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1、大学英语四级作文专项,Writing,大学英语四级写作基本要求,体裁、题型分析及范文赏析,大学英语四级写作基本要求,大学英语四级考试对考生写作能力的基本要求是:能就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出120 150 个词的短文,内容切题,表达思想清楚、文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本无语言错误,仅有个别小错。,体裁及题型分析,体裁,从体裁上讲,写作部分考查的形式主要有:议论文说明文应用文,题型分析及范文赏析,议论文,议论文的类型:,正反观点对比型原因现象解释型问题解决型主题(标题/谚语)型,正反观点对比型议论文,题型:针对某个问题,有两种不同观点,要求考生对这两种不同的观点进行分析,说明理由,并表达自己的

2、观点。形式:一、目前存在某个问题,人们有不同的观点;二、两种观点各自的理由;三、我的看法。,正反观点对比型议论文,写作模板 When it comes to,different people hold different views.Some contend/argue that.For one thing,.For another,.In spite of all these claims,others maintain that,They point out that.Another instance often cited is that.Its no easy task to find

3、 a satisfactory answer to the issue.As for me,theres some truth to both arguments.Its advisable to.,正反观点对比型议论文,范文赏析1(99.6)Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Reading Selectively Or Extensively?You should write at least 100 words,and base your c

4、omposition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:有人认为读书要有选择有人认为应当博览群书我的看法,正反观点对比型议论文,Reading Selectively Or Extensively?When it comes to the choice between reading selectively or extensively,different people have different opinions.Some argue that we should be careful in choosing reading materials,w

5、hile others maintain that we can benefit more from reading as many kinds of books as possible.,正反观点对比型议论文,The first group have their arguments as follows.On the one hand,our time is limited,therefore,we have to put our efforts in the most important books.On the other hand,we need specialized knowled

6、ge in order to find a good job.However,other people believe we should read extensively.For one thing,extensive reading can broaden our horizon.For another,we need a broad education to better understand the world around us.,正反观点对比型议论文,As far as I am concerned,I prefer to read extensively because I ha

7、ve a wide range of interests,such as in literature,in computer science and so on.As a result,extensive reading may satisfy my need and make me happy.(160 words),正反观点对比型议论,范文赏析2(06.12)The Spring Festival Gala许多人喜欢在除夕观看春节联欢晚会有些人却提出取消春节联欢晚会在我看来,正反观点对比型议论,The Spring Festival Gala There is always a heate

8、d discussion over the issue of the Spring Festival Gala organized by CCTV before and after the Chinese Lunar New Year.Some people are in favor of the program,while others maintain that the program is a waste of money and time.,正反观点对比型议论,In the eyes of the first group of people,the Spring Festival Ga

9、la should be encouraged for the following reasons.First,the gala has become a tradition for most people to spend the holiday,and they feel that they can find nothing else to do.Besides,the program can offer some talking materials for their family,friends and relatives.,正反观点对比型议论,However,those who ar

10、gue against the gala and propose to cancel it also have their reasons.To begin with,the gala costs a lot,but the quality is not as good as expected.Whats more,people may do something else if the gala is cancelled.For example,the family may play games,or chat with each other to make the relation betw

11、een each much closer.,正反观点对比型议论,As is discussed above,it is obvious that there is some truth in both arguments.In my opinion,the program does more harm than good if watching it is the only thing to do on the eve of the lunar new year.It is likely to make this most important festival boring and meani

12、ngless.,正反观点对比型议论,Follow-up Exercises:1995年1月真题Can Money Buy Happiness有人认为金钱是幸福之本(source of happiness);也有人认为金钱是万恶之源(root of all evil);我的看法。,正反观点对比型议论,1998年6月真题Do“Lucky Numbers”Really Bring Good Luck有些人认为某些数字会带来好运;有人认为数字和运气无关;我的看法,原因现象分析型的议论文,题型:要求考生对某现状进行简单的介绍,分析产生这一现象的原因或可能造成的危害或进行利弊分析,并提出你对这一现象的看法

