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1、雅思口语Part2话题范文整合 为了让大家更好的备考口语,今天给大家带来了雅思口语Part2话题范文,希望能帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语Part2话题范文: an occasion that you received a good serviceYou should say:what the service waswhen and where you received the servicewhom you were together withand explain why you think it was a good service.参考范文:In terms of

2、 the occasion that I received a good service, I would like to share with you my experience in the restaurant called Hai Di Lao, one of the most famous hot pot chain store brands in China. Ive long heard of the brand name but never got the chance to have a try until last month. When my birthday came,

3、 I enjoy the ho官方真题Officialt in the center of city, a newly opened one. I went there with my family members, altogether 8 people.Actually, I went there half an hour in advance to avoid the long queue. When the time I arrived at the destination, there were many people waiting outside. When my father

4、came, holding a birthday cake in his hands, the waiter came and invited us to come in and enjoy the ho官方真题Officialt. I was surprised coz it was not our turn. But we regarded it as a kind of good luck and enjoyed the ho官方真题Officialt in the restaurant for roughly two hours.It was a real wonderful expe

5、rience to enjoy food in the restaurant. And I felt quite moved to be treated so well in the restaurant. Later on, I knew the fact that the birthday cake made the waiter know that someone would celebrate birthday and he gave us the priority not to queue up. Also, most of the waiters or waitresses cam

6、e to us and sang the song happy birthday to me was another thing that made me quite touched. I felt so appreciated that they not only gave me good birthday wishes but also I got a special birthday gift from them. Whats more, we got 20 percent off when we paid the bill. My experience made me believe

7、that all the good comments of the restaurant are all true. I am deeply impressed by the good service from the restaurant.雅思口语Part2话题范文:a meal you would like to haveYou should say:where you want to eatwhat you want to eatwho you want to share it withand explain why you want to have this meal参考范文:Id l

8、ike to have a really serious try on a food called ASADO, which is the most traditional and popular meal in Argentina.Asado can be translated as barbecue and an asado meal normally consists of beef, chicken, and several animal organs. Asado can be prepared in different ways, but my favorite is charco

9、al-grilled because it gives the meats a special wood-burning flavor. Whats more, a well-prepared asado allows consumers to taste the tenderness and juiciness of the meats. Since I have always been a meat lover, asado has naturally become my favorite meal.As I said, asado is the most popular meal in

10、Argentina, and basically every tourist traveling to Argentina wants to try it at least once during their visit. Short ribs are considered the main dish in an asado meal, and thats why it is the most commonly consumed part of the cow in Argentina. An asado meal is commonly served with fresh salad and

11、 some traditional spices and condiments.Because of the high costs of the meats nowadays, asado is only served in special events such as birthdays, anniversaries, or important holidays like Christmas or the New Year. In my case, the last time I had asado was when my wife and I invited a bunch of Taiw

12、anese friends to our housewarming party and I wanted to let them have a taste at this traditional South American meal. To my delight, the asado I prepared come out perfect; it was neither undercooked nor overcooked, it was just right and the meats were so flavorful, juicy and tender.All in all, I wo

13、uld say that asado is perfect for gatherings between family and friends. People not only can enjoy and taste a wide variety of barbecued foods but also have a great time together.雅思口语Part2话题范文:a well-paid job you would like to doYou should say:What the job isHow you came to know about itWhat kind of

14、 people can do this jobAnd explain why you like this job话题解读:不知道为什么,雅思口语里提到well-paid job很多孩子会想到programmer,大概是进入到科技时代,他们就是可以用键盘改变世界的人吧!如此powerful的职业,必然报酬颇丰。不管实际情况如何,在考场确实可以选择这个job聊,只要给出理由即可。其实,任何的工作都有着可以成为高薪工作的理由啊,例如教师,可以说“教育乃治国之本”,国家特别重视教育,所以老师的待遇贼高!医生的待遇也很特别高啊,当然“医生收红包”那段就不要说了说完了职业那部分,别忘了再解释一下为什么自己

15、会be good at,除了跟自己的兴趣爱好吻合,也可以是因为自己有这方面的talent呀之类的。参考范文Im confident that I would be an excellent programmer with decent payment in the future.Im a complete technophile, Ive always been fascinated by technological stuff like computers, Internet, smart phones, especially apps and software.The modern wor

16、ld is made up of various programs. Its fair to say everything in every aspect of our lives has been computerized to some extent. Its already become an indispensible part of our daily life.Its not my major in college, but as a computer nut, I fancy myself as a self-taught expert. And Im a quick study

17、, I bought self-study materials and watch tutorials online, and I just got the hang of it pretty soon. And now Ive had a good command of the knowledge needed to be a qualified programmer.And I know for a fact that all the programmers are well paid. The demand is high for this job, I mean, our societ

18、y needs people like us to create something new and entertaining, to facilitate peoples daily life and bring more joy and recreational activities for people.I know many people who have changed their major and started to work in this area. So its fair to say its a promising career with great job prosp

19、ects.雅思口语Part2话题范文:Describe a bicycle tripWhenWhereWho you are withAnd explain why it is impressive参考范文:Id like to describe a travelling idea that I think would make an awesome experience. Its a motorbike trip to Tam Dao, a town of Vinh Phu province, which has become an attractive place for Hanoi re

20、sidents to visit at weekends and during holidays. Tam Dao, also known as Da Lat of the North due to its cool weather around the year, is not far from Hanoi. Its just 70 kilometers away from our capital city, so I think itd be sensible to travel there by motorbike.I think itd be an ideal trip if we h

21、ad a small group of 4 or 5 members, who all knew each other well, as travelling companions. We would need to share a lot of common interests as well as characteristics, you know, so the experience would be more laidback, fun and memorable, in my opinion.There are several reasons why I prefer travell

22、ing by motorbike rather than by car, but most of all, I wouldnt want to miss the breathtaking scenery along the way. Moreover, my travelling timeline would be more flexible if I went there by motorbike, as I wouldnt have to worry about being stuck in traffic jams. Last but not least, I think it woul

23、d be a way to make the trip somehow more challenging and interesting, so we would have more things to recall afterwards雅思口语Part2话题范文:an interesting historical event you knowYou should say,What event it isHow you know this eventWhy is it so interestingAnd explain your feelings towards this event.参考范文

24、:古代历史如果大家觉得hold不住的话,可以想想近代历史,例如中美建交啊(the establishment of Sino-US diplomatic relations),中华人民共和国成立啊(the founding of the Peoples Republic of China)或是港澳回归啊(The return of Hong Kong and Macao)都可以,因为大家都比较熟知,而且背景知识也不复杂。今天呢我们就以澳门回归为例来分析下这个雅思口语话题。China enjoys a long history, which is recognized as a time-hon

25、ored country,and speaking of an historical events, the one Id like to mention today is the return of Macau.If my memory never fails me, the transfer of sovereignty of Macau from the Portuguese republic to the China occurred on 20 December 1999 with the witness of thousands of people, which is one of

26、 the most significant historical events in my Chinese history. I can say that every Chinese knows that, since it was written in details in the history text book.In my opinion, it has a great influence on the political world. While to China, it was an event about reunion, about dignity.I can imagine

27、the scene of the national flag of China flying at the ground of Macau surely brings tears to peoples eyes. In my eyes, it is not only a symbol of the beginning of a new era of Macao, also an occasion for family reunion. You know we suffered a lot, pain, hunger, homeless even death during the World War One and Two. After decades of struggling and fight, we finally kicked intruders back to their home and kept our homeland. So we really feel proud and excited at the day.雅思口语Part2话题范文整合


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