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1、Situation 2.Help yourself,please.,Main Tasks(two periods)1.Revision to last lesson.2.Warming-up3.Learning Dialogue A(包含情景模拟)4.Learning Dialogue B(包含情景模拟)5.Learning Passage A&Writing6.Summary7.Homework,Step 1.Revision,1.Vocabularies Checking.(1)合资企业(1)盼望(2)技术员(2)即将(3)邀请(3)晚安(4)听起来(4)泥泞的,Group A,Group

2、 B,2.Key Sentences Reviewing(1)我们想请您和您妻子于本周六晚上到我家吃晚餐。,Wed like to have you and your wife over for dinner this Saturday evening.,(2)谢谢,今晚很美妙,感谢你们邀请我们来。,Thanks,its been a marvelous evening.It was very kind of you to invite us.,Step 2.Warming-up,Asking the Ss to watch the following pictures and a video

3、,then answer the questions:1.Whats the name of this video?2.What topic does the video and pictures talk about?Video.mp4,Do you know what they are doing now?,As we know,“eating”is a big topic,therefore,the content of this lesson is about one aspect of this topic,It is(Please look at the following pic

4、tures),Key Points of this lesson:Words of toasts(祝酒辞)toasts tusts.n.祝酒辞 Words of urging sb to eat more dishes(让菜用语)urge:d.v.劝 Words of delicious food(美食词汇)delicious dls.adj.美味的,Can you list some expressions about 1.toasts 2.urging sb to eat dishes?,1.Cheers!2.Heres to your health/family/parents!3.An

5、d to yours!4.Have it while its hot!,Useful expressions,有关句型,你认识几个?,Step 3.Dialogue A Cheers!,Learning some words of these dialogues:(1).cheers tiz(int)干杯(2).spirits spirits(n)白酒(3).wine wain(n)果酒(4).crispy roast duck 香酥鸭(5).cucumber kju:kmb 黄瓜(6).sea-cucumber 海参(7).sweet and sour fish 糖醋鱼(8).apple 苹

6、果,Listening to the recording of dialogue A for two times,and then you should answer the following questions(带着任务去听听力)Who is Zhou Hong?Who is William Abel?What would William like to use?What would William like to drink?,Listening,Text Learning,1.Giving Ss some time to read dialogue A.2.Then ask one p

7、air to translate it,one in English,and the other one in Chinese.,Key Words Learning,1.cheers int.干杯.cheer vi.为-欢呼/加油;振作起来 eg:Heres to your health,cheers!Ill cheer for you!Tom,dont lose your heart,cheer up,please!2.spirit(单)精神 We should learn the spirit of Lei Feng.(复)白酒 Id like a little spirits.3.cr

8、ispy roast duck 香酥鸭。那么,北京烤鸭怎么说呢?,为你的健康干杯!,我会为你加油的!,汤姆,不要灰心,请振作起来!,Beijing Roast Duck,Key Points 1,祝酒辞及让菜用语:(1)Heres to your Health.Cheers!(2)And to yours.Cheers!(3)Now,lets try the food.This is sea-cucumber.(4)Help yourself to the duck,the crispy roast duck.Have it while its hot.,Key Points 2:Delici

9、ous Food,The delicious food in dialogue A.,Maotai,Sea-cucumber,Crispy Roast Duck,Delicious Food,Beer,Beijing Roast Duck,Role-play,Find some volunteers(2 pairs)to make a role-play of this dialogue,one as Zhou Hong,and one as Professor William.,Situation 情景模拟(2 minutes),(3).情景模拟假设你(李雷)作为一名牙科医生已经在美国深造一

10、段时间了,你和你的导师Henry.Ford相处得不错,为了答谢他,你要于星期五晚上在旧金山的一家中餐馆请他吃饭,席间要说一些祝酒辞和让菜用语,请创设一个对话。,礼仪知识补充:Mannerleft hand:fork right hand:knife,Grammar(语法),If 引导宾语从句和状语从句(1)eg:I think Ill try chopsticks and see if I can manage them.(if引导 的宾语从句作谓语动词see的宾语)(2)eg:If it rains tomorrow,well stay at home.(if引导的条件状语从句作整 句话的条

11、件状语)。,Step 4.Dialogue BWhat About Some Fruit?,1.listening to the recording(2 times),then answering these questions:(1)Why wont William have another cup of spirits?(2)What does William think of the apple?2.Read some new words and find the Key points.,Key Sentences of Dialogue B,(1)Have some of the sw

12、eet and sour fish,please.(2)Will you have another cup of spirits?(3)No,thank you.Im afraid its too strong for me.(4)How about having a glass of white wine to go with the fish?(5)What about some fruit?,Giving the Ss sometime to read,and then asking one pairs of them to perform dialogue B.(one read,an

13、d the other one translate)(1)appetizing(adj.)开胃的 This dish is so appetizing.appetite(n.)胃口 Sorry,I have no appetite now.,4.Words learning.,3.Role-playing(角色扮演),(2)splendid splendid 特棒的 Weve had a splendid dinner.壮观的 Our library building is very splendid.,我们的晚宴很棒。,我们的图书馆大楼很是壮观。,5.情景模拟,You should cons

14、truct a dialogue according to the words given below.(根据下面的汉字提示组建对话)男:你想喝点什么?啤酒还是葡萄酒?女:请来一杯啤酒。男:为您的幸福,干杯!女:干杯!男:请吃海参!趁热吃。女:味道很好!男:我把沙拉放在中间。我给你夹一些吗?女:不用,谢谢,我可以自己来。男:吃些水果怎么样?请吃个苹果。女:谢谢,汁儿真多。我得说这顿饭吃得好极了。男:很高兴你能喜欢。,Answers,Man:What would you like to drink,beer or wine?Woman:A glass of beer,please.Man:Her

15、es to your happiness.Cheers!Woman:Cheers!Man:Help yourself to the sea-cucumber.Eat it while its hot.Woman:Its very tasty.,Man:Ill put salad in the middle of the table.Shall I serve you?Woman:No,thank you.I can help myself.Man:How about some fruit?Have an apple,please.Woman:Thank you.Its very juicy.I

16、 must say Ive had a splendid meal.Man:Im glad you enjoy it.,Exercises(naminng them in English),Cheers,Spirits(Maotai),White Wine(Brandy),Crispy roast duck,cucumber,Sea-cucumber,Sweet and sour fish,apple,Summary,Asking two Students to give us some important sentences on proposing toast and urging to

17、eat dishes.Toasts:1.Heres to your parents!2.Heres to your family!Serving Dishes:1.Have it while its hot!2.Help yourself,please!3.Have an banana,please!,祝酒辞,让菜,Homework,1.Reciting dialogue A&B,and Ill check you next class.(背诵对话A&B,下节课我将检查)2.Making a new dialogue.(编写一个新的对话,假如一位外国朋友来我院访问,你请他于这个星期六的晚上到你

18、家吃晚饭。)要用到今天我们学过的词汇。做到作业本上,下次上课前交到我办公室。,Step 5 Passage A,Questions:1.I wonder whether the westerners always hold some parties at home?2.In these parties,can the friends of the guests join them?,(2)Listening to the recording and Ask some Ss come to the blackboard and write the answers of Ex.2 on the b

19、lackboard.(3)Asking four Ss to read the passage.(including the translating),Key sentences summery1.Guests came and went but the party continued.2.And my wife is waiting in our car for me to come back.,Writing Asking one Ss to write a similar writing to the sample.Step 6.Summery Step 7.Homework,Thank you very much!,


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