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1、雅思口语话题Part3高分范文 今天和大家分享一下雅思口语话题Part3高分范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语话题Part3高分范文:something youve always wanted to do参考范文:Describe something youve always wanted to do but have not done yet1. In general, do you think planning is important? 总体来说,你认为做计划重要吗?Oh, definitely it is. Planning makes our life

2、 more predictable and, as a result, less stressful. It gives us the right direction, motivates us and keeps us disciplined. It allows focus and personal energy direction preventing us from taking many unnecessary, unfocused and inefficient steps, ensuring that we are staying on track with our goals.

3、 It also aids in organising our day, week, month and year and helps us manage our time. I can also say that planning increases our efficiency and helps produce quality work. So, no doubt of primary importance.2. Do you think people should make highly detailed plans or just general plans? 你认为人们应该做一个详

4、细规划还是大致计划?Well, I would say it depends on personality characteristics. If people enjoy the spontaneity of life and like to shake up their routine, they should opt for making general plans cause this type of plans builds in a high degree of flexibility and doesnt restrict peoples freedom. But if peop

5、le like to make sure they know where they are going and why they are doing something before getting started, I guess, they should focus on making highly detailed plans cause plans set the direction and establish priorities providing clarity on what people should be working on at any given t: and ena

6、bling them to make decisions deliberately, methodically and strategically.3. What type of people likes to make plans? 哪类人喜欢做规划?Oh, I think that these are, first of all, people who like to make sure they know where they are going and why they are doing something before getting started. They prefer wh

7、en things progress clearly in stages. They feel comfortable when they know that they are moving in the right direction and keep everything under control. Such people are focused, deliberate and thoughtful. Oh, and they are usually avid note-takers, which explains their love to making plans.4. Why do

8、 you think some people dont like making plans? 为什么你认为一些人不喜欢做规划?Well, I guess that one of the reasons for this is the fact that making plans is time-consuming and stressful for people. What is more, plans restrict people in many ways making them feel the pressure of being in charge of unexpected twis

9、ts, complexities and pitfalls, which can discourage people from planning. I also guess that some people dislike planning just because they like to shake up their routine going where the day takes them. They like the freedom to simply look forward to outcome and dont want to get disappointed if somet

10、hing goes wrong along the way.5. Do you think its important for a person to have a career plan? 你认为职业规划重要吗?Oh, no doubt it is. A career plan is a kind of a road-map which will help a person get wherever they would like to go helping them define their future career path as well as giving them the con

11、fidence they need to succeed. What is more, it is an essential part of a persons personal growth and development cause it, first, makes people set goals and then pushes them to gain new skills to strive for those goals. One more reason why it is vital to have a career plan is because it helps people

12、 take responsibility for their weaknesses, which increases their chances of success and, as a result keeps them from getting stuck in a rut.6. How do most people plan their future education and their future career? 大多数人会对教育和职业做规划吗?Well, I think one of the most important factors people consider while

13、 choosing their education and career is their interests and passions because work takes up about one-third of human life and if people spend so much time on doing what they dont like, it will be hard for them to feel happy. I also guess that while choosing future education and career people pay atte

14、ntion to their natural aptitudes and skills because it makes no sense to choose some area they are really bad at. Its also quit, common among people to consider such factors as the salary and availability jobs cause any job must pay the t and give a chance to grow. I guess these are the most importa

15、nt factors to consider.7. Do you think its important for young people to get advice from their parents when planning a career? 你认为年轻人在做计划的时候从父母那获取建议重要吗?Oh, for sure it is, especially if this advice remains impartial. Parents know their children best. I mean their innate talents and skills, likes and

16、 dislikes, and can help them make informed decisions about their future. But I will repeat the key word here is help, that is give children the freedom and space to live their own life but not make decisions instead of kids unintentionally putting pressure on them to realize somebodys unfulfilled am

17、bitions.雅思口语话题Part3范文: a product you bought which made you very happy参考范文:Describe a product you bought which made you very happy1. Is service better in large shops or in small shops? 大店服务比小店好吗?Oh, no doubt, in small ones as they have a greater emphasis on customer service than large ones. They crea

18、te a great shopping environment with quality products, outstanding customer service and advice from friendly expert staff. Shoppers just cant resist this personal attention and staffs commitment to service. What is more, customers can be sure that in difficult situations they will get sincere empath

