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1、Hot Words,Part 7,Hot Words,Part 7,Look and match,1,CS,Warcraft,League of Legends,League of LegendsTetrisWarcraftChessSuper MarioCS,Super Mario,Tetris,Chess,Do you know esports? Watch the video and then share something you get from the video with your partners. The following sentences are for your re

2、ference.,2,Lead in视频链接U41 lead-in.mp4,Learn reference words.,3,Hot Words,Part 7,Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks.,Words and Expressionsdownload /danld/ 下载 release /rlis/ 发布;放出scene /sin/场面;景象 awesome /sm/ 令人惊叹的graphic /grfk/ 图画 be addicted to /dktd/ 对上瘾cube /kjub/ 魔方 solitaire /slte/单人

3、跳棋ban /bn/ 禁止 a set of 一套;一组genius /dinjs/天才 puzzle /pzl/ 谜题;智力游戏,Listening 视频链接U42 Listening.mp4,Dialogue 1,S: Have you downloaded the new Warcraft game yet?D: Yeah! I downloaded it the day it was released.S: How do you like it?D: Its a great game. There are a lot of new characters.S: Ive watched m

4、y roommate _ this game. The scenes in the game are awesome!D: Oh, I know what you mean. My roommate likes to _ me play. He says its like watching a movie.S: Yeah, Ive never seen such good graphics. And Ive never heard such good _ in a game.D: Why dont you play it, too? It seems you _ this game as we

5、ll as me.S: Oh, Im afraid I couldnt control _. What if Im addicted to the game?D: Thats true. Game addiction can cause serious troubles.,playing,watch,sound,love,myself,Dialogue 2,A: Do you like playing games?M: I like playing computer games, but Im not _ into board games.A: How about individual gam

6、es like the Rubiks cube or solitaire?M: The Rubiks cube is so difficult to solve that I think it should be banned!A: If I teach you how to do it, Im sure you could _.M: How did you figure out how to solve the Rubiks cube?A: I didnt really _ to figure it out. I just followed the instructions!M: I had

7、 no idea there were a set of instructions. I thought everyone who could solve it were all geniuses!A: Hints are really _ when youre solving puzzles. If you give me some hints about playing that PS2 game, Ill show you how to solve the Rubiks cube.M: Its a _.,really,solve it,have,important,deal,Watch

8、the video, and then make a dialogue according to the situation given below. The following sentence patterns are for your reference.,Situation: You are a salesman in a motion sensing game ( 体感游戏) store. A customer wants to buy a set of game for his son. You need to recommend a proper game to him.,Spe

9、aking 视频链接U43. Speaking.mp4,Listen to the song Beyond The Game and fill in the blanks.,歌曲视频链接U44. Song.mp4,Beyond The Game is a song by Japanese techno ( 高科技舞曲 ) creator Alout. The song shows great passion towards competition as well as friendship. Ready to feel the flush of your blood inside your b

10、ody?,You and I we have _ beforeThrough the magic of the moment in cyberspaceDriven by a passion to _Playing heart to heart and face to faceThe challenge of a lifetimeStands before us nowBeyond the gameThrough the portal into cyberspaceWe have come to decide our fateWere _ to celebrateBeyond the game

11、Beyond the game,At last the moments at handAll we need is to believe we canWell make our standBeyond the game (Beyond the game)Beyond the game (Beyond the game)Beyond the game (Beyond the game)The World Cyber Games,met,win,here,The teams are here; the spirit is rightWere connected now in a _ wayWe c

12、elebrate our diversityAround the world with a passion to playThe _ will be watchingThe message will be heardBeyond the gameThrough the portal into cyberspaceWe have come to decide our fateWere here to celebrateBeyond the gameBeyond the gameAt last the moments at handAll we need is to believe we canW

13、ell make our stand,powerful,planet,Hot Words,Part 7,Text A Intensive Reading,Text A 视频链接U45 Text A (1).mp4,拓展视频链接U46 Text A (2).mp4,Pre-Reading Questions:1Have you ever played any eSports?2Whats your opinion about eSports?,New Words,Gamers Arent Defined by Their Game,1 define /dfan/v. 解释,给(词语)下定义2 s

14、urvive /svav/v. 生存,存活3 describe /dskrab/v. 描写,描述4 media /mid /n. 大众传播媒介,大众传播工具5 basically /beskl /adv. 基本上,大体上6 facilitate /fsltet/v. 促进,促使7 wonder /wnd(r)/v. 想知道,惊讶8 apparent /prnt/adj. 显而易见的,显然的9 strategic /strtidk/adj. 战略性的10 intelligence /nteldns/n. 智力,智慧,11 coordination /kdnen /n. 协作,协调12 menta

