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1、10个你不知道但是超级好用的日常交际英语口语 今天给大家带来了10个你不知道但是超级好用的日常交际英语口语,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。10个你不知道但是超级好用的日常交际英语口语!1. Without further ado废话少数,言归正传在国外视频中经常可以听到,往往开头先介绍这个视频讲什么的,再切入正题,这是就会说“Without further ado,lets get started.”当然在其他地方也可以用。例子:Without further ado, he took out his pen and lent it to me.他二话没说,拿出笔来,把它

2、借给了我。2. I figure.我猜/我觉得.例子:I figure that our business should be able to break even in about a year.我猜我们的生意应该约一年就可以打平。3. 礼貌地形容外表(1)形容人矮,short往往不够礼貌,一般会用“petite(娇小)”(2)形容人胖,fat也不礼貌,可以用“plus size”(3)形容肤色,千万不能用white和blace(千万不能用!),这两个词是专指美国种族的。一般是用pale和fair来形容白,用tan和dark形容黑。4. 结束对话的用法(1)Ill leave you be.

3、“打扰了,告辞”的意思,在纸牌屋中经常出现。(2)As you were.“和以前一样”,常用于上司对下属讲完工作之后用到。5. Off the hook摆脱困境例:Let me off the hook with a mild reprimand.温和地责备后便放过了我。6.“没听清”的低地道说法除了“Excuse me?”“Pardon?”还有更地道的表示你没清楚的口语:(1)You lost me.我听不懂,我不明白你的意思(2)I didnt follow.我不明白,我没听清。7.Have/get your back.我挺你,我支持你。例:If you ever need help,

4、just ask. You know I have your back.8. It works.有效果,起作用。这个是非常实用的口语表达方式。work除了“工作”以外,还“”作,有效的意思。例:I dont understand how the model works.9. Buy that相信Buy that除了有“买它”的表面意思,还有“相信某个说法”的意思。例:I dont think shell buy that. She wasnt born yesterday, you know.我想她不会相信的。你知道,她不是那么容易上当。10.特定场合的常见表达(1)在宾馆/图书馆/售票处/电

5、话客服.办事结束后,经常会听到:Youre all set.事情都办完了(按时你可以走了)。ps:如果不知道是不是都弄好了,可以问一下对方Am I all set?(2)用公共饮水机/洗手池时,如果有人正好在用,你可以说:Take your time不着急,慢慢来。对方用完了,ta可能会对你说:All yours请便。交际英语口语:请求同意做可以吗?Is it all right if? .用来表示比较有礼貌地请求对方允许。Is it all right if I open the window? (我可以开窗吗?)Absolutely. (当然。).可以用Is it all right to

6、? 来代替Is it all right if?意思相同。Is it all right to smoke here? (我可以在这儿抽烟吗?)No, this is a nonsmoking room. (不行,这儿是禁烟室。)我可以进来吗?May I come in?May I come in? (我可以进来吗?)Please, do. (请进。)Is it alright to come in?May I enter?我可以坐这儿吗?May I sit here?Is this seat taken?Is someone sitting here?Is this seat free?我可

7、以在这儿玩球吗?May I play catch here?May I play catch here? (我可以在这儿玩球吗?)Of course you may. (当然,玩吧。)我可以抽烟吗?Do you mind if I smoke?Do you mind if I smoke? (我可以抽烟吗?)No, I dont mind. (行,没关系。).答Do you mind? 的提问时,想说“不行”时用Yes,“行”时用No。这儿可以拍照吗?Am I allowed to take pictures here? .llow表示“原谅”、“同意”、“承认”。Am I allowed t

8、o take pictures here? (这儿可以拍照吗?)Yes, I think so. (我想可以。)Is taking pictures allowed here?Are you permitted to take pictures here?Do they permit taking pictures here?Is it okay to take photographs here?让我看看。Let me see it.This is my favorite picture. (这是我最喜欢的照片。)Let me see it. (让我看看。)Let me take a look

9、.Please show it to me.我可以借用您的电话吗?May I use your phone?May I use your phone? (我可以借用您的电话吗?)Only if its not long distance. (只要不是长途电话就行。)我可以借用您的卫生间吗?May I use the bathroom?May I use the rest room?May I use the washroom?我可以把车停在那儿吗?Can I park my car there?Can I park my car there? (我可以把车停在那儿吗?)Yes, you can

