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1、语法课堂,上一页,现在完成时,下一页,主菜单,现在完成时,主菜单,上一页,下一页,现在完成时的构成,现在完成时的主要用法,现在完成时的时间状语,短暂性动词与时间段的关系,have been 与have gone 比较,与一般过去时的用法比较,现在完成时的构成,主菜单,上一页,下一页,have (has)+ 过去分词,过去分词的变化:规则动词,(1)一般动词,在词尾直接加“ ed ”。 work-worked-worked ,visit-visited-visited (2)以“ e ”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“ d ”。 live-lived-lived (3)以“辅音字母 + y ”结尾的动词

2、,将 y 变为 i ,再加“ ed ”。 study-studied-studied ,cry-cried-cried (4)重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ ed ”。 stop-stopped-stopped , drop-dropped-dropped,重点1:写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词,Work _ _Live _ _Stay _ _Stop _ _Clean _ _Study _ _,worked worked,lived lived,stayed stayed,stopped stopped,cleaned cleaned,studied stud

3、ied,不规则动词,AAA型 cost cost cost ;cut cut cut AAB型 beat beat beaten ABA型 run ran run; come came come become became becomeABB型 buy bought bought;build built builtABC型 begin began begun; choose chose chosen,过去分词的构成,上一页,下一页,AAA,主菜单,ABB,ABC,ABC,(now),future,past,do my homework,Mother: John, clean your teet

4、h please.,John: Mum, I have already(已经) cleaned them.,现在完成时的基本句型:,肯定式:主语 + have/has + 动词的过去分词. 疑问式:Have/Has + 主语 + 动词的过去分词?否定式: 主语 + have/has + not + 动词的过去分词.,例句:,6.Has he gone to the library ? 他是去了图书馆吗?Yes ,he has. 是的,是去那里了。No, he hasnt. 不,他没去那里。7.How long has Mrs Smith been in Beijing?Smith夫人来北京多长

5、时间了?,句型变换,He has left.否定句:He_ _.一般疑问句:_ he _?回答:Yes, he_. No, he_.,hasnt left,Has,left,has,hasnt,句型变换,I have read this book.否定句:I _ _ this book.一般疑问句:_ you _ this book?回答:Yes,I _. No, I _.,havent read,Have read,have havent,现在完成时的主要用法,上一页,下一页,- Its so dark.-Someone has turned off the light.(有人刚把灯关了,对

6、现在造成的结果是:现在很黑),- Are you free?-I have finished my homework. I am free(我已经完成了家庭作业,对现在造成的结果是很有空),主菜单,1.表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。,现在完成时的运用(1):1在表示“用法1”时,现在完成时常和副词already, yet, never, ever ,before ,just等连用。.,a)already 往往用于肯定句,用在疑问句时表示强 调或加强语气;yet 用于否定句和疑问句。,He has already left here. 他已经离开这里了。Has he alread

7、y left here? 他(真的)已经离开这里了吗?(表示加强语气)My teachers havent had breakfast yet. 我的老师们还没有吃早饭。Have you written to your parents yet? 你已经给你父母写过信了吗?,2. yet在现在完成时中的用法,否定句:句末 “还(没)”,疑问句: 句末 “己经”,Eg. I havent had breakfast yet. Have you had breakfast yet?,b) never 是否定词,表示“从来没有”,而ever 表示“曾经”,We have never been to t

8、he Great Wall. 我们从来没有去过长城。Have you ever been to Canada? 你们曾经去过加拿大吗?,c) just表示“刚刚”(用于完成时态时,与already,never 等副词的位置一样,多用在助动词have/has和动词过去分词之间),He has just come back. 他刚刚回来。They have just finished the work. 他们刚刚完成那项工作。,just 刚刚already 已经 before 之前ever 曾经never 从来没有so far 到目前为止yet 还(没有)否定句these days 这些天in t

9、he past years / months在过去的年/ 月里,for 时段since 时点,现在完成时的标志词,1. I _ Enghish in this school since 1999. A.taught B.have taught C. would teach2. Lilei _ the pen for five years A.has had B.boughtC have bought3. He _ finished his homework yet A.doesnt B.havent C.hasnt4. Peter lost his bike yesterday. _ he _

