越过,negotiate a deep river,成功地渡过了一条深河,Ill do nothing without consulting you.,Passage A,consult,及物动词 vt.,1.与.商量,我采取行动之前一定和你商量。,2.查阅(词典、参考书等),He consulted his notebook repeatedly during his speech.,他讲演时不断看他的笔记本。,我们将一起商议她的教育事宜。,Passage A,不及物动词 vi.,1.商议,磋商(+with),We will consult together abou

14、t her education.,2.当顾问(+for),The retired executive consults for several large companies.,那位退休的总裁在好几家大公司当顾问。,In five of the villages that were surveyed,non-farm work provided one quarter of their income.,Passage A,survey,及物动词 vt.,调查,向.作调查H,在五个被调查的村子中,非农工作为它们提供了四分之一的收入。,A recent survey of public opini

15、on showed that most people were worried about the increasing crimes.,Passage A,n.C,调查;调查报告;民意调查(测验)UC,一份最近的民意调查表明,大多数人对不断增长的犯罪率表示忧虑。,2)It allows companies to select the best suppliers regardless of their geographical location and to sell to a global market.,它(电子商务)使企业既能挑选最佳供应商进货而无须顾及他们的地理位置,又能将商品向全球

16、市场销售。,4注解:注意介词短语regardless of(不管;不顾)的用法:,Regardless of danger,he climbed the tower.他不顾危险地爬上了高塔。试比较:,He went to work despite his illness.尽管生病,他还是去工作。,Despite advanced years,she is learning to drive.尽管年事已高,她还在学开车。,3)Modern business is characterized by ever-increasing supply capabilities,ever-increasin

17、g global competition,and ever-increasing customer expectations.,This kind of behaviour characterizes the criminal mind.这种举止是罪犯的心理特征。,A mister is characterized by greed.守财奴的特点是贪婪。,4注解:掌握动词characterize(具有.的特征,以.为特征)的 用法。例如:,现代贸易的特点是不断增长的供应能力,日趋激烈的全球竞争乃至顾客越来越高的期望。,4)It enables companies to be more effi

18、cient and flexible in their internal operations,to work more closely with their suppliers,and to be more responsive to the needs and expectations of their customers.,End,它(电子商务)能使公司的内部运作更有效率也更灵活,与供应商的合作更加紧密,对顾客的期望和要求响应得更快。,4注解:此句中的三个不定式(to be more.to workto be more)均用来补充说明宾语companies的。,Activities On

19、 Passage A,1)What is Electronic Commerce in your eyes?,1.3.1 Critical thinking,2)What can you do with Electronic Commerce?,3)Who is Bill Gates?What do you know about him?,4)Is it safe to conduct business on Internet?,5)Have you ever tried to buy things from the Internet?If so,would you like to share

20、 your experience with others?,Activities On Passage A, Give the Chinese equivalents of the following words or expressions:,1.3.2 Translation practice,1)file transfer,2)digital cash,3)geographical location,4)on a global scale,5)EDI,6)competition,7)definition,8)manufacturer,9)advertising,10)int

21、eraction,文件传输,电子现金,地理位置,在全球范围内,电子数据交换,竞争,定义,生产商,广告,互动,Activities On Passage A, Give the English equivalents of the following words or expressions:,1.3.2 Translation practice,1)电子商务,electronic commerce,2)视频会议,video conference,3)不断增长,ever-increasing,4)供应商,supplier,5)内部运营,internal operation,6)组织

22、,organization,7)交易,transaction,8)消费者,consumer,9)有效率的,efficient,10)有弹性的,flexible,Activities On Passage A, Sentence translation from English to Chinese:,1.3.2 Translation practice,1)In another word,electronic commerce is the buying,selling and trading of goods and services through private and p

23、ublic networks.,换句话来说,电子商务是指通过私人或公众网络来买卖或交换货物和服务。,2)First stage of EC expansion is that within the“connected”or“online”computer users.,EC的首个发展阶段局限于“连接”或“在线”计算机用户。,3)The second wave will come when more people get access to computers(via lowered computer prices or cheaper devices),第二个高峰将会在更多人可以通过更低廉的价

