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1、(2011陕西西安铁一中模拟)请以“Is Failure a Bad Thing”为题写一篇短文,要点如下:1失败是常有的事;2人们对失败有各种不同的态度;3你对失败的态度。_,【满分作文】Is Failure a Bad ThingFailure is such a common matter that every one of us may meet it from time to time.People hold different views towards failure in their life.Some people are so sad and disappointed at

2、 their unsuccessful attempts that they will never get up the courage to have another try.Other people view repeated failures as most natural on the way towards achievementthey will keep on trying until they succeed in the end.,Personally,I agree with the second group of people.If you have only wonde

3、rful things happen to you,how can you become brave?Few people can be successful in the first place,and failure can teach us much more than success.From now on I will not be much too discouraged at failures.On the contrary,I will stand up to the next challenge on to my goal with hope.,【高级词汇】get up th

4、e courage鼓起勇气personally就我来说stand up to the next challenge 经受得住,【佳句变换】1Its naturally believed that failure is part of life and few people can avoid it.2There are two different opinions about how to deal with failure in our daily life.3As far as I am concerned,I prefer the view of the second group.4In

5、stead,I will keep up courage and spare no efforts to achieve my goal.,.词汇链条1_ n&vt.渴望;欲望;希望得到2_n满意;令人满意的事物 _ vt.使满意_adj.满意的_ adj.令人满意的3_vt.&n使警觉 _adj.担心的;害怕的4_vt.陪伴;伴奏 _adj.陪同的;附带的 _ n陪同5_ n&vt.与离婚 _ n离婚的人 _ adj.离婚的6_adj.一定的,密切相关的_n边界,desire,satisfaction,satisfy,satisfied,satisfying,alarm,alarmed,ac

6、company,accompanying,accompaniment,divorce,divorcee,divorced,bound,boundary,7_vt.宣布;声明_n声明8_vt.想象_n想象力_n形象,declare,declaration,imagine,imagination,image,.重点短语1_实验;考验2_转向;回转3_不管;让独自一人4_一共;总计5be bound to_6ring up_7set aside_8be junior to_,test outturn aroundleave alonein all,一定做给打电话把放在一边;为节省或保留(钱或时间)比

7、年幼的;比地位低的,.经典句式1I find it hard to get along with Miss Anderson,and therefore I always avoid being _ together with her.我发现与安德森小姐相处很难,因此总是避免和她单独在一起。2The man is lazy and greedy.She will not have her daughter _a man like that.那人又懒惰又贪婪。她不能容忍她的女儿与那种人结婚。3It was when Asimov was eleven years old _ his talent

8、 for writing became obvious.在Asimov十一岁的时候他的写作天赋才显露出来。4Dont lie to her;she must _find out about it.不要对她撒谎,她一定能查出真相的。,left alone,marrying,that,be bound to,.短文填空Most of us probably hope that we will never have to face major surgery.Even though doctors are welltrained and modern technology makes it poss

9、ible to_1_lives,many operations are still dangerous and_2_.Now,however,scientists believe that they might be able to help doctors to cure_3_with less risk.A new and very small robot has been_4_.This robot can enter the human body through a small hole so that it is no longer_5_to cut the patient.Inst

10、ead of using knives and _6_large tools,doctors can use a computer to move the tiny_7_around.If the technology can be used on human beings,_8_will be safer and less painful.答案1.save2.painful3.patients4.invented5.necessary6.other7.robot8.operations,do sth from a desire to_do sth 因渴望而做satisfy ones desi

11、res 满足某人的渴望have no desire for sth 没有做的愿望have a desire for./to do.渴望;渴望做desire to do sth 希望做某事desire sb to do sth 希望某人做某事desire后接that从句时,从句中用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”。,辨析desire是正式用语,基本意思指人的生理“情欲或肉欲或性欲”,强调热切的主观愿望,强烈希望做某事。wish则指浪漫的、难以实现的愿望,wish sb to do或加虚拟语气的宾语从句,也常常用于祝福的话语中,如:Best wishes!want 多用于口语,指“想、要、

12、需要、热爱等”。,(1)Blessed is the person willing to act on their sudden desire(渴望)to create something unique.2011天津卷阅读理解D(2)We all happiness and health.我们都希望幸福和健康。牛津,desire,直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)The main symptoms are a strong_(渴望)to text messages,which takes precedence(优先)over everything else,and bad moods,low spi

