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1、专科英语一作业及答案专科英语一作业Part I Vocabulary & Structure词汇与构造每题2分,共40小题,总分值80分Directions:These are 10 incomplete statements hereYou are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D)此局部共有10个未完成的句子。每个句子中未完成的局部有四个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。1. The cl

2、ock 10 when I got up this morningA. told B. saidC. read D. spoke2If it snows tomorrow, we able to throw snowballsA. are B. can beC. will beD. be3.It was unfortunate(不幸的) that my car on my way to the companyA. broke down B. broke inC. broke out D. broke up4Of the two shirts, I like the darker one .A.

3、 good B. betterC. best D. well5Look! It is the very book you are looking for everywhereA. which B. thatC. what D. this6The proof he killed the driver while robbing the taxi was obtained by two passers-by.A. that B. whatC. which D. why7. The workers salaries next month.A. will raise B. will be rising

4、C. will be raised D. will be rised8. I find impossible for me to afford a new house at present.A. that B. whatC. it D. this9. We should follow an life style now that we are both out of work.A. economic B. economicalC. economics D.economy10. I hope you wont be late for our date .A. ahead of time B. i

5、n timeC. in futureD. on time11. On formal _,people pay more attention to manners. A. situations B. cases C. conditions D. occasions 12. The mother was filled with about her sons health.A. disappointment B. anxiety C. fright D. eagerness13. The young boy has a variety of hobbies, which _ from classic

6、al music to online games. A. change B. vary C. extend D. alter 14. He is trying to the familys expenses. A. reduce B. release C. relax D. relive15. Some people argue that _ regulations(规章制度) for water pollution will drive up costs and put jobs at risk.A. firm B. tightC. tense D. close16. Can you _ a

7、n insect having eight eyes and still having poor eyesight?A. imagine B. suppose C. think D. expect17. His constant _ with his peers(同龄人) has left its mark on his growth. A. consent B. contractC. context D. contact18. Poor and excess(过量) smoking will seriously damage the health of your hair.A. eat B.

8、 foods C. diet D. meal19. Many deaths from heart disease are avoidable.A. real B. true C. actually D. virtual20. A good and firm handshake is a strong for a lifelong friendship.A. base B. ground C. founding D. foundation21. While working in that research center, I was responsible meeting the people.

9、 A. at B. in C. for D. on22. There was an silence, when no one knew what to say.A. clumsy B. embarrass C. awkward D. discomfort23. At Christmas it was for people to have turkey as the main course.A. customary B. regular C. normal D. often24. Please practice English as much as you can.A. speak B. spe

10、aking C. spoke D. to speak25. The children were excitedopening their presents.A. for B. about C. in D. to26. She was forced to early from teaching because of illness.A. relax B. relieve C. retreat D. retire27. It will be very for us to make an appointment with our friends by phone.A. convenient B. c

11、omfortable C. easily D. different 28.We were told the pizza would be in 20 minutes. A. taken B. got C. delivered D. caught29. She now helps in a local school as a. A. volunteer B. voluntary C. employment D. employer30. Youll soon get used to _in the country. A. live B. living C. to live D. lived31.D

12、ont such a little girl do what she cant do.A.forceB.obligeC.orderD.make32.She thought the French dictionary of little and sold it together with the old newspaper.A.priceB.costC.expenseD.value33.The patients progress was encouraging as he could get out of bed without aid.A.hardlyB.onlyC.slowlyD.menta

13、lly34.Mr.Evans was killed in the air crash and his wife a large sum of money.A.gaveB.leftC.sentD.offered35.For the use of these tools, please make to the handbook.A.referenceB.notesC.studyD.use36.Im very sorry to tell you that of you failed in the test this time.A.fewB.fewerC.someD.that37.No driver

14、is allowed to drive his car into this area he has a special pass.A.unlessB.ifC.if onlyD.except38.I never have meals in those dirty restaurants.A.So do I.B.So have I.C.Nor do I.D.Nor have I.39.John and Mary arrived, the wearing a red wool dress. A. latter B. other C. later D. one40.The singing group

