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1、美国黄石公园,李菊容201230301164,About American Yellow Stone National Park,1)Introduction Yellowstone National Park is one of the earths most famous places. It is located in Wyoming, Montanan, and Idaho. (western state of Wyoming). Established in 1872 as the worlds first national park, it has preserved remark

2、able natural wonders like Old Faithful Geyser(老忠实间歇泉) and cultural icons such as Old Faithful Inn. (A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring; people fled from the erupting volcano.) For centuries, it was home to the Shoshone, Crow, Bannock, Blackfeet, and other Indian tribes, but these grou

3、ps were banished in the 1870s by park promoters who feared that tourists would not visit if American Indians lived there. It is also home to a large variety of wildlife including grizzly bears, wolves, bison, and elk.,The park is one of the most unusual places in the world. An ancient and extremely

4、violent volcano created the great beauty of Yellowstone. Today, visitors still can see extremely hot water shoot out of the ground in several hundred places. Small lakes contain water that is so hot it is dangerous to come too close. There are rocks that were once liquid and have cooled into strange

5、r shape. View the colorful Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, and enjoy beauty of Yellowstone Lake. Travelers can go hiking, camping, and fishing. Almost immediately after its establishment, Yellowstone became the primary destination for tourist travel to the American West following the Civil War. By

6、1900, it was a vast tourist success, and today it is both a world biosphere preserve and a world naturalheritage site in 1978.,简介,黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park),是世界上第一座认证国家公园,也是世界上最壮观的国家公园之一。地跨美国中部怀俄明州(Wyoming),蒙大拿州(Montana),爱达荷州(Idaho)三个州,约八千平方公里的环形山盆地。黄石公园内地貌丰富,气候多变,需要备好冬夏两季的衣服,上坡上白雪皑皑,间歇泉附近热气腾

7、腾,在园内的公路上行驶,常看到这边阳光普照,尽头乌云密布。不容错过的景点有气势宏伟的老忠实间歇泉(Old Faithful Geyser),五彩斑斓的大棱镜(Grand Prismatic Spring),宁静的黄石湖(Yellowstone Lake),奔流直下的黄石瀑布,壮丽的黄石大峡谷(Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone),美丽的 巨象温泉(Mammoth Hot Spring,亦译-猛犸象温泉)。此外,作为全美最大的野生动物保护区,黄石公园居住着大量的野生动物,在黄石公园见到最多的是成群的美洲野牛,时常还能看到麋鹿和羚羊。您甚至有机会看到驯鹿用那坚实的大角争



10、和黄石河分布其间。公园四周被卡斯特、肖肖尼、蒂顿、塔伊,比佛黑德和加拉廷国有森林环绕。黄石公园它那由水与火锤炼而成的大地原始景观被人们称为“地球表面上最精彩、最壮观的美景”,描述成“已超乎人类艺术所能达到的极限”。,Old Faithful Geyser is not the biggest or the most beautiful geyser. But it is the most popular. Visitors gather around Old Faithful before each eruption. Experts at the park are able to predi

11、ct when these will happen. The average time between eruptions is about ninety minutes. Old Faithful shoots water an average of forty meters into the air. This eruption lasts between two and five minutes. Old Faithful releases up to about thirty thousand liters of water into the air each time.,back,老

12、忠实间歇泉,back,back,back,Elk,back,Bison/buffalo,back,back,back,Grizzly bears,Grand Prismatic Spring,大棱镜泉, 又称大虹彩温泉,Morning Glory Pool,牵牛花温泉,Morning Glory Pool Morning Glory Pool was named in the 1880s for its remarkable likeness to its namesake flower. It is the most beautiful spring of Yellowstone Natio

13、nal Park. However, this beautiful pool has fallen victim to vandalism(肆意破坏公物等德行). People have thrown literally tons of coins, trash, rocks, and logs into the pool. Much of the debris(残骸)subsequently became embedded in(牢牢地嵌入) the sides and vent(孔、口)of the spring, affecting water circulation and accel

14、erating the loss of thermal energy. Through the years Morning Glorys appearance has changed as its temperature dropped. Orange and yellow bacteria that formerly colored only the periphery of the spring now spread toward its center. Morning Glory Pool 黄石国家公园中最美的温泉。美国著名的黄石公园有数以千计的温泉,这些温泉碧波荡漾,水雾缭绕;上百个间

15、歇泉喷射着沸腾的水柱。而在这些温泉中最漂亮的要数Morning Glory Pool属于热泉,它的温度通常比间歇泉低得多,所以其中可以繁衍出丰富的藻类.Morning Glory Pool最大的特点是:它们的颜色随着水温的变化而不同。温泉水温在85时,泉内藻类为白色;82时为肉红色;74时浅黄色;68时为黄绿色。黄石公园早期开放时,游人往Morning Glory Pool里扔石块、硬币导致Morning Glory Pool泉的泉眼出现堵塞,水温逐渐降低后,池子慢慢失去以前的风采。这引起了公园管理部门的注意。如今黄石公园加强了对Morning Glory Pool的保护工作。黄石国家公园有众

16、多泉是因为该地区地下有许多高温的熔岩,这些熔岩把地下水加热以至煮沸,泉水从地表裂缝流出、渗出或喷出,形成温泉、热泉以及喷泉。,Morning Glory Pool,牵牛花温泉,back,Microalgae maikru ldi:,黄石大峡谷黄石大峡谷位于钓鱼桥和高塔之间,由黄石湖流出的河水,流经大约3 8公里地带所造成的险峻峡谷,就通称为黄石大峡谷。这里是黄石公园最壮丽、最华美的景色 97公里长的黄石河是“美国境内惟一没有水坝的河流”。在这里,河水陡然变急,冲开四溅的水花,形成两道壮丽的瀑布,轰鸣着泄人大峡谷。这两个瀑布一个有130米高,这是上瀑布;另一个有100米高,称为下瀑布。,back

