1、Learning ObjectivesWarming upTesting Your EarsOpening Your MouthReadingFacing Different Cultures,Learning Objectives,Learning Objectives,Be familiar with the issues of arrival services;Grasp the useful expressions of arrival services;Know how to remind passengers to get off the train;Know how to hel
2、p passengers exit.,Warming Up,Warming Up,A. Look at the following pictures and match them with their English names.,b,a,d,c,a. railway station exit b. transfer channel c. direction signboard d. Pay Upon Arrival,Warming Up,B. Look at the following signs and then choose the right English name for each
3、 of them.,exitenquiryparkingtaximetrobus station,1. _,2. _,3. _,metro,exit,bus station,Warming Up,4. _,5. _,6. _,parking,taxi,enquiry,Warming Up,C. Pick out the English names for the drinks from the following words and expressions.,1.The next station is Beijing West. _2.The train will arrive at Xian
4、 North at 8:12._3.旅客朋友们,请携带好随身物品,有序下车。_4.下车时,请当心脚下。_,列车前方到站是北京西站。,火车将在8点12分到达西安北站。,Dear passengers, please take all your belongings and get off the train in order.,Please mind your step when you get off the train.,Warming Up,transfer/trnsf(r)/n.转移,换车direction/drekn/n.方向signboard/sanbd/n.布告板,招牌enquir
5、y/nkwari/n.问询parking/pk/n.停车metro/metr/n.地铁,New Words,Testing Your Ears,Testing Your Ears,Testing Your Ears,ticketstreettheirpay upon arrivalofficemightsignboardlost,A. Circle the words or expressions you hear in the recording.,B. Listen to the conversations and fill in the blanks.,1. Please take ca
6、re of your _.2. Sir, where is the _ lot?3. Mind your _ when you get off the train.4. Walk straight, and you will find the _ channel.5. Please _ in order.,belongings,parking,step,transfer,exit,Testing Your Ears,C. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.,(W: Attendant M: Passenger)1. W:Atte
7、ntion, please! The next station is Beijing. Please take your luggage and prepare to get off.M:How long will it take to _ at the station?W: Its about ten minutes.,arrive,Testing Your Ears,2. W:Hello, passengers. The train has arrived at Beijing Railway Station. Please _ your step when you get off the
8、 train. M: How long does the train stay at the station? W: About five minutes.3. W: Excuse me, sir. How can I get out of the _ railway station? M: Follow the crowd, and then turn right at the end of the channel. W: Thanks a lot.,mind,high-speed,Opening Your Mouth,Opening Your Mouth,. Useful expressi
9、ons,English for everyday use (Praising),1. Perfect! 太棒了!2. Well done! 做得好!3. You did it! 你做到了!4. Congratulations! 祝贺!5. Amazing effort! 太努力啦!6. I appreciate you! 我很欣赏您!7. You are so talented! 你太有才了!8. You are incredible! 你简直难以置信!9. I am so proud of you! 我为你感到骄傲!,Opening Your Mouth,10. You (all) did
10、very well! 你们都做得很好!11. I admire your diligence! 我很佩服你的勤奋!12. (Thats) (so / very / really) good! 那真是太好了!13. Thats a / an (very) good / great / original / imaginative idea!那是个(非常)好的/很棒的/原创的/富有想象力的想法!14. (That is / was) (really / absolutely) excellent / fantastic / fabulous / great / superb!那真是(绝对是)太棒啦
11、!15. You did a good job! / Good job! / Nice work! 你做得很好!/好工作!/干得好!,Opening Your Mouth,English for work situation,1.Dear passengers, the next station is our terminal Beijing Railway Station. Please check your belongings and get ready to get off. 亲爱的旅客朋友们,列车前方到站是我们的终点站北京站。请检查您的随身物品,准备下车。2. When you ge
12、t off, please mind the gap between the train and the platform. 下车时,请小心列车与站台之间的缝隙,注意安全。3.Ladies and gentlemen: The next station is Beijing West. If this is your station, please make sure you have all your belongings with you and get ready to get off. 女士们,先生们:列车前方到站是北京西站。在北京西站下车的旅客,请携带好随身物品,提前做好下车准备。,
13、Opening Your Mouth,4. Please exit from the front door in the direction of travel.下车的旅客,请从列车运行方向的前部车门下车。5. Please exit from the rear door in the direction of travel.下车的旅客,请从列车运行方向的后部车门下车。6.Midway stops are very brief. Please remain onboard unless this is your station. Please observe the smoking ban.
