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1、Section Welcome to the unit&Reading,速效提能演练,预习多维感知,Section,重点难点探究,预习多维感知,Step One:Fast ReadingRead the essay about appreciating literature and choose the best answer.1Whats the authors attitude towards classic novels?()AThey are boring.BThey are out of date.CThey are still received.DThey are disappea

2、ring.,C,2Why are so many classic novels adapted into films?()ABecause they are hard to understand.BBecause nowadays few people like to read them.,C,CBecause the life today has something in common with that in them.DBecause the films appeal to the audience.,3What was usually used to add interest,tens

3、ion or deeper meaning to the novel?()AA symbol.BA mysterious setting.CA complicated plot.DTwo clues.,A,4When did Pip start a new life?()AAt the age of 18.BWhen he moved to London.CWhen he met Estella.DWhen he became a real gentleman.,B,5What does Great Expectations tell us?()AMoney is as precious as

4、 friendship.BMoney cant buy anything but friendship and education.,C,CMoney is less important than friendship.DA person cant live without money,friendship and education.,Step Two:ListeningListen to the tape and answer the following questions.1Why dont many people like classics?_,Because they think t

5、hey are old and boring and have nothing to do with life today.,2What is written on Charles Dickens tomb?_,On his gravestone it reads,“By his death,one of Englands greatest writers is lost to the world.”,3What does Pip learn by the end of the novel?_,He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and t

6、hat friends are more important than a fancy education.,Step Three:Careful Reading Read the text and fill in the blanks.,Classic,Works,Classic,received,wisdom,dust,Classic,that,Adapted,Plot,shortcomings,education,Step Four:Summary1_is classic literature?Classics are the 2._of the literary world.They

7、are novels,plays and poems that were 3._a long time ago and were so,What,antiques,written,4._written that people still read them nowadays.They are examples of great writing and 5._,and even those written centuries 6._can still be found in bookshops and libraries today.,well,wisdom,ago,7_a lot of cla

8、ssics were written so long ago,the language used in them is quite 8._ from the language used today.This makes them difficult for some people to read,and often,the classics are left to gather dust 9._ shelves.,Because,different,on,Many people 10._read them,because they think they are 11._ and 12._and

9、 have nothing to do with life today.,do not,old,boring,Step Five:DiscussionHave a discussion with your partner about Great Expectations and trying to read more Classic Literature._,重点难点探究,1Three years later,in 1998,a modern adaptation of Charles Dickenss novel Great Expectations appeared in cinemas.

10、三年后的1998年,狄更斯的小说远大前程的现代版电影出现在各大影院。,品味经典This TV series is an adaptation of Wang Shuos novel.这是由王朔的小说改编的电视连续剧。My adaptation to England took me a month.适应英国的生活花了我一个月的时间。,He was an adaptable man and soon could understand what the Englishmen said.他是一个适应能力极强的人,很快就能听懂英国人说的话了。,自我探究adapt vt.使适应;改编;vi.适应;adap

11、table adj.适应性强的;adaptation C n.改编(本),改写(本);U适应,改造。,易混辨析adapt,adjust,归纳拓展,牛刀小试单项填空(1)Distance learning is being _ in several countries to help children in remote rural schools obtain higher education.AattendedBadoptedCadapted Dadmitted,解析:选B。前半句句意:“远程教育在一些边远的地区被采用。”attend“出席,照料”;adapt“使适应”;admit“承认,录

12、用”,显然此三项不合句意。只有adopt“采纳”,与句意吻合。,完成句子(2)你应该适应新环境。You should _ the new environment.(3)别担心他,他适应能力很强。Dont worry about him.He is _.,adapt yourself to,very adaptable,(4)这部电影是根据一个古老的传说改编的。This film is _ an ancient legend.,adapted from,(5)你读过红楼梦的最新改编本吗?Have you read the _ Dream of the Red Chamber?,latest ad

13、aptation of,2In 1995,an awardwinning film based on Jane Austens novel Emma came out.1995年,一部根据简奥斯丁的小说爱玛改编的获奖影片问世。,品味经典The film is based on a novel by Sinclair Lewis.该影片是根据辛克莱刘易斯的小说改编的。This news report is based entirely on facts.,这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写成的。自我探究base n&v.基础,根据地;以为基础。用作名词时,常接介词of;用作动词时常接介词on/up