24、格或设备连接上计算机的时候来临。,Activities On Passage A, Sentence translation from English to Chinese:,1.3.2 Translation practice,4)The third expansion is predicted to be from those with non-computer access to the global network:through broadcast TVs,cable TVs,telephone networks and new appliances.,据预测,电子商务

25、发展的第三次浪潮将会出现在不用电脑就能上网的技术发展方面:比如通过无线电视、有线电视、电话网络及新型的设备上网。,5)A widespread use of these cheaper access media represents the phase of“bringing workplace computers into the living room”.,低廉接入设备的普及标志着“家庭办公”已跨入了新时代。,Activities On Passage A, Sentence translation from Chinese to English,1.3.2 Translat

26、ion practice,1)电子商务并不局限于在互联网上。(be limited to),Electronic commerce,of course,is not limited to the Internet.,2)电子商务使消费者上网寻找质高价廉的产品。(invites sb to do sth),Electronic commerce invites consumers to surf the web to find the best deals on the quality products.,3)电子商务的定义将继续发展和延伸。(evolve and expand),The def

27、inition of electronic commerce will continue to evolve and expand.,Activities On Passage A, Sentence translation from Chinese to English,1.3.2 Translation practice,4)电子商务也包括了网上买卖,电子资金转账,智能卡、数字货币及类似行为。(selling over the Web),Electronic commerce also includes buying and selling over the Web,elec

28、tronic funds transfer,smart cards,digital cash,and all other ways of doing.,5)电子商务是在全球范围内支持这些变化和使之发生的动力。(on a global scale),Electronic commerce is a means of enabling and supporting such changes on a global scale.,End,The Evolution Of Electronic Commerce,1)Till today,ECs development could be classif

29、ied into 4 stages,each marked with technological breakthrough.,Passage B,8 Notes To Passage B,迄今为止,电子商务的发展可分为4个阶段,每个阶段都标志着技术上的突破。,4注解:each marked with technological breakthrough.是过去分词短语的独立主格结构形式,each是逻辑主语,指each of the 4 stages。,The Evolution Of Electronic Commerce,2)However,these developments were i

30、mpossible if not for the affordable communications infrastructure,including normal telephone lines.,Passage B,8 Notes To Passage B,不过,如果没有象普通电话线之类的廉价通讯基础设施,这些发展也是不可能发生的。,4注解:2006年1月17日,中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)在京发布“第十七次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告”。报告显示,截至2005年12月31日,我国上网用户总数突破1亿,为1.11亿人,其中宽带上网人数达到6430万人。这些是与各电信运营商在基础建设方

31、面的大量投入分不开的。,The Evolution Of Electronic Commerce,3)The World Wide Web is the universe of network-accessible information,an embodiment of human knowledge.-Tim Berners-Lee,inventor of the World Wide Web.,Passage B,8 Notes To Passage B,End,万维网是在线的无穷尽的信息总汇,是人类知识的结晶。Tim Berners-Lee,万维网的发明者之一。,4注解:万维网(Wor

32、ld Wide Web,缩写为WWW)是因特网上的超文件系统。超文本文件通过一个称为“网页浏览器”的程序从服务器(或称“网站”)获取信息(或称“文档”、“档案”、“网页”),并在您的电子计算机屏幕上显现出来。您可以通过网页中的超级链接来在各个网页中间跳跃,甚至可以像服务器回传信息互动交流。这种跟随超级链接的上网方式通常被称为“网上冲浪”。,1.6.1 Tell whether the following statements are(T)or false(F),1.6 Activities,Activities On Passage B,F,T,T,T,F,1.6.2 Match the En

33、glish on the right with Chinese on the left,1.6 Activities,Activities On Passage B,End,Format of Commerce Letters,1.7.1 Indented Style 缩行式,商务信件格式,Basic E-commerce Writing,Indented style is easier to read.But it is rarely used in business.It is a slightly less formal modification of full block format

34、.Some people still use it for hand written personal letters., Features of the indented format include:4Your address is on the right hand side of the page 4The date is on the right.4The closing,signature,and printed name are all indented to the right half of the page.4The greeting is flush lef

35、t.4The first line of each paragraph is indented,it starts 1 cm from the margin.4A line is not placed between each paragraph.,Format of Commerce Letters, Here is an example of a letter written in an indented style:,商务信件格式,Basic E-commerce Writing,56 Yango RdBROGALA VIC 332120 October 199845 Ca

