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1、Unit 3 A healthy life,词汇过关,1. _n. 理解(力)2. _ n. 偏见; 成见3. _ n. 流产; 中途失败4. _ n. 看法; 判断5. _ n. 虐待,abuse,comprehension,prejudice,abortion,judgment,6. _n. 禁令 vt. 禁止; 取缔7. _ n. 重音 vt. 加压力于8. _ vt. 加强; 巩固 9. _ adj. 困难的; 强硬的10. _ adj. 绝望的,desperate,ban,stress,strengthen,tough,11. _adj. 感到惭愧12. _ adj. 气喘吁吁13.

2、 _ adj. 局促不安的14. _ adj. 到期的; 欠款的15. _ adj. 女性的 n. 女人,female,ashamed,breathless,awkward,due,(A)单词派生,_ adj. 入迷了的; 上瘾了的 _vt. 使上瘾; 使沉溺 n. 瘾君子 _ n. 上瘾; 沉溺,点拨:注意与addition的区别。,addict,addicted,addiction,2. _vt. 撤退; 收回; 撤销; 提款 _ n. 撤退; 收回; 撤销; 提款,withdrawal,withdraw,3. _v. 使自动化; 自动化 _ n. 自动化 _ adj. 自动的; 无意识的

3、 _ adv. 自动地; 无意识地,automatically,automate,automation,automatic,4. _ adv. 精神上; 智力上 _ adj. 精神的; 智力的 _ n. 心态;精神力,mentality,mentally,mental,5. _adj. 不合法的; 违法的 _ adj. 合法的; 法律的,legal,illegal,点拨:前缀-il放在某些形容词前面, 表示“不/无”, 类似的词还有:literate/ illiterate, logical /illogical等。,6. _vt. 使尴尬; 使窘迫 _ adj. 尴尬的; 窘迫的 _ adj

4、. 令人尴尬的; 令 人为难的 _ n. 尴尬; 窘迫; 难堪,embarrassment,embarrass,embarrassed,embarrassing,7. _ n. 幸存 _vi.幸存; 生还 _ n. 幸存者; 生还者,survivor,survival,survive,8. _vt. 使失望; 使沮丧 _ adj. 失望的; 沮丧的 _ adj. 令人失望的; 令 人沮丧的 _ n. 失望; 沮丧,disappointment,disappoint,disappointed,disappointing,9. _vt. 影响 _ n. 影响; 效果 _ adj. 有效的; 起作用

5、的 _ adv. 有效地,effectively,affect,effect,effective,点拨:类似词还有:act/active, attract/ attractive, conserve/conservative, protect/protective等。,10. _adj. 正常的 _adv. 正常地 _adj. 畸形的; 反常的; 变态的 _adv. 反常地; 变态地,点拨: 前缀-ab放在某些形容词前面, 表示“相反/变坏/离去”, 类似的词还有:use/abuse。,normal,normally,abnormal,abnormally,(B)灵活运用1. Both chi

6、ldren have _(normal) high levels of infectious virus in their blood.2. The bank became suspicious after several large _(withdraw) were made from his account in a single week.,解析:作主语用名词,abnormally,withdrawals,解析:修饰形容词用副词,3. To make matters worse, some adolescents are so _(addict) to computer games th

7、at too much time and energy are wasted.,解析:作表语用形容词。,addicted,4. The little boy was _ (embarrass) when his mother, who had a severe scar on her face, attended his first teacher-parent conference.,解析: 作表语用形容词。,embarrassed,5. Increasing numbers of college graduates are finding themselves in a situation

8、 where too many jobseekers are fighting for_ (survive).6. To my _(disappoint), the more worried I was about my studies, the less efficient I became. Later, I realized I just took pressure too seriously.,解析:谓语形容词性物主代词后用名词,survival,disappointment,解析:作介词宾语用名词,1. _由于2. _对上瘾3. _ 习惯于4. _作出决定5. _想要(做),短语翻译

9、,feel like (doing),due to,be addicted to,be/become accustomed to,decide on,6. _不顾; 不管7. _冒险8. _ 陷入; 染上(坏习惯)9. _处境危险; 遭受危险10. _对感到惭愧或羞耻,be ashamed of,in spite of,take risks (a risk),get into (trouble)/ get into (the habit of),at risk,1. Tom 出于好奇, 冒险吸了烟。1.Tom took a risk of smoking out of curiosity.2.

