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1、决策有用性的计量观,1 决策有用性计量观的兴起2 Ohlson 清洁盈余理论3 决策有用性计量观的应用,决策有用性的计量观是指,在保证相当可靠性的前提下,会计师承担起将现行价值适当并入财务报表的责任,从而确认了在帮助投资者预测企业价值方面更多的义务。( P177) 比较:将信息的有用性等同于信息含量的观点称为决策有用性的信息观。,1 决策有用性计量观的兴起,决策有用性计量观兴起的背景,信息观立论基础市场有效性面临挑战(P178-195)对财务报表信息的价值相关性的质疑(P196)净盈余理论支持了决策有用性的计量观计量观有助于审计师应对财务危机的法律责任,一、证券市场是有效的吗?,20世纪80年

2、代对证券市场的大量实证研究发现了许多有效证券市场异象(P186-189)。为了解释这些异象,一些金融学家将认知心理学的研究成果应用于对投资者的行为分析,至90年代,形成最具活力的行为金融学派。它从微观个体行为以及产生这种行为的心理等动因来解释、研究和预测金融市场的发展。,(一)行为金融学对投资者行为的分析,行为金融学发现,人在不确定条件下的决策过程中并不是完全理性的。 (P179-180)有限理性(limited attention):人的理性能力受制于所处环境的复杂性和不确定性,以及人类自身神经、生理、语言等方面的限制,从而是有限的。投资者可能没有时间和能力处理所有可获得的信息。,投资者只关

3、心底线数字;对新证据的反应较为谨慎,行为金融学对投资者行为的分析,过度自信(overconfident):投资者高估了他们自己所收集信息的准确度。代表性偏误(Representativeness)自我归因偏误(self-attribution bias):将好的结果归于自我能力,将坏的结果归因于运气不佳。,股价过度反应;股价动量(price momentum),行为金融学的前景理论(prospect theory),前景理论(Kahneman & Tversky ,1979)的关键特征:1)不是以对总财富的影响,而是区分利得和损失(gains and losses)来定义效用。2)价值函数凹于

4、利得凸于损失,对损失的灵敏性较大,即存在损失厌恶(loss aversion)。3)对可能发生的状态加权太低(underweighted),对小概率状态加权太重(overweight)。,很少有公司报告小额亏损,P217 Q5,(二)CAPM模型面临挑战,Fama&French(1992)开发了三要素模型(P184) Rit-Rft=i+im(Rmt-Rft)+isSMLt+ihHMLt +itFama和French三要素模型将投资风险归结为市场因素、规模因素(SML)及账面与市值比率因素(HML)。市场因素反映所有股票价格发生共同变动的风险;规模因素说明市值规模较小的上市公司,平均来看其股票

5、将提供更高的投资回报;投资于账面与市值比率较高的公司股票将获得较高的平均收益率。,(三) 有效证券市场异象,公告后漂移(post-announcement drift)(P165)有效市场应快速吸收信息内容并将其并入价格中,因此不应存在异常回报。B&B研究:AR在公告月后一段时间内向上/向下漂移Bernard&Thomas(1989)的研究对其成因的探讨存在争议,Bernard&Thomas(1989)的研究,在公告日构建投资组合:long positions(多头) in extreme good news announcersshort positions(空头) in extreme b

6、ad news announcers结果:4.19% average estimated abnormal return over 60-day post-announcement periodover 180 days the abnormal return to the hedge portfolio is 7.74%,应计项目的市场反应,有效市场中,净收益成分中现金流相对于应计项目越多,市场反应越强。(P188)构建套利投资组合,可获得超过市场10.4%的回报: Sloan(1996)发现,如果投资人买进应计项目较低的股票,同时卖出应计项目较高的股票,便会形成一个净投资为0的投资组合,每


