1、数据通信网II课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程代码:070235课程名称:数据通信网II英文名称:Data communication network II课程类别:专业课 学时:30学分:1.5适用对象:通信、电子信息专业本科生考核方式:考试平时成绩占总成绩的30%先修课程:信号与系统,通信原理, 计算机网络二、课程简介数据通信网系统地讲述了数据通信和计算机网络领域的基本容。包括无线和卫星通信、有线电视电缆调制解调器、压缩技术、密码技术、防病毒、100 Mbps以太网、NetWare 4.0、边界网关协议、域名系统、IPv6、异步传送模式 、使用客户/服务器模式来实现文件传送协议及开发Web
2、网页等。Data communication network summarize the basic knowledge of data communication and computer network field fully. Including wireless and satellite communication, cable TV Modems, compression, cipher, virus guard, 100Mbps Ethernet, NetWare 4.0、band gateway protocol, domain name system, IPv6, async
3、hronous transmission mode, using client/server mode to transmit file and Web development and so on.三、课程性质与教学目的数据通信网是通信工程工程专业的一门必修课。这门课程的主要特征是理论与实践并重。有较多的通信原理及电路硬件知识,是硬件与软件相结合的一门课程, 通过本课程的学习,学生能够l 了解电信与及数据通信的发展历史与前景l 知道通信种类及其使用的频段l 熟悉数据通信模型与术语l 知道数据通信标准及其制定机构l 知道数据通信网及其分类和用途l 描述数字传输与模拟传输的区别与各自的特点l 掌握
4、信息的度量方法和信号时域频域特性分析方法l 了解传输信道特性及其对信号的影响l 掌握各种数据编码方法l 熟悉数据传输方式及基带传输与频带传输相关知识l 通晓通信线路的媒质、配置方式及多路复用技术l 熟知常用通信设备与接口l 描述网络分层体系结构的优点l 了解数据传输控制技术与网络交换技术l 初识各种交换式网络、广播式网络l 熟悉数据网宽带技术和接入技术了解多媒体通信和数据通信技术进展The goals of this course are to help student understand the following:1 The difference, advantages, and dis
5、advantages of various transmission media;2 Analog and digital signals, modulation and demodulation techniques, and how modulation devices such as modems, cable modems, and DSL modems work;3 The effect of noise on transmissions and how protocols detect when information has been damaged; 4 Worms, viru
6、ses, and other threats to networked computers; 5 The need for security and the effectiveness of various encryption methods; 6 Differences between public and private key encryption systems; 7 How to establish secure connections to remote sites; 8 The need for flow control and various ways of implemen
7、ting it; 9 Methods of connecting local area networks; 10How increased Web use and the proliferation of multimedia applications have affected existing protocols and what is being done to deal with it 四、教学容及要求一教学容第一讲 通信与通信网2学时l 通信基本概念通信的回顾与热点,通信系统模型,通信种类的划分,各类通信使用的频段,通信 标准与标准化组织;l 通信网通信网的构成,通信网的分类,通信网
8、的拓扑结构,通信网的发展趋势。第二讲 数据通信2学时数据通信的研究容,数据通信系统的构成,数据网分类与体系结构,数据通信的质量要求,数据通信编码,数据通信的特点,数据通信的应用及其发展,我国数据通信发展概况。第三讲 信号与系统2学时信息及其度量,信号种类与特性,系统类型及特性,信号时域分析,信号频域分析, 频谱与时间函数的关系,信号功率频谱与带宽,信号衰耗与失真。第四讲 信道特性2学时信道模型,噪声与信噪比,信道容量及传输速率,信道对信号传播的影响,信号的频谱搬移第五讲 传输方式与传输质量2学时l 传输方式基带传输与频带传输,单工传输与双工传输,串行传输与并行传输,异步传输与同步传输。l 传输
9、质量衡量方法数据信号的畸变度,数据传输差错率,畸变和误码的测试。第六讲 数据编码2学时l 数字-数字编码数字信型的设计要求,单极性编码,极化编码、双极性编码,解决码流直流分量 和同步问题的变形编码方法。l 模拟-数字编码PCM、DPCM、ADPCM、DM编码方法,主要讨论PCM编码及PAM脉码调制。l 数字-模拟编码2ASK、2FSK、2PSK、nQAM、DMT等数字调制方法简述。l 模拟-模拟编码AM,FM,PM。l 扩频技术跳频,直序扩频。第七讲 基带数据传输2学时基带数据传输模型,基带传输有关理论,无失真传输,信号带限引起的失真,再生中继及其影响中继间隔的因素码间串扰和线路噪声,码间串扰
10、及其特性分析,眼图分析法,均衡滤波器。第八讲 频带数据传输2学时频带传输系统基本构成,ASK、2FSK、2PSK等调制的原理分析,影响频带传输质量的因素衰减失真,群时延失真,噪声,幅度突变与瞬时中断,相位突变与抖动,载波频率偏差,回波干扰,谐波失真,单频干扰。第九讲 信道媒质2学时信道媒质适用频段,双绞线、同轴电缆和光纤等有线媒质,地面微波、卫星、蜂窝系统等无线媒质。第十讲 多路复用2学时l 线路配置与复用线路配置形式,线路的多路复用,多路复用基本理论。l 复用技术技术种类频分多路复用,同步时分多路复用,统计时分复用,波分多路复用波分复用WDM和密集波分复用DWDM,码分多址复用。l FDM应