14、on。,归纳拓展,易混辨析base,basis,foundation,牛刀小试(1)The _ of your building must be strong enough so that the earthquake wont destroy it.Abase BroofCbasis Dtop,解析:选A。要想房子不被地震毁坏就必须是房子的地基牢固,而不是屋顶,故可排除B和D两项。表示具体的底座或地基,用base。,(2)The film _ my novel was well received last year.Abasing on Brelied onCdepended on Dbas

15、ed on,解析:选D。首先可排除B、C两项,因为rely on 和 depend on 表示“依靠、依赖”,含义与题意不符。A项动词形式错误,film 应是base 的逻辑宾语,须用过去分词。,3Great Expectations is set in England in the early 1800s.远大前程是以19世纪早期的英国为背景的。,品味经典The novel is set in 18th century Paris.这本小说是以18世纪的巴黎为背景的。He set about his homework after supper.晚饭后,他开始做作业。,I have set a

16、side some money for the journey.我为这趟旅行存了一些钱。A new government was set up after the Civil War.新政府在内战后成立了。,自我探究set v.放置,设定。其原形和过去分词都是set。be set in 意为“以为背景”。,归纳拓展,牛刀小试(1)Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he _ his own work and translated it into German.Agave off Bturned downCtook over Dset aside,解析

17、:选D。give off 发出(光、热等);turn down 调低,拒绝;take over 掌管,负责;set aside 把放在一边。由句意可知D项正确。,(2)The series of TV play _ a mountainous village in Hubei.Ais caught in Bis set inCis lost in Dis based in,解析:选B。句意:“这部电视连续剧是以湖北的一个小山村为背景的。”be caught in 撞上,碰上;be lost in 陷入;be based in 以为据点;be set in 以为背景。,4Pips sister

18、often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.皮普的姐姐经常辱骂他,但乔却是一个善良淳朴的人,他宁愿死也不愿看到皮普受到任何伤害。,(1)simple品味经典Shes so simple that shell believe anything you tell her.她十分单纯,你跟她说什么她都会相信。,My two sisters are both simple office workers.我两个妹妹都是普通的公司职员。Such a

19、toy is simple to make.这种玩具做起来很简单。,自我探究simple adj.意为“善良的;单纯的;普通的;简单的”。归纳拓展simply adv.simply 是 simple 的副词形式,意思是“简单地;简易地;简朴地;朴素地;仅仅”,还有“确实,简直”之意。,牛刀小试完成句子(1)你把事情看得太简单了。“You see things _.”she said.,too simply,(2)玛丽总是穿着朴素,不戴珠宝。Mary was always _ with no jewelry on.(3)他是一个纯朴可爱的人。He is _ and wellliked man.,

20、dressed simply,a simple,(2)would rather 品味经典Id rather stay at home than go out alone.我宁可待在家里,也不愿独自外出。She would rather die than surrender.她宁死也不投降。,自我探究would rather 动词不定式(省略 to),相当于prefer to do sth.,表示“宁愿做”,用于否定句,一般在rather 之后加 not。would rather.than.表示“宁愿而不愿”。,易混辨析rather than,other than,or rather,牛刀小试单

21、项填空(4)I _ live in a big city.What about you?_.,Awouldnt rather;So do IBwouldnt rather;Nor do ICwould rather not;So do IDwould rather not;Nor do I,解析:选D。在否定陈述句中,not 要放在 would rather 之后,但若是疑问句中,not 则可放在 would 之后。第二句表示的是:“我也不愿住在大城市里”,要用 nor 或 neither 而不用 so 进行简略回答。,(5)He borrowed money from me again.I

22、would rather I _ him.Ahad metBshouldnt have metChadnt metDwould have met,解析:选C。句意:“他又向我借钱了,我宁愿没有遇见过他。”很显然,从句中的谓语用肯定意义就错了,故排除A、D两项。在 would rather 后的 that 从句中要用过去完成时表示对过去的假设。,(6)It was owing to luck _judgment _the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident.Abetter than;whenBrather than;thatCother than;w

23、henDmore than;which,解析:选B。句意:“那个司机成功地避开了一起事故是由于幸运而不是判断。”该句的结构是强调句型,而 rather than 表示“而不是”。,(3)harm 品味经典Her film was a complete failure,and this did her reputation a lot of harm.她这部电影是彻底的失败了,使她的名声受到很大的损害。,The drought did a lot of harm to the crops.这场干旱给庄稼带来了许多危害。Dont upset yourselfno harm has been don