13、rits and a lack of selfconfidence if messages fail to come in.(2011山东卷阅读表达)答案desire,(2)We desire that immediate help _to the local villagers who have been trapped by the flood.(2012东北三校联考)Abe givenBwill be givenCshould give Dis given解析desire后的宾语从句的谓语动词形式是should do,should可以省略。答案A,写作句组满分作文之佳句aHis earl

14、y theatrical experiments,however,were not received favorably at the beginning.(2011重庆)bYou would be required to excrcise control of all research work of the department and manage a team of three researchers and four support staff.(2010江西)cI am writing to ask whether you are able to do me a favor.(全国

15、),the envy of sb嫉妒;羡慕green with envy非常嫉妒的 out of envy出于忌妒 lost in envy非常嫉妒 envy sb sth/envy sb for sth 羡慕某人的envy sb doing_sth 羡慕某人做某事,envy/admire辨析envy指“想要别人拥有的某物,或羡慕某人及某物”,一般是积极的心态,常人之心。be jealous of sb/sth则指对别人拥有你喜欢或想要的东西而感到不高兴或愤怒,一般指消极的情感,“忌妒,吃醋”。admire指因羡慕、赞赏而钦佩,如:We admire his courage.我们钦佩他的勇气。

16、,(1)He envied Rosalind for her youth and strength.他很羡慕罗莎林德的青春和活力。朗文(2)Her many talents were of all her friends.她多才多艺,她的所有朋友都羡慕她。牛津,the envy,直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)No multitasking there;their lives went on at a much gentler pace,and in a familiar pattern.There is much that we might _ about a way of life like

17、this.(2010江西卷阅读理解D)答案envy(2)The Smiths bought a new car,which was the_of their neighbours.(2012山东烟台模拟题)AenvyBadmireCrespectDproud解析envy指“想要别人拥有的某物,或羡慕某人及某物”。答案A,smooth the way 铺平道路smooth down 使平静;使平息smooth over 消除;缓和;减轻 smooth out 消除;使平滑 smooth sailing 一帆风顺 smooth and steady 安稳的,平稳的 smooth away 消除;解

18、决;克服,(1)Sally managed to the bad feelings between them.莎莉设法缓和了他们之间的对立情绪。朗文(2)A few objections have to be smoothed away before we can start the project.我们在启动这个项目之前,先得排除几种反对意见。朗文,smooth over,直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)The whole process worked very_(顺利地)as an organization for many years until they were moved into p

19、urposebuilt accommodation.(2011上海Section D)答案smoothly,(2)We could see that he was trying to_his own responsibility for the delay,instead of accepting his fault.(2012南宁质量检测)Arun over Bsmooth overCpass off Dturn down解析run over 快速阅读某物;轧过去等,pass off疼痛等慢慢消失,消退,turn down拒绝。这里指“他努力要消除他自己的责任”,选择B。答案B,accomp

20、any sb at/on sth 用给某人伴奏accompany by 随行,伴奏;在的陪同下accompany sb to 陪伴某人去某地in company with sb/sth 与一起辨析company的意思“n.公司;陪伴,同伴;连队 vi.交往 vt.陪伴”,for company 陪伴;作为同伴,in company with 与在一起,keep company with 与交往,与作朋友。,(1)I must ask you to to the police station.我得要求你陪我去一趟警察局。牛津(2)The singer was accompanied at/on

21、the piano by her sister.那位演唱者的姐姐用钢琴给她伴奏。牛津,accompany me,直通高考看看高考怎么考The wellknown singer_at the piano by Comrade Wang.(2012山东临沂质检)Awas companied Bwas accompaniedCcompanied Daccompanied解析be accompanied at the piano“用钢琴伴奏”。答案B,set up v建立;装配;开业;竖立 a complete set of 一(整)套;一组;一副 set out 出发;开始;陈述;陈列 set in

22、 vi.开始;到来;流行 set forth 陈述,提出set off v出发;引起;动身;使爆炸aside 相关的短语归纳:put aside 储蓄;放下,lay aside 储蓄;放在一边step aside 站在一边aside from 除之外push aside 把推在一边move aside 把搬到一边(1)Try to set aside at least an hour each day to learn new vocabulary.争取每天抽出至少一小时来学习新词汇。朗文(2)She a bit of money each month.她每月都存一点钱。朗文,sets asi

