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1、Personal information,1.你是哪里人? Where are you from? Where do you come from?2.你在大学读的是什么专业?What did you major in at college?3.能告诉我你的手机号吗?Could you tell me your phone number?4.你有哪些爱好? What are your hobbies?5.你喜欢网上聊天吗?Do you like chatting on line?Are you fond of chatting on line?Are you keen on chatting o

2、n line?,Family, friends and people around,1.你的家庭很大吗?Is your family very big?2.你父母都退休了吗?Have both your parents retired?3.你爸爸有几个兄弟?How many brothers does your father have?4.谁是你最佩服的人?Who is the person that you admire most?5.你的英语老师哪里毕业的?Where did your English teacher graduate from?,Personal environments

3、,1.你们家附近有网吧吗?Is there an Internet bar near your home?2.你们学校有几个食堂?How many dining rooms are there in your school?3.你的邻居是干什么的?What job does your neighbor do?4.火车站离你家多远?How far is it from the train station to your home?5.你们厂生产什么产品? What product does your factory make?,Daily routines,1.你几点钟上班? What time

4、 do you go to work?2.你怎样去上学? How do you go to school?3.你们必须经常加班吗?Do you often have to work overtime?4.你中餐一般吃什么? What do you generally have for lunch?5.你放学后帮助做家务吗? Do you help do the housework after school?,School life,1.你们学校属于重点中学吗?Does your school belong to key schools?2.你们一天上几节课?How many classes d

5、o you have per/a day?3.你最喜欢的科目是什么?What is your favorite subject?4.你们学校有体育馆吗?Is there a stadium in your school?5.你隔多久回家一次? How often do you go home?,Interests and hobbies,1.你业余时间一般做什么? What do you usually do in your spare time ?2.你爱上网吗? Are you fond of surfing the Internet ?3.你擅长打乒乓球吗?Are you good at

6、 playing table tennis?4.你经常旅游吗? Do you travel a lot?5.你最喜欢的运动是什么?Whats your favorite sport?,Emotions,1.你怎样看待追星? What do you think of star worship?2.你的性格多变吗? Is your character changeable?3.你与父母相处得融洽吗? Do you get along harmoniously with your parents?4.他们理解你的做法吗? Do they understand your doings?5.你对这件事情

7、感到难过吗? Do you feel sorry about this incident?,Interpersonal relationships,1.你和同学相处得好吗? Do you get on well with your classmates?2.你常去拜访你的亲戚吗? Do you often visit your relatives?3.你的老师们喜欢你吗?Do your teachers like you?4.你的好朋友多吗? Do you have many good friends?5.你如何处理他们之间的矛盾?How do you deal with the confli

8、ct between them?,Plans and intentions,1.寒假你有什么打算? What plan do you have for the winter vacation?2.你打算去哪里度假? Where do you plan to spend the holiday? 3.你打算做什么兼职工作?What part-time job are you going to take? 4.你的愿望是什么? What is your wish?5.你认为你的理想会实现吗?Will your ideal come true in your opinion?,Festivals,

9、holidays and celebrations,1. 劳动节你是怎样度过的?How did you spend Labor Day?2. 你过圣诞节吗?Do you observe Christmas?3.国庆节你去旅游吗?Will you go traveling on National Day?4.你们放几天假? How many days do you take off?5.你最盼望哪一个节日? What festival do you expect most?,Shopping,1.你一般在哪里购物?Where do you usually go shopping?2.你买垃圾食品

10、吗? Do you buy junk food?3.你购物喜欢讨价还价吗?Do you like bargaining when shopping?4.你认为超市的商品怎么样?How do you like the goods in the supermarket?5.你常去步行街吗? Do you often go to the walking street?,Food and drink,1.你中餐一般吃什么? What do you usually have for lunch?2.你吃肥肉吗? Do you eat fat meat?3.你们不吃辣椒,是吗? You dont eat

11、pepper, do you?4.你平时喝什么饮料?What drink do you generally have?5.你们经常吃面条当早餐吗? Do you often have noodles for breakfast?,Health,1.健康胜过财富,对吗?Health is above wealth, isnt it?2.你睡觉前喝牛奶吗?Do you drink milk before going to bed?3. 你每天早晨都锻炼吗?Do you take exercise every morning?4.为什么你很少开车去上班?Why do you seldom go to