14、Thanks for your cooperation. 列车中途停靠时间较短,未到站的旅客请不要下车。站台上禁止吸烟。谢谢您的合作。7. Ladies and gentlemen: This is Beijing West. 女士们,先生们:列车到达北京西站。8. Thank you for traveling by CRH. We hope to see you again soon. 感谢您乘坐和谐号列车出行,下次乘车再见。,Opening Your Mouth,9.Please keep your ticket. At the exit, you are required to sho
15、w it to the ticket-checker. You cant exit without it.请保管好您的车票。在出站口,您需要向验票员出示车票。没有票,您将不能出站。10. Its my pleasure to serve you. 很荣幸为您服务。11. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Have a nice trip. 入乡随俗,祝您旅途愉快。12. The train will arrive at Tianjin Railway Station in ten minutes.十分钟后,列车将会到达天津站。,Opening Your Mo
16、uth,13. Please return the berth number plate, and get your belongings ready.请您交还卧铺牌,并准备好随身物品。14. Mind your step when you get off the train. 下车时,注意脚下。15. M: Excuse me. How long does the train stay at Shenyang station?男:打扰一下,列车在沈阳站停留多久? W: Ten minutes. 女:十分钟。16. May I have your ticket, please? 请出示您的车票
17、,好吗?17. Please take all your belongings and exit in order. 请带好您的随身物品,有序出站。,Opening Your Mouth,. Role-play the following situations,Suppose you are a conductor in the sleeping car. The train will arrive at the terminal station in twenty minutes. Please remind passengers to return the berth number pla
18、te and get their own ticket back.,Suppose you are the chief conductor on the train. Before the train arrives at a transfer station, one passenger asks whether he / she can get off to smoke on the platform. Please give him / her some advice and stop him / her to get off the train to smoke.,Opening Yo
19、ur Mouth,. Phonetics,摩擦音:/h/ /r/ / /,发音方法,1,/h/发音步骤口腔自然张开,张合大小由/h/后面的元音决定;气流不受阻碍地自然流出,发出类似哈气的声音。,Opening Your Mouth,发音练习hole/hl/洞heat/hit/加热who/hu/谁whose/huz/谁的,Opening Your Mouth,/r/发音步骤舌尖向上齿龈翘起,并轻触上齿龈,不要贴在口腔任何部位上;双唇突出收圆,气流由舌尖与硬腭间流出。发音练习rip /rp/撕裂red/red/红色arrive/rav/ 到达write/rat/写字,Opening Your Mo
20、uth,/发音步骤舌尖离开上齿龈,然后往后缩一点点;双唇撅起,类似小孩子生气时的口形;让气流由舌尖与上齿龈之间的缝隙中流出。,Opening Your Mouth,发音练习shut/t/关闭shame/em/害羞action/kn/动作social/sl/社会的,Opening Your Mouth,/发音步骤舌端抬起,靠近齿龈后部,但不要贴住;舌身抬起,靠近上腭,形成狭长的通道;双唇略微向前突出,气流通过通道时摩擦成音;发音时,声带振动。,Opening Your Mouth,发音练习measure/me/测量casual /kul/偶然的collision/kln/碰撞confusion
21、/knfjun/混乱,Opening Your Mouth,综合练习,2,(1)短语练习a high hill一座高山hold it high高高举起a hearty hello热情地打招呼hand in hand联合,牵手a red rose一朵红玫瑰the right answer正确答案a rare opportunity次难得的机会around the corner不远处,转角处,Opening Your Mouth,shut yourself away隐藏shame on you真丢脸,真不害臊ancient civilization古代文明under pressure承受压力as
22、usual照例,像往常一样a big garage一个很大的车库my pleasure很乐意效劳a casual encounter邂逅,Opening Your Mouth,(2)句子练习I have to tell him what happened. 我得告诉他发生了什么事。Henry hid himself behind a hedge. 亨利藏在篱笆后面。I ate bread for breakfast. 我早餐吃的面包。He threw the rock in the river. 他把石头扔到河里。Shall we go fishing tomorrow? 明天我们去钓鱼怎么样
23、?She took a shower. 她洗了个澡。He measured his pleasure in a visual treasure. 他用视觉上的珍宝来衡量自己的快乐。,Opening Your Mouth,(3)绕口令The hunter and his huge horse hide behind the house.猎人和他的大马藏在房子后面。She shops for six shoes. Then she puts the shoes on shelves.她买了六双鞋。然后她把鞋子放在架子上。George placed his broken television in
24、the garage. In his garage there have been three broken televisions.乔治把他坏了的电视放到了车库了,在他的车库里已经有三台坏电视了。,Reading,Reading,Arrival at a Station,Before a train arrives at a station, passengers will be informed of the station name and the arrival time. Railway attendants will remind passengers to check all t
