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1、topics,Macromicro 1. Culture2. Language and Culture 3. Translation and Culture4. Strategies for translating cultural component - foreignization and domestication 5. Case Study,4. Two basic strategies for translating cultural components -归化与异化,引子:,东风,西风 in ChineseEast wind, west wind in English,In Ch

2、inese,东风A symbol of warmth and spring春城无处不飞花, 寒食东风御柳斜。(韩翃寒食)东风破早梅,向暖一枝开。冰雪无人见,春从天上来。(蓝茂早梅诗),西风古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。(马致远天净沙秋思碧云天,黄叶地,西风紧,北雁南飞。晓来谁染霜林醉,总是离人泪。(王实甫西厢记)飒飒西风满院裁,蕊寒香冷蝶难来。(黄巢题菊花),东风压倒西风六盘山上高峰,红旗漫卷西风。(毛泽东清平乐六盘山),In English,West wind Atlantic seaShellys “Ode to the West Wind”,Sweet and slow, swe

3、et and slow, Wind of the western sea, Low, low, breathe and blow,Wind of the western sea!(Alfred Tennyson “Sweet and Slow”) 轻轻地,柔和地;轻轻地,柔和地,西方吹来海风,轻轻地,轻轻地吹拂, 西方吹来海风!(Zong Bai),Its a warm wind, the west wind, full of birds cries;I never hear the west wind but tears are in my eyes.For it comes from th

4、e west lands, the old brown hills.And April is in the west wind, and daffodils. (John Masefield “The West Wind”)那是一种温暖的风,西风起时,万鸟争鸣;一听西风起,我眼眶中泪盈盈,因为它来自西土,那褐色的故乡边。春天就在西风中到来,还有水仙。(Qian Gechuan),East wind1) biting east wind;( Samuel Butler)2) a piercing east wind; (Kirkup)3) How many winter days have I

5、seen him, standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind! (Charles Dickens),Geographical Culture: culture formed by particular geographical features, which is termed as Ecology.,Strategy ? 1) Ode to the West Wind西风颂? vs. 东风颂? 2) 西风紧bitter is the west wind vs. bitter is the east wind?,Example闲情万种,无语怨东

6、风。(王实甫西厢记)I am saddened by a myriad petty woes,And, though I speak not, I am angryAt the breezes from the east. (note: The east wind is symbolic of spring , with its urge to love.) (Tr. Henry Hart),一江春水向东流 。(李煜虞美人)flowing eastward功名富贵若长在,汉水亦应西北流。(李白江上咏)Sooner could flow back to its mountains, This s

7、tream, than wealth and honor can remain. (Tr. Fletcher)Why adaptation is made?,Psychology of colors,Color whiteIn English: In Chinese: Mourning apparels, symbol of solitude, poverty and decline雨中黄树叶,灯下白头人。(司空曙喜外第卢纶见宿)日暮苍山远,天寒白屋贫。(刘长卿逢雪宿芙蓉山主人)hoary-headed (灰白的)thatched cottage (茅屋),RedIn English: vio

8、lence, bloodshed, danger In Chinese: jubilation, happiness, abundance, propitiousness(吉利) David Hawkes treatment of color terminology, particularly the red problem, in Hong Lou Meng (The Story of the Stone), has given rise to a lot of arguments (his son in law)., red as a symbol sometimes of spring,

9、 sometimes of youth, sometimes of good fortune or prosperityrecurs again and again throughout it. Unfortunatelyapart from the rosy cheeks and vermeil lip of youthredness has no such connotations in English and I have found that the Chinese reds have tended to turn into English golds or greens (“spri

10、ng, the green spring” and “golden boys and girls” and so on). I am aware that there is some sort of loss here, but have lacked the ingenuity to avert it. (David Hawkes, Introduction to The Story of the Stone),Categories of culture,ecology : fauna, flora, plains, winds etc.material culture: food, clo

11、thes, transporthistorical culturereligious culturesocial culturepolitical culture psychology etc.,文化三层次,文化包括三个层次的内容:(1)物质文化,如建筑物、服饰、食品、工具等;(2)制度习俗文化,包括制度、法规,以及相应的设施和风俗习惯等;(3)精神文化,包括价值观念、思维方式、宗教信仰等,也包括哲学、科学、文学艺术方面的成就和产品。,alienation (异化)and naturalization(归化),All approaches to cultural components in t