11、用举例电视,模拟载波系统。l 数字复接TDM应用举例数字载波系统准同步数字系列PDH,ISDN/B-ISDN用户接口,同步数字系列SDH/SONET,DDN复用与交叉连接。第十一讲 传输控制2学时l 同步控制技术载波同步,位同步,帧同步,网同步。l 流量控制技术帧传输的模型,停止等待流量控制,滑动窗口流量控制。l 差错控制技术差错控制基本知识,不用信道编码的差错控制,基于检错码的差错控制,采用线性纠错码的差错控制,卷积码的纠错能力,常用的自动检错重发技术。第十二讲 通信硬件2学时l 组网设备数据终端设备,线路终接设备特别介绍调制解调器,传输控制设备,自动辅助设备,通信专用设备,局域网组网与互联
12、设备。l 数据通信接口接口种类,机械特性,电气特性,功能特性与规程特性。第十三讲 数据交换2学时电路交换,公用交换网及其模拟和数字业务,报文交换与分组交换,分组交换实例X.25分组交换和IP分组交换,帧中继交换,ATM信元交换。第十四讲 宽带数据通信2学时核心网与接入网,宽带传输与接入,接入网功能结构,xDSL数字用户线,FTTx光纤 接入,HFC混合光纤/同轴电缆,无线本地环路WLL。第十五讲 多媒体通信2学时多媒体通信基础知识,多媒体通信的特点,多媒体通信对网络的需求,多媒体通信的应用和进展。Chapter 1:learning about introduction to the fiel
13、d, touching on current issues and applications in the field of communications and networks。grasps the need for standards, lists relevant standards organizations, and the Open System Interconnect。Chapter 2:studying different types of transmission media:their advantages and disadvantages ,and various
14、codes used to assign meaning to data。Chapter 3:grasping analog and digital signal types, modulation techniques needed to convent between them, cable modems, and DSL。Chapter 4:focuses on making connections, interface standards, learning how multiple devices access common media。Chapter 5:studying data
15、 compressiontechniques suited to compressing different types of data, Comprehend how they exploit different types of redundancy in the data。Chapter 6:grasping the integrity of transmitted data includes error detection and correction techniques such as parity, CRC, and Hamming codes。Chapter7:learning
16、 about data security, including encryption techniques Discusses secure connections, firewalls, and various threats。Chapter 8:studying flow control algorithms that outlines some techniques used for the formal verification of protocol correctness。Chapter 9:study LAN protocols。several flavors of Ethern
17、et, Token Ring OEEE802.11。Chapter10:learning about the ways various networks can be connected including layer 3 connections and discusses various routing algorithms。Chapter 11:is the Internet Chapter。Study both versions 4 and 6 of the Internet Protocol are covered。Presents protocol designed to provi
18、de some real-time service requirements to the Internet, covers TCP and concludes with an outline of several common Internet applications。Chapter 12:study working examples of client/server applications。Examples include socket programming, CGI programming using C and Perl。sample code that illustrates
19、how file transfers, search engineers and online ordering systems work。Chapter 13:deal with circuit-based technologies,ISDN,X.25.Frame Relay, and ATM 。Chapter 14, Chapter 15:Reviews:review questions, answer questions for which answers can be obtained directly from the corresponding chapter, encourage
20、 the student to go back through the text and pick out what I believes is important. Exercises五、各教学环节学时分配教学环节教学时数课程容讲课习题课讨论课实验其他教学环节小计第一章22第二章22第三章22第四章22第五章22第六章22第七章22第八章22第九章22第十章22第十一章22第十二章22第十三章22第十四讲22第十五讲22合计30六、推荐教材和教学参考资源1. William A. Shay, Understanding Data Communications and Networks, Third Edition, China Machine Press, 2004.22. Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Fourth Edition, TsinghuaUniversity Press, 2004.8七、其他说明本大纲参考相关数据通信网和课程教学大纲进行制订。