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1、Lesson 19-20,1. matter n. 事情,事件,1) 怎么了? Whats the matter?=Whats wrong?,你怎么了?他怎么了?她怎么了?它怎么了?他们怎么了? Whats the matter with sb.? = Whats wrong with sb.?,我累了。,我渴了。,Im thirsty.,Im tired.,你怎么了?Whats the matter with you? = Whats wrong with you?,sb.表示某人,with 是介词,所以sb.某人必须用宾格的人称代词。,我饿了。Im hungry.,一、词汇,1. matt

2、er n. 事情,事件,你怎么了?他怎么了?她怎么了?它怎么了?他们怎么了? Whats the matter with sb.? = Whats wrong with sb.?,他怎么了?Whats the matter with him? = Whats wrong with him?,sb.表示某人,with 是介词,所以sb.某人必须用宾格的人称代词。,他冷。Hes cold.,1. matter n. 事情,事件,你怎么了?他怎么了?她怎么了?它怎么了?他们怎么了? Whats the matter with sb.? = Whats wrong with sb.?,她怎么了?Wha

3、ts the matter with her? = Whats wrong with her?,sb.表示某人,with 是介词,所以sb.某人必须用宾格的人称代词。,她渴了。Shes thirsty.,1. matter n. 事情,事件,2) 当对方说 Im sorry. 回答用It doesnt matter.,child 儿童(单数),the only child,独生子女,baby,婴儿,twins,双胞胎,2. children n. 儿童(复数),She is a child.,她是一个孩子。,They are children.,她们是孩子。,复数?,babies,We are

4、 twins.,我们是双胞胎。,3. tired adj. 疲倦的,他累吗?,Is he tired?,4. thirsty adj. 口渴的,他们渴吗?,Are they thirsty?,他们是渴了还是饿了?,Are they thirsty or hungry?,他们饿了。,They are hungry.,我们又累又渴。,Were tired and thirsty.,5. Mum 妈妈(儿语)Dad 爸爸(儿语),6. boy 男孩 对应词 girl,复数 boys,7. sit v. 坐,坐下。,Sit down.,sit 的对应词 stand (站),站起来。,Stand up.

5、,坐在这儿吧。,Sit down here., adj. 好的,可以 all right = OK,8. right,你今天怎么样啊?,How are you today?,我很好。,Im all right.,Im Ok.,Im fine.,Im very well.,你们好吗?,Are you all right?,Are you OK?,让我们去玩吧。,Lets go and play.,好的。,All right.=OK.,不,我们不好。,No, we arent.,all right 还可以表示同意某人的意见。,all right 可以表示身体好。, adj.右边的; n. 右边 反

6、义词:left, adj. 正确的 反义词:wrong r,8. right,你是对的。,You are right.,你是错的。,You are wrong.,我的右眼,my right eye,他的右手,his right hand,在右边,on the right,9. ice cream n. 冰淇淋,吃一个冰淇淋,eat an ice cream,这些冰淇淋很好吃。,These ice creams are nice.,买冰淇淋的人,an ice cream man,有个买冰淇淋的人。,Theres an ice cream man.,二、句型,1. there be 句型:表示(某

7、地)有某物或某人构成:1). There is + 可数名词单数/不可数名词 + 介词短语.注意:介词短语= 介词 + 名词 介词包括:in (在里面), on (在上面)课桌上有一支钢笔。There is a pen on the desk. (there is = theres)2). There are + 可数名词复数 + 介词短语.床上有两件衬衫。There are two shirts on the bed.,练一练:用be的适当形式填空。 1. There _a map on the wall. 2. There _many books on her desk. 3. There

8、 _twenty yuan(元) in my purse. 4. There _a big dog and a small cat near the table. 5. There _two bikes under the tree. 6. There _a pen, two pencils and an eraser in the pencil-box.,is,are,is,is,are,is,篮子 basket,钟 clock,完成语法练习P51,回忆一下: 1. 怎了了? 2. 你怎么了? 3. 坐在这儿。 4. 你好吗? 5. 有个卖冰淇淋的。 6. 请拿两份冰淇淋。,回忆一下: 7.

