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1、Unit 1Did you come back yesterday ?,module1,Unit 2 We bought ice creams.,什么是过去时态?,表示已经发生的事情就是过去时态。,过去时态动词用什么?,动词的过去式。,表示用过去式的单词有哪些?,last, yesterday,什么是动词?,就是用来 形容或表示各类动作的词。,动词be的变化,动词be,变化多. 我是am,你是are, is连着他,她,它. 单数is,复数are. 如果动作成过去,千万记着变化它. is变成was用,am 也要变was, are就变were吧. 虽然换了件衣服,我们也能分清楚. is,am 还有

2、are,表的情况是现在, 如果情况变过去,was,were来替代.,be动词:am,is(单数)wasare(复数)were,动词过去式,回来 come - 掉落 drop - 去 go - 遇见 meet -买 buy -跑 run -坐 do/does -有,吃 have/has -是 is/am -是 are -看见 see -带,拿 take -参观,拜访 visit -,came,dropped,went,met,bought,ran,did,had,was,were,saw,took,visited,动词过去式,回来 come - 掉落 drop - 去 go - 遇见 meet

3、-买 buy -跑 run -坐 do/does -有,吃 have/has -是 is/am -是 are -看见 see -带,拿 take -参观,拜访 visit -,came,dropped,went,met,bought,ran,did,had,was,were,saw,took,visited,动词过去式,吃 eat - 找到,发现 find -丢失 lose -洗wash -看watch -告诉tell-跑run- 游泳swim 赢win-,ate,found,lost,washed,watched,told,ran,won,swam,动词过去式变化规则,ed,ed 小尾巴,动

4、词后面跟着它. 如果动作是过去,千万不要忘了它. 1 规则动词ed加; 2 有e直接把d加; 3 辅音字母后跟y,先要把y变成i, 再把ed后面加; 4 重读音节辅元辅,双写再把ed加; 5 特殊单词变化多,一定把它们记心中.,Did后面用动词原形如:Did you come back yesterd?,如果一个句子里同时出现did和yesterday就以did优先,动词用原形。如果一个句子里没有did但有yesterday,动词就用过去式。,如:Did you come back yesterd?,如:I came back last Sunday.,动词后面用原形的还有那些?,can le

5、t,如:Can you run fast? lets go and fly it.,Pair work.,Did you yesterday?,walk to school,走路去学校,go home by bus,坐车回家,watch TV,看电视,eat ice cream,do homework,做家庭作业,run,跑步,finish the rice,吃完饭,Yes, I did.,/No, I didnt.,用什么问用什么答。,do did can is,Do /Did you have dinner?,肯:Yes,I do/did.否:No, I dont/didnt,Can yo

6、u run fast?,肯:Yes,I can否:No, I cant,Is it your bag?,肯:Yes, it is.否:No, it isnt,do did can is否:dont didnt cant isnt,1.Did you have apple in this morning? -No,I didnt.I pears,A.eat B.had C.have,2.Hurry up.sam for you.,A.is waiting B.will wait C.wait,3.Here you are,Lingling.,A.Thats Ok B.youre welcome

7、C.Thank you,Module 2 Unit 1,What did you buy?,Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy?,any 和 some 的区别,any:一般用于否定句和疑问句some:一般用于肯定句,Did you buy any bananas?I didnt bought any bananas.There are some book on the desk.,how much多少-用于不可数名词(名词后面没有s),how many多少-用于可数名词复数(名词后面加s),how much 还表示多少钱回答:数字+ yuan如:ten yua

8、n,How many 和how much提问时 回答用:数字,归类,可数名词: banana / apple /pear / orange / egg /book ,不可数名词: milk / cheese / juice meat /chocolate/ rice/water.,the key sentence patterns.(重点句型),How many did you buy? apples pears eggs bananas watermelons,How muchdid you buy? water meat milk cheesechocolaterice,Read and

9、write. how many how much_apples do they want? Two._ meat do you want? Half a kilo._ eggs does she want? Two boxes._ water do you want? Two bottles.,How many,How many,How much,How much,半千克怎么说?两千克苹果呢?,half a kilo two kilos apples,两瓶牛奶呢? 一杯牛奶呢?两杯呢?,two bottles a cup of milk two cups of milk,- _-I went

10、to the supermarket. - _-I bought some pears and meat._ Four . _ 2 kilos .,What did you buy ?,补全对话 .,Where did you go?,How many pears did you buy ?,How much meat did you buy?,1.We need some food our picnic.,A.to B.for C.of,A.buy B.do C.drink,2.What did you ?-I drank some juice.,3.Did you go there by

11、train ?-No, I go there plane.,A.buy B.to C.by,How many apples did you buy?,bought, a, We, half, kilo.,We bought half a kilo.,连词成句。,buy, many, you, did, apples, How ?,How much milk did you buy?,also, We, of, chocolate, lot, a , bought.,We also bought a lot of chocolate.,连词成句。,milk, How much, you , di

