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1、Unit3门诊及住院护理常用英语口语,Unit3门诊及住院护理常用英语口语Unit3门诊及住院护理常用英语口语学习目的要求以实用为原则,以门诊临床日常工作为模板。1、掌握护理程序的步骤.2、分别讲解体温, 呼吸,脉搏和血压的 正常范围值,测量方法和影响因素 。 3、查体的方法 4、掌握注射的常用方法/途径;及其选择注 射部位的要求; 掌握注射法(除静脉注 射外)的共同操作程序.5、描述伤口的基本护理方法.,Unit3门诊及住院护理常用英语口语Unit3门诊及住院护理,学习目的要求,以实用为原则,以门诊临床日常工作为模板。,1、掌握护理程序的步骤.,2、分别讲解体温, 呼吸,脉搏和血压的 正常范

2、围值,测量方法和影响因素 。,3、查体的方法,4、掌握注射的常用方法/途径;及其选择注 射部位的要求; 掌握注射法(除静脉注 射外)的共同操作程序.,5、描述伤口的基本护理方法.,学习目的要求以实用为原则,以门诊临床日常工作为模板。1、掌握,教学内容,一、 门诊接待问候语,三. Information collection (收集信息),二Receiving the patient(接待病人),四Physical examination(查体),五communication.(交流),六Comforting (安慰),七、 同事朋友用语,教学内容一、 门诊接待问候语三. Information

3、,教学重点、难点:,重点:1、分别讲解体温, 呼吸,脉搏和血压的正 常范围值,测量方法和影响因素 。,2、查体的方法。,3、掌握注射的常用方法/途径;及其选 择 注射部位的要求; 掌握注射法(除静脉注 射外)的共同操作程序。,难点:掌握注射的常用方法/途径;及其选 择 注射部位的要求; 掌握注射法(除静脉注 射外)的共同操作程序。,教学重点、难点:重点:2、查体的方法。 3、掌握注射的常用方,教学时间约8课时。使用教具:多媒体幻灯片演示。(写出主要内容的名称备查)教学过程,教学时间,一、 门诊接待问候语(一). 护士与患者初次见面语1. What is the matter, Sir/ Mad

4、am? 先生/女士,你怎么啦?2. I feel really terrible. 我感觉很难受.,一、 门诊接待问候语,3. Right .Now you just go and sit down here. 马上坐下.4. Ill make an appointment for you. Just 5 minutes. 我通知医生,就是5分钟.,3. Right .Now you just go and,5. Are you sure? 真的吗?6. Yes, of course. 当然啦.7.You are so kind, thanks . 你太好啦!,5. Are you sure?

5、,8. Well. Have you got the medical record? 你带病历了吗?9. Yes, I have. 带啦.10. Thank you. 谢谢.,8. Well. Have you got the medi,(二).护士工作对话1What can I do for you?你有什么事?2May I help you?我能帮你什么忙?3Please take a seat!/ Please sit down!请坐下,(二).护士工作对话,4Wait a moment, please 请等一等,5Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,

6、 让你久等了6It is not serious病情不严重,4Wait a moment, please5Sor,7.Dont worry./ There is nothing to worry about. 不必顾虑。 8.You need a thorough r examination 你需要做一个全面检查,7.Dont worry./ There is,9You will have to stay in hospital for several days你需要在医院里住几天10 You should stay in bed for a few days.你需要卧床几天,9You wil

7、l have to stay in hos,11 You can keep on working./You can carry on with your work.可以继续工作,12 You should be very careful for a week or two. 这一两周内,你需要很注意。,11 You can keep on working./Y,13. Try to relax and keepcalm尽量放松保持镇静。14 Youll soon be all right你很快就会好起来的,15 Im sure this medicine will help you a gre

8、at deal这药对你肯定会很有效的,13. Try to relax and keep15,16 Feeling well again is a rather slow process,Im afraid. 恐怕痊愈将是一个很慢的过程 17. You will have to wait for twenty minutes 你需要等20分钟,16 Feeling well again is a,18. Complete recovery will take a rather long time 彻底恢复需要一段很长的时间。19.You will have to come here for p

9、eriodical 【piridikl】 check-ups 你需要定期来门诊检查,18. Complete recovery will,20. If you feel worse , please come back to the clinic right away. 要是你觉着病加重了, 就请马上来门诊。,20. If you feel worse , please,(三) 再次见面1. Good morning. Mr. Wang, are you feeling all right? 早上好,王先生! 现在好点吗?,(三) 再次见面,2. Good morning. Doctor Wa

