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1、词汇与结构,精讲精练80题,1、He helped me _ my homework.A with B toC aboutD of2、-For tonights homework,do pages 40 and 41 in the workbook.-Professor Hones,I think that is _ work.A too much B much the moreC too hardD hardest3、I fell and hurt myself while I _ basketball yesterday.A was playingB am playingC playD p

2、layed 4、There _ a book and some magazines on the desk.A isB areC haveD has5、The retired man is used to _ his two dogs early in the morning.A exerciseB exercisingC exercisedD exercises,6、I earn 10 dollars _ hour as _ supermarket cashier on Saturdays.A a anB the aC an a D an the7、He has been writing f

3、or 3 years,but being a writer is not his _.A chanceB choiceC changeD character8、A long time ago,I _ in London for three years.A had livedB have livedC livedD have been living9、Nancy is considered to be _ the other students in her class.A less intelligentB the most intelligentC intelligent as well D

4、as intelligent as10、It is because he is kind and modest _ he wins the respect of all.A whatB which C whyD that,11、He _ lives in the house where he was born.A alreadyB yetC stillD ever12、The race was so close that everyone was _ at the finish.A holding his breathB working outC winning overD thinking

5、of13、-_ is your girl friend like?-She is very kind and good-looking.A HowB WhatC WhichD Who14、A pair of spectacles _ what I need at the moment.A isB areC hasD have15、The headmaster came to the classroom and asked _ what had happened.A his students to tell himB being toldC telling himD to tell,16、Twe

6、nty people were _ wounded in the air crash.A quicklyB wronglyC bitterlyD seriously17、He opened the letter and it contained _.A an important information B some important informationsC many important information D some important information18、-Do you want to wait?-Five days _ too long for me to wait.A

7、 was B were C is D are19、I dont know _ to deal with such a matter.A whatB howC whichD/20、He ran away from home,_ his sister had done the year before.A likeB asC whenD while,21、I am not used to speaking _ public.A inB atC onD to22、She will have to find some other work for she cant _ this loud noise a

8、ny more.A come up withB keep up withC grow up with D put up with23、Yesterday was _ day that we decided to go swimming.A such beautifulB so beautifulC such a beautifulD a so beautiful24、Generally speaking,it is unwise to give a child _ he or she wants.A howeverB whateverC whicheverD whenever25、Tom is

9、 so talkative.Im sure youll soon get tired _ him.A ofB withC atD on,26、You may come _ today _ tomorrow.A either or B both.and C neither nor D from to27、Measles(麻疹)_ a long time to get over.A.spend B.spends C.take D.takes28、They sent the letter to me _ mistake.A byB forC onD with29、It was difficult t

10、o guess what her _ to the news would be.A impressionB commentC reactionD opinion30、It was for this reason _ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.which B.why C.that D.how,31、At that time,she _ on a journey with her friend.A isB wasC has beenD is being32、In the evening w

11、e smoked and talked and never _ going out except for exercise.A dreamingB dreamed inC dreamed ofD have dreamed33、I didnt know what to do,but then an idea suddenly _ to me.A appearedB happenedC occurredD emerged34、I have views quite different from my _.A teacher viewB teacherC teacherD teachers35、Sma

12、ll arms _ often carried by the soldiers.A areB hasC wasD have,36、We should keep in touch _ each other,including _ to each other.on,write B.in,to write C.with,writing D.at,wrote37、I would be very _ if you could give me an early reply.A pleasantB grateful C satisfiedD helpful38、Do you know _ in Englis

13、h?A how say itB how to say itC how saying itD how to saying it39、She _ 100 pages of the book today.A has already readB already readsC already readD was already read40、I wish your price _ lower.A isB wasC wereD be,41、Id like to take _ of this opportunity to thank all of you for your cooperation.A.pro

14、fit B.benefit C.occasion D.advantage42、Will you _ my article to find out whether Ive made any mistakes?A look into B look throughC see to D see through43、Mathematics _ the study or science of numbers.A isB areC wasD were44、Sandy could do nothing but _ to his teacher that he was wrong.A admit B admit

15、tedC admitting D to admit45、England is an island country._ consists of three principal islands,and _ climate is generally mild.A It itsB She herC He hisD She its,46、You had better _ a doctor as soon as possible.A seeingB sawC seeD seen47、_ Im mistaken,Ive seen that man before.A UnlessB IfC BecauseD

16、But48、Who should be responsible _ the loss of the documents?A inB onC ofD for49、Though we have spent two nights in _ the problem,we still cant find a solution.A working inB working outC working upD working on50、I have _ finished the book.more or less B.much or less C.more or few D.many or less,51、_

17、Tom _ Mary can help me,for they are very busy.A Both;andB Either;orC whether;orD Neither;nor52、He talks as if he _ everything in the world.A knowsB knewC had knownD would have known53、Would you like some more coffee?Theres still _ left.A a littleB littleC a fewD few54、Weve _ paper and ink.Ask Mr.How

18、ard to lend us some.A run away withB run out ofC run offD run down55、The top of the Great Wall is _ for five horses to go side by side.A wideB so wideC wide enoughD enough wide,56、Dont laugh _ people when they are _ trouble.in,at B.at,at C.at,in D.on,in57、He didnt live up to _ had been expected of h

19、im.A.what B.whichC.that D.all58、He ran _ the direction of the school.A atB forC inD on59、-Smoking is bad for your health.-Yes,I know.But I simply cant _.A give it upB give it inC give it outD give it away60、The children _ play with them.A want that I B wants that I C want me to D are wanting that,61

20、、During the future examinations you should avoid _ such mistakes.A makeB to makeC makingD made62、Who are you smiling _?A atB ofC withD towards63、You should be ashamed _ what you have done.A toB ofC byD at64、Modern machinery _ been installed in this newly-built factory.A hasB haveC isD are65、We are n

21、ext-door _.A neighborhoodsB neighbor C neighborhoodD neighbors,66、Youd better _ some money for special use.A pick upB set aside C put off D give away67、He missed _ the lecture given by Tom.A to have attendedB attendingC to attendD attendance68、Your brother told me that you overslept this morning,_?d

22、idnt he B.didnt you D.did he D.did you69、This city was named _ the great president.A for B afterC to D of70、Dont forget _ the window before leaving the room.A to have closed B to closeC having closed D closing,71、Samuel Clemens,_ as Mark Twain,was one of the most famous American writers.to know B.to

23、 be known C.known D.knowing72、Because he _ his work well,he was fired.had not been done B.had not be doing C.had not been doing D.has not done73、If the phone rings again,I _ it.ignore B.will ignore C.will have ignored D.will be ignoring74、Last night he studied English _ midnight.for B.by C.to D.unti

24、l75、The officials in the _ at London airport were very polite.Custom B.Customs C.custom D.customs,76、There have been many _ in their marriage but they still love each other.right and wrong B.back and forth C.ups and downs D.right and left77、His words are _ but the meaning is deep.few B.a few C.littl

25、e D.a little78、The _ is just around the corner and you wont miss it.bicycles shop B.bicycles shop C.bicycle shop D.bicycles shop 79、Write to me when you get home.I _.A.must B.should C.will D.can80、In many ways,riding a bicycle is similar to _.the driving a car B.driving a car C.when you drive a car D.when driving a car,


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