12、ranslation may fall into two main strategies: SL culture-oriented and TL culture-orientedor rather, alienation and naturalizationForeignization and domestication,在处理文化因素中的两种策略,1 . 异化(foreignization; alienation):以源语文化为中心,以源作者为中心,注意点在于将源语文化传递给译语读者,以促进文化的交流。缺点:增加译语读者理解的难度,阅读的速度、节奏也会受到影响。,2. 归化(domestic

13、atioin; adaptation):以译入语文化为中心,以读者为中心,将源语文化经过整理,然后以译入语中较为现成的、熟悉的、易于接受的形式出现。缺点:丧失了源语的异国特色。,Schleiermacher,Quote from German philosopher and translator, Friedrich Schleiermacher,Either the translator “leave the author in peace, as much as possible,” and “move the reader towards him.” or he leaves the r

14、eader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author toward him. Of which he favors the former.,In his (Schleiermacher) famous lecture “ On the Different Ways of Translating”, he demands, among other things, that translations from different languages into German should read and sound different:

15、 the reader should be able to guess the Spanish behind a translation from Spanish, and the Greek behind a translation from Greek. If all translations read and sound alike (as they were soon to do in Victorian translations of the classics), the identity of the source text has been lost, levelled in t

16、he target text. (Susan Bassnett & Andre Lefevere),Venuti:,In this vein, American scholar Lawrence Venuti also distinguishes between Foreinising and domesticatingHe strongly advocates the resistant foreignizing method and rejects the transparent domestication in opposition to the Anglo-American hegem

17、onic(霸权的) cultural stand,It promises “a great openness to cultural differences, whether they are located abroad or at home (and) they may thus well be worth the risks.” He complains thatThe fact of translation is erased by suppressing the linguistics and cultural differences of the foreign text, ass

18、imilating it to dominant values in the target language, making it unrecognizable and therefore seemingly untranslated. With this domestication the translated text passes for the original. In a word, this school insists that the “otherness” of the SL culture be preserved in the target text.,异化/归化;直译/

19、意译,迦因小传(Joan Haste)在十九世纪初最先由蟠溪子译出。其中有一段迦因未婚先孕的情节,因为有违中国传统伦理,被略去,因此这部译作,以及主人公受到读者的广泛欢迎。几年后,林纾将这部小说全译出来,则主人公被斥为:“淫贱卑鄙,不知廉耻”,“情界之蟊贼”。前一策略便是归化,后一策略便是异化。异化/归化是宏观层次的策略;直译/意译是微观语言层次的技巧。,欧化?汉化?,钱氏在林纾的翻译一文中,也谈到了两种翻译法:就文体或风格而论,也许会有希莱尔马诃( Friedrich Schleiermacher)区分的两种翻译法,譬如说:一种尽量“欧化”,尽可能让外国作家安居不动,而引导我国读者走向他们那

20、里去,另一种尽量“汉化”,尽可能让我国读者安居不动,而引导外国作家走向咱们这儿来。然而,“欧化”也好,“汉化”也好,翻译总是以原作的那一国语文为出发点而以译成的这一国语文为到达点。从最初出发以至终竟到达,这是很艰辛的历程。,“欧化”、“洋气”,鲁迅关于翻译的“欧化”、“洋气”问题的主张 :动笔之前,就先得解决一个问题:竭力使它归化,还是尽量保存洋气呢?日本文的译者上田进君,是主张用前一法的。所以他的译文,有时就化一句为数句,很近于解释。我的意见却两样的。只求易懂,不如创作,或者改作,将事改为中国事,人也化为中国人不但移情,也要益智,至少是知道何地何时,有这等事,和旅行外国,是很相像的:它必须有

21、异国情调,就是所谓洋气。其实世界上也不会有完全归化的译文,倘有,就是貌合神离,从严辨别起来,它算不得翻译。,汉化?,罗新璋:外译中,是将外语译成中文纯粹之中文,而非外译“外”译成外国之中文。看不出翻译的痕迹?Translation is rewriting ,Alienation? Naturalization ?,Considerations,1 Type of texts,Karl Bhler(18791963) Main functions of languageExpressive(表情功能): the mind of the speaker or writer,originator

22、of information eg. imaginative literature, essays etc. Poems: (refer to 东风,西风, west wind p-38 等诗)Informativle(信息功能): the facts of a topic, reality outside languageEg. technical report , journalism works, thesis Vocative(使役功能): calling upon the readership to act, think or feelEg. notices, publicity,

23、propaganda,Expre-ssive,Infor-mative,vocative,Most texts include all the three functions with emphasis on one of them.,Expressive function: more examples Eg. 诗歌杜甫:李白:陶渊明:王维:李煜:岳飞:李清照:,Newmark:Cultural components tend to be transferred intact in expressive texts; transferred and explained with cultura