10、ng, Im all right now. Thanks for your help 早上好.王医生.我的感觉很好.谢谢你帮助.3. You are welcome. 不客 气。,2. Good morning. Doctor Wang,(四)健康教育1. May I give you some suggestions? 我能给你一些建议吗?2. OK行.,(四)健康教育,3. First, have a good rest. Then, give up smoking and drinking. Have more nutritious njutris food.首先要休息好.然后戒烟,戒酒

11、.最后食物要有营养.,3. First, have a good rest. Th,4. Well, dont stimulate stimjuleit the incision insin when you have a bath .对了,当你洗澡时不要刺激伤口 .,4. Well, dont stimulate st,二Receiving the patient(接待病人)1. How do you do?/ Good morning!您好?(初次见面时使用)/早上好!2. What can I do for you?/Can I help you?您需要我帮助吗?,二Receiving

12、the patient(接待病人),3. Ill bring you to your bed side, please follow me.This is your bed. 我要领您到床边去.请跟我来. 这是您的床位.4. The toilet is over there. 卫生间在那边.5. We supply hot water. 我们供应热水。,3. Ill bring you to your bed,6. Please wait a moment. Ill let your doctor know. /Ill inform your doctor. 请等一会儿,我去通知医生.,7.

13、Mary is the nurse /doctor in charge of you. 玛丽是您的负责护士/医生,6. Please wait a moment. I,8. Please let us know if you need any help. 您需要帮助时,请告诉我们.9.Smoking is not allowed here. 这里不允许吸烟.,8. Please let us know if you n,三. Information collection (收集信息)1.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? 您介意我问您几个问题吗?

14、2.We need some information from you. 我们需要从您这儿收集一些信息.,三. Information collection,3.Is your tummy tmi still sore? 您的肚子还疼吗?,4.Does your pain come on after or before meal? 您的疼痛是在饭前还是饭后发作?,3.Is your tummy tmi still,5.Does it hurt to pass urine jurin ? /when I press here? 排尿时痛吗?/ 当我按压这儿时痛吗?6.Does your back

15、 ache? 您的后背痛吗?7.Do your feet swell?您的脚肿了吗?,5.Does it hurt to pass urine ,8.Do you have a cough/fever? 您咳嗽吗?/ 您有发热吗?9.Do you bring up any sputum spju:tm ?您咳痰吗?,8.Do you have a cough/fever?,10.Is there any radiation reidiein of the pain to the shoulder? 有放射到肩部的痛吗?11.How long have you had the pain? 您的痛

16、有多长时间了?,10.Is there any radiation rei,12.When did the pain start?/where is your pain? 疼痛从什么时候开始的/什么地方疼痛?13.Are your periods regular? 您的月经规则吗?,12.When did the pain start?/wh,四Physical examination(查体)1.Will you please undress for medical examination? 请您脱下衣服做体检好吗?2.Take off your clothes, please. 请把衣服脱下

17、来.,四Physical examination(查体),3.Lie down on the couch, please./Just lie still on the couch and relax. 请躺在治疗床上./ 请安静地躺在治疗床上,放松.,4.Bend your knees, please. 请屈膝.,3.Lie down on the couch, pleas,5.Open your mouth and say ah! 张开口, 说: 啊!,6.Breathe deeply, please./take a deep breath, please.请深呼吸.,5.Open your

18、 mouth and say ah,7.May I examine your tummy, please? 我要检查下您的肚子, 好吗?8.Roll up your sleeves, please. 请卷起袖子.,7.May I examine your tummy, pl,五communication.(交流)1. I am going to take your temperature./Please put the thermometer mmit under your armpit.我要测一下您的体温/请把体温计放在您的腋下.,五communication.(交流),2.Let me f

19、eel your pulse.让我测一下您的脉搏.3.Ill test/take your blood pressure. 我要测量您的血压.,2.Let me feel your pulse.,4. Im afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level. 我要取一滴指血做血糖测定, 需要刺一下手指. 5.Ill take some blood from your arm now. 现在我要从您的胳膊抽血.,4. Im afraid I have to prick,6.Dont

20、take any thing by mouth after midnight until the blood is drawn tomorrow morning .半夜之后不要吃喝任何东西,明天早上抽血.,6.Dont take any thing by mout,7.Please bring a specimen spesimin of your urine/stool/sputum spju:tm .请留一份尿/便/痰的标本.Please collect your MSU.请收集您的中段尿.,7.Please bring a specimen ,8.Please have your blo

21、od and urine tests done. 请做一下您的血和尿试验.9.You are going to have a CT-scan of your chest/head today. 今天您要做一个胸部/头部CT扫描.10.Im going to do an ECG for you. 我要给您做心电图。,8.Please have your blood and u,11.You are going to have a chest X-ray this morning. 今天早上您要拍一个胸片.,12.You are going to have a BUE. Please keep y

