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1、语法专题突破,复合句,语法专题突破,命题点1 宾语从句,命题点2 定语从句,命题点3 状语从句,命题点1 宾语从句命题点2 定语从句命题点3 状,在谓语动词、介词、动词不定式等后面都可以接宾语从句,要想真正掌握宾语从句的用法,必须把握三个关键点:语序、引导词、时态。,在谓语动词、介词、动词不定式等后面都可以接宾语从句,要想真正,语序 宾语从句中必须用陈述句语序, 即“引导词主语谓语(其他部分)”。如:,语序,引导词,引导词引导词用法例句that本身无意义, 只起连接作用,口,连接副词在从句中作状语I want to know wher,2. 主句是过去时, 从句用过去的某种时态。 如: Kat

2、e said she was shopping at this time yesterday. 凯特说她昨天这个时候正在购物。 3. 从句表示客观事实、真理、自然现象, 用一般现在时, 主句时态根据句意而定。如: Miss Hu said that the earth goes around the sun.胡老师说地球绕着太阳转。,2. 主句是过去时, 从句用过去的某种时态。 如:,时态 宾语从句的时态可分为以下三种情况: 1. 主句是现在时, 从句时态根据句意而定。如: Mary says (that) she works from Monday to Friday. 玛丽说她从周一至周五

3、上班。 She says (that) she has never seen the sea. 她说她从来没有见过大海。,时态,2. “疑问词动词不定式”作宾语时可以转化为宾语从句。如: Can you tell me where to buy the scarf? Can you tell me where I can buy the scarf? 你能告诉我在哪里能买到这条围巾吗?,2. “疑问词动词不定式”作宾语时可以转化为宾语从,“疑问词动词不定式” 的用法 1. 疑问词与动词不定式连用可用作主语或宾语。如: When to go to Beijing hasnt been decid

4、ed yet. 什么时候去北京还没定下来。(作主语) I havent decided when to leave yet. 我还没决定什么时候离开。(作宾语),“疑问词动词不定式” 的用法,4. (2011年66题)Listen to what the teacher says carefully._,认真听老师所说的。,2018预测,5. When you set out on your new journey, you shouldnt forget _ you came from.6. There are so many kinds of computers in the shop.

5、I really dont know _ to choose.,where,which,4. (2011年66题)Listen to what th,综合提升,衡阳8年真题面对面,1. (2013年29题改编)I love the school t_ I have studied in for three years.2. (2016年28题改编)My neighbor asked me _ I heard the big noise last night or not.3. (2012年66题)Some little kids dont think they get enough time.

6、 _,hat,whether,一些小孩认为他们没有足够的时间。,综合提升衡阳8年真题面对面1. (2013年29题改编)I,10. Everyone should know how to save themselves when a fire breaks out. _ _11. Tom was not listening carefully then, so he failed to hear what the teacher said. _ _12. The dictionary didnt tell the Frenchman how he should pronounce the wo

7、rd. _ _,当一场火灾爆发时,每个人都应该知道如何自救。,汤姆当时没有认真听讲,所以他未能听到老师说了什么。,那本词典没有告诉这个法国人他应该怎样发这个词的音。,10. Everyone should know how,Could you tell me what they were doing a moment ago? _ He wanted to know what happened as there were so many people. _9. I wonder what day the National Day will fall on this year. _,你能告诉我刚

8、才他们在做什么吗?,他想知道发生什么事了,因为那儿有如此多的人。,我想知道今年国庆节将会是哪一天。,Could you tell me what they,16. 你知道你最好的朋友萨利在哪里买了这 条漂亮的裙子吗? _ _17. 我不知道他们是否能通过考试。 _ _ _18. 离开家之前,你应该告诉你父母你要去 哪里。 _ _,Do you know where your best friend Sally bought the beautiful dress?,I dont know if they can pass the exam./I dont know whether they c

9、an pass the exam (or not),Before leaving home, you should tell your parents where you are going.,16. 你知道你最好的朋友萨利在哪里买了这Do you kn,命题点2 定语从句,考法精讲,分析衡阳近8年中考真题可知,定语从句是衡阳中考的重要考点,在单项选择中考查过关系代词whose和that;在单词拼写中涉及1次关系副词where的考查;在2016年66题英译汉中也涉及1次定语从句的考查。,命题点2 定语从句考法精讲 分析衡阳近8年中考真,My English teacher asked me i

10、f I had got ready for the final exam. _ _ We dont know what to do next. Lets go and ask Mr. Li. _ _15. 你能告诉我杰克什么时候将去香港出差吗? _ _,我的英语老师问我是否我已经为期末考试做好了准备。,我们不知道接下来做什么。让我们去问问李老师吧。,Could you (please) tell me when Jack will go to Hong Kong on business?,My English teacher asked me,2.基本用法,2.基本用法关系代词成分先行词例句t

11、hat主语、宾语人、物D,关系代词1.句子结构:,关系代词,who主语人He is the man who wants,which主语、宾事、物A dictionary is a,2.基本用法,2.基本用法关系副词成分功能例句when时间状语时间I st,关系副词1.句子结构:,关系副词,19.(2010年26题改编)Barack Obama is the US. president _ (谁的) speeches are really exciting.20. (2012年35题改编)John is the boy _ legs were badly injured in the accid

12、ent.,whose,whose,综合提升,衡阳8年真题面对面,19.(2010年26题改编)Barack Obama is,where地点状语地点This is the place w,He came to the factory _ he worked twenty years ago. Success often comes to those _ keep trying their best at everything they do. Books are everywhere, but its not easy to find one _ is really interesting.

