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1、Module TwoTraffic Jam,Traffic Jam,Reading,True or false:,If you want to go to the suburb,you can take the No.56 bus.The 103 bus passes the Forbidden city and TianAnMen square.Minibuses have seats for 13 people.Minibuses follow the same routes as large public buses.Youd better take pedicabs if you wa

2、nt to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing.,F,F,T,T,T,行在北京,出租车北京大街上的出租车是24小时服务的。只要你招招手,立刻就会有出租车。它们通常都是红色车身,并且在车窗上显示每公里的路价。你要做的,就是确认司机是否有营运照,并且索要发票。,1.simply 仅仅,只不过:简单地,清楚地,This drink consists simply of fresh oranges.Our Math teacher explains questions simply.,2.in no time=very soon=very quickly,

3、Wait a moment.Ill be back in no time.They cleaned the classroom in no time.,at times有时,偶尔,不时at the time当时,在那个时候by the time 到.的时候from time to time时常;有时in the mean time 同时kill time消磨时间;浪费时间all the time一直;始终;老是,3.check v.检测/核对(正误、真假以及状况好坏)n.支票,check that/whether/how/who,Let me just check whether the po

4、tatoes are cooked.I will call the company to check whether the beds can be delivered today.,公交车和电车公共交通为人们旅游北京提供了低价位的出行方式。北京大约有两万多辆公交车和电车,但是,它们有时会很拥挤。最明智的做法是避免在高峰期(上午6:308:00,下午5:006:30)乘坐公交车和电车。这些车车票价格便宜,一元起价。空调车则要贵一些。,4.public transport n.公共交通;公交车辆,in public 公开地the public 大众(+谓语用复数)a public telepho

5、ne 公用电话,5.fare cn.(坐车,飞机等花费的)费用,bus/train/air/cab fair,I need some money for my bus fair.,公交线1到100路都是仅限于市中心的,车号更高一些的线路,可以通达郊区。对于游人来说,最不该错过的是103路电车,它途经紫禁城和北海白塔,沿途风景令人印象深刻。如果你乘坐双层公共汽车,请务必坐在上层,这样你会一览这个飞速发展城市的亮丽风景。,6.limit n.限制,限定;界限,界线,边界,There is a limit to the amount of money I can afford.The speed l

6、imit is the fastest speed you are allowed to drive a car at.There is no limit to what you can do if you try.,vt.(常与to连用)限制;限定,7.have a view of 能看见(的),In Yunnan Province,we had a lovely view of the stone forest.As we drove out along the road,we had a fine view of the country.,小公共汽车(迷你巴士)在一些地区,这种12个座位

7、的小型公共汽车给人们在昂贵的出租车和拥挤的公共汽车外,提供了第三种选择。它们跟大公共汽车走同样的路线,提供有规律的服务。在小公共汽车上,即使在高峰期也能找到空位。,8.seat cn.v.座位,就坐,seat oneself at/on/in/near sthtake a seat/take ones seat,Please be seated.The hall seats 600.She seated herself at the desk.,地铁北京有四条地铁线,还有几条线也正在建设之中。地铁方便快捷,但在高峰期,情况会很糟糕。地铁票价单程为三元,站名用拼音标注,运营时间为上午5点到晚上1

8、1点。,9.under construction 正在(修建),The new railway is still under construction.The bridge would be under construction for two days.The museum under construction was designed by an old worker.,10.one-way 单向的,单程的 single two-way 双向的,双程的 return,under attackunder controlunder discussionunder repair,He got a

9、 mark of 95 instead of 100.He got 90 marks for Chinese.Good manners are the mark of a civilized person.It is dangerous to swim beyond this mark.He marked the floor with chalk.Mark the place on the map.,11.mark n.标志,分数,特征 v.标志,做标记,三轮脚踏车游客们喜欢这些人力驱动的“三轮脚踏车”,但价格可能会较贵。因此坐之前要先弄清楚价格,明确价钱是否按人数计算、是单程还是往返双程的问

10、题。如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。,How much is this bicycle worth?It is worth500.The rarer it is,the more it is worth.Its worth reading.It isnt worth waiting for him.,12.worth adj.n.prep 值,be worth(doing)sth 值得做,New York is a city worth visiting.This book is worth reading twice.His suggestion is worth considering.,China plans to explore the Mars in 10 years.The children have gone exploring in the woods.We must explore all the possibilities for the solution to the problem.China is one of the earliest countries to explore the Antarctic regions.,13.explore v.探索,勘探,研究-r,


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