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1、Welcome to my class,主谓一致,是指主语和谓语动词要保持人称和数上的一致。,主谓一致,是指主语和谓语动词要保持人称和数上的一致。,主 谓 一 致 的 三 个 原 则,语法一致是指主语和谓语在单复数形式上的一致关系,主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式;反之,谓语动词用复数形式。My child has no intention of spending a vacation with me.My children have no intention of spending a vacation with me.,意义一致是说谓语动词的单、复数要取决于主语所表达的概念,而不取决于表

2、面上的语法标记。1.主语形式虽为单数,但意义为复数,谓语动词用复数。The majority of primary school teachers are women.2.主语形式为复数,而意义上却是单数,谓语动词用单数。No news is good news.Billiards is becoming more and more popular in some cities.,就近原则是指当主语由两个或两个以上名词或代词组成时,谓语动词的数要与它紧邻的名词或代词的数一致。There is a square table and some chairs in the center of the

3、 dining-room.Either your students or William knows this.提示一般说来,究竟何时采用何种原则,应视英语习惯用法而定。但在实际使用中,如果对上述三种原则捉摸不定时,遵循语法一致的原则是一种比较稳妥的方法。,1.用and(或both.and)连接并列主语时,谓语动词通常用复数。A hammer and a saw are useful tools.当and连接的两个名词是指组合到一起的一件完整的或成套的东西,或表示同一个人或一种概念时,谓语动词要用单数形式。The writer and teacher is speaking at the me

4、eting.必背英语中并列结构表示整体概念的有:iron and steel 钢铁 a needle and thread 针线aim and end 目的going to bed early and getting up early 早睡早起 a watch and chain 一块带链的表a cart and horse 一辆马车a coat and tie 配有领带的上衣bread and butter 黄油面包law and order 治安a knife and fork 刀叉,2.一个名词为几个并列形容词所修饰时,这时主语和谓语动词的一致关系一般遵循语法一致的原则。Clever a

5、nd slow students are treated alike.A black and white kitten was found in the garden yesterday.比较A black and a white dogs are playing in the yard.A black and white dog is playing in the yard.3.在each.and each.,every.and every.,no.and no.等结构之后,谓语动词用单数形式。Each boy and each girl has an apple.Every hour an

6、d every minute is precious.No bird and no beast is seen on the lonely island.4.带有并列动词的what从句作主语时,要根据意义一致的原则决定动词的数。What he says and does do not agree.What he says and does does not concern me.5.在某些成语中,一些并列主语用and相连时,其后谓语用单数。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.Early to bed and early to rise make

7、s a man healthy,wealthy and wise.,以or,either.or,neither.nor,not.but,not only.but also等连接的名词(代词)作并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数应根据就近一致的原则。Neither he nor I am willing to go shopping today.Not the students but their teacher is invited to the party.Are either you or he to go there?是你还是他将去那里?Neither is.,主语后跟有as well as,

8、as much as,no less than,along with,like,rather than,together with,besides,including,in addition to等引导的词组时,其谓语动词的单、复数按主语的单、复数而定。The manager,rather than the workers,is responsible for the loss.Nobody but three policemen was on the spot.,形复意单的名词作主语(即形式为复数,意义为单数),按意义一致的原则,用作单数意义时,谓语用单数,反之,谓语用复数。1.许多学科名称

9、,如mathematics,physics,economics,politics,以及news等名词作主语时,动词用单数。News is traveling fast nowadays.2.用作国名、组织机构、书名、报刊名等复数形式的专有名词作为整体对待,谓语用单数。The Times reports the news of the strike.Great Expectations was written by Dickens in 1860.点津坊如果山脉、群岛、瀑布等名称作主语时,谓语动词用复数。The Great Lakes lie between the USA and Canada

10、.五大湖在美国和加拿大两国之间。The Philippines are in the western Pacific Ocean southeast of China.菲律宾群岛在中国东南太平洋西部。The Niagara Falls are the falls on the Niagara River.尼亚加拉瀑布位于尼亚加拉河上。,3.一些形复意单的名词,包括有成双成套部分的衣物或工具名称,作主语时,谓语用复数。My blue trousers have been worn out.His glasses are new.提示这些名词如用a pair of修饰时,谓语动词用单数。The s

