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1、,Welcome to our class!,By Zhao Fen Yan2013.12,过去完成时态,Past perfect tense,Revision(复习),The Present,Perfect Tense,现在完成时态,一、Meaning(意义),二、Structrue(结构),三、Useage(用法),四、adverbial of time(常见的时间状语),Can you have a try ?,1.我已经完成了我的作业。2.你在这儿住了多长时间了?3.他不可能在家,因为他还没有回来。4.格林先生已经病了三天了。5.自从他来到中国就一直在这所学校教英语。,Past per

2、fect tense,New lesson(新课),教学重、难点,1. 对过去完成时的意义、结构、用法等的整体系统把握并学会用。 2.过去完成时与现在完成时的区别。,一、,The overall perception(整体感知),按要求完成下列句子。,1.She said ,“the movie has begun.”(变成间接引语),She said that the movie had begun.,2.He got to the bus stop five minutes ago.The bus left ten minutes ago. (分别用by the time 、when 、b

3、efore把两个句子连接成一个句子),By the time he got to the bus stop ,the bus had left.When he got to the bus stop ,the bus had left.The bus had left before he got to the bus stop.,你觉得过去完成时的构成是什么?,had+动词过去分词,6:00 7:00 现在,By the time I got up, my sister had already washed all the clothes.,1. By the time I got home,

4、 she had already gone to bed.,2. By yesterday evening I had finished reading this book.,3.When we got to the cinema,the movie had already been on for ten minutes.,说说过去完成时的意义是什么?,表示过去某时间或某动作之前已发生或完成的动作即“过去的过去”。,1.How many English films had you seen by the end of last month? 2. He had finished the wor

5、k before ten oclock this morning.,3.The match had already begun when I got to the playground.,4.By the time I saw David yesterday. We had not seen each other for seven years since we left school.,和组内同学学习下列句子,讨论过去完成时的用法。,1.用于by 、before、after+过去时间的句子中。I had got to school before 7 o clock this morning.

6、2.用于when、before 、after、by the time 等引导表示过去的状语从句或that等引导的宾语从句中。I left the classroom after I turn off the lignt.3.用于过去某时间开始持续到过去另一时间的动作,常与for+一段时间或since+过去时间连用,前提是句中要有一个表过去的动作做参照。He had learned Chinese for three years before he came to China.,跟你的想法一样吗?,过去完成时的用法:,1.How many English films had you seen b

7、y the end of last month?,2.I saw David yesterday. We had not seen each other since we left school.,3.Had you finished your homework before dinner yesterday ? Yes,I had,知道过去完成时的句式变化借助于什么吗?,借助于had完成各种句式,二、Practice using(练习应用),Exercises,选择填空( )1.- “Did you see Tom at the party?”-“No, Mary told me that

8、he _ by the time I got there.” A. left B. was leaving C. had left D. has left( )2. He said that he _ his lunch yet. A. hadnt had B. hasnt had C. wouldnt have D. was having( )3. By the end of last year we _ each other for ten years. A. have known B. knew C. were knowing D. had known( )4. I saw Li Lei

9、 yesterday. We hadnt seen each other _ I left Beijing. A. after B. before C. since D. until,c,A,D,c,( )5. I learned_ the city for a long time.she has been in B. she has gone to C. she had been in D. she had gone to( )6. He said that he _ a cold for three days.A. has B. had caught C. had had D. has g

10、ot( )7. I saw Kate with a new radio in her hand yesterday, but she told me she_the radio for ten days.has bought B. had bought C. has had D. had had ( )8. The film _ when I got there. A. has begun B. had already started C .began D. have already begun,c,c,D,B,Can you do it?,By yesterday morning, he _

11、(call) me ten times.The patient _(die) when the doctor arrived.I saw Lin Feng yesterday. We _(not meet) each other for five years.,had called,had died,had not met,4. I returned the book that I_ (borrow).5. He said that he _(know) her well.6. The match _(be) on for half an hour.7. The match _(be) on

12、for half an hour when I got there.8. They _(do) the work at 11 oclock yesterday morning.,had borrowed,had known,has been,had been,did,试作比较:,昨天我见到王先生了自从他离开北京我们就一直未曾见过面。I saw Mr. Wang yesterday. We had not seen each other since he left Beijing.自从他离开北京我们就一直未曾见过面。 We have not seen each other since he le

13、ft Beijing.,试做一做:1. 我在这工作已经五年了。2. 到2005年8月,我在这工作已经五年了。,现在完成时表示的动作发生在过去, 但侧重对现在产生的结果或造成的影响,与现在有关; 过去完成时则是一个相对的时态, 它所表示的动作不仅发生在过去,更强调”过去的过去”与现在无关,只有和过去的某时或某动作相比较时,才用到它.另外还可理解为:现在完成时的起点在过去终点在现在,而过去完成时的起点在过去终重点在另一个过去。,过去完成时与现在完成时的区别,想一想?,More practice:He told me he _(meet) her before.She thanked me for

14、what I _(do) for her son.I _(learn) 300 words by the end of last month. He _(leave) his office She _(visit) the city three times before . They knew she _(borrow) a lot of money for her daughter.7. Great changes _(take) place in my hometown since 1996.8. He _(live) in Beijing since he was born.He tol

15、d me he _(live) in Beijing since he was born.,had met,had done,had learnt,had left,had visited,had borrowed,have taken,has lived,had lived,三、Developing or improving(拓展提高),In groups make up conversations, try to use both two perfect tenses.(小组内编排对话,尽量两种完成时态都应用到。),四、Studying after class(课外延伸学习) 1.过去完成时的过去分词变化规则。 2.过去完成时与一般过去时的区别。,Thank you !,See you next time!,


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