8、,2 Ohlson清洁盈余理论(clean surplus theory),要点:基于例2.2中的数据,运用三种模型估计企业价值清洁盈余理论模型的特点和优势清洁盈余理论与计量观清洁盈余理论模型的应用Ohlson模型和F-O模型,估定企业价值的三个模型,股利折现模型,现金流折现模型,清洁盈余理论模型,决定企业价值的基础变量是股利;若股利无关,企业价值可以用未来现金流表示;企业价值还可以用财务报表变量来表示;,补充:清洁盈余理论模型的推导,股利折现模型:asset prices represent the present value of all future dividends,清洁盈余理论模型

9、OM:asset prices are a linear function of book value and discounted expected abnormal earnings,清洁盈余关系,清洁盈余理论,一个企业在某时刻(t)的价值计算公式为:PAt= bvt+ gt企业价值=资产负债表中的企业资产账面净值+未来异常盈余的预期现值Note: 后项只包括异常盈余,正常盈余的现值已经反映 在预测期内最初账面价值之中。,企业价值估定模型的应用示例,PA1=236.36+0=$236.36,Net Income for time 2,100*0.1+100-136.36=-26.36(ba

10、d)100*0.1+200-136.36=73.64(good),No dividends at time 1,a liquidating dividend at time 2,Cash flow per period: $100 or $200,bv1=$236.36 E OX2a =23.64-0.1*236.36=0,理想情况下,所有资产和负债均以公允价值计量,公司价值完全体现在资产负债表上,这时,gt=0,会计是无偏的。,历史成本基础下的异常盈余,历史成本基础下,模型仍然成立,但gt不为0,会计是有偏的。,例2.2中,如果公司采用直线法摊销资产成本,Net Income: 100*0.

11、1+100-130.16=-$20.16(bad) 100*0.1+200-130.16=$79.84(good)bv1=230.16E OX2a=$6.82 g1=$6.2,PA1=236.36+0=$236.36,清洁盈余理论模型的特点和优势,清洁盈余理论(Clean Surplus Theory)为直接根据会计信息(资产负债表和收益表数据)估计一个企业的市场价值提供了数学模型。利用该模型估计企业价值,不用考虑会计政策选择。如果所有资产和负债均按照现行价值计价,则为无偏会计,公司价值将直接体现在资产负债表中。现行价值会计的运用,将企业价值更多地体现在资产负债表中,减少了主观预测的成分,从而

12、加强了财务报表的决策有用性。清洁盈余理论提供了一个与计量观一致的框架。,清洁盈余理论模型(OM)应用举例,P 204-207NI2006 $357bv2006 $2 785.2ROE2006 0.14d2006 $53.8E(Rjt) 0.09,Oxa2007 =ROE-E(Rj)*bv2006bv2007=bv2006+NI2007-d2007 = 1+(1-k)ROE*bv2006 Oxa2008=. g2006=.PA2006= bv2006 +g2006,P218 Q10,EVA=NOPAT-Capital Charge=(r-c)Kr is the Return on Investe

13、d CapitalC is the weighted average cost of capitalK is the economic capital employed Value is created when the return on the firms economic capital employed is greater than the cost of that capital.比较清洁盈余理论模型中的异常盈余:,P220 Q11:Economic Value Added (EVA),清洁盈余理论模型的实证研究,研究股利、现金流和剩余收益模型的预测能力差异预测未来盈余。财务报表中

14、的基础信号,如销售额变化、应收账款、存货、毛利、资本性支出等,能改进盈余预测。可用来估计资本成本。,Rarely has an accounting paper received as much and early laudation as Ohlson (1995). The Ohlson and Feltham and Ohlson papers are landmark works in financial accounting. (Lundholm 1995, 749)Existing empirical research has generally provided enthusia

15、stic support for the model.(Dechow etc. 1998, 2).,补充: 财务报表信息的价值相关性,研究会计变量和股价的关系,需区别两种研究思路:Information content approachCAR, Ball & Brown(1968)Value relevance approach Ohlson model ,F-O model(1995)This approach typically examines the association between market values and accounting summary measures su