11、hoes are under the bed.鞋在床下。The pair of shoes is under the bed.这双鞋在床下。4.单、复数同形名词作主语时,按意义一致的原则,用作单数意义时,谓语用单数;用作复数意义时,谓语有复数。这类名词有:sheep,deer,fish,means,works,species,Chinese,Japanese等。The(This)glass works was set up in 1986.This species of rose is very rare.比较当这类名词前有a,such a,this,that,every修饰时,谓语用单数;有

12、all,such,these,those修饰时,谓语用复数。Every means has been tried out without much result.All means have been tried out without much result.,集合名词表示有若干个体组成的集合体,如army,audience,class,club,company,crowd,government,group,party,population,team,union等。1.集合名词作主语时,若表示整体概念,谓语动词用单数,若表示构成该集合体的成员,则谓语动词用复数。His family are

13、waiting for him.But the mans family was small only himself and his wife.2.有些集合名词,如cattle,folk亲属),people,police,youth等,作主语时,谓语动词用复数,即所谓的“形单意复”。The police have caught the thief.The cattle are grazing in the field.3.有些无生命(表示物)的集合名词作主语,谓语用单数。All the furniture in my room is new.Has your luggage arrived y

14、et?A lot of hiking equipment is needed here.,1.名词性物主代词作主语时,既可以用作单数,也可以用作复数,这取决于它所代替的是单数还是复数。Ours is a great country.Your shoes are black,and mine are brown.2.such,the same等指示代词作主语时,应根据其所指的内容来决定单、复数。Such are her wishes.Such was Albert Einstein,a simple man with great achievements.3.关系代词who,that,which

15、等在定语从句中作主语时,其谓语动词的数应与主句中先行词的数一致。Those who want to go for a picnic please put up your hands.点津坊在one of+复数名词+who/that/which引导的定语从句结构中,关系代词who/that/which的先行词是靠近它的复数名词而不是one,因此,从句中的动词应该是复数形式。但当one之前有the,the only等修饰语时,关系代词的先行词是one,而不是靠近它的复数名词,因此从句的动词应是单数形式。She is the only one of the girls who sings best.

16、,4.疑问代词who,what,which作主语时,谓语动词可根据说话人所要表达的意思决定单、复数。Who lives upstairs?It is Xiao Wang.Who live next door?It is Li and Zhang.5.不定代词作主语时,有以下两种情况:some,all,any,none,more,most等词可以指复数名词和不可数名词,它们作主语时,视其文中的意义,判断动词用单数还是复数的形式。None are so good as those who are always ready to help others.None is so good as he.提

17、示在口语中,none of+复数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数或复数均可,要以说话人所想的而定。None of the telephones works/work.some,all,any,none,more,most等词接of时,若of的宾语为不可数名词,动词用单数形式;若of的宾语为复数名词或代词时,动词用复数形式。Most of the colour blind people are men.Most of his spare time was spent in reading.,1.数词作主语,不论指人还是指物,谓语通常用复数。About twenty know the secret.大约

18、二十人知道这个秘密。Six are missing.丢了六个。2.more than one+单数名词结构作主语,尽管从意义上看是复数,但它的谓语动词用单数形式。但more+复数名词+than one结构作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。More than one person has known the news.More students than one are for your proposal.3.one out of ten 或one in ten结构作主语,谓语动词应按照语法一致的原则,用单数。One out of ten was badly injured in the accid

19、ent.4.a+单数名词+or two结构作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。但one or two+复数名词结构作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。A word or two is missing here.One or two friends are coming for dinner this evening.,5.many a+单数名词结构作主语,谓语动词需用单数形式。Many a passenger was killed in the accident.Many a boy has been to the castle.6.one and a half+复数名词结构作主语,谓语动词需用单数形式。On