15、gathered round the piano to hear the teacher play.A.wereB.wasC.whoD.thatPart II Reading Comprehension每题4分,共5小题,总分值20分Directions:There are five questions in this passage. You are required to complete each question by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D)此篇短文后有5个问

16、题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确答案选项。Mr. Young ran his own business and worked very hard. His wife was afraid that he would get sick if he continued like that, so she often tried to get him to take a vacation. At last she managed to persuade him to do so, and she hoped that he would be able to enj

17、oy his vacation without any disturbance, so before they left, Mrs. Young went to see her husband s secretary. She said to her, “My husband needs a vacation very much, so whatever happens, please dont bother him with telegrams and letters about business problems while were away. Just wait till we get

18、 back.After Mr. and Mrs. Young had been away about a week, Mr. Young received a letter from his secretary which said, “Something terrible happened to your business, but Im not going to bother you with it while youre enjoying your vacation.41. What did Mr. Young do?A. He was an office worker.B. He wa

19、s a company manager.C. He was owner of a private business.D. He was a school principal.42. What was Mrs. Young worried about?A. Her husbands business.B. Her husbands health.C. Her husbands relation with his secretary.D. Her husbands authority(权威) in the company.43. What was Mrs. Young afraid of ?A.

20、That her husbands vacation might be spoilt(破坏).B. That her husband wouldnt like to take a vacation.C. That something terrible might happen to the business.D. That her husband would have a plan of his own.44. Why didnt the secretary explain in her letter what had happened to Mr Youngs business?A. Bec

21、ause she wanted Mr. Young to guess what it was.B. Because she forgot to mention it.C. Because she was afraid that the letter would be read by Mrs. Young.D. Because she didnt want to spoil Mr. Youngs vacation.45. What can you learn from the story?A. Mr. Young was an intelligent businessman.B. Mr. You

22、ng had a stupid secretary.C. Mrs. young was a considerate wife.D. Mrs. Young was a sensitive woman.专科英语一在线作业二Part I Vocabulary & Structure词汇与构造每题2分,共40小题,总分值80分Directions:These are 10 incomplete statements hereYou are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4

23、choices marked A),B),C) and D)此局部共有10个未完成的句子。每个句子中未完成的局部有四个选项,请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。1. The _ to ensure(确保) a bright future for myself pushed me to study harder.A. crisis B. ideaC. pressure D. thought2. My parents had trouble to living in an apartment.A. adopting B. adjusting C. letting D. making3. He

24、 that the money had been paid. A. spoke B. called C. confirmed D. talked4. How does she manage to keep her _ when she eats so muchA. body B. figure C. state D. outline5. In his opinion, success in life depends on how we get along with other people. A. mainly B. majorly C. personally D. friendly6. I

25、my firm to attend that meeting last week. A. showed B. presented C. referred D. represented7. I had a(n) to go to New York and study. A. chance B. opinion C. opportunity D. time8. I would be very if you could give me an early reply. A. grateful B. helpful C. thanking D. satisfying9. He didnt want to

26、 become a of his family. A. weight B. load C. stress D. burden10. She is a woman who is certain of her ideas and actions. A. aware B. confident C. important D. average11. The elderly man is quite . A. young B. old C. healthful D. energetic12. The cost of making a movie has risen by 20%. A. regular B

27、. average C. seldom D. balance13. She has decided to show business.A. quit B. draw C. give D. tend14. I asked for a(n) two weeks to finish the work.A. extra B. more C. much D. less 15. The company is starting a new advertising campaign(广告战) to _ new customers to its stores.A. join B. attractC. stick

28、 D. transfer16. We will double the number of Safer Cities Schemes to cover 40 _ areas.A. industrialB. remoteC. ruralD. urban17. Theres been a whole _ of accidents on this road.A. variety B. bunchC. set D. series18. It is a teachers job to that all his students should feel confident in preparing hims

29、elf for the future. A. be sure B. sure thing C. make sure D. for sure19. How many students have for English classes? A. booked B. registered C. ordered D. reserved20. My family were very throughout the divorce(离婚). A. support B. supporter C. supporting D. supportive21. You may have seen him campus.