23、de,直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)Rita_two hours every Saturday afternoon to spend with her son.(2012重庆中学模拟)Aset out Bset awayCset aside Dset off解析Rita节省出时间做某事,选择set aside。set out出发;开始做某事;set off出发。答案C,(2)People_hobbies which offer enjoyment,knowledge and relaxation.(2012北京海淀区模拟)Abring up Bset upCpick up Dtake up解析t

24、ake up开始从事;占用。take up hobbies 开始养成嗜好。答案D,whether 引导宾语从句,“是否,会不会”,一般也可以用if,但是下面几点需要注意:(1)whether引导的宾语从句一般都是肯定句,而if引导的宾语从句既可以是否定句,也可以是肯定句。Could you tell whether/if he will win tomorrow?你能告诉我明天他会赢吗?I dont care if it doesnt snow.我不在乎是否下雪!,(2)在介词后面只能用whether,不能用if。例如:This depends upon whether we are dete

25、rmined to do it.这件事要看我们是否有决心去做。It depends on whether he is ready.这件事要看他是否有准备。(3)在动词不定式之前,只能用whether,不能用if。例如:He doesnt know whether to stay or not.他不能知道是否要留下来。She doesnt know whether to get married now or wait.是否现在结婚或是等待她不知道。,(4)在及物动词discuss后的宾语从句中,只能用whether,不能用if。We discussed whether we should mak

26、e a change in our plan.我们讨论了是不是要对我们的计划作一些修改。We were discussing whether we should discuss the business with them.我们正在讨论我们是否要和他们谈这个生意。(5)引导主语从句时,只能用whether,不能用if。例如:It is unknown whether he will come.他是否来还不知道。Whether the news is true remains a question.这个消息是否真实仍然是个问题。,(6)引导表语从句时,只能用whether,不能用if。例如:Wh

27、at we want to know is whether he will come to speak to us tomorrow.我们想知道的是他明天是否来给我们讲话。The question is whether they can take our advice.问题是他们是否能接受我们的意见。,(7)if除引导宾语从句外,还可以引导条件状语从句,作“是否”解。在容易引起混淆产生歧义的情况下,就不可用if,而须用whether。例如:Please let me know if you intend to come.这个句子有两种解释:A:“请让我们知道你是否想来。”B:“如果你打算来,请

28、让我们知道。”第一种解释是把if引导的从句看作宾语从句,把动词know视为及物动词(vt.);第二种解释是把if引导的从句当作条件状语从句,把动词know看作不及物动词(vi.)。在口语中,我们可以通过语调来表示两者的区别;但是,在书面语中,无上下文(如一张便条上写着这句话),那就含混不清了。如果我们想表达的第一种含义,就得用whether来改写第一句。,Please let me know whether you intend to come.Let me know whether he has left for Shanghai.告诉我他是否已经去上海了。Let me know if he

29、 has left for Shanghai.如果他去上海,请告诉我一声。此外,whether还可以引导让步状语从句,作“无论、不管”解,这儿就略而不谈了!,(1)I couldnt decide to go to the party.我拿不定主意参不参加这个聚会。朗文(2)Whether you see her or not,phone me later.不论你见没见到她,过一会打电话给我。朗文,whether or not,直通高考看看高考怎么考(1)It is still under discussion_the old bus station should be replaced wi

30、th a modern hotel or not.(2011重庆卷,22)Awhether BwhenCwhich Dwhere解析考查whether引导主语从句,it为形式主语。答案A,(2)Frank insisted that he was not asleep _I had great difficulty in waking him up.(2011四川卷,4)Awhether BalthoughCfor Dso解析考查从属连词。although作为连词引导让步状语从句。句意为:尽管我很难叫醒他,但弗兰克却坚持说自己没有睡觉。前后句子表达“虽然但是”的转折语气,故选B项。whethe