13、,或指出此现象中可能存在的问题,或对此现象可能产生的问题提出解决办法。,原因现象分析型的议论文,形式:一、目前存在某个现象,对此现象进行描述或说明;二、分析产生这一现象的原因或进行利弊分析;三、你对此现象的看法,或此现象中可能存在的问题,或如何解决或应对此现象。,原因现象分析型的议论文,写作模板1:_is becoming more and more popular/An increasing number of people are_.A number of reasons are responsible for this/Several reasons contribute to this

14、.In the first place,_ In the second place,_In addition,_.As far as I am concerned,_.For one thing,_ For another,_.,原因现象分析型的议论文,范文赏析1 Western Fast Food洋快餐颇受中国消费者的青睐产生这种现象的原因我的看法,原因现象分析型的议论文,Western Fast Food Fast food is becoming more and more popular in China,especially among children and teenagers.

15、Today,nothing is more representative of the fast pace of modern society than fast food.There are several reasons for its popularity.For one thing,it is fast and convenient.Go into a fast food restaurant,and your food will be ready in a,原因现象分析型的议论文,minute.Precious time wont be wasted in waiting-in-li

16、ne to order or waiting at your table for your food to arrive.For another,its popularity is also attributed to the clean food,the excellent service and the comfortable environment of the fast food restaurants,and American style.,原因现象分析型的议论文,However,I think that fast food isnt healthy enough because i

17、t doesnt compose a balanced diet and is low in nutrition.Fast food is only a good choice when you are in a hurry and we should turn to it only once in a while.,原因现象分析型的议论文,写作模板2:A recent investigation shows_/In recent years,there are more and more people who_/Nowadays,_has been very popular.Such a p

18、henomenon indicates that _.Generally speaking,such a phenomenon has both its advantages and disadvantages.On the one hand,_.On the other hand_.As for me,I think itsoutweighs its_For one thing,_ For another,_.,原因现象分析型的议论文,范文赏析2Private Tutoring 1为孩子聘请家教目前非常普遍2家教的利与弊3我的看法,原因现象分析型的议论文,Private TutoringA

19、recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have private tutors.Such a popular practice indicates that people are attaching greater importance to education.Many parents,for various reasons,missed the chance of obtaining a good education.When their children meet with difficulties in st

20、udy,they are helpless.So private tutoring is the only solution.,原因现象分析型的议论文,However,private tutoring has its own disadvantages as well as advantages.On the one hand,as private tutoring is usually one-to-one,the teacher knows the strong points as we11 as the weak points of the pupil,clearly.Therefore

21、,in a sense,private tutoring can be of some help to the children who are behind in their studies.,原因现象分析型的议论文,On the other hand,private tutoring has its own disadvantages.For one thing,it takes up so much of the pupils time that they can hardly find enough time for rest and entertainment,which are e

22、ssential for their physical and mental health.For another,some teachers,busy“shuttling”from one family to another,tend to neglect their regular teaching duties.Whats more,some teachers are eager to help pupils do well in the test,offering the,原因现象分析型的议论文,so-ca11ed tips for test-taking rather than he

23、lp them acquire what is more meaningful.Generally speaking,its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.Greater emphasis should be laid on classroom teaching and practice,on the improvement of teaching quality and on the tapping of the pupils potentials.Only in this way can we generation be healthily b

24、rought up.,原因现象分析型的议论文,写作模板3:No one can deny that has been a greatly serious problem./In recent years,_has been increasingly concerned by _as well as _As a result of it,_ There are many reasons explaining The main reason is,What is more,,Thirdly,As a result,It important that immediate actions be tak

25、en.First of all,.Besides,In addition,_.In conclusion,原因现象分析型的议论文,范文赏析3Global Warming 1.全球变暖对地球环境造成了很大影响2.引起全球变暖的原因3.我们需要采取的措施,原因现象分析型的议论文,Global Warming No one can deny that the world we are living in is becoming increasingly intolerable because of the effects of global warming.According to many exp

26、erts,even greater impacts are still on the way.There are numerous causes for this problem.On the one hand,human-related emissions of,原因现象分析型的议论文,carbon into the atmosphere is causing,and will in the future cause,significant global warming according to the theory.On the other hand,the lack of knowled