10、 it yet? A. Has; looked for B. Does; find C. Has; found,5. Who is he? I _ before. A. havent heard of B. didnt hear of C. havent heard from6. Have you ever been to Guangzhou? No, Ive _ been there. A.never B. ever C. already7. We havent finished our homework_. A.already B.ever C.yet8. Have you_learned

11、 English? Yes, Ive _ learned a lot. A. already; ever B.ever; neve C.ever; already,9. I _ him these days. A. havent hear from B. didnt hear of C. havent heard from10. I have _ 5,000 words so far. A.learnt B. learn C. learning11. The old man _ China several times in the past 10 years. A.has been to B.

12、wen to C.goes to,上一页,下一页,I have learnt English for more than ten years.我已经学了10多年的英语。(从10年前开始,持续到现在还在学)She has swum since half an hour ago.我已经游泳了半个小时(半个小时前已经开始游泳,到现在还在游),现在完成时的主要用法,主菜单,2.表示过去已经开始, 持续到现在的动作或状态.常与since + 过去的时间点,for + 一段时间,so far 等时间状语连用。,1.for +,Eg. I have been here for 5 weeks. Hes st

13、udied English for 3 years.,一段时间,2. since +,从句(一般过去时),单词,词组,(表示过去某一时间的)时间点,Eg. I have been here since 2000. I have been here since 5 years ago. I have been here since I graduated in 2000.,since: (自以来)1)since+时间点Hehasstayedheresince5oclock.2)since+ 时间段+ agoHehasstayedheresince5hoursago.3)since+ 从句Sheh

14、astaughtEnglishsincehecamehere. for: (长达)for+ 时间段He has kept the book for 2 weeks.,since , for 的用法:,Take notes,选用 for和 since填空:1.We havent seen each other _ a long time.2.His father has been in the Party _ 10 years ago.3.The film has been on _ 20 minutes.4.Mr Green has worked here _ he came to China

15、.5.His grandparents have been dead _ several years.6. Its five years _ we met last time.,for,since,for,since,for,since,下一页,上一页,主菜单,for + 时段since + 时段 + agosince + 时点Its / It has been + 时段 + since + 一般过去时句子,1. Its ten years since she . A.has left B.has been away C.left2. I have been here _ 4 years. A

16、. since B. for C. from3. We have learnt English _ six years ago. A. since B. for C. from,4. _ has been 5 years since we came here. A. There B. It C. That5. Its three years since he the army . A.has joined B.has been in C.joined6. How many years is it _ you graduated from junior high school? A. since

17、 B. for C. from,注2): 对for或since引导的时间状语提问 必须用how long, 决不能用when.,Eg. I have lived here for 10 years.,How long have you lived here?,She has stood here since 2 hour ago.,How long has she stood here?,和时间段连用的一定是延续性动词,短暂性动词转换成延续动词才能和时间段连用。,短暂性动词和延续性动词,不与时间段连用,可与时间段连用,be (in) here / there,be a member of,be

18、 dead,be on,have,be away,keep,be over,be open (adj.),be closed,be married,短暂性动词与时间段的关系,短暂性动词在肯定句、疑问句中不能与时间段连用,,上一页,下一页,为了表述这种意思,我们常用相应的延续性动词 来代替短暂性动词。,主菜单,但在否定句中,短暂性动词可以与时间段连用。如:I havent bought the bike for a year. 我买这辆自行车还不到一年。She hasnt come here for an hour. 她来这儿还没有一个小时。,上一页,下一页,主菜单, 翻 译 练 习: 1.我买

19、了这块手表五年了。 2.这位老人已经死了十年了。,I have bought this watch for five years. I have had this watch for five years /since 5 years ago.,The old man has died for ten years. The old man has been dead for ten years/since 10 years ago.,W,W,下一页,上一页,主菜单,3.他已经回来三天了。 4.自从六点钟他就来这儿了。 5.我离开家乡已十年了。,He has come back for 3 da

20、ys. He has been back for 3 days/since 3 days ago.,He has come here since 6 oclock. He has been here since 6 oclock.,I have left hometown for 10 years. I have been away from hometown for 10 years.,W,W,W,下一页,上一页,主菜单,1. How long can I _ this book? Two weeks A.borrow B.keep C.lend2. Her father_in 1990 a

21、nd her husband_for more than five years. A. has died, has died B. has died, dead C. died, has been dead3. I have_ this nice watch for two years. A. had B. bought C.borrowed 4. He_his home for ten years. A. has left B. was away from C.has been away from,5. He_a League member for three years. A. is B.