24、lly neutral terms in informative texts; replaced by cultural equivalents in vocative texts.,旅游介绍:Introduction to Jigong in his museum 济公劫富济贫, 深受穷苦人民爱戴。Jigong, Robin Hood in China, robbed the rich and helped the poor. 科技文体:广告语篇,旅游资料介绍等劝导型(vocative) 的语篇Eg. 西苑饭店(参见翻译与语篇),2 Significance of cultural flav

25、or in the source text,Nida:dynamic equivalence, but not a cast-iron ruleThe significance of cultural elementsSymbolic values- piglet or lamb One Bible translator in New Guinea was full aware of the fact that sheep and lamb are either unknown or unappreciated in New Guinea, but pigs are highly valued

26、. He therefore thought that perhaps one could render sheep by “pig” and lamb by “piglet” or “little pig”. He had clearly overlooked the fact that sheep are regarded in the Bible as so-called “clean animals” while pigs are “unclean animals”; in fact, very much taboo. Speaking of Jesus as the “little

27、pig” of God would certainly be a serious lapse in cultural congruence.,Cultural element carries little symbolic value other than necessary information.The man who waters his grass after a good rain is carrying coals to Newcastle. (多此一举)这位小姐,德性温良,才貌出众,鲁老先生和夫人因无子息,爱如掌上明珠。(吴敬梓儒林外史第十回)I know the young l

28、ady, and she is virtuous, gentle and beautiful. Because Mr. and Mrs. Lu have no son, the girl is the apple of their eye.,3 The purpose of translation,Analysis:Yangs: SL culture-oriented method faithful translation through which Westerns can acquire some knowledge about traditional Chinese culture.Ha

29、wkes: TL culture-oriented method In order to avert cultural conflict and improve the translations readability.,4 The readership,倾国倾城(1) Her beauty is such as to overthrow cities and ruin states.(2) She is exceedingly beautiful. (3)Her beauty can be compared with that of Helen of Troy.(1) (2)(3)SL or

30、iented- neutralized, levelled-TL-oriented,“Mamma Mia!” - Broadway musical,汉化 naturalization Just call me Oedipus. 我就喜欢年纪大的女人。 我就喜欢刘晓庆这样的美女。You have your Sophie, I have my Lawrence. Lawrence: “花花公子,同性恋”你们母女深情,我们断背情深。,Conclusion:,The translator choose a practical method depending on a comprehensive an

31、alysis of such factors as the type of texts, the purpose of translation and the readership. Sometimes he may attempt to adopt a reasonable compromise, as Benjamin Jowett claims, “All translation is a compromise the effort to be literal and the effort to be idiomatic.” Most of all, the translator mus

32、t cultivate a high degree of cross-cultural awareness and be able to recognize the similarities and differences between two cultures.,(选讲),Up to now, it seems that the TL culture-oriented method has got the upper hand. The patrons who commission, publish and distribute a translation work, usually st

33、ress more on the texts readability and acceptability.,The other voice,Nonetheless, the otherness of another culture exists objectively, our ultimate goal is to recognize it . Naturalization screened the differences or peculiarities. In this sense, it is more or less a restricted one. Especially, in

34、view of the rapid development of cultural diffusion, the SL-oriented method has become more significant.,Examples,EG.巧媳妇做不出无米的粥来,叫我怎么样呢?(第二十四回 Hong Long Meng)Hawkes: Even the cleverest housewife cant make bread without flour.Yangs: Even the cleverest housewife cant cook a meal without rice. Westener

35、s understand the rice is the staple for Chinese.It is hard to imagine that people in ancient China ate Western bread rather than rice.,庆父不死,鲁难未已。战犯不除,国无宁日。 这个道理,难道到现在还不明白吗? (毛泽东南京政府向何处去?)“ Until Ching Fu is done away with, the crisis in the state of Lu will not be over.” Until the war criminals are

36、eliminated there will be no peace in the country. Isnt this truth clear enough now. (note: According to Tso Chuan, an ancient Chinese historical work dealing with the important events of the Spring and Autumn Era 770B.C. 476B.C., Ching Fu, a noble in the state of Lu, repeatedly stirred up internal s

37、trife and murdered two reigning princes of the state. Ching Fu has since become a byword for those who stir yp internal strife. Until the trouble-maker is removed, the trouble will not be over.,Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven.宁愿在地狱为王,不愿在天堂称臣。春风杨柳万千条, 六亿神州尽舜尧。(毛泽东送瘟神)Spring winds move w

