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1、Task 3,Sentence Study,本句采用了明喻的修辞手法,非常形象地说明了乌龟饥饿的程度。like是介词,表示“像一样”,是这个比喻句的比喻词,his body 是本体,a dry stick是喻体。明喻(simile)是就两个不同类对象之间的相似点进行比喻。明喻中常用like做比喻词,此外还有as,as if,as though,asas,similar to,等等。,译 文,His body rattled like a dry stick in his empty shell.(Line 12),她的幸福像晨露一样消失了。,美者犹如夏日蔬果,易腐难存。,Her happine

2、ss vanished like the morning dew.,Beauty is as summer fruits,which are easy to corrupt and cannot last.,Example,雨倾盆而下,犹如天上的水闸打开了,而且电光闪闪,极其可怕。,It rained as if the flood-gates of Heaven were opened,and it lighted awfully.,His body rattled like a dry stick in his empty shell.(Line 12),他的身体就像一段枯柴棍在空荡荡的躯

3、壳里咔咔作响。,slowly but surely:carefully in order to avoid problems 稳扎稳打地surely:in a sure way 稳当地,踏实地,有把握副词连用作方式状语,使句意鲜明、思想突出。此处说明乌龟富于心计。这类短语常位于句首,也可放在句末。,译 文,Slowly but surely he began to plan how he would go to the sky.(Line 12),那艘巨轮缓慢而平稳地下水了。,这位小提琴手把难度大的乐段演奏得很有技巧,也很有把握。,Slowly but surely the great shi

4、p glided into the water.,The violinist played the difficult passage skillfully and surely.,Example,于是他稳扎稳打地开始计划如何能到天上去。,Slowly but surely he began to plan how he would go to the sky.(Line 12),choose to do something表示“选定,决定做某事”,后面接不定式。,译 文,They chose to fly home on an empty stomach.(Line 60),Example,

5、他们决定不理她的警告。,They choose to ignore her warning.,如果有事业机会,几乎没有妇女会愿意呆在家里。,Few women,offered the chance of such a career,would choose to stay at home.,我决定继续我音乐教师的生涯。,I chose to continue with my career as a music teacher.,他们宁可空着肚子飞回去。,They chose to fly home on an empty stomach.(Line 60),And there he stood

6、 in his hard shell full of food and wine but without any wings to fly home.(Line 61),全句的主要结构是he stood there,there置前倒装。full of food and wine 和 without any wings to fly home 两个短语作方式状语,说明乌龟现在酒足饭饱,但是却没有翅膀回家的窘迫状况。,译 文,And there he stood in his hard shell full of food and wine but without any wings to fly

7、 home.(Line 61),乌龟站在那儿,身上只剩了一个硬壳,里面满是佳肴美酒,却没了可飞回家的翅膀。,Task 4,Words&Phrases,feast(Line 5,Para.2),n.1)a large meal,especially one for a special occasion 盛宴 2)a day kept in memory of a religious event(宗教的)节日,v.+on eat and drink a lot on a special occasion 尽情地吃喝,饱餐,圣诞节是基督教的一个重要节日。,为了向来访的总统表示敬意,厨师长准备了盛宴。

8、,The chef prepared a feast in honor of the presidents visit.,Christmas is an important feast for Christians.,Translation,He feasted his eyes on the beautiful sight of sunset.,他饱览了落日美景。,那个忘恩负义的孩子将我的礼物扔到地板上。,我不想让人觉得我不领情,但我真的不需要任何帮助。,I dont mean to sound ungrateful,but I really dont need any help.,The

9、ungrateful child threw my gift on the floor.,ungrateful(adj.)(Line 18,Para.6)not expressing thanks for something that someone has given to you or done for you 忘恩负义的,不领情的,Translation,mischief(n.)(Line 19,Para.6)playful misbehavior or trouble-making,especially in children 顽皮,捣蛋,恶作剧,mischievous(adj.)调皮

10、的,恶作剧的,告诉孩子们别胡闹。,他需要一个爱好来使自己忙起来并且停止搞恶作剧。,He needs a hobby to keep him busy and stop him from getting into mischief.,Tell the children to keep out of mischief.,Translation,你可以放心,我们一定尽力而为。,请放心,一切都正常。,Rest assured that everything is under control.,You can rest assured that we will do all we can.,Transl