19、y from staff who will do their best to resolve complaints in their favour. As far as large shops are concerned, their impersonal service standard operating procedures an indifferent calmness often repel bi more and more turning them to smaller stores which have, to my mind, become the leaders of con

20、sumers preferences, first of all, for their excellent personal service.2. What do people do when they get bad service? 遇到恶劣服务态度人们会做什么?Well, I guess they, first of all, voice their complaints trying to get some kind of solution or compensation from the company. If the company wholly fixes the situati

21、on, I guess, it only strengthens customer loyalty, and the shoppers dont take any other actions. But if the company ignores or dismisses the complaints, I am more than sure that dissatisfied customers will not willingly do business with this company again. What is more, they will spread news of bad

22、customer service sharing their points with as many people as possible, which might negatively influence the companys business.3. How can a company maintain the quality of the service that it gives to the public? 一个公司如何保持对外的服务质量?Oh, I think it could be done by actively reaching out to customers and t

23、rying to gather their feedback on service quality, and suggested areas of improvement. Its very important for companies to identify common issues and demands of customers and customize their service offerings. Its also essential to spend generously on training personnel to adequately handle customer

24、 queries and complaints. In cases when a customer has already complained about poor service quality, its important for businesses to take steps to redeem the situation. All these actions will, no doubt, help the companies maintain the quality of their service.4. Whats an example of a difficult situa

25、tion involving the public that an employee might need to deal with? 举一个员工处理困难的对外涉及公共事件的情况的例子。Well, to my mind, the most common example of such a difficult situation is broken promises. I am more than sure that any broken promise will compound a complaint and lead to distrust, which will complicate a

26、 matter and make it more difficult to deal with it. One more tough situation an employee might need to handle is low quality of products or services or defective products. If the company promised goods of high quality but delivered low-quality products, customers will share this bad experience publi

27、cly and most likely complain ii social media networks, which again will complicate solving the conflict. I think there might also be troubles with complaints about hidden information and costs, not giving full product explanations and even not willing to admit a mistake.5. Do you think its important

28、 for a company to provide after-sales service? 你认为公司提供售后服务重要吗?Well, definitely yes cause by providing clients with after sales service companies, first of all, get truly satisfied customers and, as a result, referrals, repeated orders and endorsement, which is really important for every business. Wh

29、at is more, they get positive feedback about their products and services, not only build customer loyalty and retain existing customers, but also attract new ones. I can also add that after sales service helps businesses capture a market share, build trust and credibility and gain a good reputation.

30、 So, yeah, its really important.雅思口语话题Part3范文:a good news heard from other people雅思口语Part3参考范文:Describe a good news heard from other people1. How do people share good news? 人们如何分享好消息?Oh, they do it in various ways. The most common one is to tell family and friends about it in real life interactions,

31、 for example, over coffee or dinner, or, if they waited for this news for a long time, at the party organized precisely for informing the closest people about the news and celebrating the Big Day together. Seeing faces of the loved ones at the moment they hear good news will prolong the happiness an

32、d joy of the hosts. There are also easier ways to break the news to others such as posting it in social media, for example. Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus, telling about it in the blog or just sending a message note or an e-mail to the people they want to share this particular piece of news with.

33、Doing so, the informers will reach a much larger audience, but get far positive emotions because the feedback wont exhilarate them as much as face-to-face communication.2. How does modern technology affect the delivery of news? 现代技术如何影响新闻的传递?Well, to my mind, hugely. Modern technology has already ch

34、anged and still keeps changing the tools newsrooms use to gather and present the news as well as the wav people get it. What I mean is that state-of-the-art technology lets people get news much faster than they used to, have access to various online sources of information and get updated info round

35、the clock without having to wait for the following days newspaper or newscast. What is more, a lot of time and money is saved both on delivering getting news thanks to technology3. When do people share good news? 人们什么时候分享好消息?Oh, I guess, people share good news, first of all, when emotions are runnin

36、g high and they want the world to know how happy they are and want to spread their happiness, joy and positive experiences around. Also, this happens when people want to thank those who believed in them because sometimes its so important to be pushed and feel supported as usually so many dreams die

37、without approval and belief of significant people. Sometimes people share good news to give hope to people who strive for the same but either doubt or dont believe it can be achieved. And, of course, there are also cases when people break good news to others just because they want to boast or make somebody jealous of their achievements.


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