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1、Unit3单词九年级,Unit3单词九年级,洗手间,公共厕所=washroom=toilets厕所在哪?你能告诉我厕所在哪里吗?Where is the restroom?Could you please tell me where the restroom is?Eg:Restrooms and washrooms are all toilets.,单词-restroom,洗手间,公共厕所=washroom=toilets厕所在哪,collect stamps集邮buy some stamps 买邮票Mike likes to collect stamps when he is free.,

2、stamp n.邮票,collect stamps集邮buy some stam,=bookshop书店Books can be found in many bookstores.,bookstore n.书店,=bookshop书店Books can be foun,You can find the bank beside the post office.他坐在窗户旁边。He sits beside the window.,beside 介词,在.旁边,You can find the bank beside t,Everyone goes to the party except Tom.除

3、了Tom,每个人都去聚会了。(减法,不包含)We study Chinese,math besides English in our school.除了英语,我们还学语文数学。(加法,包含),besides&except 除了,Everyone goes to the party exc,send postcards寄明信片 现如今,人们习惯于发微信短信而不是送明信片。Nowadays,people are used to sending Wechat messages instead of sending postcards.,ostcard n.明信片,send postcards寄明信片

4、 现如今,人们习惯于,我通常睡觉很早,但是昨晚我熬夜了。I normally go to bed early,but I stayed up late last night.,normally adv.通常,我通常睡觉很早,但是昨晚我熬夜了。I normally g,in a rush 匆忙地Eg:He went to school in a rush this morning.rush hour交通高峰期,拥挤时刻rush to do sth 急忙做某事,rush n.仓促;急促,in a rush 匆忙地Eg:He went to sc,suggest doing sth 建议做某事sug

5、gest sth (to sb )向某人建议做事He suggested a walk.suggest that 宾语从句suggestion n.建议 Thanks for your suggestions on my English study.,suggest v.建议;提议,suggest doing sth 建议做某事sugg,我们建议开会。We suggest a meeting.We suggest having a meeting.We suggest that we should have a meeting.,suggest -造句,我们建议开会。We suggest a

6、meeting.,我路过时看见她正在花园里劳动。I saw her working in the garden when I passed by.,ass by 经过;路过,我路过时看见她正在花园里劳动。I saw her wor,The staff in this company are busy.,staff n.职工,The staff in this company are,The grapes in Xinjiang taste delicious.,grape,The grapes in Xinjiang taste d,I live in central Beijing now.

7、Its convenient to shop.central park 中心公园center n.中心公园的中心有一条胡。The center of the park lies a river.,central adj.中心的,I live in central Beijing now.,in a nearby store 在附近的商店nearby adv.There is a bank nearby.near介词 near my home在我家附近,nearby adj.附近的,临近的,in a nearby store 在附近的商店nearb,mail the letter寄信mail a

8、 mail 发邮件 E-mail 电子邮件,mail v/n,mail the letter寄信mail a mail,in the east of 在.东部 Shanghai is in the east of China.go east(副词) 向东We saw him go east.我们看见他向东去了。,east adj.东方的、adv.向东,in the east of 在.东部 Shangha,杭州西湖是一个迷人的地方。The West Lake is a fascinating place.,fascinating adj.迷人的;极有吸引力的,杭州西湖是一个迷人的地方。The

9、West Lake,这件大衣不贵,只有50元,我决定买了。I decide to buy this coat,because it is inexpensive.Its 50yuan.,inexpensive adj.便宜的,不贵的,这件大衣不贵,只有50元,我决定买了。I decide,这房间足够大,我们所有人坐进来不拥挤。The room is very large.Its uncrowed for us all to sit in.,uncrowded adj.不拥挤的,这房间足够大,我们所有人坐进来不拥挤。The room,Its convenient to go to school

10、by bus.多亏了网络,了解世界信息变得更便利。Thanks to the Internet,it is more convenient to get information about the world now.,convenient adj.便利的,方便的,Its convenient to go to schoo,shopping mall节日期间,很多人在商场里。There are many people in the mall during the festival.,mall,shopping mall节日期间,很多人在商场里。Th,我的姐姐在银行担任职员。My sister

11、works as a clerk in a bank .,clerk,我的姐姐在银行担任职员。My sister works,at the corner of 在.拐角处在街角处有一个书店。There is a bookstore at the corner of the street.,Corner n.拐角,at the corner of 在.拐角处在街角处有,ask for help politely 学生带着微笑礼貌地向老师打招呼。The student greeted the teacher politely with a smile.,olitely adv.礼貌地,ask fo

12、r help politely 学生带着微笑礼,make requests 请求Your request was refused by the headteacher.你的要求被班主任拒绝了。request sb to do sth 要求某人做.be requested (not) to do sth You are requested not to smoke in public.,request v/n 要求,make requests 请求Your request,你能告诉我你的房间朝向哪个方向吗?-Can you tell me which direction your room fa

13、ces?-My room faces east.in the direction of 朝.方向汤姆朝家的方向离开了。Tom went off in the direction of home.,direction n.方向,你能告诉我你的房间朝向哪个方向吗?-Can you te,the correct answer正确答案Your answer is correct.仅仅正确的问问题是不够的。Its not enough to just ask a question correctly.,correct,the correct answer正确答案Your an,be polite to

14、sb 对某人有礼貌sound polite听起来有礼貌polite-反-impolite Its impolite to do sth Its impolite to talk loudly in public.,olite adj.礼貌的,be polite to sb 对某人有礼貌sound p,请给我一些成为一个优秀的英语语言者的建议。Please give me some advice on becoming a good English speaker.,speaker,请给我一些成为一个优秀的英语语言者的建议。Please,who 的宾格 Whom did you invite?i

15、nvite sb .To whom should I write?,whom,who 的宾格 Whom did you invite?,记住不要给陌生人你家庭的地址。Remember not to give your home address to strangers.,address,记住不要给陌生人你家庭的地址。Remember not,by underground乘地铁an underground parking lot 一个地下停车场,underground 地下的,地铁,by underground乘地铁an undergrou,take a curse 上课 a physics course 物理课这学期我们有11个课程。We have 11 courses this semester.,course n.课程学科,take a curse 上课 a physics cou,


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