17、,Colorful Grand Canyon of Yellowstone,The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone is 400 meters deep, 40 kilometers long and 500 wide. The multicolor include orange, red, purple, white, green, brown, etc.,back,Colorful Grand Canyon of Yellowstone,back,Colorful Grand Canyon of Yellowstone,森林特征黄石公园总面积的85%都覆盖着森林。绝

18、大部分树木是扭叶松,这是生命力极强的一种树木。生长在黄石公园里的植物,最大的灾难便是森林大火。正是因为山火肆虐,不少树种分布得越来越稀疏。但扭叶松却凭借它顽强的生命力,不仅生存下来,而且逐年扩大自己的领地,森林大火1988年,因伐木工人丢弃的烟头引发了黄石公园的特大森林大火,波及面积达79万英亩和36%的公园面积,烧毁面积超过41万英亩。,back,back,Yellowstone Lake is up to 400 feet (deepest, 120 m) deep, 32 kilometers long and has 110 miles (180 km) of shoreline.It

19、 is 3000 meters high above sea level.,气候,黄石公园的气候在很大程度上受到其海拔高度的影响,其中海拔较低的地区一年四季都很温暖,最高温度纪录为2002年时达到过37C,而最低温度纪录则是1933年的-54C。 6-9月是这里的夏季,其日间最高温度通常为21C至27C之前,但夜间最低温度则有可能会在0C左右,特别是在海拔比较高的地方,此外午后还经常会出现雷暴天气。春秋两季白天的温度范围在-1C至16C,而寒冷的夜晚则有可能降至5C至20C。冬天的黄石公园非常寒冷,整个季节的日间气温通常在20C至5C之间,夜间则将低至20C以下。6黄石公园的降水非常复杂多变,

20、降水量从猛犸温泉附近的每年380毫米到公园西南部的2,000毫米。这里的降水很大程度上是受到西部蛇河平原(英语:Snake River Plain)的湿润气流影响,而这反过来也正是由黄石本身形成的。这里一年中每个月都可能会下雪,每年在黄石湖周围平均会有3,800毫米的降雪量,海拔较高的地区更可达到这一数值的两倍。黄石公园内很少会有龙卷风,不过1987年7月21日,怀俄明州有纪录以来最强烈的一场龙卷风通过布里杰-提顿国家森林(英语:Bridger-Teton National Forest)的提顿荒野(英语:Teton Wilderness)袭击了黄石国家公园,史称提顿-黄石龙卷风(英语:Tet

21、onYellowstone tornado),这场龙卷风为F4级,风速达333至420千米每小时,其经过之地留下了一条长39千米,宽1.6到3.2千米的毁灭之路,并将6,100公顷的成熟松林夷为平地。,黄石火山,2012年10月3日有消息称,美国黄石国家公园一座沉睡了64万年的超级火山显露出喷发的迹象,一但爆发可致8.7万人瞬死。一旦爆发,仅喷发出的岩浆可能就足以埋没大半个美国,火山灰等物质会笼罩全球,地球上的植物将受到酸雨等物质的侵害消失殆尽。英国科学家曾用计算机进行了模拟实验,如果黄石公园的超级火山爆发,34天内大量的火山灰就会到达欧洲大陆,而美国3/4的国土可能将“改头换面”,火山爆发方

22、圆1000公里内90%的人都无法幸免于难,大部分人将会因为吸入的火山灰在肺部固化而死亡。而火山灰飘荡在天空将会是地球的年平均气温下降10,北极地球则会下降12,并且这样的寒冷气候至少会持续610年之久。,黄石超级火山简介黄石超级火山位于美国中西部怀俄明州西北角的黄石国家公园,占地面积近9000平方公里,是世界上最大的活火山。火山整体以黄石湖西边的西拇指 (West Thumb) 为中心,向东向西各15英里,向南向北各50英里,构成一个巨大的火山口。在这个 火山口下面蕴藏着一个直径约为70公里、厚度约为10公里的岩浆库,这个巨大的岩浆库距离地面最近处仅为8公里,并且还在不断地膨胀,从1923年至

23、今,黄石公园部分地区的地面已经上升了70厘米。2011年1月,科学家们警告称,黄石火山或许已经进入活跃期,据模拟分析显示,一但该火山喷发将导致灾难性后果。,back,When is the best time to visit the park? This depends on what your interests are. Heres a summary; Spring has abundant wildlife, roaring waterfalls and wild weather. It can snow or be in the 70s. Summer has it all inc

24、luding the most crowds. If you and your family plan on a summer trip, heres our best advise. Get out early and eat your breakfast on the road! Fall is a special time of year. For wildlife there is a sense of urgency in the air. Everything seems to be diminishing including the crowds. Winter is a tim

25、e of solitude. In years past it was more economical to visit most of the park. Now it is more restricted unless you can afford a snowcoach(巨轮雪车) or guided snowmobile(摩托雪橇)tour. The North Entrance is the busiest due to the ease of access and plowed road.,黄石公园旅游最需要知道的10件事情8,一、注意给野生动物“让路”。二、请注意停车带。三、共用道路。四、保持距离。五、请勿给任何黄石公园的野生动物喂食,包括鸟类。六、待在公园指定的步道和木板栈道上。 七、避免溺水。八、当您享受沿途的乐趣时,请注意熊的出没。九、看好您的宠物。,观看黄石公园纪录片,谢谢观看!,


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