20、e and a half bananas is left on the table.One and a half years has passed.7.分数或百分数+of+名词结构作主语,其谓语动词要与短语中of后面的名词的数保持一致。Three-fourths of its surface of the earth is sea.Two-thirds of the people present are against the plan.8.用plus/and表示“加”,用minus表示“减”,和用times表示“乘”时,动词多用单数,但也可用复数。Two and two is/are fou

21、r.Ten times five is/are fifty.点津坊用from表示“被减”,multiplied by表示“被乘”或divided by表示“被除”,其谓语动词用单数。8 from 10 leaves 2.10减8等于2。25 divided by 5 equals 5.,9.时间、价格、距离等作为整体看待时,谓语动词用单数形式。Fifty kilometers is a long distance.Four thousand dollars is more than she can afford.点津坊若强调这类结构的复数意义,谓语动词也可用复数形式。Six years hav

22、e passed since my father left home.The fifty miles were covered by the winner in three hours.10.“a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a heap of,a mass of,half of+名词”构成的短语作主语时,其谓语动词要与短语中of后面的名词的数保持一致,这是因为of后面的名词是中心词,而of前面的量词是修饰语。Lots of damage was caused by fire.Lots of goods were sent there by air.Half of the

23、 oranges are bad.Half of the food is unfit to eat.,11.在a number/total of+名词复数结构中,中心词是名词,谓语动词用复数形式。但在the number/total of+名词复数结构中,中心词却是number或total,故谓语动词用单数形式A number of students are playing basketball on the playground.The number of pages in this book is 900.12.在a great deal of/a large amount of+不可数名

24、词结构作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数。但large amounts of+不可数名词结构作主语,谓语动词通常用复数。A large amount of money is spent on the project.Large amounts of money were spent on the free way.13.the rest of+可数名词或不可数名词结构作主语,其谓语动词要与短语中of后面的名词的数保持一致。The rest of the students are watering trees.The rest of the wine has gone bad.,1.不定式短语、动词-

25、ing形式和名词性从句作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。Doing experiments is a good way to find out answers to questions.That I shall work with you is a great pleasure.点津坊what引导的主语从句,谓语动词通常用单数,但所指的具体内容如果是复数意义时,谓语动词可用复数形式。What we want is more time.What they need in that area are doctors and nurses.What she left him are some old p

26、hotos.,名词化的形容词指的是the+形容词结构,如:the brave,the poor,the rich,the blind,the young,the old,the sick,the wounded,the injured,the unemployed,the dying,the living等。当这种结构作主语,表示一类人时,谓语动词常用复数形式;但也有少数的形容词与定冠词连用指个别的或表示抽象的概念时,谓语动词用单数。The young are more active than the old in the work.The beautiful is loved by all.

27、必背下列词属于表示抽象的概念,谓语动词需用单数。the evil 恶 the ugly 丑 the latest 最新情况the unknown 未知的事 the rough 难处理的事the worst 最坏的事 the foreign 外国的事情the unreal 不真实的事 the lovely 漂亮的东西the mystical 神秘的东西,倒装句的谓语动词的单复数应根据主语而定。On the wall were several famous paintings.,/,It is said that the great poet and writer have come to 1,_

28、our school.He will give us a lecture about English learning.He brought some books here this time.Part of the books is written by himself.From his books 2,_we will know 20%of the workers in his country is 3,_women and a hammer and a saw is the womens only 4,_tools.He also brought a red and big apple

29、here,butmost of the apple were eaten by a rat last night.He 5,_is an interesting man.Bread and butter are his 6,_favorite food.Whats more,his trousers is new.7,_But neither the students nor the teacher know anything 8,_about it.He will stay in our school for three days.Most of the students think thr

30、ee days are not a long 9,_time.We hope he will enjoy himself here.You as well as he is welcomed to the lecture.10,_,has,are,are,are,was,is,are,knows,is,are,1.Every teacher and every student _found a Students Union.A.has B.have C.expects to D.hope to2.Nobody but them _to know about the matter.A.want