13、Confucius is a great thinker _ ideas are mainly about kindness and good manners.,2018预测,where,who/that,that/which,whose,He came to the factory _,21. (2016年66题)The grandfather would give each child a few coins and tell them to buy something they like. _ _,爷爷会给每个孩子几个硬币,告诉他们去买一些他们喜欢的东西。,21. (2016年66题)T

14、he grandfather,Lots of people have heard of the story about the brave boy which happened in the city last month. _ _ Although Ill leave school soon, I will never forget the teachers and friends who brought me a lot of pleasure. _ _ _,许多人都已经听说了上个月发生在这座城市的关于那个勇敢的男孩的故事。,尽管我很快就要离开学校了,我将永远不会忘记带给我很多快乐的老师们

15、和同学们。,Lots of people have heard of,26. The woman _ we met yesterday is our new Chinese teacher.27. Ill never forget the day _ the great scientist came to our school and gave us a speech.28. I still remember the college and the teachers that I visited in Changsha several years ago. _ _,who/whom,when,

16、我仍然记得几年前在长沙拜访过的那所大学和那些老师们。,26. The woman _,33. 每一个去过深圳的人都说它是一座现代 化城市。 _ _34. 中国是一个拥有约5000年历史的伟大的 国家。 _ _,Everyone who has been to Shenzhen says it is a modern city.,China is a great country that/which has a history of about 5, 000 years.,33. 每一个去过深圳的人都说它是一座现代Everyone,Dont be angry with the things wh

17、ich cannot develop as you have planned, since you cannot be someone as you wish to be. _ _ Happiness belongs to those who dare to dream and are willing to pay the price to make their dreams come true. _ _,不要因为没能按照你的计划发展的事情而愤怒,因为你自己也不能成为自己所希望的人。,幸福属于那些敢于梦想,并且愿意为实现梦想付出代价的人。,Dont be angry with the thin

18、,间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句。 状语从句这一考点常结合从属连词进行考查,因此考生可结合前面的专题六一并进行复习。,间状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句。,命题点3 状语从句,考法精讲,衡阳近8年真题对状语从句的考查集中在句子翻译题中,其中2017年66题和2014年69题均以汉译英形式考查,分别考查if引导的条件状语从句和when引导的时间状语从句,2010年63题和67题分别以英译汉形式考查after引导时,命题点3 状语从句考法精讲 衡阳近8年真题对状语从句的,状语从句的时态 在常见的时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,主句和从句的时态一致问题一般遵循以下三个原则: 原则1:“主将从现”:

19、主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。,状语从句的时态,状语从句的引导词,状语从句的引导词类型连词(短语)时间状语从句when, w,原则3:“主祈从现”:若主句是祈使句,从句用一般现在时表将来。如: Be careful when you cross the road. 过马路时你要小心。,原则3:“主祈从现”:若主句是祈使句,从句用一般现在,If she comes here tomorrow, I will go to the park with her. 如果明天她来这里,我将和她一起去公园。 原则2:“主情从现”:主句中有情态动词,从句使用一般现在时。如: You can get go

20、od grades if you study hard.如果你好好学习就会取得好成绩。,If she comes here tomorrow,37. (2010年67题)If it isnt serious, you can stay there and let your body adjust (适应) _ _,如果不是很严重,你可以待在那里并让你的身体适应。,2018预测,38. 如果司机被发现把车停错地方,他会 被罚款。 _ _,If a driver is found to park in the wrong place, hell get a fine.,37. (2010年67题)

21、If it isnt seri,衡阳8年真题面对面,综合提升,35. (2017年66题)如果你认为自己擅长汉语,你可以 参加一个比赛。 _ _36. (2017年67题)The competition has been popular among teenagers since last summer._,If you think you are good at Chinese, you may take part in a competition.,自从去年夏天以来,这个比赛在青少年中非常受欢迎。,衡阳8年真题面对面综合提升35. (2017年66题)如果你,42. You will se

22、e many people dance together on the square if the weather is fine in the evening. _ _ 43. Ill go to visit my aunt in England as soon as the summer holiday starts. _ _,如果晚上天气好,你会看到广场上有许多人一起跳舞。,暑假一开始我就要去拜访我住在英国的姑姑。,42. You will see many people d,39. 我的同班同学直到他们交了作业才回家。 _ _40. She is listening to music

23、while he is doing his homework. _ _41. Aunt Lucy will tell us something about her trip to Australia when she comes back. _ _,My classmates didnt go home until they handed in their homework.,My classmates didnt go home until theyhanded in their homework.,当露西阿姨回来时,她将会告诉我们关于她去澳大利亚旅行的一些事情。,39. 我的同班同学直到他

24、们交了作业才回家。My class,Im such a kind of person: if you ask me a question, and I dont know the answer, Ill directly tell you that I dont know. _ _ _46. Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed unless it is faced. _ _,我是这样的一种人:如果你问我一个问题,而我不知道答案,我会直接告诉你我不知道。,并不是你面对了,任何事情都能改变,但是如果不面对,什么也改变不了。,Im such a kind of person: if,44. We hardly ever contact each other after graduation though we all live nearby. _ _,虽然我们都住在附近,但是我们毕业后彼此几乎没联系。,44. We hardly ever contact eac,


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