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1、第39讲后置、前置、倒装,英语1601班 谭慧,Review,句子:最高一级的语法单位英语在其长期发展中形成一种相对固定的语序(Word Order),其特征是主语在前,谓语在后,即“主语+谓语”的结构,其中,主语的结构形式比较整齐划一,它通常是名词词组即“(限定词)+(前置修饰语)+名词+(后置修饰语)”的结构,而谓语的结构形式比较多样化,这种结构形式的多样化决定于不同类型的谓语动词的特性。谓语的几种不同构造,同时也决定着不同的分句类型,即基本句型,这是英语的“正常语序”(Normal Order).句子的基本结构:SV 、SVC 、SVO 、SVOO 、SVOC. .,Review,除状语

2、的位置比较机动外,主语、谓语动词、宾语和补语的位置都是相对固定的。这种词序的相对固定性转而又使某种打破常规改变词序的做法成为一种表示强调的手段。比如宾语和补语本来应该出现在主语和动词之后,如果把它们移至句尾,便会使它们位置突出,受到强调。同样地,如果把一个句首成分移至句尾,也会产生类似的修辞效果。今天我们要讲的就是这种后置,前置,以及由此而来的倒装问题。 后置 后置(Postponement)是一种语法手段,即为了强调而把一个非句尾成分移至句尾。在分析这一问题之前,我们首先要了解一下支配英语词序的两条重要的原则:句尾 焦点(End Foucs)和句尾重心(End Weight)。,1:句尾焦点

3、和句尾重心,句子 ,作为一个传递信息的单位(Information Unit),通常是由“旧信息+新信息”构成。旧信息(Old Information),又叫“已知信息”(Given/known Information)是说话人认为或者假定对方已经了解的信息,这是信息传递的出发点,在句子中通常用主语表示。新信息(New Information)是信息传递的着重点,在句子中通常由谓语表示,而新信息的最关键部分又通常出现在句尾,这就是信息焦点(Information Focus),又叫句尾焦点(End Focus)。例如: Mr. Smith is a friend of my fathers,1

4、:句尾焦点和句尾重心,从句子的结构看,主语,作为信息传递的出发点,在结构上通常表较短,比较简单,而谓语,作为信息传递的着重点,则通常较长,较复杂,这种结构特征叫做“句尾重心”(End Weight)。根据“句尾重心”这一原则,我们在造句时要注意句子结构匀称,避免头大尾小的现象,比如一个句子通常不以单一不及物动词作谓语。试比较,He smokes He smokes cigarettes He rested He took a rest The man shouted The man gave a shout She works little She does little work,2:关键词

5、语的后置,.,2:关键词语的后置,也由于句尾焦点和句尾重心的关系,人们在组词成句时往往要将说话人 认为最重要的内容至于句尾,使之处于突出地位,这种语法手段叫做“后置”(Postponement)。例如 He gave me a book He gave a book to me前者侧重在a book,适合回答What did he give you?后者侧重 在me,适合回答Who did he give a book to?由此可见,间接宾语的位置虽然可前可后,但在一定上下文中它只能在前或只能在后,3:前置与倒装,把在正常词序中通常较晚出现的成分移至句首,使之处于突出位置,从而受到特殊强调,

6、这种语法手段叫做前置(Fronting)。使用前置手段表示强调,有时不必改变词序,有时则引起倒装(Inversion)。1:不引起倒装的前置 不引起倒装的前置成分通常是宾语,主语补语和宾语补语。例如 A horrible mess youre made of it Books ,he had treasured from the earliest period of his life. Very strange it seemed.,Keener and keener the competition became. A scandal(丑闻)I call it. I knew you were

7、 careless, but dishonest I never thought you. 上述这些成分的前置常常是为了使上下文紧密衔接。例如 Mr. White fried two small pieces of fish .One of these he fed to his cat .The others he ate himself. We really should not resent being called paupers(乞丐),Paupers we are ,and paupers we shall remain. 有时这种前置是为了意义的对比和结构的对称。例如 Joan

8、he gave nothing ,but George he gave 10 shillings. Fool Joe may be ,but thief he is not. Tactless she may be ,but ungrateful you should not think her. (方式状语移至句首也可以不倒装)。,2:引起倒装的前置,当主语补语 前置时,如果主语较长或主语结构比较复杂,这种主语补语的前置就会引起倒装(Inversion)。例如: More serious was the question of how the President would present