31、B.wants C.have wanted D.were wanted3.Nothing but trousers _in that small shop.A.was worthy of 20$B.were worth 20$C.was cost 20$D.was paid 20$for4.The dictionary as well as the books that _pictures in them _to her.A.has;belongs B.have;are belonged C.has;belong D.have;belongs5.20%of the work of the wh

32、ole year _finished by their group last month.A.has been B.had been C.were D.was,c,B,D,D,D,6.A knife and fork _on the table.A.is B.are C.has been D.have being7.Neither his parents nor his wife _anything about it.A.know B.knows C.have known D.is known8.Five dollars _too much for a ticket.A.seems B.see

33、m C.seem to be D.are9.Most of the apples_.A.was rotten B.were rotten C.has rotten D.have rotten10.About one third of the workers in that factory_young people.A.is B.has been C.are D.have been,A,B,A,B,C,11.Not only the teacher but also the students _the change.A.object to B.objects to C.object D.obje

34、cts12.Every means _tried since then.A.has been B.have been C.are D.is 13.This pair of trousers _my sister.A.is belong to B.are belong C.belong to D.belongs to114.Our team _defeated by theirs last Sunday.A.was B.had been C.has been D.have been115.Our team _taking showers when the door was knocked ope

35、n.A.was B.areC.were D.have been,A,A,D,A,C,1.I,who a teacher must be strict and careful in everything.A.is B.am2.What the population of Beijing?A.is B.are 3.The Chinese a great people.A.is B.are4.A woman with a baby coming here.A.is B.are 5.The girl as well as the boys learned to drive a car.A.has B.

36、have6.To finish the work hard work.A.needs B.need 7.No teacher and student in the school.A.is B.are8.Whenever anything,please stay here quietly.A.happens B.happen.9.Many a man the story.A.believes B.believe,B,A,B,A,A,A,A,A,A,10.More than five men died in the accident.A.has B.have11.there any police

37、around?A.Is B.Are 12.My trousers dirty.A.is B.are13.A pair of glasses lying on the chair.A.is B.are 14.A year and a half already passed.A.has B.have15.The number of the students who part in the entrance examination great.A.takes,is B.takes,are C.take,is D.take,are16.Twelve percent of the workers her

38、e women.A.is B.are17.His family not very large.A.is B.are 18.His family watching TV.A.is B are,B,B,B,A,A,C,B,A,B,19.Most of the earth covered with water.A.is B.are 20.Most of the cars made in Shanghai.A.is B.are 21.All not gold that glitters.A.is B.are 22.Many sheep looked after by the old man.A.is

39、B.are23.Bread and butter their daily food.A.isB.are 24.Now a number of young men very well.A.cooks B.cook25.Those who to go to Nanjing please get on the train.A.wants B.want26.Simple and plain living a fine quality.A.is B.are27.Three weeks too short a time for translating the book.A.is B.are28.Lette

40、r and toilet paper running out.A.is B.are,A,B,A,B,A,B,B,A,A,B,29.Ten dollars too dear.A.is B.are30.Here a fish,some bread and soup for you.A.is B.are31.Not only a pen but also two books lost.A.was B.were32.you or he right?A.Is B.Are 33.Its Tom who it.A.does B.do34.The danger of forests not to be tak

41、en lightly.A.is B.are35.More than one person watching the strange star that night.A.was B.were36.The boy and girl each their own toys.A.has B.have 37.Few near here.A.lives B.live,A,A,B,B,A,A,A,B,B,38.The glass works built in 1959.A.was B.were39.Men of this kind dangerous.A.is B.are 40.This kind of m

42、en dangerous.A.is B.are41.One dollar and eightyseven cents all Della had.A.was B.were41.One dollar and eightyseven cents all Della had.A.was B.were42.What he said and what he did agree.A.dosentB.dont43.The factory including its machine burnt last night.A.wasB.were 44.The young very active.A.isB.are,A,B,A,A,B,A,B,A,45.The doctor and scientist to the meeting.A.was invitedB.were invited46.Tom as well as two of his friends to the concert.A.was invitedB.were invited,A,A,


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