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1、语法专题突破,简单句,语法专题突破,命题点1 五大基本句型,命题点2 疑问句,命题点3 感叹句,命题点4 倒装句,命题点5 祈使句,命题点1 五大基本句型命题点2 疑问句命题点3,五大基本句型的句型结构及特点如下:,五大基本句型的句型结构及特点如下:句型结构特点SV谓语动词,SVOIOD谓语动词必须有两个宾语才能表达完整意思。间,综合提升,1. 我有一个玩具猫。 _2. 这张床摸起来既柔软又舒服。 _3. 我需要在字典里查阅这些新单词。 _ ,I have a toy cat.,This bed feels soft and comfortable.,I need to look up the

2、se new words in the dictionary.,综合提升1. 我有一个玩具猫。I have a toy c,如:Time flies. 时间飞逝。 S VThe dinner smells delicious. 晚餐闻起来很美味。 S Link-V PThey ate some apples. 他们吃了一些苹果。 S V OI showed her my pictures. 我给她展示了我的照片。 S V OI ODThey painted the door white. S V O C,他们把门漆成白色。,如:他们把门漆成白色。,4. 他性格外向,并且喜欢交朋友。 5. 我想

3、邀请他参加我们的俱乐部。 _6. 他的父亲总是鼓励他勇敢面对失败。 _ ,He is outgoing and likes making friends.,I want to invite him to join our club.,His father always encourages him to face the failure bravely.,4. 他性格外向,并且喜欢交朋友。He is outgoi,You are supposed to make good use of your free time to take exercise. _ I usually play base

4、ball with my younger brother on weekends. _12. Eating enough fruit and vegetables is a good way to keep healthy. _,你应该充分利用你的闲暇时间去锻炼。,我通常和我弟弟在周末打棒球。,吃足够的水果和蔬菜是保持健康的一个好方法。,You are supposed to make goo,7. The teacher asks us to answer questions in English. _8. Early to bed and early to rise is a good h

5、abit. _9. To save time is to live longer. _,老师要求我们用英语回答问题。,早睡早起是个好习惯。,节约时间就是延长生命。,7. The teacher asks us to answ,一般疑问句(2015.26),一般疑问句(2015.26)概 念形 式例 句常用yes,,命题点2 疑问句,考法精讲,特殊疑问句(4次)、一般疑问句(1次)和反意疑问句(1次)在近8年衡阳中考中均有涉及。且疑问句的问与答是解答回答问题型阅读技能的核心,考生应格外注意该命题点。,命题点2 疑问句考法精讲 特殊疑问句(4次)、一般疑问,特殊疑问句(2016.27,2012.3

6、0,2010.19、32),特殊疑问句(2016.27,2012.30,2010.19,常用yes,情态动词Must I finish the r,反意疑问句(2010.23) 1.反意疑问句的用法 (1)反意疑问句除要求前后句人称相同、动词相同、时态相同外,还需遵循“前肯后否,前否后肯”的原则。即陈述部分为肯定时,疑问部分为否定;陈述部分为否定时,疑问部分为肯定。如:,反意疑问句(2010.23),How词组小结,How词组小结常见how词组含义及用法how long多长,(3)以Lets开头的反意疑问句,疑问部分用shall we;以Let us开头的反意疑问句,疑问部分用will you

7、。如: Lets go and play basketball, shall we?咱们去打篮球,好吗? Let us have a rest, will you?让我们休息一下,好吗?,(3)以Lets开头的反意疑问句,疑问部分用shall,Its Fathers Day today, isnt it?今天是父亲节,不是吗? (2)当陈述部分带有seldom, hardly, rarely, never, few, little, nobody, nowhere, nothing等否定词或半否定词时,疑问部分应用肯定形式。如: The car has hardly been cleaned

8、for a few days, has it? 这辆车几乎很多天没洗了,对吗?,Its Fathers Day today, i,He didnt go to the meeting, did he? 他没有参加这次会议, 是吗?Yes, he did. 不, 他参加了。,He didnt go to the meeting,2.对反意疑问句的回答 对反意疑问句的回答, 不管陈述部分是肯定句还是否定句, 若事实是肯定的, 答语就要用yes;事实是否定的, 答语就要用no。注意在“前否后肯”的反意疑问句的答语中, yes意为“不”, no意为“是”。如:,2.对反意疑问句的回答,选择疑问句不用y

9、es或no回答, 可用完整的陈述句或其简略形式作答, 也可用不定代词all, either, neither或none作答, 只要根据实际情况回答便可。如:,选择疑问句不用yes或no回答, 可用完整的陈,选择疑问句,选择疑问句概念形式对问题给出两个或两个以上答案, 供对方选,综合提升,衡阳8年真题面对面,13. (2016年27题改编)W_ not invite Tom and Sally to the party tonight? Good idea. Ill give them a call right now.14. (2015年26题改编)_ (do) you _ to Nanhu

10、Park a week ago? Yes. We had a good time there.,hy,Did go,综合提升衡阳8年真题面对面13. (2016年27题改编),Which subject do you like better, Chinese or English? 你更喜欢哪个学科,语文还是英语? Neither. Because I like math very much.都不。因为我非常喜欢数学。,Which subject do you like,(2010年23题改编)Amy put her books away just now, _ she? Yes, I saw

11、 her do it.18. (2011年67题)Can you give any other ways to study? _,didnt,你能给我其他的学习的方法吗?,(2010年23题改编)Amy put her boo,15. (2012年30题改编)_ is the population of China? Its about 1.3 billion.16. (2010年19题改编)_ does Wang Han do? He is a host. He works in Hunan TV station.,What,What,15. (2012年30题改编)_ is t,22. _