15、l /mentl /adj. 精神的,智力的13 competitive /kmpettv/adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的14 minivan /mnvn /n. 小型货车15 equation /kwen/n. 方程式,等式16 branch /kwen /v. 扩大某人的兴趣,分支扩张17 educate /edjuket /v. 教育18 poker /pk(r)/n. 扑克牌游戏19 evaluate /vljet /v. 评价,评估20 reduce /rdjus/v. 减少,缩小21 eliminate /lmnet/v. 清除,消除22 perspective /pspektv/n

16、. 态度,观点23 deserve /dzv/v. 值得,应得,Phrases and Expressions,hear of 听说 e.g. I have never heard of this game. after all 毕竟,究竟 e.g. After all, 15 minutes of exercise is better than nothing. introduce sb. to sth. 把某物介绍给某人 e.g. He was the person who introduced me to literature. be surprised at 对感到惊讶 e.g. I

17、was surprised at the speed he operated the games be likely to do sth. 可能做某事 e.g. Do you think the speaker is likely to be a student or a parent? branch out 扩大范围 e.g. The bookstore has decided to branch out into selling various textbooks and novels. consist of 包括,由组成 e.g. A healthy diet should consis

18、t of all kinds of food.,Proper Names,1 In your mind, gamers are ones with bags under their eyes, terrible posture and a diet not even a little baby survives on. (Para. 1)in your mind 为介词短语作状语。not even a little baby survives on 为省略which 或that 的定语从句,修饰和限定先行词a diet。,2 Many people wonder how eSports can

19、 be considered sports. (Para. 2)how eSports can be considered sports是动词wonder的宾语从句,从句要用陈述语序。,Notes,3 My brother and I played games when we were younger and finally he was the one whointroduced me to competitive gaming and eSports. (Para. 3)when we were younger 是when 引导的时间状语从句;and 连接两个并列句。后面who intro

20、duced me to competitive gaming and eSports 是定语从句,修饰限定前面的the one。,4 There have been recent scientific researches showing that the correct games may help reduce or even eliminate Alzheimers disease. (Para. 5)There have been 是there be 句型的现在完成时态;showing that是现在分词短语作定语,修饰限定scientific researches。that the

21、correct games may help reduce or even eliminate Alzheimers disease 是that 引导的宾语从句。,Read Text A and complete the following table.,It is a way to educate himself.,It helps the author learn to evaluate certain situations, keep cool under pressure.,Exercises,Answer the following questions and then discus

22、s with your partners.,What are the typical and general images of gamers?What kinds of efforts does playing eSports need?3 Why did the author feel surprised when he began to play eSports?,They are ones with bags under his eyes, terrible postures and a diet not even a little baby survives on.,Playing

23、eSports needs mental and physical efforts.,He was surprised at the high speed with which people can control their hands while at the same time keeping such a high level of critical thinking.,Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.,1 Of the six people injured i

24、n the crash, only two _.2 Teams should _ of several people and management tiers. 3 I _ if I might have a drink.4 _ sports encourage children to work together as a team.5 Small businesses will need to _ costs in order to survive.6 The center helps people who are suffering from _ illness.7 He was aske

25、d to _ his concept of cool.8 A good teacher _ our respect and love.,survived,consist,wonder,Competitive,reduce,mental,define,deserves,definesurvivedeserveconsistwondermentalcompetitivereduce,Add -ian, -ess or -less to the following words to form new words and give thecorresponding Chinese meanings o

26、f the new words.,politician,政治家,civilian,平民百姓,guardian,监护人,waitress,女服务员,goddess,女神,lioness,colorless,hopeless,voiceless,母狮子,无色彩的,毫无希望的,失声的,There are two sentences chosen from the text. Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence.,1 I was surprised at the high speed with which people can c

27、ontrol their hands while at the same time keeping such a high level of critical thinking.A. 我对人们在快速控制他们双手的同时,还能进行高水平的批判性思维感到惊讶。B. 我对人们双手的高速度同时高层次的批判思维感到惊讶。C. 我惊讶于人们双手的速度和高层次的批判思维。2 Ive always done well in school and Ive been likely to branch out and try to find different ways to educate myself.A. 我常