22、 has been C.has became 6. Lihuas brother has_for two years. A. joined the army B. been in the army C. became a soldier 7. He hasnt_from Guangzhou ever since he left school A.left B.been away C.been left8. Betty _ here for two hours. She _ here at 8:00 this morning. A. has been; came B. has been; has

23、 come C. was; came,9. The film _ for five minutes. A. began B. has been on C. has begun 10. You are too late. The shop _ for many hours. A. closed B. has been closed C. has closed 11. Mary _ Tom in 2000. They _ for 8 years. A.married; have been married B.married; have married C.marries; have been ma

24、rried,have been 与have gone 的用法比较,have been to 意思是“到过,去过”,表示曾经到过某处,但现在人不在那儿。have gone to 意思是“去了”,表示已经去了某地,现在人可能在去的途中或已在那儿了。have been in 意思是“呆在某处一段时间了”,上一页,下一页,主菜单,短语辨析,He has been to Shanghai three times.,He has been in Shanghai for ten years.,He has gone to Shanghai and havent come back yet.,在某地(多长时

25、间)现在仍在那里。常与时段连用。,曾去过某地(次)现在已不在那里。可与just, ever, never,及次数等连用,,去了还没有回来,He has gone to Shanghai.他(已经)去上海了。,He has been to Shanghai.他(曾经) 去过上海。,比较 have/has been to have/has gone to,用Have been to, have gone to, have been in 填空,Mike and his parents _ the north for half a year.Mum is not at home now. she _

26、 the shop._ you ever _ to kunming ? Never.Where _ you _ these days?Has Jim arrived yet? Yes, he _ here for several days.Where is Peter? I dont know where he _.Hi Jim! Where _ you _ ? Li Lei is looking for you.,have been in,has gone to,have been,Have been,has been,has gone,have been,下一页,上一页,主菜单,1. Ma

27、y I speak to Ken? Sorry, he is out. He _ see his teacher, A. goes to B. has been to C.has gone to2. Our teacher _ here since 2004. A. has been in B. has been to C. has been3. Have you ever _ Huang shan? Yes, Ive been there twice. A. been to B. been in C.gone to 4. Wheres Daming? He _ the teachers of

28、fice. A. has been to B. have gone to C. has gone to,与一般过去时的用法比较,一.现在完成时和一般过去时都是说过去的事情,但现在完成时注意的不是事情本身,而是强调事情与现在保持的某种密切联系(如现在的结果,影响,一直延续到现在等);而一般过去时,则只讲述发生在过去的动作和事情与现在没有关系。,上一页,下一页,主菜单,现在完成时与一般过去时的区别,lost,have lost,表示动作发生的时间在过去没有说明现在的情况,表示过去的动作一直延续到现在甚至会继续下去,或表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响,2)一般过去时 常与具体的表示过去的时间状语连用;

29、 现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。,一般过去时的时间状语: yesterday, last week,ago, in1990, in October, just now, - 具体的时间状语现在完成时的时间状语: for, since, so far, ever, never, just, yet, till/until, up to now, in the past few years, recently, -模糊的时间状语,She joined the League three years ago. (加入的动作不是延续的) She has been in the Lea

30、gue for three years (since three years ago). (在团内的状态可延续) She has been a League member for three years (since three years ago).(是团员的状态可持续),同义句改写:He came here two days ago. He _ _ here _ two days ago. He _ _ here _two days.2. The film began ten minutes ago. The film _ _ _ _ 10 minutes. The film _ _ _

31、_ 10 minutes ago.,has,been,since,has,been,for,has been on for,has been on since,have lived,lived,Have,had,did,have,四)It is +一段时间 +since+句子(一般过去时) =一段时间+has passed +since + 句子(一般过去时),Eg. It is five years since I joined the army.=Five years has passed since I joined the army.,写出同义句:He came to China th