10、 他发现自己一有空就想吸烟。2.He found himself feeling like smoking when he was free.,3. 过了一段时间, 他身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁。3.After some time, his body became accustomed to having nicotine in it.4. 他吸烟成瘾了。4.e was addicted to smoking.5. 他的家人都以他染上吸烟的习惯为耻。5.All his family were ashamed of his getting into the terrible habit of sm

11、oking.,6. 尽管他很努力, 但都无法戒烟。6. In spite of all his efforts, he couldnt quit smoking.7. 多亏了他的父母和朋友的帮助, 经过多番的努力, 他最终成功地戒了烟。7.Luckily, due to his parents and friends help, Tom finally gave up smoking after repeated efforts.,1. It might help you to stop and strengthen your resolve. 也许它对你戒烟和坚定决心有所帮助。(B6 P18

12、),拓展strengthen vt. 加强; 使坚强vi. 变强strong adj. 强大的; 强壮的strength n. 力量; 力气,运用 用strong的适当形式填空。 He is _enough to lift that rock. It is an attempt to _our competitive ability. He hasnt got enough _to remove that stone.,strong,strengthen,strength,2. You see, during adolescence I also smoked and became addic

13、ted to cigarettes. 你知道, 当我还是一个十几岁的孩子的时候, 我也吸过烟, 而且还上了瘾。(B6 P18),提示 注意 addiction与addition的区别。,运用 用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。 Is surfing the net a hobby or an_(addict) for you? Some students are addicted to _ (play) computer games.,因为to是介词,addiction,playing,在冠词后用名词, 表示“嗜好”, Once you get addicted _ drugs, its

14、 rather difficult for you to get rid of them.解析:搭配be/get addicted to。 Dont addict _to such foolish things. 解析:搭配addict oneself to,to,yourself,3. When I was young, I didnt know much about the harmful effects of smoking. 在我年轻的时候, 关于吸烟的危害性我知道得并不多。(B6 P18),have an effect on/upon 对产生影响come into effect 开始

15、生效; 奏效take effect 生效; 起作用; 奏效bring/put/carry sth. into effect 使生效; 实施negative effect 负面影响 positive effect 积极的效果; 明显效果 side-effect 副作用 economic effect 经济效益,运用 用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。 We must put the policy _effect.固定短语: bring/put/carry sth. into effect 使生效; 实施。 We dealt with the situation very _(effect)

16、. 修饰谓语动词dealt with, 故用副词形式。,effectively,into, It contains a powerful drug, which mainly has an effect _old people.解析:固定短语:have an effect on/ upon 对产生影响。,on,4.If you weaken and have a cigarette, do not feel ashamed. 如果你因意志薄弱而又抽烟了, 也不要觉得难为情。(B6 P19),拓展shame n. 羞耻; 遗憾的事情ashamed adj. 感到惭愧shameful adj. 可

17、耻的shameless adj. 无耻的,运用 用适当的词填空或用所给词的适当形式填空。 She was ashamed _having failed in the exam.,of, The next day, I felt _(shame) that I hadnt stopped her from going away alone. She was ashamed _(tell) that she had fallen in love with him.,to tell,ashamed,5. Do you think smoking should be banned? 你觉得应该禁止吸烟

18、吗?(B6 P17),ban sb. from (doing) sth. 禁止某人做某事(常用被动式)a ban on sb./sth. 禁止某人或某事物,辨析 ban指以官方、法律的命令、禁止。 forbid指普通的阻止。,运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 不准他们出席会议。They were banned _ the meeting. 这剧院内禁止吸烟。There is a ban _ smoking in the theatre.,on,from attending,6. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy

19、 life I live. 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛, 要归功于我的健康生活。(B6 P18),due adj. 欠款的; 预定的; 到期的,(be) due to 由于; 归因于(近义词组: owing to, because of)be due (to do)预期(做); 约定(做); 应该(做)be due for 应当得到with due regard for 适当考虑到 due date for payment 应付款的日期; 付款到期日,提示: due to多用于be后, 而owing to则不用于be后。,运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 他的成功主要靠运气。His succ

20、ess was largely _. 我们定于明天动身。We are _tomorrow.,due to leave,due to luck, 我们幸福的童年应归功于父亲的辛勤工作。Our happy childhood _ . 由于暴风雨, 他来迟了。He arrived late _ the storm.,is due to our fathers hard work,due to/owing to/because of,7. HIVAIDS: are you at risk? 艾滋病: 你有风险吗?(B6 P22),risk vt. 冒危险n. 冒险; 风险risky adj. 危险的;

21、 冒险的,at risk 处于危险中at risk to sb./sth. 冒着失去的危险at the risk of. 冒的危险,运用 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 公司的整个前途受到威胁。The whole future of the company _. 他冒着生命危险救了那个孩子。He saved the child _.,at risk to his own life/at the risk of losing his life,is at risk,8. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it. 这就是说, 过了一段时间以后, 你的身体习惯了香烟里的尼古丁。(B6 P18),运用 根据提示完成下列句子。 Im accustomed to _ (get) up early to do morning exercise. These old people are _ _ (不习惯)to the pressure of modern life.,unaccustomed/not accustomed,getting,Thank you !,


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