12、 work by car?5.生气对身体有害吗? Is being angry good for health?,1.今天下午会下雨吗?Is it going to rain this afternoon?2.这里冬天冷吗?Is it cold here in winter?3.你们家乡气候怎么样?Whats the climate like in your hometown?4.你喜欢下雪吗?Do you like it when it snows?5.你适应这里的气候吗?Have you adapted yourself to the climate here?,Entertainment

13、 and sports,1.你常去夜总会吗?Do you often go to the night club?2.你喜欢跳舞吗?Do you like dancing?3.室内和室外活动,你更喜欢哪一种?Which do you prefer, indoor or outdoor activities?4.你擅长踢足球吗?Are you good at playing football?5.你觉得生命在于运动吗?Do you think life means exercise?,Travel and transport,1.你爱好旅游吗?Are you fond of traveling?2

14、.你坐飞机晕机吗?Are you airsick when on a plane?3.你们家乡有风景区吗?Are there any scenic spots in your hometown?4.我还没坐过轮船,你呢?I have never taken a ship. How about you?5.你们城市的交通状况怎么样? How is the traffic condition in your city?,话题17,语言 学习,Language learning,1.你日语学得怎么样了?How are you getting along with your Japanese?2.学英

15、语你觉得什么最难? What do you find hardest in learning English?3.英国人觉得汉语容易吗?Do the British find it easy to learn Chinese?4.英语句子有几种句型?How many patterns are there in English sentences?5.汉语和英语的主要区别是什么? What is the main difference between Chinese and English?,Nature,1.你常出去野炊吗?Do you often go on a picnic?2.保护野生动

16、物,我们该做些什么? What should we do to protect the wildlife?3.你见过火山喷发吗?Have you ever seen a volcano break out?4.你家周围种了很多树木吗?Were many trees planted around your house?5.你有环保意识吗? What should we do to protect the wildlife?,The world and the environment,1.北约有哪些成员国? What are the members of NATO?2.非洲人口最多的国家是哪一个?

17、Which country has the largest population in Africa?3.澳大利亚最大的城市是什么?What is the largest city in Australia?4.世界上最高的山峰是什么?What is the highest mount in the world?5.你怎样看待全球变暖? How do you think about global warming?,Popular science and modern technology,1.科学包括哪两部分?Which two parts does science consist of?2.

18、科技是第一生产力吗?Is science and technology the first productivity?3.世界上第一台计算机叫什么?Whats the name of the first computer in the world?4.第一个在太空行走的中国人是谁?Who is the first Chinese that walked in space?5.你知道三网合一吗?Do you know about three networks combination?,Topical issues,1.你知道“给力”是什么意思吗?Do you know what “geili”

19、means?2.你赞同闪婚吗?Do you approve of flash marriage?3.日本大地震中死了多少人?How many people died in the great Japanese earthquake?4.什么是低碳生活?What is low-carbon lifestyle?5.中国共产党成立多久了?How long has the CPC been in existence?,History and geography,1.地球到底有多大年纪了?How old is the earth?2.中国面积最大的省是什么? What is the largest p

20、rovince in size in China?3.美国内战爆发于哪一年?In which year did the American Civil War break out?4.非洲最大的河流是什么?What is the largest river in Africa?5.中国最高的高原是什么?What is the highest plateau in China?,1.你是怎样理解“和谐社会”的? How do you understand “harmonious society”?2.你们国家目前的社会稳定吗?Is the society stable in your countr

21、y?3.你心目中的理想社会是什么样的?What is the ideal society in your heart?4.大学毕业生真的越来越难找到工作吗?Is it more and more difficult for graduates to find jobs?5.你愿意在中国生活吗? Would you like to live in China?,Literature and art,1. 莎士比亚的四大悲剧是什么?What are Shakespeares four great tragedies?2. 杰克伦敦的主要作品有哪些? What are Jack Londons major works?3.雾都孤儿是谁写的?Who wrote Oliver Twist?4. 齐白石最擅长画什么? What was Qi Baishi best at?5. 巴金是哪一年去世的? In which year did Ba Jin die?,


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