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1、现在完成时,The Present Perfect Tense,一 构成:,have/has+动词过去分词 (pp),肯定 主语+have/has + pp否定 主语+have/has not + pp疑问 Have/Has + 主语+ pp+其他答语:Yes, 主+have/has. No, 主 +havent/hasnt.,I have finished my homework.I have not finished my homework.Have you finished your homework?Yes, I have./No, I havent.She has been to E

2、urope.She hasnt been to Europe.Has she been to Europe?Yes, she has./No, she hasnt.,1. 规则动词:与过去时变化相同。(1) 一般+-ed work-worked-worked(2) 以“ e ”结尾, + - d 。 live-lived -lived(3) “辅音字母 + y” 结尾,y 变 i, + -ed。 cry-cried-cried(4) 重读闭音节结尾(辅元辅),双写辅音 字母后+-ed 。 drop-dropped-dropped 2 、不规则动词,见不规则表(p104),动词过去分词 (pp)

3、变化规则,二 含义及用法:,1 表示过去发生的动作或做过的 事情对现在的影响和产生的结果,常用的关键词,yet(否/疑), already 已经ever/never 曾经/从来不 just 刚刚before 以前recently, lately 最近in the past/last +时间段 过去的by now, so far, up to now, till now 迄今 once, twice 一次all/in ones life 某人一生,(1)already,肯定句: “己经”,一般疑问句: 句末(表示惊讶的语气) “难道”,Have you had breakfast already

4、?(表示强调),Ive already had breakfast. (更常见) = Ive had breakfast already.,注: 有already的句子在时态上并不都是现在完成时,判断时要看该词后是否有动词的过去分词.Eg. Shes already eighty years old. It was already very late.,(2) yet,否定句:句末 “还(没)”,疑问句: 句末 “己经”,Have you had breakfast yet?,I havent had breakfast yet.,注意:当在肯定句中含already或just,变否定时,在句末

5、加yet。,I havent seen the film yet., Mother has just cleaned the house.,Mother hasnt cleaned the house yet., I have already seen the film.,(3) ever,肯定句/疑问句 : 句中 “曾经”,Ive ever been to Beijing. Have you ever been to Beijing?,(4) never,否定句: 句中 “从来没有” Ive never been to Beijing.,注: 带ever的肯定句变否定句时, 将ever变ne

6、ver,He has ever made meal.,Have they ever travelled by train?No, never.,He has never made meal.,带ever的一般疑问句作否定回答时可用“No, never.”,(5) just,用于句中, 表示“刚刚”Ive just had breakfast. What have they just done?,(6) before,用于句末, 表示“以前”Ive seen it before. Has she ridden a bike before ?, before与ago,just与just now,b

7、efore表示在过去某时间的“以前” ,常单独用于现在完成时中,一般不与表示一段时间的词语连用,而ago表示现在看来的“以前” ,常用“一段时间+ago”的形式,与过去时连用;just常与现在完成时连用,多用于句中助动词之后修饰谓语动词,just now多与一般过去时连用,一般用于句末。如:,Have you met him before? 你以前见过他吗? My brother met her in the street two days ago. 我哥哥两天前在街上遇到了她。 I have just had breakfast. 我刚吃过早餐。 She had breakfast just

8、 now. 她刚吃了早餐。,2. 表示一个从过去开始,一直持续到现在的动作或状态。通常和for或since引导的时间状语连用。注1):要使用延续性动词,含义及用法:,(1)for +,I have been here for 5 weeks. Hes studied English for 3 years. She has worked for 10 hours.,一段时间,(2)since +,(过去的)时间点或一般过去时态的句子,I have been here since 2000.He has worked as a teacher since 5 years ago?Theyve l

9、ived in Beijing since they married in 2000.,注2):对for或since引导的时间状语提问用how long,I have lived here for 10 years., How long have you lived here?,She has stood here since 2 hour ago.,How long has she stood here?,注3):短暂性动词不能和for或since引导的时间状语连用,也不能用于how long问句中。 (误)I have left for 5 years.,(正)I have been aw

10、ay for 5 years.,短暂性动词与延续动词间的转换,短暂性(短动词)动词不能和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,但是他可以转换成相应的延续性(长动词)动词.,leave-come/go (to) -arrive (at/in)- get (to)-reach-buy-borrow-finish-,join-start/begin-die-close-open-return-marry-become-,be away (from),be (in/at),be (in/at),be (in/at),be (in/at),have,keep,be over,be in/be a/an,be on

11、,be dead,be closed,be open,be back,be married,be,注4):非延续性动词用于现在完成时,表示动作已经完成,它不能跟段时间连用。 但它的否定式可以跟段时间状语连用.,Tom has left Beijing . He has borrowed a pen from me. Tom hasnt left Beijing since he came to this city in 2004. They havent bought any new house since they moved to Shanghai. She hasnt bought an