27、ge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem.It is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away.First,more,原因现象分析型的议论文,trees need to be planted to help improve and beautify the environment.Besides,stricter laws concerning global warmi

28、ng and irresponsible use of fuel resources have to be put into effect and achieved good results.In a word,there is a long way to go before we can take a comfortable world for granted again.,问题解决型的议论文,题型:问题解决型的议论文要求考生首先提出一个问题,然后分析导致该问题的原因或因素,或该问题可能产生的后果,最后说明如何解决该问题。形式:一、提出一个社会问题,指出其普遍性或影响;二、分析造成该问题产生

29、的原因或因素或该问题可能产生的后果。三、应该如何解决该问题,问题解决型的议论文,模板1:Recently,指出问题 has become a matter of public concern,especially for _ On the one hand,表现一.On the other hand,表现二.There are many reasons accounting for 该问题.Firstly,_.Secondly,_.Thirdly,_.Therefore,how to _ is worth paying attention.Fortunately,we have figured

30、 out several effective measures to _.First,_.Second,_.Last,_.In conclusion,its high time that_.,问题解决型的议论文,范文赏析1:How to Deal with Sub-health现代社会很多人都处于“亚健康”状态造成“亚健康”的原因应该如何解决“亚健康”问题,问题解决型的议论文,How to Deal with Sub-healthNowadays,quite a few people are suffering from sub-health.Indeed,sub-health can res

31、ult in both physical and mental diseases.Even worse,people who suffer from sub-health are more easily to die prematurely.There are many factors resulting in sub-health.Among these,the pace of modern life plays a vital role.The fast pace of modern life,问题解决型的议论文,exerts great pressure on people and pr

32、essure is the ultimate cause of sub-health.Whats more,modern people spend too much night time working or entertaining,which seriously affects their health.Considering the great harm brought by sub-health,I think it is high time that we took effective measures to prevent sub-health.Firstly,people mus

33、t have enough sleep to ensure,问题解决型的议论文,that they can regain energy and physical strength.Secondly,people should have a rational diet under the instruction of doctor in order to avoid the diseases caused by malnutrition or super-nutrition.Thirdly,people should regularly do some exercise to keep heal

34、thy.To conclude,it is necessary for us to take flexible measures to avoid the threat of sub-health.,问题解决型的议论文,模板2:Nowadays,there is a growing concern on the problem of _.It is reported that _.Whats worse,_.Therefore,it will cause many serious results if _.No doubt,_have brought great bad effects.Fir

35、stly,_.Secondly,_Finally,_.In spite of all these,there are still many ways of _.First of all,_.In addition,_.Thirdly,_.Only in this way,_,问题解决型的议论文,范文赏析2:How to Eliminate Fake Diplomas?目前假文凭现象屡见不鲜这种现象造成的危害我们应该怎么做,问题解决型的议论文,How to Eliminate Fake Diplomas?Nowadays the flooding of fake diplomas is beco

36、ming more and more of a problem in our society.It is reported that fake diplomas are very common in the job market.In addition,there are a variety of fake diplomas or certificates.It is very clearly seen that fake diplomas are bringing great damage in many aspects.Above,问题解决型的议论文,all,employers may r

37、ecruit employees who are not qualified for a certain post,causing a great loss to their companies.Furthermore,its unfair that one fails to get his job just because his rival has a fake diploma or certificate.Therefore,it is high time that we took effective measures to stop fake diplomas from spreadi

38、ng.First of all,companies and universities should have a close contact so that the fake diplomas,问题解决型的议论文,cannot play tricks.Moreover,the one who fabricates the fake diplomas should be severely punished by laws and totally exposed through media.Besides,companies should keep detailed information of

39、the diploma holders and the diplomas should be issued with fake-proof mark.Only through these ways can this problem be tackled.,主题(标题/谚语)型议论文,题型:主题(标题/谚语)型议论文就是直接规定作文题目,不做其他规定的一种命题形式。标题型议论文以论证说理为主,通常是以某一名言警句或谚语为题目,论证其观点的正确与否。形式:一、引出要论证的话题,表明观点;二、分析论证其正确性或合理性;三、得出结论或总结全文,主题(标题/谚语)型议论文,模板:A famous say