12、d, buy?,Module 3,Unit 1 Where did you go?,Unit 2Daming took a photo of his fahter,Listen and Chant,Where where 哪里where did you go?你要去哪里?what what 什么what did you do?你做了什么?How how 怎样how did you go there?你怎么去的?Please tell me.,where 哪里Where did you go?你要去哪里?回答:“地点,地方”what 什么What did you do?你做了什么?回答: 具体你

13、做了什么how 怎样How did you go there?你怎么去的?回答:by+交通工具(除了“走路”“on foot”)When什么时候When did you arrive?你什么时候到达?回答:时间Who 谁回答:人(如:daming ,father, friend,mother等),Exercise 3 补全对话。,- _ -I visited lots of places. - _-I went to the London eye._ By bus . _ Yes, I did .,What did you do ?,Where did you go last Sunday?,

14、How did you go there ?,Did you have a good day?,- _ -At ten oclock . - _-I went there by bus._ My parents.,When did you arrive there?,How did you go there?,Who went to the Great wall?,表示在多少点,怎么说?,at ten oclock,表示在周末,怎么说?,at the wekend,表示在早上或中午,怎么说?,in the morningin the afternoon,表示一个小时,怎么说?,one hour

15、或for one hour或an hour,half an hour或half one hour,半个小时呢,美好的一天,怎么说?,had a good day,许多,怎么说?,a lot of =lots of,Last weekend, They photos the mountains beautiful flowers and green plants,with 拥有,具有of 关于什么的,表明什么的,took,with,of,Module 4,Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.,形容词性物主代词的用法:形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,用于在

16、名词前。如:This is my book.这是我的书,Lets learn,buy bought 买,for 为,给,buy +某物+for +某人 给某人买某物,Mum bought a T-shirt for me.,Dad bought a football for Sam.,Mum bought a for me,Mum bought a pair of for me,buy (物)for(人)表示为买了。让我们来看看下面的句子吧:,- Dont the T-shirt, its dirty. A. were B. wash C. wear2.Dad a new book me la

17、st Sunday. A. buy, to B. bought , for C. bought , with 3. Whats ? A. matter B. the matter C. matters,选择。,4. Lets the kite. A. fly B. flying C. to fly5.-Whats the matter? - . A. Im in the park B. Im doing my homework C. I lost my pencil 6. ? -They are on the line. A. Who is Daming B. Where is Daming

18、C. Where are my trousers,选择。,What is the matter?,a, for, Mum, me, T-shirt, bought, new.,Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.,连词成句。,the, matter, is, What?,别人向你说对不起,你该怎么回?,Im so sorry.-That Ok,什么是名词所有格?,请看以下句子:This is Linglings book.This car is Sams,Whats the matter?(怎么了?一般表示发生了不好的事情。),I lost my cap.,像句中的

19、字母,S放在名词后面,并用” ” 号与名词隔开这样的形式就是名词所有格,人们用它来表示所有关系,说明物体归谁所有,请看以下句子:This is Linglings book.This car is Sams,Do you like this pair of shorts?,didnt, it, She ,wear.,She didnt wear it.,连词成句。,Do, like, shorts, pair, this, you, of?,a pair of+复数 一双,a pair of shoes/socks一双鞋/一双袜子 a pair of shorts/trousers一条短裤/一

20、条长裤,Whats the matter with Daming?,Module 4 Unit 2,cap,Ben,A: Whats the matter with Ben?,B: He lost his cap.,丢失,bag,A: Whats the matter with Daming?,B: He lost his bag.,A: Whats the matter with Sam?,B: He lost his T-shirt.,T-shirt,shorts,A: Whats the matter with Lingling?,B: She lost her dress.,A. T-

21、shirt,B. bag,C. trousers,D. cap,E. sports shoes,F. shorts,D,A,E,B,F,C,连词成句。1.the/ Amy/ with/ matter/ Whats/ (?) Whats the matter with Amy?2.bag/ lost/ his/ He/(.) He lost his bag.3.T-shirt/ a/ bought/ Mum/ for/ me(.) Mum bought a T-shirt for me.4.sports shoes/ this/like/ you/ Do/pair/of (?) Do you l

22、ike this pair of sports shoes?,Module5 Unit1There are only nineteen crayons.,基数词的构成1、112是独立词。 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,2、1319 1319后加teen,thirteen,fifteen很奇怪,跟着eighteen一起搞例外,教师小点播,There be,is(后加可数名词单数或不可数名词),are(后加可数名词复数),(在某地)有,(+地点),There are only ni

23、neteen crayons.But there are twenty children in the class!,只有十九支蜡笔,但是教室里有二十个孩子,20-90后加ty.twenty 不同重点记, forty 去掉字母u , thirty , fifty 很奇怪, 跟着eighty一起搞例外.twenty-one表示几十几时,中间记住加连字符号“-”,单项选择:How_ pens are there? Ten. A. a B. many C. muchThere _ an apple and two eggs on the table. A. be B. are C. is3.Ther