11、ation,rest assured(Line 22,Para.7)not to worry or be certain 请放心,确信无疑(常用于祈使句),对比:make sure that 确信,感到确信无疑,词汇辨析,I make sure that he would be here.,Rest assured that he would be here.,放心吧,他会来这里的。,我确信他会来这里。,eloquent(adj.)(Line 40,Para.12)fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing 雄辩的,有说服力的;清楚表明的,苏珊在她的

12、毕业课上做了动人的演讲。,Her enthusiasm made her quite eloquent.,她的热情使她讲起话来很是流利。,Susan gave an eloquent speech to her graduating class.,Translation,反义词:tongue-tied,We will have to submit this plan for approval by the managing director.,We wont start building without the mayors approval.,没有市长的批准,我们不会动工。,我们得将此计划提

13、交总经理批准。,Translation,in approval of(Line 40-41,Para.12)agree with 赞同;同意,Our teacher gave her approval to our plans for a graduation party.,老师同意了我们举办毕业聚会的计划。,He grumbles at his lot instead of resolutely facing his difficulties.,The train grumbled into motion.,火车轰隆一声起动了。,他不是果敢地去面对困难,而是抱怨自己运气不佳。,Transla

14、tion,grumble(v.)(Line 55,Para.16)1)(+about/at/over)speak with a low,indistinct,and possibly complaining voice 咕哝,嘟囔,发牢骚 近意词:complainmutter 2)rumble 发轰轰声,faithful(adj.)(Line 67,Para.19),1)full of or showing loyalty 忠实的,忠诚的,可信赖的,2)true to the facts or to an original 如实的,准确可靠的,3)(+to)loyal to ones(marr

15、iage)partner by having no sexual relationship with anyone else 忠贞的,贞洁的,词义练习:请标出下面各句中faithful 含义的序号并翻译句子,Exercise,He is faithful in word and deed.,He will be faithful to you if you marry him.,假如你与他结婚,他会对你忠诚的。,他言行忠实。,Do you think the film adaptation was faithful to the book?,你认为这部改编的电影剧本忠实于原著吗?,忠实的,忠贞

16、的,如实的,近意词比较:faithful,loyal,constant,词汇辨析,faithful 指“一贯忠于誓言、责任和义务等的”,loyal 指“坚定不移地忠于某人、事业或国 家等”,而且含有“愿为其不顾艰苦而 奋斗到底”的味。,constant 表示“坚定的”、“坚贞的”、“经 久不变的”,强调“忠诚的稳定 性”,,请选择 faithful,loyal,constant 的适当形式填空。,Exercise,他们对友谊忠贞不渝。They are _ in friendship.,我们必须忠于祖国。We must be _ to our motherland.,loyal,constant

17、,他信守诺言。He is _ to his promise.,faithful,take something(to someone or some place)送递,2)(for a woman)give birth to a baby 生产,3)give a speech;read something out loud 演讲,deliver(v.)(Line 67,Para.19),我们公司会送货上门。,安娜生了一对健康的双胞胎。,Anna delivered a healthy set of twins.,Our company will deliver your order to you

18、r door.,Translation,她做了一场关于社会哲学的演讲。,She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society.,dutifully(adv.)(Line 70,Para.19)obediently 恭顺地;尽职尽责地,人们恭敬地排队等候投票。,作为明星,他经常毫无怨言地、尽职尽责地亲笔签名。,As a famous star,he always dutifully signs autographs without complaint.,The people stood dutifully in line waiting to vot

19、e.,Translation,Task 5,Useful Expressions,Nothing ever escaped his notice.,His throat began to itch at the very thought of the great feast in the sky.,He was full of cunning.,任何事都没逃得过他的眼睛。,一想到天上的盛宴,他不禁垂涎三尺。,他狡黠无比,诡计多端。,We know you of old.,我们老早就把你看透了。/我了解你可不是一天两天了。,She has a sweet tongue.,the age-old custom,她巧舌如簧。/她能说会道。,古老的习俗,a widely traveled man,一个游历甚广的人,to go home on an empty stomach,饿着肚子回家,


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