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1、第8章 Output,本章要点 What is Output?Words and ExpressionsHow To Do:E-mailHow To Work:Personal Web PagesGrammar Focus:状语从句Text in Chinese:输出Reading Selection:The Web科技英语翻译方法与技巧()Practical Writing:通知信,What is Output?,Output is referred to processed data from a computer.Output devices are any hardware used

2、to provide output from the computer.The most widely used output devices are monitors,printers and audio-output devices.Various output devices effectively translate information processed by the computer into outputsomething that people can understand and use,such as texts,graphics,photos,audio and vi

3、deo.Figure 8-1 Figure 8-2Monitor is the most commonly used output device equipped to the microcomputer system(See Figure 8-1).Choosing the right monitor depends on two important factors:size and clarity.A monitors size is indicated by diagonal length of its view area,for instance,15,17,19 inches.A m

4、onitors clarity is indicated by its resolution,which is measured in pixels.Pixels are individual dots that form images on a monitor.The greater the resolution(the more pixels),the better the clarity of the image and larger monitors require a higher resolution(more pixels).The most common type of mon

5、itor for office and home is the cathode-ray tube.The CRT is similar to television technically.Another type of widely used monitor is the flat-panel monitor or called Liquid Crystal Display(LCD)monitor(See Figure 8-2).Technically,LCDs use liquid crystal,much thinner,and fit to portable computers as w

6、ell as desktop computers.Besides,there are other types of specialized monitors,such as e-book readers,data projectors and high-definition television.,What is Output?,Output on a monitor is called soft copy and on a paper by a printer is called hard copy(See Figure 8-3).Three kinds of printers popula

7、rly used with microcomputers are ink-jet,laser and thermal.Ink-jet printers spray small droplets of ink at high speed onto the surface of the paper.Ink-jet printers are reliable and inexpensive to print files and photo-quality images from digital cameras(See Figure 8-4-a).Laser printers use laser be

8、ams to produce images with excellent letter and graphics quality(See Figure 8-4-b).More expensive than ink-jet printers,laser printers are used in applications requiring high-quality output(See Figure 8-4-c).A thermal printer uses heat elements to produce images on heat-sensitive paper.Such printers

9、 are mainly used Figure 8-4Figure 8-5in scientific labs to record data and color thermal printers are also used to produce high-quality color artwork and text.,What is Output?,Audio-output devices,like speakers and headphones,are connected to the sound card in the system unit(See Figure 8-5).The sou

10、nd card captures and plays back recorded sounds.Many devices combine input and output devices,either to save space or for specialized applications.Common combination devices available are fax machines,multifunction devices,Internet telephones and terminals(See Figure 8-6).Internet telephones are tel

11、ephones achieving communication through the Internet rather than telephone lines.*Terminals are input and output combinations used to connect the user to a mainframe computer called a host computer or a server.,What is Output?,Notes:“Terminals are input and output combinations used to connect the us

12、er to a mainframe computer called a host computer or server.”本句,“used toa server”为动词过去分词词组作“combinations”的后置定语,其中“connectto”意为:将与连接,“called a host computer or server”是动词过去分词词组作“mainframe computer”的后置定语。本句意为:终端是输入输出集成设备,用于连接用户和大型主机或服务器。,What is Output?,Match each numbered item with the most closely r

13、elated lettered item by drawing a line between matching items.1output 2hard disk3head crash4floppy disk5online storage6read-only7compact disc8clarityaFree or low-cost storage available at special service Web sites.bIndicated by resolution and measured in pixels.cProcessed data or information from a

14、computer.dAlso known as a diskette.eEnclosed disk drive that contains one or more metallic disks.fHappens when the read-write heads contact the surface of a hard disk.gWidely used optical disk format.hCannot be written on or erased by the user.Translate the following statements.1输出设备能使计算机与用户进行通信。2通过

15、将输出传送给打印机,就可获得一个长久的复制。3没有数据,也就没有什么可处理的东西了。4计算机并不限于显示字符,也有可能输出图形。5计算机的输出来自主存储器。6图形的质量或分别率是像素数目的函数。,What is Output?,Grammar Focus:状语从句状语从句:状语从句在复合句中起状语作用,修饰主句中动词、形容词或副词。状语从句由从属连词引导,从属连词在从句中不充当成分。时间状语从句:常用来引导时间状语从句的从属连词有When(当的时候),whenever(每当),after(在之后),before(在之前),as(当;一边一边),as soon as(一九),while(在期间)