28、常在学校做得很好,并且我有可能会扩展开来,发现教育自己的不同方法。B. 我一直以来在学校学得很好,并且我有可能会扩展范围以找到教育自己的不同路径。C. 一直以来,我在学校的成绩不错,也不断扩大自己的学习范围,尽力找些提升自己的方法。,A,C,Complete the following sentences with the given sentence structures.,That is how 那就是如何e.g. That is how I found him in a strange place. 那就是我如何在一个陌生的地方找到他的。1 _ ( 那就是我如何学习外语的) in the

29、 middle school.2 _ ( 那就是我们如何完成作业的) without referring to the textbook.,That is how I learn foreign languages,That is how we finished our homework,Text B Extensive Reading,Text B 视频链接U47. Text B (1).mp4,拓展视频链接U48. Text B (2).mp4,New Words,Your Life is Tetris,1 chess /tes/n. 国际象棋2 national /nnl /adj. 国

30、际的,民族的3 flip /flp/n. 翻转4 access /kses/v. 使用,进入5 boredom /bdm/n. 厌烦,无聊6 addicted /dktd/adj. 上瘾的7 frustration /frstren /n. 懊恼,沮丧8 representation /reprzenten /n. 表现,描述,描绘9 constant /knstnt/adj. 持续的,永恒的10 opponent /pnnt/n. 对手,竞争者,11 random /rndm/adj. 任意的,随机的12 input /npt/n. 输入,投入(此处指游戏中随机出现的方 块组合)13 ord

31、erly /dl /adj. 整洁的,有秩序的14 internal /ntnl /adj. 内部的,内在的15 suffer /sf(r)/v. 受难,受折磨16 absolute /bsljut /adj. 完全的,全部的17 infinity /nfnt /n. 无限,无穷18 causal /kzl /adj. 具有因果关系的,原因的19 system /sstm/n. 系统,体系,体制predict /prdkt/v. 预言,预报,预告,1 be impossible to do sth. 不可能做某事2 be driven by 被驱使3 look for 寻找4 hold bac

32、k 控制,阻碍,犹豫不决5 from top to bottom 从头到尾6 play with 和玩,Phrases and Expressions,Tetris 俄罗斯方块,一种早期的益智游戏。Snapchat 一款由斯坦福大学学生开发的图片分享软 件应用。利用该应用程序,用户可以拍照、 录制影片、写文字和图画,并发送到自己在 该应用上的好友列表。这些照片及影片被称 为“快照”(Snaps)。,Proper Names,1 The author stopped playing chess when he _. A. was seven B. was eleven C. got a cell

33、 phone D. got a computer2 Which of the following games were still on the authors phone? A. Chess. B. Tetris. C. Snapchat. D. All of the above.3 In Tetris, you have _ opponent(s). A. one B. two C. three D. no,C,B,D,Reading Comprehension,4 According to the author, Tetris and life are similar because_.

34、 A. they are for the present and you cannot control the future B. they are for the future and you can predict what will happen in the future C. they are complicated in nature and we should do nothing D. Tetris can be treated as the real life we have5 According to the text, which one is correct? A. T

35、he authors attitude towards Tetris is negative. B. The authors attitude towards Tetris is positive. C. The author likes to play Tetris and chess sometimes. D. The author gave up gaming when he was fifteen years old.,A,B,Reading Comprehension,Hot Words,Part 7,英语中的五种基本句型,英语句子有长有短,但从实质看,可以归纳成五种基本句型。掌握这

36、五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。,在此类句型中谓语通常是不及物动词,后面通常不可以直接接宾语,但可以接时间、地点、不定式等短语作状语。例如:The baby cries all night. 婴儿整晚都在哭。主语 谓语 时间状语,1. S(主语)+ V. (谓语,常为不及物动词),英语中的五种基本句型,这种句型主要用来表示主语的特点、身份等。系动词一般可分为下列两类:1)表示状态这样的词有:be, look, seem, smell, taste, sound, keep 等。例如:This kind of food tastes delicious. 这种食物吃起来很可口。主语

37、系动词 表语2)表示变化这类系动词有:become, turn, get, grow, go 等。例如:Spring comes. It is getting warmer and warmer. 春天到了,天气变得越来越暖和。 主语 系动词 表语,2. S(主语)V.(谓语,常为系动词)P(表语),英语中的五种基本句型,这种句型中的动词一般为及物动词。其宾语通常由名词、代词、动名词等来充当。例如:She likes English. 她喜欢英语。主语 谓语 宾语(名词),3. S(主语)V.(谓语,常为及物动词)O(宾语),英语中的五种基本句型,这种句型中,直接宾语为主要宾语,常常由表示“物