24、e.不要难过并没有造成伤害。,自我探究harm n.损害,伤害;v.使受到伤害,损害;harmful adj.对有害的;harmless 无害的,不致伤的。,归纳拓展do harm to sb./sth.harm sb./sth.伤害某人/某物harm sb./do harm to sb./do sb.harm/be harmful to sb.伤害某人;对有害,易混辨析harm,hurt,injure,wound,damage,牛刀小试(7)(2011年江苏模考)My chest _ when I make a deep breath,doctor.AharmsBwoundsChurts D

25、injures,解析:选C。harm 损害,伤害;wound 多指用武器伤害身体某部位;hurt 疼,痛;injure 多指意外事故对人造成伤害或损害。C项切题。,(8)Mike didnt play football yesterday because he had _ his leg.Adamaged BhurtChit Dstruck解析:选B。hurt 指伤害身体某部位,符合句意。damage 表示“损坏”,hit 和 strike 表示“打,击打”。,(9)Youll _ your chances of the job if you wear that shirt to the in

26、terview!Ainjure BdamageCharm Druin解析:选B。damage 多指无生命物体的“损坏,破害”。,5 There is a twist in the plot when a very generous stranger gives Pip a large fortune.当一位非常慷慨的陌生人赠予了皮普一大笔财富的时候,故事情节发生了转折。,(1)generous品味经典Your uncle is very generous to pay you tuition to learn driving.你叔叔真慷慨,为你付学车的学费。,He is generous wi

27、th his money.他花钱大方。It was very generous of you,I think,to forgive what she has done to you.我认为你真宽宏大量,原谅她对你做过的事情。,自我探究generous adj.慷慨的,大方的,宽宏大量的;generously adv.慷慨地,大方地;generosity n.慷慨。,归纳拓展,牛刀小试(1)My mother is _with her money but in fact she has little money.Agenerous BseriousCcareful Ddiligent,解析:选A

28、。句意:“我妈在钱上很大方,但事实上,她几乎没钱。”generous 大方的;serious 严格的;careful 小心的;diligent 勤勉的。,(2)fortune品味经典He came into a large fortune when his rich uncle died.有钱的叔父死后,他继承了一大笔财产。,By a stroke of fortune,he won the competition.他靠运气在竞赛中获胜了。That old Gipsy woman tells fortunes.那个吉卜赛老妇人替人算命。,自我探究fortune n.“运气,命运,幸运”;为不可

29、数名词时,意为“财富,财产”;为可数名词时,意为“前途,命运”。fortunately adv.幸运地;unfortunately 不幸地。,归纳拓展,易混辨析fortunate,lucky,牛刀小试(2)What _!Hes found _ job in Beijing.Aa good fortune;such a goodBa good fortune;so a goodCgood fortune;such good aDgood fortune;so good a,解析:选D。fortune 表示“运气”时为不可数名词,故可排除A、B两项。such 修饰单数名词,结构应是such a g

30、ood job,而 so 则是 so good a job。,(3)In the old days,many Chinese on the southeastern coast went abroad to_their fortune.Aseek BlookCget Dpush解析:选A。句意:“旧社会,许多东南沿海的中国人去国外谋生。”seek ones fortune 为固定短语。,(4)_,people are beginning to realize how serious the situation is.AFortunate BFortunatelyCBeing fortunate

31、 DBeing fortunately,解析:选B。本题考查 fortunately 的用法。句意:“幸运的是,人们开始意识到了情况的严重性。”副词作状语,修饰整个句子,相当于It is fortunate that.结构。,6He has rigid ideas of what it means to be civil and to be a gentleman,and is embarrassed by Joe because he does not fit these.他对什么是文明和绅士有着刻板的观念,而乔让他尴尬,因为乔与这些观念格格不入。,(1)rigid品味经典Its an ex

32、ercise which adds a touch of the comic opera to his rigid training routines.这一练习给他那刻板的训练程序平添了一份滑稽的色彩。,A rigid diet will make you slimmer.严格节食会使你身材苗条。We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.我们正需要一座有坚硬架子支撑的帐蓬。,自我探究rigid adj.死板的;严格的。另外还有“坚硬的;坚固的;不易弯曲的”意思。,归纳拓展,牛刀小试单项填空(1)He is very _ in his