16、,till/until(直到),since(自从),once(曾经)等等地点状语从句:常用的连接词有Where(在地方;那里),wherever(无论哪里)等等原因状语从句:Because(因为),since(既然),as(由于),now that(即使)等等条件状语从句:引起条件状语从句的连词有If(如果),unless(除非),once(一旦),as/so long as(只要)等等,What is Output?,目的状语从句:引起目的状语从句的连词有so that(以便)in order that(以便)等结果状语从句:引起结果状语从句的连词有So that(结果是;以至),so/su

17、ch that(如此以至于)等 让步状语从句:引起让步状语从句的连词有Though(虽然),although(虽然),as(尽管),even if/even though(即使),no matter who/what/how(无论谁/无论什么/无论怎样),whoever(不管是谁)however(无论怎样)等方式状语从句:引起方式状语从句的词语一般有As(正如;按照),as if/as though(好像)比较状语从句:引起比较状语从句的词语一般有As as(和一样),not as/so as(与不一样),than(比),What is Output?,Point out which adve

18、rbial clause it is.1They drove with windows closed so that he should not catch cold.2Late as it was,we still continued our way.3When she alighted from the train there was nearly a full moon,and the night was blowy and sweet-smelling.4One of her lungs is affected a little so that she has to rest.5The

19、 curtains were not yet drawn,though the lamps outside were lighted.6The wind had dropped,and it was as lovely a morning as one could desire.7After lunch,since the afternoon was so fine,Grandpa rigged up a camp chair for me on the back green.8From where he sat he could see a cluster of apple-trees in

20、 blossom.9As the twilight was beginning to fade,we heard the sound of a carriage.10If I were you,I would go to shooch on time.,What is Output?,Text in Chinese:输出输出指经计算机处理过的数据。输出设备指提供输出的硬件。最广泛使用的输出设备有监视器、打印机和音频输出设备。各种输出设备将计算机处理过的信息翻译为人能够理解和使用的输出信息,如文本、图形、照片和视频等。监视器是最常用的配备在微型计算机系统上的输出设备。监视器的选择由两个因素决定:

21、尺寸和清晰度。监视器的尺寸由视觉面积的对角线长度衡量,如15寸、17寸、19寸。监视器清晰度由分辨率即像素来衡量。像素指在监视器上形成图像的点。分辨率越大(像素越多)图像越清晰,大型监视器需要高分辨率监视器。办公和家庭最常用的监视器属于阴极射线管监视器。此种监视器在技术上与电视相似。另一种广泛使用的监视器是平板监视器或液晶显示器。在技术上,液晶显示器使用更薄的液晶,适用于便携式电脑和台式电脑。此外,还有几种专业监视器类型,如电子书阅读机、数码放映机、高清晰度电视。,What is Output?,监视器上显示的输出称为软输出,由打印机打印在纸上的输出称为硬输出。常与微型计算机联用的三种打印机有


23、是电话线。终端设备连接用户和大型主机或服务器。,What is Output?,Reading Selection:The WebAs a resource,the World Wide Wed(Web)contains huge amounts of information.The Web is extensive,relatively easy to access,and provides virtually unlimited information.An excellent resource to gain knowledge,the Web is leading the“inform

24、ation revolution.”It has made a huge difference in the world,and will continue to do so.When you need current information and you need it now,there are few alternatives.Originally,people can obtain software information from printed reference materials and them form CDs.The advent of the Web as a res

25、earch tool had greatly expanded the availability of information while reducing the amount of time needed on each task.The Web is a wonderful resource when you can substantiate that the information provided is accurate and true.Like any other resource,the Web has good and not so good information to s

26、hare.Depending on what you are looking for,you have to judge by yourself how relevant the material is for you.It is important not to believe everything you read and to attempt to stay away from personal sites,and you should try to know who is responsible for the site before treating the information