16、ch as earnings and book values.,比较OM模型和 F-O模型,Ohlson Model Vt:value relevant information other than current abnormal earnings at times t,Feltham-Ohlson Modeloxa:operating abnormal earnings oa: operating assets,The Ohlson model is designed for unbiased accounting and is claimed to undervalue equity d

17、ue to conservative reporting of the book value of operating assets. The most important contribution of FOM is the added adjustment for conservatism proportional to a firms operating assets.,3 决策有用性计量观的应用,在用价值(value-in-use ),公允价值(fair value),现行价值(current value),宜以市价(资产出售或负债处置)计量,市价不存在时需要估计,一般以预期现金流现值

18、计量,较相关;存在可靠性(错误和偏差)问题提前确认收入,取得时即会产生利得或损失偏重资产负债表,收益表报告受托责任,一、计量观的传统应用,应收/应付账款合同固定现金流成本与市价孰低规则地产、厂场和设备重估价选择地产、厂场和设备的上限测试退休金和其它退休后福利,二、计量观在金融工具中的应用,金融工具应用现行价值的相关准则金融工具的概念、分类和计量衍生金融工具套期保值会计,(一)金融工具应用现行价值的相关准则,美国:SFAS No 107, 115,119 (Superseded),115,123(revised),126, 133,137,138,143,148,149,150,157,159,

19、161,166 IASB:IAS32,39 (Superseded),IFRS 7,9,13中国:No 22,23,24,37 ,39,美国FASB SFAS,No 107 Disclosures about fair value of financial instruments (1991) No 119 Disclosure about derivative financial instruments and fair value of financial instruments (1994).(Superseded) No 126 Disclosures about Fair Value

20、 of Financial Instruments (1996)(amendment of SFAS No 107)No 115 Accounting for certain investments in debt and equity securities (1993)No 123 (revised) Share-based payments (2004)No 133 Accounting for derivative instruments and hedging activities (FASB, 1998). No. 137 Accounting for Derivative Inst

21、ruments and Hedging ActivitiesDeferral of the Effective Date of FASB Statement No. 133an amendment of No. 133 (1999)No. 138 ,149 amendments of Statement No. 133(2000,2003),No. 150 Accounting for Certain Financial Instruments with Characteristics of both Liabilities and Equity (2003)No. 155 Accountin

22、g for Certain Hybrid Financial Instrumentsan amendment of FASB Statements No. 133 and 140(2006)No. 157 Fair Value Measurements(2006)No. 159 The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial LiabilitiesIncluding an amendment of No. 115(2007)No. 161 Disclosures about Derivative Instruments and

23、Hedging Activitiesan amendment of No. 133(2008)No. 166 Accounting for Transfers of Financial Assetsan amendment of No. 140 (2009),美国FASB SFAS,IASB和中国准则,IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation (2003a)IAS 39, Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (2003b).IFRS 7,Financial

24、 Instruments: Disclosures (2005).IFRS 9 , Financial Instruments (2009)IFRS13:fair Value Measurement(2011),中国金融工具相关准则22号:金融工具确认和计量23号:金融资产转移24号:套期保值37号:金融工具列报39号:公允价值计量,(二)金融工具的概念、分类及计量,IAS 32:一项金融工具是使一个企业形成金融资产,同时使另一个企业形成金融负债或权益工具(equity instrument)的任何合约。美国SFAS 105:金融工具包括现金、在另一企业的所有权益以及如下两种合约;某一个体向其

25、他个体转交现金或其他金融工具,或在潜在的不利条件下与其他个体交换金融工具的合约规定的义务。某一个体从另一个体收到现金或其他金融工具的合约规定的权利。,美国SFAS115:债务和权益证券的分类和计量,At acquisition, an enterprise shall classify debt and equity securities into one of three categories:held-to-maturity, available-for-sale, or trading. Investments in debt securities shall be classified