25、heir belongings and prepare to get off.When a train has arrived at the station, passengers will be suggested to get off in order. On the platform, there are bilingual direction signboards. They can direct passengers to the exit, metro station, bus station, parking lot, etc. In most stations, passeng
26、ers will be led to the exit by an underground channel. In some large stations, Red Cap Luggage Service is available for passengers with bulky luggage.,Reading,When passengers get out of the station, their tickets will be checked by attendants at the exit. At newer high-speed railway stations, passen
27、gers would pass through the exit by putting their own tickets in the automatic ticket checking machine.As for transfer passengers, they are advised to have the paper ticket of the connecting journey in hand before getting on the train at the starting station. When they arrive at the transfer station
28、, there is no need to exit and then reenter.,Reading,inform/nfm/v.通知,告诉remind/rmand/v.提醒,使想起belonging/bl/n.所有物,财产suggest/sdest/v.提议,建议bilingual/balwl/adj.双语的underground/ndrand/adj.地下的bulky/blki/adj.笨重的,庞大的automatic/tmtk/adj.自动的advise/dvaz/v.建议,劝告,Words and Expressions,Reading,connecting/knekti/adj.连
29、接的reenter/ri ent(r)/v.重进入,重返previous/privis/adj.以前的be informed of被通知remind sb. to do提醒某人做prepare to do准备做be suggested to do被建议做in order按顺序bilingual direction signboards双语指向牌Red Cap Luggage Service红帽行李服务pass through通过automatic ticket checking machine自动验票机,Reading,Exercises A. Learn the words in the b
30、ox and then complete the sentences with them. Change the form if necessary.,1. Passengers are _ of the arrival time.2. They are _ to exit in order.3. The _ ticket machine is used to check tickets.4. Following the _ signboard, passengers would find the parking lot.5. Your _ ticket is very important w
31、hen you pass through the transfer channel.6. The railway attendant _ passengers to return berth number plates.7. The _ time of T106 is 21:52.8. He couldnt carry the _ box.,informremindsuggestbilingualbulkyautomaticpreviousdeparture,informed,suggested,automatic,Bilingual,previous,reminds,departure,bu
32、lky,Reading,B. Read the text again and decide whether the following statements are T (true) or F (false).,1. Passengers will be reminded to check their luggage and get ready to get off when the train arrives at the station. ( ) 2. Following the underground channel, passengers could find the exit in
33、all stations.( )3. If passengers take bulky belongings, Red Cap Luggage Service is available for them in some large stations. ( )4. There are attendants at the exit to check passengers tickets. ( )5. There is no need for transfer passengers with the previous ticket to exit and reenter at transfer st
34、ations. ( ),F,F,T,T,F,Reading,C. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.,1.Passengers will be informed of checking the luggage and preparing to get off before the train arrives at a station._。2.In most stations, passengers can pass through an underground channel to the exit._。3.In some large
35、 stations, passengers with bulky luggage can ask for Red Cap Luggage Service._。4.At the exit, railway attendants will check passengers tickets._。5.If passengers take both the previous ticket and the connecting ticket, they can go to the waiting room through transfer channel directly at the transfer