9、 我们又累又渴。 8. 这些冰淇淋很好吃。 9. 孩子(单数和复数) 10. 他怎么了? 11. 你累吗? 12. 站起来。,What the matter?,Whats the matter with you?,Sit down here.,Are you all right?,Theres an ice cream man.,Two ice creams, please.,Were tired and thirsty.,These ice creams are nice.,child - children,Whats the matter with him?,Are you tired?,

10、Stand up.,look 表示“看”,单独使用,后面不加对象。,看!有两个买冰淇淋的人在商店里。(shop),Look! there are two ice cream men in the shop.,look at表示“看”,后面加对象。,看这个买冰淇淋的人,look at the ice cream man,看我的全家福,look at my family photo,Theres an ice cream man. (单数改复数),There are some ice cream men.,练一练,matter,tired,thirsty,all right,ice cream,H

11、ere you are,nice,all right,What is the matter?,We are tired and thirsty.,There is an ice cream man.,These ice creams are nice.,Are you all right now?,Homework!,抄单词4英1中,词组2英1中,并默写。2. 熟读并背诵默写课文193. 完成练习,Goodbye!,练一练:翻译下列句子。 1. 床下有一只球。 2. 房间里有两个男孩。 3. 杯子里有一些水。(一些:some) 4. 树上有一些苹果。,练一练:翻译下列句子。 1. 床下有一只球

12、。 2. 房间里有两个男孩。 3. 杯子里有一些水。(一些:some) 4. 树上有一些苹果。,Theres a ball under the bed.,There are two boys in the room.,There is some water in the cup.,There are some apples on the tree.,big bi adj. 大的small sm:l adj. 小的,openupn adj. 开着的shut tadj. 关着的,light lait adj. 轻的;n. 光,灯 heavy hevi adj. 重的,long ladj. 长的,s

13、hort:tadj. 短的,shoe u: n. 鞋,grandfatherrnd,f: n. (外)祖父,grandmother rnd,m n. (外)祖母,复习形容词,干净的热的肥胖的大的打开的轻的老的;旧的矮的;短的,脏的冷的瘦的小的关闭的重的年轻的 新的高的 长的,clean hot fat big open light old short,dirty cold thin small shut heavy young new tall long,Match them:,clean hot fat big open light old short,cold thin small dir

14、ty shut young new heavy tall long,完成语法练习P50,Is the man happy?Yes, he is.Is he sad?No, he isnt.Is the man happy or sad?He is happy.,the man/happy/sad,句型2:选择疑问句,Look at the cars!,-Look at them! What can you see?-I can see three cars. They are small!,Are they big or small?,They arent big. Theyre small.

15、,Look at the doors.,Are they open _ shut?,They arent shut. They _open.,are,or,They are young.,Are they old or young?,Is the car silver?Yes, it is.Is it black?No, it isnt.Is the car silver or black?It is silver.,the car/silver/black,任务三:学习选择疑问句,Is Lily thirsty or hungry?She is thirsty.,Lily/thirsty/h

16、ungry,任务二:复习选择疑问句,Is Tom cold or hot?He is cold.,Tom/cold/hot,任务二:复习选择疑问句,Is the box heavy or light?It is heavy.,box/heavy/light,任务二:复习选择疑问句,Is the woman thin or fat?She is fat.,woman/thin/fat,任务二:复习选择疑问句,用第20课的图片使用选择疑问句看图说话。,句型3: 选择疑问句的复数形式,Simons shoes/clean/dirty,Are Simons shoes clean or dirty?T

17、hey are clean.,选择疑问句的复数形式,the girls hands/clean/dirty,Are the girls hands clean or dirty?They are dirty.,选择疑问句的复数形式,hairdressers /fat/thin,Are these hairdressers fat or ?They are fat.,thin,选择疑问句的复数形式,shoes/big/small,Are these shoes big or small?They are big.,选择疑问句的复数形式,shops/open/shut,Are these shop

18、s open or shut?They are open.,选择疑问句的复数形式,hats/new/old,Are these hats new or old?They are old.,选择疑问句的复数形式,trousers/short/long,Are these trousers short or long?They are short.,句型4:look at him/her/them,句型4:look at him/her/them,句型4:look at him/her/them,句型4:look at him/her/them,句型4:look at him/her/them,the matter ,children ?,Whats,tired ,Were,thirsty , Mum .,and,Sit down , .,here,you all right ,now ?,Are,No ,we not .,are,Theres ice cream man .,an,Look!,creams,Two ice ,please .,you are ,children .,Here, Mum .,Thanks,These ice creams nice .,are,Yes , are ,thank you !,Are,you all right now ?,we,


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