22、our bladder full. 您要做B超检查,请留尿,使膀胱充盈.,11.You are going to have a che,13.You are going to have a GE tomorrow morning. please dont eat or drink anything after 12 oclock tonight. 明天上午您要做胃镜检查,今晚12点之后,请不要吃喝任何东西.,13.You are going to have a GE,14.The results are normal n:ml. 结果正常.15.You have to stop smoking

23、 and alcohol. lkhl 您必须戒烟、戒酒.16.Please take some more nourishing nrii food. 请食营养多的食物.,14.The results are normal n,17.Im going to do bladder irrigation【,irgen】 for you. 我要给您做膀胱冲洗,18.Im going to give you oxygen【ksidn】 now我要给您吸氧。,17.Im going to do bladder irr,20.What color of your urine? 您的尿液什么颜色? 21.Ho

24、w much urine do you pass each time? 您每次排尿多少?,19.You are going to have a blood transfusion. 要给您输血.,20.What color of your urine?,22.Would you please let the fluid drop more quickly? 请您把液体滴速调快点儿好吗?23.Your IV fluids must be given slowly so as not to overload yourheart您的静脉输液必须慢速,不然会增加心脏负荷。,22.Would you p

25、lease let the fl,24.Take more exercises. Do some light work, have ahappy outlook, avoid excitement and too much worry. Be careful not to stumble. 多做锻炼. 做一些轻体力活动,保持良好的心态,避免兴奋和过度忧虑,小心不要摔倒,24.Take more exercises.,25.How are you today? How was your sleep last night? How is your appetite? 您今天怎么样?您昨晚睡得怎么样

26、?您的食欲怎么样?26.Did you pass motion yesterday?/Are your bowel movements normal? 昨天您排便了吗?/您的大便正常吗?,25.How are you today? How was,六Comforting (安慰)1. Never mind!/It doesnt matter! 没关系2. Dont worry! 不要担心3. Dont be nervous. You are in good hands. 不要紧张, 操作者是高手!,六Comforting (安慰),4. You will recover soon! 您很快就会

27、康复的!5. Please come back to see the doctor for check-up in two weeks.请两周后来复查!,4. You will recover soon!,七、 同事朋友用语1. Morning/Good morning! 早晨好!or Good morning every body 大家早晨好!2. How are you? 你好吗?,七、 同事朋友用语,3. I am fine. Thanks! How about you? 我很好,谢谢。你呢?4. I am fine too. 我也一样。,5. How is your family? 你

28、家里好吗?6. We are all fine. Thanks 很好,谢谢。,3. I am fine. Thanks! How abou,7. How are you doing? 你好吗?8. Good /Great.好!9. How is your work? 最近工作怎么样?,7. How are you doing?,10. OK./Fine./Not bad. 不算太坏。11. I must be going. 我不得不走了。12. See you soon/See you later. 再见!13. Keep in touch, Please! 保持联系。,10. OK./Fin

29、e./Not bad.,Practice,一、单选题:请选出一个最恰当的答案。1We didnt want to get in trouble, _ we parked in the lot around the corner. A. so B. but C. because D. although2. Are you and Richard in the same apartment building? No, we _. A. isnt B. werent C. are D. arent3My brother is studying hard to be _. A. writer B. w

30、rite C. a writer D. writes,Practice一、单选题:请选出一个最恰当的答案。,4If you _ faster, we could have turned in the project before the deadline. A. work B. had worked C. have worked D. working5She has computer class _ noon. A. with B. at C. on D. in6My family and I _ through the desert on our last vacation. A. driv

31、e B. drives C. driving D. drove7_ time do you spend on your homework every day? A. How much B. How well C. How often D. How long,4If you _ faster, we coul,8What programs _? He mostly uses Microsoft Word and Excel. A. is he using B. does he use C. he used D. he use9Since they changed jobs, their life

32、 _ been much easier. A. are B. was C. has D. had10Is that Martins new car? Yes, its _. A. him B. himself C. his D. he11What television shows did you watch when you were a child? I _ watch comedies. A. was B. liked C. used to D. did,8What programs _? He mo,12My _ usually goes to the office on foot. A

33、. best friend B. best friends C. best friend she D. best friend is13If we _ some more money, we could go away this weekend. A. are having B. have C. had D. would have14We went to the doctor _ she couldnt seem to get rid of her cold. A. so B. for C. that D. because,12My _ usually goes to th,15The sec

34、retary asked me _ I wanted to meet with. A. who B. how C. why D. when16If you feel full, dont _ any more of that pizza. A. ate B. eating C. eat D. eats17I forgot my keys on the desk. _ giving me a lift home? A. Could you B. Can you C. Will you D. Would you mind,15The secretary asked me _,18My classm

