1、名词单数变复数plurals1课件,girl,The plural form of most nouns is created by adding the letters,s,girl,girlThe plural form of most no,fox,Nouns that end in -ch, -sh, -x, -s or -z add -es for the plural,es,fox,foxNouns that end in -ch, -sh,witch,es,witch,Nouns that end in -ch, -sh, -x, -s or -z add -es for the
2、 plural,witcheswitchNouns that end in,cherry,ies,cherr,Nouns ending in a consonant plus -y, make the plural by changing -y to -ies:,y,cherryiescherrNouns ending in,名词单数变复数plurals1课件,sheep,sheep,Some nouns are the same in both singular and plural form,sheepsheepSome nouns are the s,fish,fish,Some nou
3、ns are the same in both singular and plural form,fishfishSome nouns are the sam,deer,deer,Some nouns are the same in both singular and plural form,deerdeerSome nouns are the sam,man,men,manmen,woman,women,womanwomen,child,children,childchildren,person,people,personpeople,tooth,teeth,toothteeth,foot,
4、feet,footfeet,mouse,mice,mousemice,kni,fe,ves,knife,Ends with feChange f to vthe,wol,f,ves,wolf,Ends with -fChange f to vthen,tomato,es,tomato,tomatoesEnds with -oAdd -estom,boy,Whats the plural form of ,boys,boyes,boies,boyWhats the plural form of ,watch,Whats the plural form of ,watches,watchs,wat
5、chies,watchWhats the plural form of,wife,Whats the plural form of ,wives,wifes,wifs,wifeWhats the plural form of,half,Whats the plural form of ,halves,halfes,halfs,halfWhats the plural form of,tooth,Whats the plural form of ,teeth,toothes,tooths,toothWhats the plural form of,life,Whats the plural fo
6、rm of ,lives,lifs,lifes,lifeWhats the plural form of,leaf,Whats the plural form of ,leaves,leafes,leafs,leafWhats the plural form of,foot,Whats the plural form of ,feet,footes,foots,footWhats the plural form of,strawberry,Whats the plural form of ,strawberries,strawberrys,strawberryes,strawberryWhats the plural fo,woman,Whats the plural form of ,women,womanes,womans,womanWhats the plural form of,名词单数变复数plurals1课件,