26、 as held-to-maturity and measured at amortized cost in the statement of financial position only if the reporting enterprise has the positive intent and ability to hold those securities to maturity.Investments in debt securities that are not classified as held-to-maturity and equity securities that h

27、ave readily determinable fair values shall be classified in one of the following categories ( trading securities /available-for-sale securities) and shall be measured at fair value in the statement of financial position.,IAS39:金融资产和负债的分类和计量,金融资产(financial assets)(a) available-for-sale ;(b) loans and

28、 receivables; (c) held-to-maturity investments;(d) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss金融负债(financial liabilities) (a) at fair value through profit or loss (b) other financial liabilities,Derivatives not held for hedging;Nonderivatives held for trading,Fair value option,IAS39:金融资产和负

29、债的分类和计量,When a financial asset or financial liability is recognised initially, an entity shall measure it at its fair value plus, transaction costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset or financial liability.After initial recognition, an entity shall meas

30、ure all financial liabilities at amortised cost using the effective interest method, except for financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss,etc.,After initial recognition, an entity shall measure financial assets, including derivatives that are assets, at their fair values, except for

31、 the following financial assets:(a) loans and receivables, (b) held-to-maturity investments,(c) investments in equity instruments that do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured and derivatives that are linked to and must be settled by deli

32、very of such unquoted equity instruments, which shall be measured at cost.,IAS39:金融资产和负债的分类和计量,利得交易问题,指以成本或摊余成本计量的投资组合,通过出售价值增长的部分证券,实现利得。所有金融资产均以公允价值计量,才能消除利得交易。只需通过金融资产再分类就可以实现利得。限制再分类,IAS39:A reclassification into/out of the fair value through profit or loss category is not allowed. Reclassify a

33、financial liability is not allowed.,活期存款的计量与错配问题,金融机构的活期存款能否以公允价值计量?核心存款无形资产自然套期错配问题例如,金融资产以公允价值计量,金融负债则不是避免盈余过度波动的对策金融负债以公允价值计量:信用风险上升时确认利得,(三)衍生金融工具,SFAS133: Fair value is the most relevant measure for financial instruments and the only relevant measure for derivative instruments.An entity shall r

34、ecognize all of its derivative instruments in its statement of financial position as either assets or liabilities depending on the rights or obligations under the contracts. All derivative instruments shall be measured at fair value.,(四)套期保值会计,IAS39Hedge accounting recognizes symmetrically the offse

35、tting effects on net profit or loss of changes in fair values of the hedging instrument and the related items being hedged.Fair value hedge.Cash flow hedge.Foreign currency hedge/hedge of a net investment in a foreign operation,套期保值会计举例,IASB对金融工具准则的修正:IFRS 9,2009年11月,IASB发布国际财务报告准则第9号金融工具(简称IFRS9),以

36、部分替换IAS39。IFRS9起初仅适用于金融资产;2010年10月,IASB将金融负债相关问题加入其中。为了使IAS39的替换项目作为一个整体同时采用,IFRS9的生效期为2013年1月1日及以后日期开始的年度期间。2011年12月,修订了IFRS9,将其生效日期推迟至2015年1月。 2014年7月,IASB发布IFRS 9终稿,该准则取代之前的所有版本,于2018年1月1日或以后日期开始期间生效。,关注IFRS9中的变化,金融资产的分类(business model,cash flow characteristics)1. Financial assets at fair value t

37、hrough profit or loss (FVTPL)financial assets held for trading purposes derivatives2. Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI) equity interests that an entity intends to retain ownership of on a continuing basis3. Financial assets measured at amortized cost debt instruments,阅读、思考和讨论,1.计量观在金融工具领域应用的现状?运用公允价值计量金融工具的优势和困境是什么?2.结合相关论文讨论Ohlson模型在估定企业价值中的应用3.结合公允价值计量准则和相关论文思考:应用公允价值计量的困境有哪些?是否带来更多的盈余波动;是否会引起盈余操纵? 如何改进公允价值计量在我国的应用?,


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