36、rlton St.GREENS CAPE VIC 3467 Dear Greg,It was great to hear from you.I cannot believe you will be turning 40 next month.I can remember our high school days so well.My wife and I would be delighted to come to your 40th birthday party.We are really looking forward to it.Regards John,Format of Commerc

37、e Letters,1.7.2 Full-block Style 全齐头式,商务信件格式,Basic E-commerce Writing,The commonest layout for the business letter today is known as the blocked style.It is considered the most formal.In this style all new lines of typing are ranged to the left,all text starts at the left margin., Features of

38、 full-blocked format include:4All text starts at the left margin4No punctuation in the addresses4No punctuation in the greeting4No punctuation in the farewell4Inside address,salutation,closing and signature are all on the left 4An empty line separates each paragraph4Four spaces for the signature,For

39、mat of Commerce Letters, Here is an example of a letter written in a full-blocked style:,商务信件格式,Basic E-commerce Writing,Radio Products 123 Main Rd COVILLE VIC 3241 16 October 1998 Rosa Bellafiore General Television Services 234 Grand Ave MONTPELLIER NSW 2345 Dear Ms Bellafiore,Thank you for

40、your inquiry about our radio communications software.I am enclosing our brochure and price list of our products.Our communications products are widely used and have a proven record of value for money and reliability.If you have further questions,please contact us.Yours sincerely Jane Broker,Format o

41、f Commerce Letters,1.7.3 Semi-block Style 混合式/半齐头式,商务信件格式,Basic E-commerce Writing,This format is a combination of indented style and block style,all the paragraphs are blocked against the left margin except letter heading,date,complimentary close and signature to the right of the center of the pape

42、r., Features of a modified block format include:4Your address is on the right hand side of the page 4There is no punctuation in the addresses 4The date is on the right hand side of the page 4The farewell is on the right hand side of the page 4An empty line separates each paragraph 4Inside add

43、ress,salutation and body parts all start at the left margin,Format of Commerce Letters, Here is an example of a letter written in a modified blocked style:,商务信件格式,Basic E-commerce Writing,3303 West Valley Cove Round Rock,Texas 78664 August 5,1990Personnel AssistantJD Employee Credit Bank of T

44、exas P.O.Box 32345 Austin,Texas 78745Dear Personnel Assistant:I am writing about your newspaper ad in the August 1 Austin-American Statesman concerning your need for an experienced programmer in the database environment.I believe that I have the qualifications and experience that you are looking for

45、.Enclosed you will find a resume,which will give you additional information on my background and qualifications.I would welcome a chance to talk further with you about the position you are seeking to fill.I can be reached by phone between 9:00 a.m.and 6:00 p.m.at(512)545-0098.Sincerely,Virginia Reme

46、nteriaEncl.:resume,Format of Commerce Letters,1.7.4 Writing Practice,商务信件格式,Basic E-commerce Writing,1)Try to answer the following questions:,Full-Block,Aligned under the date,Flush left,2)Discuss the characteristic of the three letter styles you have learned.,3)Write a letter to Mr.Johnson,invite h

47、im to attend the anniversary of your nine years of business enterprise,use a proper format and sign your own name.,End,b)If paragraphs are indented,where will the signature be?,c)If the date is flush right,where is the inside address in indented style?,a)Based on what we have learned,which is the mo

48、st formal format for a letter?,The Internet,Today,the Internet is an enormous network of millions of computers allowing constant communication throughout the world.It includes:the World Wide Web,electronic mail(e-mail),File Transfer Protocol(FTP),Internet Relay Chat(IRC)and USENET(news service).,The

49、 Basic Technology Of E-commerce,&Related Reading,The World Wide Webis the part of the Internet that most users see and use and which has made it so popular.The web continues to grow at an absolutely incredible rate.Technology has improved to such an extent that the web is now considered to be indisp

50、ensable for education,business and entertainment.There are billions of pages on the web and thousands more are added every hour.,E-MailAnyone can apply for an e-mail address and send and receive messages from their computer.The main benefit is the almost instantaneous delivery of messages.An e-mail


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