38、”的名词来充当;间接宾语多由指“人”的名词或代词承担,去掉后对句子的影响不大。引导双宾语的常见动词有:buy, pass, give, tell, show, send 等。例如:She gave me a cup of tea. 她给了我一杯茶。主语 谓语 间宾 直宾,4. S(主语)V.(谓语,常为及物动词)In O(间接宾语)D O(直接宾语),英语中的五种基本句型,这种句型中的“宾语补语”统称为“复合宾语”。宾语补足语的主要作用或者是补充、说明宾语的特点、身份等。常见的动词有:tell, ask, advise, help, want, would like, allow 等。 例如:

39、He found his new job boring. 他发现他的新工作很枯燥。主语 谓语 宾语 宾补(形容词),5. S(主语)V.(谓语,常为及物动词)O(宾语)O C(宾补),英语中的五种基本句型,1 She _ in Renmin University. 她在人民大学上学。2 The soup _. 这个汤尝起来不错。3 He _ very much. 他很喜欢英语。4 We _.我发现这个任务很难。5 I will _. 我会给你买一份礼物。6 My friend Tom _. 我的朋友汤姆给我写了一封信。7 She _. 她看起来很生气。8 Her teacher _. 她的老师

40、告诉她不要熬夜(stay up late)。9 I _. 我喜欢看电影。10 They _ in this apartment. 他们住在这间公寓里。,studies,tastes good,likes English,found this task very difficult,buy a nice present for you,wrote me a letter.,looks angry.,told her not to stay up late.,like watching movies.,live,Complete the sentences and point out the se

41、ntence pattern of them.(完成句子并指出句子所属句型。),Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate word from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.,英语中的五种基本句型,1 They told me _ the milk on the table. A. dont drink B. not to drink C. not drinking D. drink2 He passed _. A. me my homework B. my homewor

42、k me C. me to my homework D. me of my homework.3 This idea _ interesting. A. listens B. hears C. sounds D. feels,B,D,C,Hot Words,Part 7,Now watch the movie clip. Read the words closely after the speaker so as to improve your short-term memory, pronunciation, stress and intonation by imitating what y

43、ou hear.,Setting: After Alex runs out from his home, he comes to the cyber bar, and the cyber bar administrator lets Alex sleep in the bar and also recommends him to participate in a professional competition as a member of Doms team.,电影视频链接U49. Movie.mp4,Situation: E-sports will be held at the 2022

44、Asian Games. In order to know what the students think about, you ask your partners to have a meeting talking about eSports. Conduct a questionnaire or interview someone randomly. Choose one of your members to be the meeting host.,Work in pairs. Make a dialogue according to the given situation and us

45、eful expressions, and then perform it. The teacher and students in other teams can give a score for the performance. The following score sheet is for your reference.,Performing频链接U410. Performing.mp4,Holding Meetings in English宣布会议开始(Opening)Good morning / afternoon, everyone. If we are all here, le

46、ts get started. / Lets start (the meeting). Shall we get started? / Its time we got down to business.感谢出席人员(Thanking Participants for Attending)Thank you all for attending.Thanks for your participation.对缺席者表示遗憾(Giving Apologies for Someone Who Is Absent)Im afraid (name of participant) cant be with u

47、s today. She is (reason of absence).Unfortunately, will not be with us today because he isI have received apologies for absence from who is阐明会议主要议题(Stating the Principal Objectives)Were here today toOur main aim today is toIve called this meeting in order to结束一个议题(Closing an Item)Shall we leave that

48、 item?Why dont we move on to,转向下一个议题(Moving Forward)So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, lets move to todays agenda.Shall we get down to business?If there are no further developments, Id like to move on to todays topic.请下一位出席者发言(Giving Control to the Next Participant)Id like to hand over

49、 to (name of participant) who is going to lead the next point.Next, (name of participant) is going to take us throughNow, Id like to introduce (name of participant) who is going to总结(Summarizing)Before we close todays meeting, let me just summarize the main points.Let me quickly go over todays main points.To sum up, In briefShall I go over the main idea?宣布散会(Closing the Meeting)The meeting is finished; well see each other nextI declare the meeting is closed.,Hot Words,Part 7,Memo,Useful Expressions,Remember to We will should be completed within We need to will be held at,Hot Words,Part 7,


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