12、y new clothes for a year.,三.几个相近短语的区别:,have/has gone to:已经去了或在途中,还没有返回;(去了未回来)have/has been to:曾今去过某地,现在已经回来了,后面可接表示“次数”的状语;(去了已回来),have/has been in:表示某人“已在某地停留了一段时间,现仍在那里”,其后常带表示一段时间的状语。(状态)(曾经在,现在还在那里),四 特殊句型:It is/has been +一段时间+since+句子(一般过去时)=一段时间+has passed +since + 句子(一般过去时),e.g. It is five y

13、ears since I joined the army.=Five years has passed since I joined the army.,五 现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:,现在完成时: 强调这一动作产生的结果对现在的影响或结果,与现在有关。 一般过去时: 仅表示在过去某一时刻曾发生过这一动作,与现在无关。,他已学英语五年了。,He has studied English for five years.,他曾学过五年英语。,He studied English for five years.,(说明他还会继续学下去),(只说明他过去学过五年英语,但现在不学了。),一般过去时与现

14、在完成时有一些明显的时间状语。,遇到yesterday, Last year, in May, in+过去某一年,two days ago, the other day, just now等就用一般过去时 (表过去的时间),当有 so far, in/during/over the past/ last few days(在过去/最近的几年里),since接过去时间状语或过去时的句子等常用现在完成时 (不能与确定的时间),Ive lived here for ten years. 我在这里住了10年。(现在仍住这儿)I lived here for ten years. 我在这里住过10年。(

15、现在不住这儿了)He has bought a house. 他买了一栋房子。(现在已拥有这房子)He bought a house ten years ago. 他10年前买了一栋房子。(现在是否仍拥有这房子不清楚),Exercises,can you distinguish?,has gone to,have gone to,have been to,been to,been in,has been,A: _ your brother _ a new watch? (buy )B: Not yet.,Key words,Has bought,yet,A: _ you ever _ to t

16、he park? ( be )B: Yes, I have.,Key words,Have been,yet,ever,I _ never _ of anything like that. (hear ),Key words,have heard,yet,ever,never,Tom _ in the factory since he left school ten years ago. (work ),Key words,has worked,yet,ever,never,since,A: How long _ you _ in this school? (teach )B: For 6 y

17、ears.,Key words,have taught,yet,ever,never,since,for,I _ just _ the desk, you can take it to your classroom . (mend ),Key words,have mended,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,_ you _ the Forbidden City (紫禁城) before ? (visit ),Key words,Have visited,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,before,He _ already _ a jo

18、b. (find),Key words,has found,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,before,already,We _ only _ the first five questions so far. (discuss ),Key words,have discussed,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,before,already,so far,They _over 20,000 fruit trees up to now . (plant ),Key words,have planted,yet,ever,never,sin

19、ce,for,just,before,already,so far,up to now,Great changes _ in Beijing in the past 10 years. (take place ),Key words,have taken place,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,before,already,so far,up to now,in the past 10 years,He _ a lot of good things in his life. (do ),Key words,has done,yet,ever,never,sinc

20、e,for,just,before,already,so far,up to now,in the past 10 years,in his life,I _ her lately. ( not see ),Key words,havent seen,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,before,already,so far,up to now,in the past 10 years,in his life,lately,I _ him recently. (not hear from ),Key words,havent heard from,yet,ever,

21、never,since,for,just,before,already,so far,up to now,in the past 10 years,in his life,lately,recently,He _ in this city ever since then. (live ),Key words,has lived,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,before,already,so far,up to now,in the past 10 years,in his life,lately,recently,ever since then,He _ in

22、this high school till now. (teach ),Key words,has taught,yet,ever,never,since,for,just,before,already,so far,up to now,in the past 10 years,in his life,lately,recently,ever since then,till now,Please point out any mistakes and correct,She has bought the computer for two years.,had,Please point out a

23、ny mistakes and correct,How long have you come to the United States?,been in,Please point out any mistakes and correct,Ann has gone to China since three months ago.,been in,Please point out any mistakes and correct,I have got to Paris for one week .,been in,Please point out any mistakes and correct,

24、My brother has joined the army for five years.,been in,been a soldier,Please point out any mistakes and correct,I have left Shanghai for 3 days.,been away for 3 days.,Please point out any mistakes and correct,I have borrowed the dictionary since 3 days ago .,kept,Please point out any mistakes and co

25、rrect,The film has begun for 10 minutes.,been on,Please point out any mistakes and correct,The concert has finished for half an hour.,been over,Please point out any mistakes and correct,His dog has died for two years .,been dead,Please point out any mistakes and correct,She has married for six years .,been married,THANK YOU !GOODBYE !,


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