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1、Molecular Biology,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,2,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,3,对同学们的几点要求:,1、认真听讲,勤做笔记课堂纪律2、举一反三,温故知新做好预习、复习。3、勤学多问,孜孜不倦 善于勤学多问,与老师、同学多交流探讨。4、跟踪前沿,引申思维经常查阅相关文献,关注有关科技新闻。,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,4,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,5,转基因超级鼠(super mouse),2023/11/18,生命科学学院,6,绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP),2023/11/18,生命科学学院,

2、7,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,8,抗除草剂作物,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,9,Two tomato plants artificially inoculated with bacterial speck disease,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,10,GM cotton,GM,genetically modified,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,11,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,12,Chapter 1 Introduction,1.The definition of Molecular Biology and the development hi

3、story2.Model organisms3.Methodology of Molecular Biology,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,13,指从分子水平研究蛋白质、核酸等生物大分子的结构与功能,从而阐明生命现象本质的科学。,The definition of Molecular Biology,1、广义上的定义,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,14,Biomacromolecule(生物大分子),核酸(Nucleic acid)、蛋白质(Protein)、多糖(Saccharide)等具有重要功能的较大分子量物质。molecular weight(mw)104-1012 p

4、15,2、研究对象,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,15,3、狭义上的定义,University of KansasRobert F.WeaverMolecular biology is the study of genes and their activities at the molecular level,including DNA replication,transcription,translation,recombination and translocation.偏重于核酸方面的研究,指研究DNA的复制、转录、翻译、重组和易位等过程。,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,16

5、,4、与其它学科之间的关系,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,17,1.准备和酝酿阶段(19世纪后期20世纪50年代),2.现代分子生物学的建立和发展阶段(20世纪50年代70年代),3.初步认识生命本质并开始改造生命的 深入发展阶段(20世纪70年代后),The development history of molecular biology,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,18,1.准备和酝酿阶段确定了蛋白质是生命的主要基础物质19世纪末证明酵母无细胞提取液能使糖发酵产生酒精,第一次提出酶(enzyme)的名称,酶是生物催化剂。20世纪20-40年代提纯和结晶了一些酶(包括尿素酶、胃






11、向,将对医学和工农业发展作出新贡献。,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,23,1944,Avery OT,et al Genetic Material is DNA,not protein,Avery OT,MacLeod CM,McCarty M,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,24,1953 for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material,The Nobel

12、 Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1962,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,25,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,26,The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1968,1966 for their interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis,Holley RW,Khorana HG,Nirenberg MW,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,27,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,28,The Nobel

13、 Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1978,Arber W,Nathans D,Smith H,1968 for the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,29,the Nobel Prize in chemistry 1980,1972 for his fundamental studies of the biochemistry of nucleic acids,with part

14、icular regard to recombinant-DNA,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,30,The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1980,Sanger F,1977for their contributions concerning the determination of base sequences in nucleic acids,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,31,The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993,Mullis F,1985 for his invention of the polymerase chain

15、reaction(PCR)method,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,32,1996,Wilmut created the first somatic cloned sheep,Wilmut I and Dolly,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,33,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,34,Human genome project,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,35,杨焕明,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,36,What is Model organism,The organism chosen for understand broad biological princ

16、iples is called a model organism.模式生物的选择主要是根据研究的目的、取材的方便、实验方法的可行、生物周期的长短、遗传背景情况、是否具有遗传改造和表型分析手段、是否有利于国际同行的交流等因素而决定的。,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,37,The Characteristics of Good Model Organisms,rapid development with short life cycles,small adult size,ready availability,tractability(温顺的)(Bolker,1995).,2023/11/1

17、8,生命科学学院,38,Common Model Organisms,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,39,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,40,Escherichia coli,A prokaryotic organism without a nuclear membrane.easy to manipulate in recombinant DNA.a single chromosomea short generation timeconvenient to study geneticallycan be grow in liquid or on solid(agar)medium

18、.,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,41,The fruit fly is small and easily grown in the laboratory.It has a generation time of only two weeks and produces many offspring.Embryos develop outside the mothers body.Sequencing of Drosophila genome was completed in 2000.,Drosophila melanogaster the first model organism,202

19、3/11/18,生命科学学院,42,normally lives in the soil but is easily grown in petri dishes(培养皿).millimeter long,transparent body with only a few cell types and grows from zygote to mature adult in only three and a half days.genome sequenced.Genetic Background are clear,Caenorhabditis elegans,2023/11/18,生命科学学院

20、,43,The mouse has a long history as a mammalian model of development.Genome and genes roughly the same as human.Researchers are adepts at manipulating mouse genes to make transgenic mice and mice in which particular genes are“knocked out”by mutation.Generation time of 9 weeks,but embryo development

21、inside mother is disadvantages for studies.,Mus musculus,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,44,A second vertebrate model,the zebrafish Danio rerio,has some unique advantages.These small fish(2-4 cm long)are easy to breed in the laboratory in large numbers.Transparent embryos develop outside the mothers body.Although

22、 generation time is two to four months,the early stages of development proceed quickly.By 24 hours after fertilization,most tissues and early versions of the organs have formed.After two days,the fish hatches out of the egg case.,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,45,One plant can grow and produce thousands of proge

23、ny after eight to ten weeks.A hermaphrodite(雌雄同体的),each flower makes ova and sperm.Easy for gene manipulation research(genetic transformation)Its relatively small genome,completely sequenced.,Arabidopsis thaliana,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,46,噬菌体(Phage):细菌病毒,酵母,真核生物,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,47,Methodology of Molecu

24、lar Biology,The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1926,for his work on disperse systems,Svedberg,Ultracentrifuge,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,48,Separation the biological materials,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,49,The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1948,for his research on electrophoresis and adsorption analysis,especially for his disco

25、veries concerning the complex nature of the serum proteins,Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius,Electrophoresis,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,50,Separation of proteins or nucleic acids based on size and/or charge in electric field,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,51,电泳(electrophoresis):通过电场作用,不同分子量的带电物质被分离。,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,52,Elect

26、ron microscopeDirect visualization of cell ultra-structure,including nucleic acids,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,53,RadioisotopetracersTracking flow of molecular through a metabolic pathway,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,54,The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1952,for their invention of partition Chromatography,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,5

27、5,Column chromatographySeparation of macromolecules through a resin column,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,56,X-ray diffractionProvides precise measurement of 3-D structure of protein or nucleic acid,DNA X-ray diffraction from Franklin,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,57,Nucleotide sequencingDetermination of sequence of bases i

28、n DNAs,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,58,Polymerase chain reaction(PCR)Production of large numbers of copies of small amount of DNA starting material,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,59,聚合酶链反应(PCR),梯度水浴,2023/11/18,生命科学学院,60,Reference book,朱玉贤 现代分子生物学,高等教育出版社杨荣武 分子生物学,南京大学出版社郜金荣 分子生物学,武汉大学出版社阎隆飞 分子生物学,中国农业大学出版社昌增益 二十世纪生物学的分子革命,科学出版社,


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