40、ing goes that_(名言或谚语).It means that_(释义).An example of this case is_(举例,解释).Another case in point is_(例二).It can be seen clearly from the above examples that _(名言或谚语)has its realistic significance in our life and study,which encourages me_(理由),主题(标题/谚语)型议论文,范文赏析:Practice Makes Perfect 1.怎样理解“熟能生巧”?2

41、.例如:在英语学习中.3.又如.,主题(标题/谚语)型议论文,Practice Makes Perfect As we all know,practice makes perfect.This is an accumulated experience we inherit from our forefathers,and now it is still widely applied to our daily life.It proves that the more we practice,the more likely we are going to do things perfectly.A

42、 good case in point is the study of English.Take my neighbor,Xiao Wang,as an example.He seldom spends time in learning English.As a result,his English is very poor and he begins to,主题(标题/谚语)型议论文,hate English now.On the contrary,Im very interested in learning English and I spend more than five hours

43、each day on English.So the natural consequence is that I have a good mastery of the language and my interest in it has grown more intense.A lesson that we can draw from the above examples is obvious.Practice is crucial to our success not only in study,but also in our future work.All in all,practice

44、will make a difference between success and failure.,题型分析及范文赏析,说明文,说明文的类型,说明文是以说明为主要表达方式,用来说明事物的一种文体。一般可分为:阐明事理说明文图表作文,阐明事理说明文,题型:阐明事理说明文主要是对客观事物,社会现象或主观抽象概念加以说明。四级考试中的说明文主要以阐述和说明社会现象、主观抽象概念为主。形式:依然是三段式。一、提出主题,即要阐述说明的对象;二、围绕主题展开说明,说明其原因、好处、危害、表现形式等;三、归纳总结,提出自己的观点。,阐明事理说明文,范文赏析:Advertisement1.广告的作用2.广

45、告的形式多样3.广告的夸张性,阐明事理说明文,AdvertisementAdvertisements are forcing their way into peoples lives.People refer to advertisements in their daily lives because they are consumers.The advertisers are usually manufacturers,retailers and salesmen.Their merchandise needs to be advertised to bring it to the atte

46、ntion to the customers.Thus nearly every product is advertised in some way.To a large extent,good advertising leads to success while bad advertising can mean failure.,阐明事理说明文,There are many ways to advertise and ads come in different forms.Newspapers carry advertisements.Some products are publicized

47、 on TV and radio which bring them into notice of a wide audience.Billboards also carry advertising.Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies have been set up to furnish a variety of forms.,阐明事理说明文,However,advertising is not always truthful.A product is often misrepresented.The advertiser e

48、xaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell.Thus,he misrepresents the truth.The consumer falls victim to such advertising.Millions of people have bought advertised products and have been dissatisfied with them.点评:这是一篇说明文,用说明的表达方式来解说事物,阐明事理。写好说明文,不仅要抓住特征,注意条理,而且要巧妙运用说明方法,像下定义、举例子、作比较、

49、分类别、列数字、打比方等,图表题型说明文,图表题型作文写作步骤:图表题型作文要求考生从一个表格或者图片出发,对其反映的信息进行说明、分析、比较、归纳等。对这类题型,通常分为三个步骤来写:第一段、说明图表:主题句图表说明1图表说明2图表说明3第二段、说明引起变化的原因:主题句原因1原因2原因3第三段、说明影响或者提出解决办法:主题句+建议+前景预测,图表题型说明文,写作模板:第一段:说明图表开篇句:As the bar chart shows,_ during the years of _ to _.扩展句:1、As early as _.2、Then _ years later,_.3、And

50、 arriving in the year _,_.,图表题型说明文,第二段:解释图表变化原因 主题句:Several factors contribute to _.扩展句:1._.(原因1)2.And _.(原因2)3.Furthermore,_(原因3)4.All these result in _.,图表题型说明文,第三段:提出解决办法结尾句:However,_ is faced with some problems.扩展句:1.With _,_,the effect of which is not only discouraging,but also challenging.2.So


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