12、 do you usually go to work? By subway. But sometimes I go to work by bus.23. _ will you fly to Beijing? In two days. 24. David never fights with his classmates, _?,How,How soon,does he,22. _ do you usually,2018预测,19. _ you ever been to Lijiang? No, I havent.20. _ are you leaving for Shanghai? Next w

13、eek. 21. _ do you think of the book I bought yesterday? I think it is interesting.,Have,When,What,2018预测19. _ you ever,You didnt find the owner of the books, did you? _. So I gave them to our teacher.29. _ blouse is this? It must belong to Alice. I saw she wear it yesterday.30. Are you a student _ a

14、 teacher? Im a teacher.,No, I didnt,Whose,or,You didnt find the owner o,Which do you like best, coffee, water or juice? _. I only like tea. _ do you learn to speak English? By practicing it with my partner every day. _ do you usually share happiness with? My parents and my best friends.,None,How,Who

15、/Whom,Which do you like best, cof,形式结构例句WhatWhat a /an形容词可数名词,命题点3 感叹句,考法精讲,衡阳中考对感叹句仅在单项选择中考查过1次。考查“What+形容词+不可数名词”的用法。常见what和how引导的感叹句结构如下:,命题点3 感叹句考法精讲 衡阳中考对感叹句仅在单项选,综合提升,衡阳8年真题面对面,31. (2015年21题改编)_ terrible news! Three of us didnt pass the exam.,2018预测,32. _ important it is for kids to imagine fr

16、eely!,What,How,综合提升衡阳8年真题面对面31. (2015年21题改编),HowHow形容词/副词(主语谓语)!How fine,What a useful dictionary it is! Its very helpful for English study. _ _36. How nervous the girl was! She could not fall asleep all night. _,多么有用的一本词典啊!它对英语学习非常有帮助。,这个女孩多么紧张啊!她整晚都无法入睡。,What a useful dictionary it,Jane used to be

17、 weak in English learning, but now she is good at it. _ great progress she has made! 对一个孩子来说,独自在河里游泳多么危 险啊! _ _,What,How dangerous it is for a child to swim alone in a river!,Jane used to be weak in Engl,中主语是相同的人或物。如: Lucy dances very well. 露西舞跳得很好。 So she does. 的确如此。 2.完全倒装:so+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语,意为 “也

18、一样”,上下文中主语是不同的两个人或物,但发生同样的行为或状况,是表示肯定的倒装。如:,中主语是相同的人或物。如:,命题点4 倒装句,考法精讲,衡阳近8年中考真题中,在2011年的单项选择中考查过1次“so+助动词+主语”的用法。 so引导的倒装句 1.部分倒装:so+主语+助动词/系动词/情态动词,意为“确实如此,的确如此”。该句式表示的是对前面所说的事情加以肯定,上下文,命题点4 倒装句考法精讲 衡阳近8年中考真题,是表示否定的倒装。如: He wasnt late for school. Neither/Nor was I. 他上学没迟到。我也没有。,衡阳8年真题面对面,综合提升,37.

19、 (2011年26题改编)Peter, I will visit our teacher this Sunday. _ will I. Lets go together.,So,是表示否定的倒装。如:衡阳8年真题面对面综合提升37. (,Her mother is a warm-hearted lady. So is my mother. 她妈妈是一位热心肠的女士。我妈妈也是。neither/nor引导的倒装句 neither/nor+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语,意为 “也不”,上下文中是不同的两个人或物,所做的行为或所处的状况一样,,Her mother is a warm-hear,命

20、题点5 祈使句,考法精讲,近8年衡阳真题中,对祈使句单独考查了3次,且均以句子翻译中的英译汉形式进行考查。常见的需要考生熟记的祈使句的结构有以下两种形式:,命题点5 祈使句考法精讲 近8年衡阳真题中,对祈使句,2018预测,Hengyang is a really comfortable city to live in. _ (的确如此),and its worldfamous for Mount Heng. I dont understand the story in the new unit. What about you, Bob? _. (我也不明白),So it is,Neither

21、/Nor do I,2018预测 Hengyang is a really,否定形式,否定形式结构例句Dont动词原形Dont let t,肯定形式,肯定形式结构例句动词原形其他Stand up!Sit d,B_ kind and helpful to the people around us, and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.44. _ (敲) at the door before you enter my room, please.45. Tommy, _ play basketball in the street n

22、ext time. You may get hit by a car.,2018预测,Knock,e,dont,B_ kind and helpful to t,综合提升,衡阳8年真题面对面,40. (2015年70题)Follow the suggestions above, and our dreams are sure to come true. _ 41. (2011年64题)Plan your time carefully. _,遵循以上建议,我们的梦想就一定会实现。,仔细计划你的时间。,综合提升衡阳8年真题面对面40. (2015年70题)Fo,49. Go downstairs,

23、 and stand in line on the playground as soon as possible. _ _50. 在街上走的时候不要玩手机。 _ _,下楼,并尽可能快地在操场上站成一排。,Dont play with mobile phones while Youre walking on the street.,49. Go downstairs, and stand,Take your umbrella, or youll catch a cold on such a rainy day. _ _ Please go over your exam papers once again before handing them in. _ Try to smile at your life when you are in trouble, and you will soon be happy again. _ _,带上你的雨伞,否则在这样的一个雨天里你会感冒的。,请在交卷之前再次仔细检查你们的试卷。,当你处于困境中时,尽力对生活微笑,不久你就会再次快乐起来。,Take your umbrella, or youl,


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