31、r作为连词可接名词从句表示“是否”的意思,接让步状语从句表示“不管,无论”,与题意不符;for作为连词引导原因状语从句;so作为连词引导结果状语从句;均不合题意。答案B,(3)The little boy wont go to sleep_his mother tells him a story.(2010全国)Aor Bunless Cbut Dwhether 解析句意:这个小男孩儿不会睡觉除非他的妈妈给他讲故事。根据选项此题考查连词的用法。or译为“或者”表示选择,unless译为“除非”表示条件;but译为“但是”表示转折;whether译为“是否”,根据句意选择B。答案B,.品句填词1

32、A smile of_(满意)appeared on her face when she was told that her child behaved well at school.2Once a fire breaks out,sound the fire_(警报)and then leave the hotel quickly.3I have read some chapters and_(浏览)the rest of the book.4I must ask you to_(陪伴)me to the police station.5Youd better not ask a forei

33、gner how much he earns.Thats a personal_(事务),6She was d_innocent because there wasnt enough evidence.7Im not making excuses;Im simply s_a fact.8She can sing,dance,paint and cook.She is really a woman of many t_.9After they got d_,she never remarried.10If you continue to d_the rules,you will be punis

34、hed.答案1.satisfaction2.alarm3.scanned4.accompany5affair6.declared 7.stating8.talents9.divorced10.disobey,.短语识境leave.alone;set aside;reach for;fall in love with;take.seriously;ring up;in all;be bound to;or rather;help out1Someone had called,so he had to walk_run to the office.2If this man_for me again

35、,dont put him through.3Dont lie to her;she _find out about it.4You look unhappy.Is there anything I can do to_?5He visited,_,ten hospitals in the east of China.6Peter_the papers and reached for a cigarette.7The government_the public health_.8I stopped him before he_the gun.,9I_this house the moment

36、I saw it.10She has asked to_but the press photographers follow her everywhere.答案1.or rather2.rings up3.is bound to4.help out5in all6.set aside7.took;seriously8.reached for9fell in love with10.be left alone,.翻译句子1我们总是期望与邻居和平相处。(desire)_2你是否赞同由工人管理公司?(in favor of)_3他的懒惰注定导致他的失败。(be bound to)_,4我不同情简,那

37、都是她自己的错。(have sympathy for)_5我羡慕你有这么一个亲密的家庭。(envy)_6别碰我姐姐,否则我会告诉我爸爸的。(leave.alone)_7他一直工作到深夜,或者更确切地说,到今天凌晨。(or rather)_,8我不允许他们这样浪费时间。(cant have doing)_答案1.We always desire to live in peace with our neighbours.2Are you in favour of workers control of companies?3His laziness is bound to result in his

38、 failure.4I have no sympathy for Jane;its all her own fault.5I envy you having such a close family.6You leave my sister alone or Ill tell my father.7He worked till late last night,or rather,early in the morning.8I cant have them wasting their time in this way.,【典例】(2010湖北卷)It had been a year since S

39、usan became blind.As the result of an accident she was suddenly thrown into a world of _32_(darkness)Susans husband Mark watched her _33_(sink)into hopelessness and he was _34_(determined)to use every possible means to help his wife.Finally,Susan felt ready to _35_(return)to her job,but how would sh

40、e get there?She used to take the bus,but she was now too _36_(frightened)to get around the city by herself.Mark _37_(volunteered)to ride the bus with Susan each morning and evening _38_(until)she could manage it by herself.,For two weeks,Mark _39_(accompanied)Susan to and from work each day.He taugh

41、t her how to rely on her other _40_,specifically her hearing,to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new _41_(environment)40A.feelingBorgansCskillsDsenses解析做此题时,考生很容易忽视前文的特定语境,即本文讲述的Susan丧失了视力,即成了一个盲人,因此她丈夫教她依靠别的“感官”,尤其是听觉来判断事情。故选D。答案D,【归纳总结】1善用背景知识在解答这类完形填空题时,考生要善于利用背景知识,也就是说利用所提供的上下文语境来作为解题的依据。本文是围绕一个盲人来写的,这是一个特定的背景。2巧用常识答题在解题过程中,考生应该在理解文章意思的基础上结合有关常识进行答题。文章的后半部分提到,在炎热的夏天,人们一回到家就打开空调,因而很容易感冒。根据常识可知,人们感冒的原因是“温度”的突然变化,而不是季节、地点或条件的骤然改变。,


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