32、ree years ago.He_ _ _China _ 3 years.It _ 3 years _ he came to China.Three years _ passed _ he came to China.,has been in,for,is,since,has,since,1. I have seen the film “Titanic”already. When _ you _ it? The day before yesterday. A. have;seen B. will;see C. did;see2. Mr Black _ in China since five y

33、ears ago. A. lived B. has lived C. lives 3. We _ trees last Sunday. So far we _ over 3,000 trees there. A. planted;planted B. planted;have planted C. have planted; planted,上一页,现在完成时练习,主菜单,动 词 填 空: 1._ you _(clean) the room? Yes, we _(do) that already. When _ you _(do) it? We _(do) it an hour ago.2._

34、 he _(see) this film yet? Yes. When _ he _(see) it? He _ it last week. 3. How many times _you_(be) there?,Have,cleaned,have done,did,do,did,Has,seen,did,see,saw,have,been,下一页,上一页,主菜单,4. I _ (read) the novel twice. Its interesting.5. She _(go) to Pairs, hasnt she? Yes. How _ she _(go) there? She _(go

35、) there by air.6. So far, many countries _(develop) their software programs.7.Mr Chen _(give)up smoking last year.8.Mr Chen _(give) up smoking since last year.,have read,has gone,did,go,went,have developed,gave,has given,下一页,上一页,主菜单,改 错1. How long have you begun to study English?2. I have borrowed t

36、his book for two weeks.3. The river has become very dirty since last August.4. Our manager is away today. He has been to Guangzhou on business.5. He has gone out for two years.,studied,kept,been,gone,been,下一页,上一页,主菜单,The house is dirty. We _it for weeks.A didnt clean B hadnt cleaned C dont clean D h

37、avent cleaned2. - Im sorry to keep you waiting.-Oh, not at all. I _here only a few minutes.A have been B had been C was D will be3. You dont need to describe her. I _ her several times.A. had met B have met C met D meet,4. -When will they leave ?-They _very soon .A do leave B are leaving C have left

38、 D leave5.The teacher told the pupils that the earth _ round.A is B would C was D were6. She _ such an interesting book before.A was never reading B will never read C had never read D has never read 7.How long do you think the meeting _ A is lasting B is lasted C will last D lasts,Choose the best an

39、swer,1 What a nice watch !How long _ you _ it? Just three weeksA will,buy B did,buy C have ,had2 you _in Greener China for a long time? Yes,I joined it five years agoA Have,been B Has ,joined C Have ,joined3 Teacher Li Japan,he_ Japan for two years A has been to,has been to B has gone to ,has been i

40、nC has gone to ,has been to 4 The students are sorry to hear that the famous singer for half an hourA has left B has been away C has gone away5 I this book for two days ,I have to return it nowA borrowed B have borrowed C have kept,(C),(A),(B),(B),(C),6-When you your old friend? -The day before yest

41、erday.A will,visit B did ,visit C have ,visited7 Mrs White _ in this school since she came here.A teaches B taught C has taught8 No children_ football in the street since a car hit a boy last Sunday.A have played B played C playing9 -Im sorry to keep you waiting. -Oh,not at all,I _ here only for a f

42、ew minutes.A was B have been C will be10 His father since 1936.A died B has died C has been dead,(B),(C),(A),(B),(C),、翻译下列句子:1. 你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗?2. 我刚刚丢了我的语文书。3. 我以前从来没去过那个公园。4. 他已经吃过午饭了。5. 你已经看过这部电影了吗?6. 我哥哥还没回来。7. 我自从上星期看过这部电影。8. 自从1992年他住在这里。9.这本字典我已买了三年了。10.他离开中国三年了,1.Have you eatten fish and french f

43、rise?2.I have lost my Chinese book.3 I have never been to that park.4.He has already had lunch.5 Have you seen this movie yet?6 My brother has not returned.7 I have seen this movie since last week.8 He has lived here since 1992.9 I have had this dictionary for three years.10 He has been away China for three years.,Thank you!,


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