38、illow wands, in tens of millions;Six hundred million we shall all be sage-kings! (Tr. Arthur Cooper)Intercultural awareness,It was Friday and soon they would go out and get drunk.星期五发薪日到了,他们马上就要上街去喝个酩酊大醉。Its not easy to become a member of that club they want people who have plenty of money to spend,

39、 not just every Tom, Dick and Harry.要加入那个俱乐部可不容易,他们要的是有钱的阔佬,不是一般的老百姓。(不是张三,李四或王五。),Sufficient translation,三个臭皮匠, 合个诸葛亮Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the master mind.An excellent example of adequate translation (Zhong Shukong ) 盲人瞎马Blind man on a blind horses rushing headlo

40、ng to disaster,5 Case Study (个案研究),1. East Wind or West Wind.2.Nabokov (纳博科夫)3. Yan Fu (严复),弗拉迪米尔纳博科夫(Vladimir Nabokov ,1899 - 1977) 是西方伟大的实验小说家, 著有洛丽塔、微暗的火等著名小说。纳博科夫不仅是个伟大的作家, 还是一位声名显赫的翻译家和翻译理论家。他出生俄国,早年流亡欧洲, 中年闯荡美国, 晚年归隐瑞士。既是一位俄语作家又是一位英语作家。,大约1945年后, 纳博科夫的翻译思想才发生了真正的剧变。他开始意识到, 在那些优美流畅的意译之作中, 原作者的声

41、音已经被一种假声代替, 原作的神韵已经在翻译的过程中遗失, 于是, 他开始不遗余力地主张直译论。在1955 年发表的翻译问题: 奥涅金的英译一文中, 他开门见山地宣称: “最糟糕的直译也比最漂亮的意译有用一千倍”。( Schulte and Biguenet , 1992 : 127) 因为, 意译就像“鹦鹉的聒噪”和“猴子的喧嚣”, 是对原作的“亵渎”, 彰显出译者的堕落。(Steiner , 1992 : 252) 他宁愿用直译加注的方式, “我希望翻译中充斥着大量的注释, 它们像摩天大楼一样直抵这一页或那一页的顶端, 只留一句诗行, 在注释和永恒之间熠熠生辉”。(Schulte and

42、Biguenet, 1992 : 143),纳博科夫的直译加注释的翻译法集中体现在他翻译的普希金诗体小说叶甫盖尼奥涅金上。这项卷帙浩繁的翻译工程始于1950 年, 前后历经了十余载才大功告成。奥涅金1964 年的英译本共4 卷, 约1500 页, 译文250 页左右, 译者序250页左右, 索引100 来页, 余下的800 来页全是详尽的注释。这么多的注释立刻受到指责也并不奇怪。早在一百多年前, 德国的施莱格尔就预料到了这样的结局, “诗歌再创造的目的是什么? 我认为, 是让那些无法接近原作的人尽可能不受干扰地欣赏译作。”所以译者不应该采取注释的方式, 因为“对文本的微言大义进行烦琐的考证于读

43、者意义不大。”(Lefevere , 1975 : 50 - 51)”斯坦纳(Steiner , 1992 : 77) 的看法最具代表性: 纳博科夫坚持直译只是一种策略, 不是通过直译再现原作的精神实质, 而是以此证明“翻译是不可能的”。,分析:纳博科夫采取直译的动机也许还应该包括以下三点: 其一, 原作奥涅金在俄罗斯文化中具有经典的地位, 有俄罗斯文化中的圣经之喻, 加上普希金又是纳博科夫最崇敬的作家, 这无形之中给作为译者的纳博科夫以一定的压力, 从译者在翻译时所具有的心态来讲, 面对经典作家的经典文本, 直译无疑是洗刷不“忠”罪名最保险的选择。其二, 从接受对象的期待角度来看, 直译是纳

44、博科夫非常可行的选择, 因为纳博科夫理想中的读者是他在大学中授课的那些学生, 他们有一定的俄语基础, 所以他可以在译文中尽量地“存异”, 以引导这些学生穿越译文和原著间的中间地带欣赏俄罗斯文化的精妙之处, 而这样的中间地带蕴涵的精妙之处往往为先前那些采用归化方法翻译的流畅译本所抹杀。,其三, 从译者的文化心态来看, 直译是纳博科夫合理的选择, 因为在美国的流亡生活中, 纳博科夫深切地感受到俄罗斯经典作品英文译本的质量是多么低下以及美国读者对俄罗斯文化是多么缺乏认识。就以奥涅金为例, 在纳博科夫的译本之前, 已经有了四个英译本, 纳博科夫在对其他译者的勤勉工作表示由衷地赞赏时, 亦不免感叹其中充