35、ates and I enjoy doing similar things. _ favorite activity is going cycling. A. Our B. We C. Us D. They19Amy lives in Thailand now. She _ at a large university there. A. teach B. taught C. is teaching D. teaching20She always gets good evaluations. She must be _ employee in the company. A. the most v

36、aluable B. more valuable C. the valuable D. valuable,18My classmates and I enjoy d,21Has he ever _ to swim? A. learned B. learn C. learning D. learns22When I last saw them, my sisters were on their way _ the mall. A. on B. in C. at D. to23I want to send the Smiths an email. Do you have _ email addre

37、ss? A. they B. them C. their D. there,21Has he ever _ to swim?,24The movie was over before we had time _ the plot. A. for understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understand25_ was a big parade in front of the university campus. A. Their B. They C. These D. There26My teacher was living in Dub

38、ai when she _ her future husband. A. will meet B. met C. was meeting D. meets,24The movie was over before w,27Before _ a decision on what to order, John asked the waiter for his recommendation. A. make B. made C. making D. being made28There isnt _ milk left. I need to go out and get some. A. many B.

39、 some C. no D. any29If you dont slow down, you _ have a heart attack. A. would B. will C. can D. should,27Before _ a decision on,30The project was _ complicated than they had expected. A. so B. most C. more D. too31My father is a surgeon. _ works in a hospital. A. It B. Father C. He D. She32If you _

40、 eating so much junk food, youll lose weight. A. stopped B. stop C. might stop D. are stopping,30The project was _ compl,33. A 65-year-old male is admitted to your unit. He says, “My wife and I have not been apart for 45 years”. Your best response would beA. “It must be difficult for you to be separ

41、ated from her.”B. “Your wife will be able to visit you every day.”C. “Youll be fine once you get adjusted to the hospital routine.”D. “Your time in the hospital will pass very quickly.”,33. A 65-year-old male is admi,34. A client recently diagnosed with lung cancer says to the nurse, “Im still going

42、 to smoke”. The nurses best response to this client would beA. “I cant believe you would still want to smoke.”B. “When did you start smoking?”C. “Lets talk more about this.” D. “Im sure your family will be upset.”,34. A client recently diagnose,35. A client brought to the emergency department appear

43、s very anxious and tearful. The nurses best response would beA. “Im sure you have been in the hospital before.”B. “There is really nothing to worry about.”C. “I know this is frightening for you.” D. “The hospital really isnt so bad.”,35. A client brought to the em,36. A newborn died from an intraven

44、tricular hemorrhage(颅内出血). Which of the following responses would be most appropriate for the nurse to make to the mother?A. “Well at least your baby is with God now and is not suffering from brain damage.”B. “Would you like for me to be with you while your hold your baby?”C. “I know that it does no

45、t seem possible right now, but you can get pregnant again.”D. “Just try to think about how wonderful your pregnancy was.”,36. A newborn died from an int,37. Which of the following statements, if made by a patient who has terminal cancer, demonstrates the stage of bargaining as described in the theor

46、y of death and dying?A. “I know Im going to get better.”B. “I have put my financial affairs in order.”C. “I do not understand why this happened to me.”D. “I plan to be around until my grandsons graduation.”,37. Which of the following sta,38. A nurse is assessing the stoma(人造孔) of a client after a ur

47、ethrostomy(尿道造口术). Which of the following would the nurse expect to note? A.Pale. B.Red and moist. C.Dry. D.Dark-colored.39. A patient has a nasogastric(鼻胃管) tube which is draining(引流) large amounts of fluid. To which of the following nursing diagnoses would a nurse give priority?A.Diarrhea.B.Risk f

48、or infection.C.Ineffective thermoregulation.(体温调节无效)D.Risk for fluid volume deficit.,38. A nurse is assessing the s,40. To which of the following nursing diagnosis would a nurse give priority when caring for a patient in the immediate postoperative period following an ileostomy?(回肠造口术)A.Fluid volume

49、 deficit.B.Body image disturbance.C.Pain.D.Diarrhea(腹泻).,40. To which of the following,41. A patient who has a borderline personality disorder(边缘性人格障碍) asks the nurse on a psychiatric unit(精神科病房) if she may stay up beyond the designated bedtime(规定的就寝时间). When the nurse says no, the patient says, “Th

50、e nurse on duty(值班) last night let me stay up late.” Which of the following responses by the nurse would be therapeutic?A. “You shouldnt have been given that privilege.(特权)”B. “You can stay up for one more hour.”C. “Why do you want to stay up?” D. “Everyone is required to go to bed now.”,41. A patie


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