10、. (可以,停那儿吧。)Is parking there okay?Is it all right to park my car there?Am I permitted to park my car there?我可以看一眼吗?May I take a look?May I have a look?May I see it?哪儿都可以吗?You mean any place?Do you mean any place?Anywheres okay?Any place?交际英语口语:拒绝请求和建议我希望可以,但是I wish I could, but .婉地拒绝对方要求的表达方式。Could

11、you work overtime tonight? (今天晚上能加个班吗?)I wish I could, but (我希望可以,但是)Id love to, but我不愿意。I wont.I want you to do it now. (我想让你现在就做。)I wont. (我不愿意。)不,谢谢。No, thank you. .然很感激,但必须拒绝时使用。Do you need help? (要我来帮你吗?)No, thank you. (不,谢谢。)No, thanks. .便的说法。Yes, thank you. (好吧,麻烦你。)我想不行。I dont think so.Can w

12、e go? (我们也能去吗?)No, I dont think so. (不,我想不行。)I dont believe so.我不要。I dont want it.Here you are. (给你。)I dont want it. (我不要。)真的不要。I really dont want it.Take one. (拿一个吧。)I really dont want it. (我真的不要。)真抱歉,我不能帮助你。Im sorry I cant help you.Where is the ABC Hotel? (请问ABC饭店在哪儿?)Im sorry I cant help you. (对不

13、起,我帮不了你。)Can you work overtime tonight? (今天晚上你能加班吗?)Im sorry, I cant help you. (对不起,我加不了班。)Im sorry I cant assist you.Im sorry I cant be any help.我反对他的建议。Im against his proposal.我很乐意,可我帮不了你。I wish I could help you, but I cant.Could you help me get a job? (您能帮我找一份工作吗?)I wish I could help you, but I c

14、ant. (可惜我帮不了你。)那事我使不上劲。I cant do anything about it.You have to help me. (你得帮帮我。)I cant do anything about it. (那事我使不上劲。)There is nothing I can do about it.I can do nothing about it.我无法满足你的愿望。I cant make that happen.I want to work for this company. (我想在这家公司工作。)Sorry, I cant make that happen. (对不起,我无法满

15、足你的愿望。)我没那份心情。Im not in the mood.Do you want to dance? (想跳舞吗?)Im not in the mood. (我没那份心情。)I dont feel like it.很遗憾,我现在有件急事。Im afraid Ive got urgent business now.Im afraid Ive got urgent business now. (很遗憾,我现在有件急事。)Thats a shame. (真是太遗憾了。)我有别的事。I have other business to take care of.Are you free today

16、? (你今天有时间吗?)No, I have other business to take care of. (没有,我有别的事。)对不起,我现在正忙着呢。Im sorry, but Im busy just now.Im sorry, but Im busy right now.对不起,我有急事。Im sorry, but Im in a hurry.Sorry, I dont have time. (对不起,我没时间了。)现在不行。Not right now.我就算了吧。Count me out. .己不愿意参加,不愿意加入时使用。Are you coming? (你来吗?)Count m

17、e out. (我就算了吧。)Count me in. (算上我一个。)如果可以的话,不Id rather not.Lets go drinking. (我们去喝酒吧。)Id rather not. (我还是不去了吧。)够了,够了。Enough. .nough表示“所有量,接受量足够了”。也可以用来表示有够多的麻烦和痛苦时。You have to (你必须)Enough. (够了,够了。)Enough already.Thats enough.已经足够了。Ive had enough.How about more salad? (再来点儿沙拉,怎么样?)No, thank you. Ive h

18、ad enough. (不,谢谢,已经足够了。)很遗憾,今天我不太方便。Unfortunately, its not convenient for me today.Why dont we have dinner together? (一起去吃顿饭,怎么样?)Unfortunately, its not convenient for me today. (很遗憾,今天我不太方便。)没说到点儿上。/离题万里。Thats beside the point. .eside the point 表示“估计错的”、“没抓住中心的”。If it hadnt rained, I would have done it. (要是没下雨的话,我就可以做,可是)Thats beside the point. (根本没说到点儿上。)10个你不知道但是超级好用的日常交际英语口语


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