45、斥着诸多的谬误。因此, 纳博科夫希望自己的译作能弥补先前那些翻译中的缺陷, 恢复被意译作品抹杀了的异域色彩, 揭示俄罗斯文化的丰富特性, 重塑俄罗斯文化在美国读者心目中应有的地位, 获取相应的尊重和崇敬。(梁实秋译莎士比亚全集,杨宪益译红楼梦),严复,严复(18541921)清末著名的资产阶级思想启蒙家,近代中国最杰出的翻译家和翻译理论家。,Yan Fu: Cultural (political and social) background,“甲午战争”之后民族危机维新运动和议始成,府君大受刺激,自是专力于翻译著述。先从事于赫胥黎之天演论,未数月而脱稿。 (严遽,1986),Purpose o

46、f translation,复今者勤苦译书,羌无所为,不过悯同国之人,于新理过于蒙昧,发愿立誓,勉而为之。 极知力微道远,生事夺其时日;然使前数书得转汉文,仆死不朽矣。(严复,1901)梁启超, 维新派: 泰东西诸国,其盛强果何自耶。泰西格致性理之学,源于希腊;法律政治之学,源于罗马。欧洲诸国各以其国之今文,译希腊罗马之古籍;译成各书,立于学官,列于科目,举国习之,得以神明其法,损益其制,故文明之效,极于今日。大彼得躬游列国,尽收其书,译为俄文,以教其民,俄强至今。今日本书会,凡西人致用之籍,靡不有译本,故其变法灼见本源,一发即中,遂成雄国。(梁启超,1897)林纾也有类似的说法:吾谓欲开民智

47、,必立学堂;学堂功缓,不如立会演说;演说又不易举,终之惟有译书。 (林纾,1901),在这样的社会背景中,抱着这样的翻译动机,严复的翻译活动带有独特的政治文化色彩。表现在其选材、翻译目的,预设读者群及使用的翻译策略等方面。Types of worksPurpose of translationReadershipTranslation strategy,Works -致用之籍,选材上,多属社会政治经济法律经典著作。Please match the following translation works with their original.,天演论原富法意 名学浅说穆勒名学群学肆言 群几权界

48、论社会通诠,John Stuart Mill, System of LogicHerbert Spencer, Study of Sociology Montesquieu,Lesprit des Lois (The Spirit of Law)E. Jenks, History of PoliticsHenry Huxley, Evolution and EthicsW.S. Jevons, LogicAdam Smith, Inquiry into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of NationsOn Liberty,readership,梁启超对

49、严复的批评:严氏于西学中学皆为我国第一流人物 但吾辈犹有憾者,其文笔太务渊雅,刻意模仿先秦文体,非多读古书之人,殆难索解 著译之业,将以传播文明思想与国民也,非为藏山不朽之名誉也。文人积习,吾不能为贤者讳。(梁启超,1902)严复回复:“ 且不佞之所从事者,学理邃赜之书也,非以饷学僮而望其受益也,吾译正以待多读中国古书之人。 苟然为之,言庞意纤,使其文之行于时,若蜉蝣旦暮之已化,此报馆之文章,亦大雅之所讳也。故曰:声之眇者不可同于众人之耳,形之美者不可混于世俗之目,辞之衍者不可回于庸夫之听。”,严复的预设读者群:多读中国古书之人,保守的士大夫和统治阶级吴汝纶在为严复天演论作序中写道:抑汝纶之深

50、有取于是书,则又以严子之雄于文。以为赫胥黎之旨趣,得严子乃益明。自吾国之译西书,未有能及严子者也。 文如几道,可与言译书矣。(吴汝纶,1898)注:吴汝纶:桐城派古文大师,Strategy: naturalization,达旨术显其意题曰达旨,不云笔译,取便发挥,实非正法。什法师有云:“学我者病。” (严复1898)A 语文的问题(中英语文的差异)B 内容的问题(艰深繁奥),具体方法:1) 立名, 借鉴中国传统固有的词句和概念“一名之立,数月踯躅。”2)对新名词和新概念以按语的形式加以阐释和发挥,常常与中国的实际情况联系起来。解释法发挥法换例法名学浅说的译者自序: 中间义旨,则承用原书,而所引


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