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1、怎样让托福口语表达向高分标准靠拢 怎样让托福口语表达向高分标准靠拢?实例讲解口语提分细节?今天给大家带来了托福考场实战经验分享, 希望能够帮助到大家在托福口语中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。怎样让托福口语表达向高分标准靠拢?实例讲解口语提分细节托福口语符合评分标准高分回答实例解析实例1:People often feel home sick when they are away from home. What do you often do to deal with home sickness?考生回答解析There are lots of activities you can do

2、 to help you deal with homesickness.第一句话概述该话题,直接回答题目。personally, I think making new friend whenever I am away from home is a very effective way to ease my homesickness.提出一个可以在想家的时候进行的活动即为交朋友By interacting with new friends, I feel like it is a very easy for me to fit in the local culture, also, I can

3、 enrich my own experience and broaden my horizon by exchanging different ideas with new friends,get over homesickness.以上内容是对交朋友这个活动的展开。On top of that, I would say chatting with my family online is also very helpful, not only can you hear their voice, you can also see their face.又提出来另外一个活动即为跟家人视频聊天,这

4、里出现了细节如face和voice;这两个细节可以很生动的说明聊天可以缓解思念家乡的心情。Basically, its like you are talking to them face to face. You can update them whats going on with your own life, like the people you meet, the places you have been, so on and so forth.对视频聊天这个活动进行了展开实例2:Some people like to collect old things such as newspa

5、pers. Others throw things away after they have used them. Which do you prefer and why?考生回答解析I am the kind of person who likes to keep old things especially like newspapers, book I read in the past and . even the football I used to kick around.第一句话直接回答题目,开门见山,清晰明了。These things help me to document imp

6、ortant milestones and memories. Particularly about the newspapers, newspapers record lots of major event in sports, politics and even the entertainment.用两句话引入关键即为newspaper,并出现了细节如sports, politics, 和entertainment;I am a big basketball fan, and I follow the NBA very closely, I clip out the stories cov

7、ering NBA finals every year and I collect them. I keep these precious documents not only for myself but also for the next generation to come.以上是对为何我喜欢保存报纸的详细阐述。For these reasons and more, I find it very interesting to hold on to things from the past.最后一句话总结。2019托福口语跟读的训练步骤1. 有稿跟读简单*首先大家要自己先看一遍稿件,然后把

8、上面不会的单词都学会,练习正确的发音,然后自己读一读,读顺了之后,开始放录音,跟着录音读,一开始可能跟不上,听到哪儿断下来了,就停放录音,自己再读,读书了,再继续放录音。多跟着录音读几遍,直到能够不断,连续的跟着录音完全读下来为止。2. 脱稿跟读简单*将上述*读熟悉了后,不看稿,反复跟着录音跟读,直到能够不看稿,毫无障碍的跟着录音读下全篇*。然后这种练习需要反复做,逐渐会提高语感。然后,当大家练习到一定程度后,拿出一篇新*,自己先看一遍,然后脱离稿件,听着录音跟读,直到读到毫无障碍的做出跟读为止。3. 带稿跟读新闻经过上面训练后,接下来大家就可以尝试跟读英语新闻了。由于英语新闻会有很多复杂单词



11、Are Good for youThe basic meaning of pet is an animal we keep for emotional rather thaneconomic reasons. (1) A pet animal is kept as a companion, and we all needcompanions to keep us feeling happy. But pets offer us more than merecompanionship; they invite us to love and be loved. Many owners feel t

12、heir petsunderstand them, for animals are quick to sense anger and sorrow. Often a cat ordog can comfort us at times when human words dont help (2). We feel loved, too,by the way pets depend on us for home, for food and drink. Dogs especially, lookup to their owners, which makes them feel important

13、and needed. (3)A pet can be something different to each member of the family, another babyto the mother, a sister or brother to an only child, a grandchild to theelderly, (4) but for all of us pets provide pleasure and companionship. It haseven been suggested that tiny pets should be sent as compani

14、ons to astronauts onspace ships, to help reduce the stress and loneliness of space flights.In this Plastic Age, (5) when most of us live in large cities, pets areparticularly for children. A pet in the family keeps people in touch with themore natural, animal world. Seeing an animal give birth bring

15、s understanding ofthe naturalness of childbirth of the naturalness of childbirth, and seeing a pethelps a child to cope with sorrow. (6) Learning to care for a pet helps a childto grow up into a loving adult who feels responsible towards those dependent onhim. Rightly we teach children to be good to