33、ideas and you cant change him easily.Asensible BknowableCflexible Drigid,解析:选D。句意:“他是一个固执己见的人,你很难改变他。”只有rigid“死板的,固执的”符合题意。完成句子(2)贝蒂发现很难遵守学校死板的规定。Betty finds it hard to keep to the schools _.,rigid rules,(3)他是个原则性很强的人。He is a man of very _.,rigid principle,(2)fit品味经典The water is not fit to drink.这水不

34、适合饮用。He is fitter/more fit for the position than anyone else.,他比其他任何人更适合这个职位。The coat doesnt fit me.这件外套不合我的身。自我探究fit adj.适合的;健康的 v.合身;适合;装配。,归纳拓展He is(not)fit for the work.他(不)适合做这个工作。,We always fit our deeds to our words.我们向来说话算话。We fitted a new lock on the front door.我们在正门上安装了一个新锁。,易混辨析fit,suit,m

35、atch,healthy,牛刀小试单项填空(4)Hes been ill and isnt _ enough for work yet.Asuit BmatchCfit Dhealth,解析:选C。句意:“他一直病着,还不能上班。”显然此空含义应为“健康的”,且为形容词,而A项和B项不仅词义不符合,而且词性也不相符,可排除。D项为名词。,(5)This dress was so beautiful,and I tried it on but it didnt _.Afit BsuitCmatch Dwork解析:选A。句意:“这件礼服很美,我试穿了一下,但不合身。”fit指(大小)合身;sui

36、t 指(款式、颜色)适合;match则指(款式)相配。,(6)Your car doesnt sound _,and youd better have it examined.Afit BhealthyCwell Dsuitable,解析:选B。本题考查词语辨析。句意:“你的车的声音听起来好像不正常,你最好把它检查一下。”在这四个选项中,A项指身体的健康;C项也是指身体健康的状态;D项意为“合适的”;而B项既可表示身体的健康,又可表示“顺畅的”。,(7)Her shoes _ her dress;they look very well together.Asuit BfitCcompare D

37、match,解析:选D。句意:“她的鞋子和衣服很搭配,两者搭配看起来很不错。”suit 指时间、口味等合乎需要;fit 指大小、尺寸等合适;compare 比较,对照;match 指颜色、款式等的搭配。,7Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman and winning Estellas love.皮普一心要成为一名绅士,赢得埃斯特拉的芳心。,品味经典Their actions show clearly that they are bent on destroying his career.他们的行为很清楚的显示出他们决心要毁掉他的事业。She is bent o

38、n becoming a film star when she grows up.她一心想长大后成为影星。,自我探究bend v.弯曲;弯腰;屈膝 n.转弯;弯。过去分词是bent;be bent on sth./on doing sth.意为“决心采取(某行动);专心致志于(做)某事”。,归纳拓展,牛刀小试单项填空(1)The hero in the film was bent _seeking fortune at first,and then he turned to saving the poor in a village.Ain BonCto Dat,解析:选B。句意:“电影里面的主

39、人公开始时一心想要追求钱财,后来他开始转向救济一个村庄里的穷人。”be bent on 是固定搭配,表示“一心想要,决心要”。,完成句子(2)He was fully _(一心扑在)the project.(3)The tall man _(弯身)get through the doorway.,bent on,bent down to,8He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education.他认识到财富买不到幸福,朋友比华而不实的教育更重要

40、。,(1)wealth品味经典The dictionary gives a wealth of phrases and sentences to illustrate meanings.这本词典提供了大量说明字义的短语和句子。,The greatest wealth is being content with a little.最大的财富就是知足常乐。,自我探究wealth n.财产;财富(不可数名词)。作“丰富、大量”讲时,主要用在词组“a wealth of”中。wealthy adj.富有的;wealthily adv.丰富地。,易混辨析riches,wealth,牛刀小试完成句子(1)

41、他给了我一本很多插图的书。He gave me a book with _ pictures.,a wealth of,单项填空(2)The discovery of gold can bring great _to our country.Aproperty BrichCwealth Dsum,解析:选C。句意:“黄金的发现给我们的国家带来巨大财富。”wealth 意为“财富,财产”;property 意为“财产,不动产”;rich 是形容词,不适合本句;sum 意为“金额;一笔钱”。,(3)Modern technology and science have produced a _ of