36、station._。,火车到站前,旅客将被告知检查行李,准备下车,在大多数火车站,旅客可以穿过地下通道到达出口,在一些大型火车站,携带大件行李的乘客可以寻求红帽行李服务,在出口,铁路服务人员将检查旅客车票,在换乘车站,如果旅客同时持上一程车票和联程车票,他们可通过换乘通道直接前往候车室,Facing Different Cultures,Facing Different Cultures,Facing Different Cultures,Cultural Differences on Politeness between China and Western Countries Cultura
37、l differences on politeness between China and western countries are reflected in many aspects of peoples daily communication, like greeting, addressing, complimenting, etc.,中西方有关礼貌的文化差异中西方在礼貌方面的文化差异体现在人们日常交际的方方面面,如问候、称呼、称赞等。,Facing Different Cultures,1. Greeting When people meet acquaintances or fri
38、ends, they usually greet each other in order to maintain social contact. In western countries, people often use the following expressions to greet each other, such as “Good morning / afternoon / evening.” “Fine day, isnt it?” “How is everything going?” In China, people always say “你吃了吗?” “你上哪里去?” “你
39、干什么去?” to show their consideration.,1问候 当人们遇到熟人或朋友时,他们通常互相问候,其目的在于保持社会联系。在西方国家,人们通常使用“早上好/下午好/晚上好。”“天儿不错,不是吗?”“你还好吗?”等表达来相互问候。在中国,人们在问候时总用“你吃了吗?”“你上哪里去?”“你干什么去?”等套话来表示他们(对听话人)的关心。,Facing Different Cultures,2. AddressingPeoples name consists of two parts: surname and given name. The order of these tw
40、o parts in Chinese is different from that in English. In Chinese, the surname comes first, and the given name follows it. People like to add “小” before the surname, such as “小王”, “小郑”, “小李”, etc. However, English names are spoken and written with the given name first and the family name last. Thus,
41、John Smiths surname is Smith, and his given name is John.,2称呼人名包括姓和名两部分。姓和名的顺序在汉语和英语中各有不同。在汉语中,姓在前,名在后。人们喜欢在姓前加一个“小”,如“小王”“小郑”“小李”等。然而,英文名在说和写时,名在前,姓在后。因此,约翰史密斯的姓为史密斯,名为约翰。,Facing Different Cultures,3. ComplimentingTo compliment is to praise others virtue, ability, appearance, personality, etc. The
42、proper compliment is one supplementary way to effectively communicate with others. Western people are more active than Chinese to praise others and to be praised. For example, the Americans advocate “straight forwardness”, while Chinese people take pride in “modesty”. So many westerners feel puzzled
43、 when their Chinese friends refuse their compliments. Chinese people think that modesty is a virtue, so they seldom accept others compliments on their own in most cases.,3称赞称赞是对他人美德、能力、外表、个性等的赞美。恰当的赞美是一种与他人保持有效沟通的辅助手段。在赞美别人和被别人赞美时,西方人比中国人显得更加积极主动。例如,美国人主张坦率直白,而中国人则以谦虚为荣。因此,许多西方人当其中国朋友回绝他们的赞美时会感到迷惑不解
44、。中国人认为谦虚是一种美德,所以他们在大多数情况下很少接受别人对自己的赞美。,Facing Different Cultures,Because of these cultural differences, some expressions used to express politeness would be misunderstood by people with different culture backgrounds.,正是因为这些文化差异,具有不同文化背景的人才会对一些礼貌用语产生误解。,Reading,1. politeness 礼貌2. reflect 反映3. greet 问
45、候4. address 称呼5. compliment 称赞,恭维6. acquaintance 熟人7. maintain 维持8. consideration 关心,考虑9. surname and given name 姓和名10. praise 赞扬,表扬11. virtue 美德12. appearance 外貌,Notes:,Facing Different Cultures,Read the passage and fill in the table below.,Task One,Facing Different Cultures,Do you know other differences on politeness between Chinese culture and western culture? Communicate with your classmates and write them down._,Task Two,