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1、,The analyzation of Defoes Novels,Introduction to Defoe (p171-172),Literary status the father of the English novel.English novelist, journalist, pamphleteer,producingmorethan500books,pamphlets,andtracts(小册子).The themes of his writing include politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology, supernatu

2、ral(超自然),Fictions:Robinson Crusoe (1719) 鲁滨逊漂流记Captain Singleton辛格尔顿船长 (1720) Duncan Campbell (1720) 邓肯坎贝尔Memoirs of a Cavalier (1720) 一个骑士的回忆录Colonel Jack (1722) 陆军上校杰克Moll Flanders 摩尔弗兰德斯 (1722) Journal of the Plague Year 大疫年纪事 (1722) The History of the Devil (1726) 魔鬼的历史,Defoes Works (p.172-173),

3、 Defoe had a gift for organizing minute details in such a vivid way that his stories could be both credible and fascinating. His sentences are sometimes short, crisp and plain, and sometimes long and rambling, which leave on the reader an impression of casual narration. His language is smooth, easy,

4、 colloquial and mostly vernacular. There is nothing artificial in his language: it is common English at its best. His novels enjoyed great popularity among the middle class.,Artistic features,(社会观),His social outlook(社会观),As a member of the middle class, Defoe spoke for and to the members of his cla

5、ss and his novels enjoyed great popularity among the less cultivated(有教养的) readers. In most of his works, he gave his praise to the hard-working, sturdy(坚定的) middle class and showed his sympathy for the downtrodden(被压迫的) unfortunate(不幸的) poor.,Defoe is an anti-romantic, anti-feudal (反封建制度的)realistic

6、 writer. His stories are all real concerns of his time: people in their struggle to overcome the natural or social environment. Defoe adopts the autobiographical(自传的) form and made full use of his long trained journalistic skill. He stresses on actions or people in actions, not much plot or portraya

7、l of characters, but exact journalist account of the daily, trivial happenings.,Features of Defoes Novels,Selected Readings (p.176-186),Robinson Crusoe,About Robinson Crusoe The hero: Robinson CrusoeCrusoes Life on the IslandRelated Analysis,based on the experiences of Alexander Selkirk, a captain l

8、ived alone in an island for 5 years.creating a visual picture that manifests how human history has developed from the primitive (原始的)to the feudal(封建的) and then to the capitalistic(资本主义的) in the 18th century.describes how Robinson, a 18-century middle-class tradesman, experienced his romantic life o

9、n a wild island for 28 years.,About Robinson Crusoe,plot,3 parts: Part 1-about Crusoes three voyages; Part 2-about his hard struggles against nature on a small deserted island; (the body of the novel) Part 3-about what happened after his return.,Characterization,Robinson Crusoe Self-independent; per

10、severant; inspiring and innovating, adventurous, colonial mind; practical perseveranthe is here a real hero: a typical eighteenth-century English middle-class man with a great capacity for work, inexhaustible energy, courage, patience & persistence in overcoming obstacles, in struggling against the

11、hostile natural environment.He is the very prototype(原型) of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist.,at the early stage, an individual laborer, and then a master, until at last an exploiter, a colonizeran image of an enterprising Englishman of the 18th century and one of the representative of the r

12、ising bourgeoisie (新兴资产阶级)an embodiment (体现)of the spirit of individual enterprise and colonial expansion(殖民扩张)a man struggling against nature and human fate, with indomitable will and hand a man going through different stages of human civilization in a seemingly primitive environment,The hero: Robi

13、nson Crusoe,Friday: The first nonwhite character described in English novels, hence a huge literary and cultural importance.,Friday : Friendship , Loyalty , Gratitude Robinson: The Ambivalence of Mastery a. theMaster-Slave relationship - a companionship under his dominance b. a feeling of brotherhoo

14、d that exceeds Robinsons colonizing position.,Robinson and Friday,鲁滨逊漂流记中表现的笛福宗教观The Religious Views in Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe,【英文摘要】In religious values, Defoe was greatly influenced by the philosophers such as John Locke. He maintained the freedom of religion and was against autocratic monar

15、chy. Defoes views for religion were fully reflected in his char acter of Robinson in Robinson Crusoe.在宗教思想上笛福受洛克等哲学家的影响 ,反对专制 ,主张信仰自由 ,笛福的这种宗教观集中地从其小说鲁滨逊漂流记的鲁滨逊这个人物形象身上充分地表现出来。,On British Island Literature(英国荒岛文学), Abstract The forming of British island literature is closely related with her geograp

16、hical position , her colonial expansion history as well as her national adventure spirit . Thus , island naturally becomes an indispensable theme in British literature. Early from The Tempest by William Shakespeare in the 16th century to Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defore in the 17th , from The Coral

17、Island by R1M1Ballantyne in the 19th century to Lord of the Flies by William Golding in modern literature , there are indeed quite a number of literary works on island , which have been known as island literature. Yet , island literature does not mean to explore a way to escape from the s ociety. Th

18、e island here is just a carrier , a mean to express its theme. Key words island literature ; geographical position ; theme,Themes,Enterprising spirit of the new bourgeoisie(资产阶级); Tribute to hard work and self-relianceWestern colonization to overcome wilderness, nature and uncivilized worldGlorifica

19、tion of the imperialist dream: Robinson the prototype of the British Empire.,Chapter 25,“My island was now peopled, and I thought myself very rich in subjects臣民; and it was a merry reflection, which I frequently made, how like a king I looked. First of all, the whole country was my own mere property

20、, so that I had an undoubted right of dominion. Secondly, my people were perfectly subjected. Iwas absolute lord君主 and lawgiver立法者, they all owed their lives to me, and were ready to lay down their lives, if there had been occasion of it, for me. ”,conclusion,Defoe s novels as a part of the 18th cen

21、tury novels have been taking an important subject in the literary history analysis. The main reasons including:Reasonal analyzing and spreading the reasonal persons in the Enlightenment .The religious faith and the Puritanical thoughts permeating the novels.Holding the decisive role to the rising of British realistic novel,Thanks!,


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