42、 new materials and new ways of using old materials.Awealth BwillCreward Driches,解析:选A。句意:“现代科学技术为我们提供了大量新材料和使用旧材料的新方法。”a wealth of 意为“大量的,丰富的”,等于a lot of;will 意为“意志,意志力”;reward 意为“报酬,奖赏,酬谢”;riches 意为“财富”。,(2)fancy品味经典The dress is too fancy for me.这件裙子对我来说太花哨了。The store sells fancy fresh fruits.这家商店出

43、售高档新鲜水果。,Children usually have lively fancy.儿童往往有丰富的想象力。Can you fancy yourself on the moon?你能想象自己在月球上是怎样一种情景吗?,自我探究fancy adj.华而不实的,花哨的;高档的。,归纳拓展,牛刀小试单项填空(4)They are too _for me;I prefer the plain ones.Aordinary BfancyCimaginary Dcommon,解析:选B。句意:“他们对我来说太花哨了,我喜欢朴素的。”fancy 花哨的;高档的;ordinary 普通的;imaginar

44、y 想象的;common 常见的。(5)Im free today.I _calling on John,for we havent seen each other for 10 years.,Afancy BbegCexpect Dattempt解析:选A。句意:“我今天有空,想去看看约翰,因为我们已经十年没见了。”fancy doing sth.想要做某事。,完成句子(6)我突然喜欢上侦探小说。Ive suddenly _ detective stories.,taken a fancy to,(7)她自以为是严肃的演员。She _a serious actress.,fancies he

45、rself as,9Does Joe forgive Pip?乔原谅皮普了吗?品味经典You should forgive him for his forgetfulness;after all,he is over seventy.,你应该原谅他的健忘症,毕竟他已经七十多岁了。Im surprised that he should agree to forgive you the debt unconditionally.使我感到惊讶的是,他会无条件同意豁免你的债务。,自我探究forgive v.原谅;宽恕;forgive sb.for sth.原谅某人做了某事;forgive sb.sth

46、.原谅某人某事。,易混辨析forgive,excuse,pardon,牛刀小试完成句子(1)我绝不会宽恕你昨晚对我所说的话。Ill never _you_ what you said to me last night.(2)母亲临终前我未去看她,为这件事我永远不会原谅我自己。,for,forgive,I cannot _not seeing my mother before she died.(3)他宽恕了我们那些朋友的过失。He _our friends their faults.,forgive myself for,forgave,10If you were asked to recom

47、mend a book to a friend,what book would you choose?如果朋友要你推荐一本书,你会选择什么书?,品味经典Can you recommend me some new books on the subject?你能推荐一些有关这个学科的新书给我吗?The doctor recommended the patient to take his advice.医生劝病人接受他的忠告。,The doctor recommended that I(should)stay in hospital for a few more days.医生建议我在医院再多住几天

48、。,自我探究recommend vt.推荐。此处用法为recommendn./pron.(直宾)ton./pron.(间宾),意为“向推荐”。,归纳拓展,牛刀小试(1)(2010年高考福建卷)Teachers recommend parents _their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.,Anot allow Bdo not allowCmustnt allow Dcouldnt allow,解析:选A。句意:“出于安全的考虑,老师建议父母不要让12岁以下的孩子骑自行车去学校。”recommend(建议)后面的

49、宾语从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语形式为“should动词原形”,should 可省去。,(2)The doctor recommended that you _swim after eating a large meal.Awouldnt BcouldntCneednt Dshouldnt,解析:选D。句意:“医生建议饱餐之后不要游泳。”recommend(建议)后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“(should)do”。,11They are novels,plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well w

50、ritten that people still read them nowadays.它们是很久以前创作的小说、戏剧和诗歌,写得很好,至今人们仍然在阅读这些作品。,品味经典He ran so quickly that I couldnt catch up with him.他跑得这么快以至于我追不上他。He is so good a doctor that everybody loves and respects him.他是一位好医生,大家都爱戴并尊敬他。,自我探究so.that.意为“如此以至于”;so 的后面可用形容词或副词,引导结果状语从句。,易混辨析so.that.,such.th


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