9、the joint announcement(联合声明). Happy indeed are those who receive marvellous news after a long silence. 当前置宾语由“not a +名词” 或者“not a single +名词”构成时,也会引起倒装。例如: I had a terrible time playing roulette (轮盘赌)at the casino(赌场).Not a winning number did I have all night. I lost fortune at Royal Ascot(皇家赛马会).No

10、t a single winner did I back the whole meeting.,最通常引起倒装的是某些状语的前置。这里有两种情况:一种是全部倒装(Full Inversion),另一种是局部倒装(Partial Inversion)。前者是整个谓语置于主语之前,后者仅是操作词置于主语之前。引起倒装的前置状语大体有下列几种情况: a)当句首状语为方位动词或拟声词,谓语动词为go ,come等表示位置移动的动态动词时,通常用全部倒装。例如: These was a sudden gust of wind and away went his hat. The door burst o

11、pen and in rushed the crowd. Bang! bang! bang! Came three reports of firecrackers and Philip suddenly felt his body become light. 如果主语是代词,那就不用倒装: Lower and lower he bent. b) 当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,也会引起全部倒装。例如: In this chapter will be found a partial answer. From the valley came a thinking sound , a soothi

12、ng moo(舒缓的牛叫声) , the lull(平静) of alien voices.,c). 当句首状语为否定词或带有否定意义的词语时,一般引起局部倒装。例如: Never have I found him in such a good mood. Not for one minute do I think I have any hope of getting promoted. No longer these days is it necessary for women to wear veils(面纱)。 When I was at school ,on no account we

13、re we allowed to answer the masters back(和老师顶嘴). Pete will retire soon. No more will his genius delight millions. Visit our stores . Nowhere else will you find such magnificent bargains(便宜货). At no time during his speech did the politician mention that he had advocate the opposite policy two years b

14、efore. Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang. Rarely do I get invited into his office alone. Not for nothing has he got the reputation of being a vintage car (古董车)fanatic Not for the life of me can I understand how I passed the exam. She received her cheque for half-a million pound

15、s , but not even then could she believe it.,d)句首状语若由“only +副词”,“only +介词词组”,“only +状语分句”构成,也可引起局部倒装。例如: Only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing. Only through sheer(绝对的) luck did he manage to get some tickets. Only because there were some cancelled bookings did he get some tickets i

16、n the end. 以关联连词not only (but also)开头的分句,往往引起局部倒装。例如: Not only did he complain about the food ,he also refused to pay for it. Not only did the garage overcharge me ,but they hadnt done a very good repair job either. e) 在以关联词so(that)开头的句子结构中,“so+形容词”是主语补语的前置,“so+副词”是状语的前置,前者引起全部倒装,后者引起局部倒装。例如: So dan

17、gerous were the avalanches(雪崩)that skiing had to be stopped. So small was the mark that I could hardly see it. So quickly did the workmen finish their work that they were given a bonus(奖金).,3:前置与倒装,So much does he worry about his financial position that he cant sleep at night. f) 当方式状语,频度状语等移至句首时,有时

18、也引起局部倒装。例如: Gladly would I pay more if I could get better service by doing so. Mary a time has Mike given me good advice. 如果主语较长,也可全部倒装。例如: Thus began an intricate(错综复杂的) minuet(小步舞)between us and the Chinese. 当然,方式状语等移至句首,也可以不用倒装。例如: Stealthily the girl crept out(爬行) of the door.,部分倒装和完全倒装,Full Inv

19、ersion and Partial Inversion,Full Inversion and Partial Inversion,1:完全倒装:将整个谓语部分置于主语之前,即为完全倒装 。 a:here ,there位于句首,且主语为名词,可将主谓完全倒装。 b: 有时为了上下文衔接,也要用完全倒装。 c: 直接引语前置,引导语中的主语是名词,主语,谓语通常用完全倒装。,2:部分倒装:将谓语中的助动词或情态动词置于主语之,即部分倒装。引用部分倒装的情况: a:在含有had , were , should前的 虚拟条件句中可,可省略if,将had , were, should 放在主语之前,构

20、成部分倒装。 Had you come here , you would have met the film star. Were I you ,I would take the money.,Full Inversion and Partial Inversion,Should any one come to set me free , I would make him very rich. b: 当so , neither ,nor 位于句首时,可将其后与上面重复的谓语部分置于主语之前 ,构成部分倒装,(so位于句首时,同时具备三个条件才可以用部分倒装 : a)so表示“也”的意思. b)上句是简单的肯定句。 c) 上句的主语和so引导的句子主语不同(如果相同,则so表示“的确”的意思,无需倒装。),THANKS,


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