1、XX小学学校年度工作计划汇报工作计划是一个单位或团体在一定时期内的工作打算。写工作计划要求简明扼要、具体明确,用词造句必须准确,不能含糊。小学学校年度工作计划篇一以“党的十八大精神”和国家中长期(20 xx2020)教育规划改革和发展纲要为指导,在县教育局的正确领导下,以办人民满意教育为宗旨,以立德树人为根本,以实施素质教育为主题,全面提高教学质量,探索特色学校建设,不断提升学校教育整体实力,确保学校可持续发展。1、加强安全管理,保障师生生命安全。2、强化师德活动,助力教师专业成长。3、细化德育要求,促进学生个性发展。4、利用创强成果,抓好课堂教学质量。5、抓好中考备考,力争中考成绩提高。6、
2、大力着手推进均衡县及信息化建设。7、加强后勤管理,巩固校园文化成果。8、加强财务管理,促进学校持续发展。1.安全设施常检查。近年来,随着教育强镇的创建,学校添置了许多新的教育教学设备,学校安全管理领导小组要组织人员做好设施设备的安全检查工作。班主任、科任教师、功能室负责人要密切关注责任区内设施设备的使用状况,发现问题要及时上报,力求将安全隐患消除在萌芽状态。2.安全教,Unit 4 Computers,XX小学学校年度工作计划汇报Unit 4 Compute,CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive flash disc keyboard main unit monitor mouse scr
3、een speakers,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,Review,CD-ROM/DVD-ROMabcdefghiRevi,Brainstorming,What do you think of computers ? Why?,I think computers are _.I usually use my computer to _.,Look up some information,very useful,BrainstormingWhat do you think,Computer facts,Is a computer cleverer than I am?,Talk to y
4、our computer,CD-ROMs/DVD-ROMs,What kind of jobs can a computer do?,Smaller and smaller,Skimming,Computer factsIs a computer cl,Match the picture with its correct name.,A. the first computers,C. desktop computers,B. laptop computers,D. palmtop computers,/desktp /,/lptp/,/p:mtp/,Match the picture with
5、 its cor,Computers are becoming_.,smaller and smaller,the first computers,Desktop computers,laptop computers,palmtop computers,Computers are becoming_,Read Part 1 and complete the table.,Computers have become smaller and smaller.,bigger than cars,the size of televisions,the size of big books,small e
6、nough to put in your pocket like a bar of chocolate,so tiny that you may be unaware of them,Read Part 1 and comple,What kind of jobs can a computer do?,Read Para.2 and think,What kind of jobsRead Para.2 a,_fast and rarely give wrong answers_,_ and _ things _ you and _you _railways_ aeroplanes and sp
7、aceships,calculate,type,play games with,functions of computers,print,draw,teach,operate,fly,Read Para.2,_fast and rarely giv,1. How can we talk to our computer? 2. What are the functions(功能) of DVD-ROMS?,Computers can recognize your voice,obey your commands and write your letters.,We can buy a progr
8、am which helps computers recognize our voice.,DVD-ROMs can hold millions of pages of writing, contain pictures, videos and sounds.,electronic brain,Read Part 4 & 5 and answer:,1. How can we talk to our comp,Is a computer cleverer than I am?,VS,electronic brain,human brain,Is a computer cleverer than
9、 I,Read part 3 and have a discussion,Is a computer cleverer than a man?If not, why?If so, what will happen to us? Our brain can understand _ and_.,the meaning of things better,create new ideas,Read part 3 and have a discuss,Retell,size: desktop laptop palmtop function: calculate/ type/ print/ draw/
10、teach/ play / operate/ fly/ recognize/ obey/ write/ hold/ contain,Retell size: desktop lapto,Group Discussion,What kind of computer would you like to have in the future? (size, shape, brand, function, etc),Group DiscussionWhat kind of c,Read the text for at least three times.,Written work: To design your ideal computers and write a passage about it.,Oral(口头) work:,Homework,Written work:Oral(口头) work: Ho,Thank you!,Thank you!,