27、as fact.The more you use the Web,the more comfortable you get,and the more likely you are to use it even more.The Web certainly helps save time and allows you to focus resources in doing research and seeking out useful information.,What is Output?,Overall,the Web has given people the opportunity to

28、be much more times effective at obtaining data.If you find material but do not have time to read it,you can print it out and read it later or on the commuter train.The Web provides an excellent way to find information fast.It enables users to find research as it is occurring,rather than waiting for

29、it to be published.It also provides a highly collaborative environment in which it is quick and easy to exchange ideas with colleagues.The Web is an excellent way to acquire knowledge quickly and easily,visit company websites,E-mail any questions you might have,research topics,conduct surveys,partic

30、ipate in special interest discussions,and gather information for further analysis without having to be physically present.,What is Output?,科技英语翻译方法与技巧()科技英语文章的主要任务是记述科学事实,阐明科学理论,报道科学成果及评价各种试验和观察等等。这种语体的表达方面的特点是:语言结构严谨,条理清楚,平铺直叙,逻辑与伦理性强,公式、数据和专业词汇较多;而且文章不用带有感情色彩的词句,不追求艺术效果,没有作者个人的风格特点等等。上述科技英语文章特点及表达

31、手段表明科技英语翻译要求就是如实地传达原著的内容,提供的情况、论点和知识,对公式、数据准确无误,专业词语应与汉语通用的这类词语相一致。在翻译过程中,决不能惨杂译者的个人主观成分,不能凭译者个人的好恶,将作者没有表达的内容强加于作者,也不能将作者所表达的内容任意删去。翻译的步骤:翻译时必须确切理解英语原文的内容,丝毫不可以离开它而发挥个人的想法和推测。在确切理解原著的基础上,又必须很好运用汉语的措辞造句,通顺而流畅地表达英语原作的思想内容。翻译前应注意以下几点:,What is Output?,1通读全文,理解大意首先要理清翻译的句子与所在段落中的其他句子之间的语法及逻辑关系。因为这对明确代词的


33、子或表达法,使之符合汉语表达习惯。,What is Output?,翻译科技文章时,要注意其含义,因为有些单词不是科技术语,而是指日常生活英语中亦常用的单词,移到科技英语中,含义就完全改变了。因此,译文应符合不同学科的科技语言规范,切忌望文生义。例如:That motor has run for hours.那台马达已运转了好几个小时。When the veteran workers run that factory,production has increased.一批老工人管理那个工厂后,产量增加了。They ran the molten metal into a mould.他们把熔化的

34、金属倒进模子里面。Electricity gives us power to operate machines.电给我们开动机器的电力。This motor generates a considerable amount of power.这台马达产生大量功率。The fourth power of 3 is equal to 81.3的四次幂等于81。,What is Output?,从上述例句中,可以看到同一动词run和同一个名词power在不同学科中的翻译是不同的。Translate the following statements.1However,in order to make a

35、 decision or perform an arithmetic operation,the computer must have a place to store the input and output information data.2The computers perform one or another set of operations depending on certain switches.3The binary system is used for internal computer operations because only two signal levels

36、are required.4Simply speaking,a computer system is a tool that enables you to complete tasks efficiently.5At a minimum,a computer system consists of the computer itself and its peripheral equipment,commonly called hardware.,What is Output?,Practical Writing:通知信如果你有什么重要的事情要告诉对方,可以通过E-mail等方式通知。通知范围很广

37、,如工厂的迁址、开业;亲友的订婚、添丁等等,它可以是好消息,也可能是坏消息,不过在一些敏感的问题上要注意措辞。不管是哪种情况,称呼都可以直接用收件人的姓名,也可以用Dear friends/clients/patients 等。样张Dear Clients:On April 2,we will be closing our office at 1900Dexter Street and moving to larger quarters in the professional Building,2240 W.poplar Drive,Suite 221.There is ample free

38、parking at the new location.The office phone number will remain 020-34562340.Yours Truly,What is Output?,常用的用语有:1)I am happy to inform you that2)I am glad to tell you that3)Please be advised of my intention to resign from4)I wanted you to be the first to know5)I have an announcement to make which is guaranteed to surprise you6)It gives me great pleasure to announce7)We have the pleasure of informing you that,What is Output?,


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