30、A. in B. at C. on D. for22. Professors should repeating in lectures material that is in the textbook.A. avoid B. prevent C. refuse D. refute23. The fat woman, who wants to get slim, has to herself to two meals a day.A. make B. prevent C. keep D. restrict24. The children prefer camping in the mountai

31、ns an indoor activity.A. to B. than C. for D. with25. She thought she had found the place to live.A. better B. perfect C. well D. nicer26. The seaman swim only half way before he drowned(淹死).A.couldB.mightC.was able toD.would27. I spent half an hour _ this difficult math problem.A. having worked on

32、B. to work on C. on work D. working on28.It is one of the poorest countries in Western Europenatural resources.A. in the form of B. by means of C. in terms of D. on the basis of29. If the tree falls that way, it will the house.A. destroy B. hurt C. spoil D. break30. As expected,drinking resulted in

33、his death.A. exceeding B. excess C. exclusive D. excessive31. How many _ are there in the picture? A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk 32. There _ two bowls of rice on the table. A. is B. have C. has D. are 33. _ cross the road until the traffic lights turn green.A. Not B. Wont C. Doesnt D. Dont34. Kat

34、e, _ your homework here tomorrow.A. bring B. brings C. to bring D. bringing35. -May I take this book out? -No, you. A. cant B. may not C. neednt D. arent36. Even the top students in our class cant work out this problem, so itbe very difficult. A. may B. must C. can D. need37.There is onlyice inglass

35、.A.a,theB./,theC.a,aD.the,the38.I do not know much abouthistory ofJapan.A.the,/B.the,theC./,the D.the,a39.Ten minutes an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.A.seemedB.seemC.is seemingD.seems40.We saw a lot of in the fields eating grass.A.cow and sheepB.cows and sheepC.cow and sheepsD.cows and

36、sheepsPart II Reading Comprehension每题4分,共5小题,总分值20分Directions:There are five questions in this passage. You are required to complete each question by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D)此篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确答案选项。Mrs Joness telephone number

37、 was 3463, and the number of the cinema in her town was 3464, so people often made a mistake when they wanted the cinema.One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs Jones answered it. A tired man said, “At what time does your last film begin?“ Im sorry, said Mrs Jones, “but you have the wrong number

38、. This is not the cinema.“Oh, it began twenty minutes ago, said the man. “Im sorry about that. Goodbye.Mrs Jones was very surprised, so she told her husband. Mr Jones laughed and said, “The mans wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard hi

39、m, but she didnt hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy.41. Why do people often telephone Mrs Jones when they want the cinema?A. Because she lives next door to the cinema.B. Because she knows the cinema program very well.C. Because her telephone number is si

40、milar to that of the cinema.D. Because the telephone companys computer goes wrong from time to time.42. Why was Mrs Jones so surprised at a phone call one evening?A. Because the call was from a stranger.B. Because the man on the phone knew her name.C. Because the man on the phone asked a question an

41、d then answered it himself.D. Because the man on the phone invited her to the cinema.43. According to Mr Jones, why didnt the man on the phone want to go to the cinema?A. Because he had seen the film before.B. Because he was feeling very tired that evening.C. Because the film wasnt worth seeing.D. B

42、ecause the film had started already.44. What do you think the mans wife wanted to do that evening?A. To stay home with her husband.B. To find out when the last film started.C. To go to the cinema with her husband.D. To eat out with her husband and then go to the cinema.45. What can you conclude from the story?A. The man on the phone was not interested in films.B. The man on the phone was rather clever.C. The mans wife was fond of films.D. The telephone companies are inefficient sometimes.


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