1、安森美同步整流NCP4330的设计方案关键词:MOSFET driver 损耗简述:对于电源而言,既要充分利用电能,又要尽可能地减少不必要的电能损耗。NCP4330内置一个双MOSFET驱动器,用于采用同步整流的交流直流或直流直流多输出后稳压电源中的辅助芯片。直接由次级交流信号供电,器件将功耗保持最低,同时减少了周围零件数量。主要特征:The NCP4330 houses a dual MOSFET driver intended to be used as a panion chip in ACDC or DCDC multioutput post regulated power suppl
2、ies. Being directly fed by the secondary AC signal, the device keeps power dissipation to the lowest while reducing the surrounding part count. Furthermore, the implementation of a Nchannel MOSFET gives NCP4330based applications a significant advantage in terms of efficiency.Undervoltage LockoutTher
3、mal Shutdown for Overtemperature ProtectionPWM Operation Synchronized to the Converter FrequencyHigh Gate Drive CapabilityBootstrap for NMOSFET HighSide DriveOverLap Management for Soft SwitchingIdeal for Frequencies up to 400 kHz 图1 NCP4430 框图方案特点:The evaluation board is designed to speed up evalua
4、tionof NCP4330 based post regulator SMPS applicationstogether with e*ternal traditionally regulated main forwardsupply. NCP4330 Evaluation board is built on one copper layerPCB using mi*ed (through hole and SMT) mountingtechnology. Large copper areas are used when needed forminimizing parasitic inductances and cooling the surfacemounted power devices (NTMS4700N power FETs,NCP4330 IC and inductor).参考原理图:图2 参考原理图1图3 参考原理图2参考PCB图:图4 PCB bottom图5 pcb元件图