24、e are four_ in the room. A. girls B. boy C. book4._ there flowers in the park? Yes. A. Is B. Are C. Be5. How many_ are there? A. foot B. foots C. feet,B,C,C,B,A,There be 后面有用and连接的两个或两个以上的名词时,be的形式应和其最邻近的名词一致,即”就近原则“。 There be句型的否定句在be后加not,一般疑问句将be提到句首。,完成句子。1.班里有多少学生? students _ _in your class?2.书

25、桌上有许多书和一块橡皮。There_ _ books on the desk.3.有好多啊!_ _ _ _.,How,many,are,there,are,many,There,are,so,many,语法:一般现在时一般现在时:表示经常发生的动作或目前的状况。第三人称单数做主语,动词词尾加“s”动词词尾加“s”规则:1)直接加 2)以o、s、x、sh、ch结尾,加es3)“辅音字母+y结尾”,变y为i加es肯定句:Sb(第三人称单数)+动词s+其它。如:He feels happy.(他觉得很开心)否定句:Sb(三单)+doesnt+动词原形+其它如:Sam doesnt buy any a

26、pples一般疑问句:Does+某人+动词原形+其它?(句首加does,动词还原,其余不变)Does he feel angry?(他生气了吗?)Yes,he does./ No,he doesnt.一般疑问句:Do+某人+动词原形+其它?(句首加do,其余不变)Do you like apples?Yes,I do./ No,I dont.,短语:1、run fast跑得快 run really/very fast 跑得真快跑得很快2、pass the ball well传球传得好3、catch the ball well接球接得好4、play football well 踢球踢得好5.ju

27、mp high跳高 jump really/very high跳得真高.跳得很高6、be good at 擅长 7、in the past 过去,Module 6,句子:1、-Can you pass the ball well?(你可以传球传的好吗?) -Not very well.(不是很好)2、You are very good at basketball.(你非常擅长篮球)3、You can play football well.(你可以踢足球踢得很好)4、In the past,he ran very fast.(过去,他跑得很快。)5、The black horse ran rea

28、lly fast.(那只黑马跑得真快。)语法:can can “能,能够,可以,会”,后面跟动词原形肯定句:Sb+can+动词原形。否定句:Sb+cant+动词原形。(can后加not,其余不变)一般疑问句:Can+sb+动词原形?(can提前,其余不变)回答:Yes,sb can. / No,sb cant.,Module 7短语:1、help a lot帮助很大2、help sb帮助某人3、a TV show about dogs 一个关于狗的电视节目4、sit down 坐下句子:1、This man is blind.He cant see.2、-Can we have a dog?-

29、No,we cant.3、This little girl cant walk.(这个小女孩不能走路)4、Her father helps her.(他爸爸帮助她。)5、Sb+be(am/is/are/was/were)+表特点的词语。如:Sam is blind./I am blind./They are deaf.,Module 8短语:1、go to bed 上床睡觉2、be late for school上学迟到 3、at half past seven 在七点半at+时间点 在.点 half past+数字 表示几点半4、数字+oclock 表示整点时间例 7点 seven oclo

30、ck 在七点 at seven oclock5、do exercise 做操do morning exercises做早操6、in the playground在操场上7、want to do 想要做某事8、play with sb 和某人玩,句子:1、-What time is it now?(现在几点了?)-Its half past eight.(八点半) -What time is it now? -Its +时间点。 2、I dont want to be late for school tomorrow.(我不想明天上学迟到。)3、-What time do you get up?

31、(你几点起床?)-I get up at half past seven.(我七点半起床)4、-What time does your school start?(你的学校几点开始上课?) -My school starts at nine oclock in the morning.(我的学习早上九点开始上课。)5、She always wants to walk.(她总是想走了去(学校),Module 9短语:1、feel bored(无聊)/angry(生气)/sad(难过)/happy(高兴)/tired(疲倦)/hungry(饥饿)2、feel cool(凉快)/warm(暖和)/c

32、old(寒冷)/hot(热)3、of course当然 of course not当然不4、be ill in hospita生病住院5、call sb =phone sb给某人打电话6、win a chess game 赢了围棋比赛7、on the farm 在农场 8、all day 整天,句子:1、Whats the matter? (怎么了?) Whats the matter with sb?2、-Are you feeling bored?(你觉得无聊吗)No, Im not. /Yes, I am.3、-Is she feeling sad?(她是不是觉得很伤心?) -Yes,

33、she is./No, she isnt.4、He is happy.(他很开心。)5、I won a chess game last week.(我上个周赢了一场国际象棋)6、-How does he feel?(他怎么了?)-He feels hungry.(他觉得很饿。),Module 10短语:1、in the kitchen 在厨房里2、in the bedroom 在卧室里3、in the toilet 在厕所里4、in the living room 在客厅里5.play hide-and-seek玩捉迷藏游戏6.on the grass在草地上7、in the zoo 在动物园里 8、climb the tree 爬树句子:1、-Where is Sam?,Thank you !,


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