16、 their pets. They should learn, too,that pets are good for us human beings.I. ListenListen to the text with the help of the following notes.1. The basic meaning of pet is an animal we keep for emotional ratherthan economic reasons: 宠物的基本含义是,我们出于感情原因,而不是经济目的而饲养的一种动物。2. when human words dont help: 人的语

17、言安抚无济于事时。3. Dogs especially, look up to their owners, which makes them feelimportant and needed: 特别是狗对其主人的尊重使用权他们产生一种举足轻重和不可缺少的感觉。4. A pet can be something different to each member of the family, anotherbaby to the mother, a sister or brother to an only child, a grandchild to theelderly:对家庭的每一个成员来说,

18、一只宠物有着不同的作用:对母亲来说,它是另一个孩子;对生子女来说,它则成了一个妹妹或弟弟;老人面前,它又变成了孙子。5. In the Plastic Age: 在这一塑料时代(即指当今塑料制品取代了自 杀的生活用品)。6. Seeing an animal give birth brings understanding of the naturalness ofchildbirth, and seeing a pet die helps a child to cope with sorrow:观察一只动物的分娩可以帮助人理解婴儿出生的自然过程;而看到一只宠物的死去则可以帮助孩子怎能样面对痛苦

19、。托福口语快速提分的10个小技巧1.收集机经很重要,TASK1、TASK2 多为旧题。托福一个月的三到四场考试中,口语一二题差不多仅有一场考试会遇到完全的新题,更多的是从之前考试中出。所以先过旧题。机经很重要,在考试之前可以在网上先搜集资料,看看近半年来口语一二题的机经,不以遇到原题为目的,但要熟悉答题思路和趋势。2.答案饱满很重要,45秒,60秒撑满。托福口语考试时间有限,讲话的时间一共就只有不到六分钟。所以在答题时间内用满全部时间是非常基本的能力,这样才能给评分人留下好印象。所以千万不要在答题最后留下超过5秒钟的空白时间。3.开放式的结尾,得分高。有时候在讲最后一个理由和细节时会把握不好时

20、间,或者根本没有在听力*中听到最后一个细节。综合ETS官方给出的样板评分答案,凡是采用开放式结尾的考生,考官在评分时都会酌情给分并且加上一句:Thespeaker has the ability to talk about it just running out time.如此看来,开放式的结尾能够浑水摸鱼,胜过留下一片空白。4.有头有尾,有结构。托福考试讲究逻辑,所以在答题时一定要注意加入表逻辑的关联词,过渡语,比如信号词,for instance,firstly,secondly,tobegin with,etc. 在距离录音结束还有几秒中答案又已经说完,记得加上一句thats about

21、 it,或者thankyou,牢记有头有尾有结构。5.TASK3、TASK5是关键。综合任务的四道题目,最简单的要数第五题,其次为第三题。由于是校园生活场景所以听力*难度不大,争取在*中定位出明显的信息点和框架,答题时不要遗漏信息点。3,5题如果能做到GOOD的评分,4、6的压力就会小很多。6.阅读*找线索。有听力*时我们经常会忽略阅读*内容,殊不知阅读*会提供宝贵线索。首先要在第三题*里找到题目,因为题目讲明EVENTS,然后在*主干部分找出解释出现该EVENTS的两个原因或一个原因一个结果,要知道接下来的听力*会围绕这两点展开讨论。要在第四题的阅读*里找到学术专有名词的解释。7.TASK6

22、 拼凑细节,少输多赢。口语第六题的听力*内容普遍偏难,在没有听懂*框架和结构的时候我们会选择放弃,第六题里什么都不答。牢记住,由于题目难度偏大,在评分时会有所倾斜,只要能再第六题中讲出与题目相关的细节,做到FAIR并非遥不可及。所以记住,竭尽全力,拼凑细节。8.利用题目题干找线索。口语第六题没有阅读*,听力*较长,我们经常会觉得听不出来两个关键点和*结构,此时千万别忽略了题目的题干。通常情况下,第六题题目题干会出现明显的*框架,即两个关键点。9.例子说细节,实验说数据。学术场景的第四题和第六题,在教授举例时一定注意。教授若举例为实例,则听细节,在答题时复述。若教授举例为实验,一定注意数据,在答题时复述。10.习惯用英语,千万别翻译。在日常生活中考生一定要做到,use English as much as possible.考试时千万不要在头脑中先过一遍中文再用英语去一字一句的翻译。一旦翻译,中式英语的表达就会出现。平时多说多听原汁原味的英语,习惯用英文思维解题和理解。


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