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1、译林版五年级下册英语课后同步复习全册课件,1,Unit 1Cinderella,Period 1Story time,一、选择合适的选项补全单词并写出其中文意思。,( ) 1.p nce A.ir B.ri C.lr( ) 2.f y A.ari B.ria C.air( ) 3.cloth A.se B.ss C.es( ) 4.bec se A.or B.au C.ir,B,C,C,B,王子,衣服,仙女,因为,1.一些漂亮的衣服 2.try on the dress 3.让我 4.at the princes house 5.穿上这只鞋子 6.go to the party 7.不得不走

2、8.Visit every house,二、英汉互译,some beautiful/nice clothes,试穿这件连衣裙,let me,在王子家,put on the shoe,去参加聚会,have to go,拜访每一家,( ) 1.Theres a party the house. A.at; prince B.to; princes C.at; princes( ) 2.She doesnt have nice clothes. A.a B.any C.some( ) 3.Many girls the shoe. A.puts onB.try onC.have to,三、单项选择。,

3、B,C,B,1. Cinderella (come) to the party.2. Do you have (some) nice clothes?3. Come and help (I).4.Let (we) go to the party.5.Where(be) my socks?6.She has to (go) home now.7. Those shoes are(Liu Tao).8. The girl (try) on the new dress.,四、用所给词的适当形式填空。,comes,any,me,us,are,go,Liu Taos,tries,1.nowhaveIgo

4、to( . ) 2.aresowhysadyou( ? ) 3.DontanyclothesniceIhave ( . ),五、连词成句。,I have to go now.,Why are you so sad?,I dont have any nice clothes.,4.princeeveryvisitshousethe( . ) 5.at good Cinderella a the has time party ( . ),The prince visits every house.,Cinderella has a good time at the party.,1.A fairy

5、 comes. :Why (1) you so sad? :Because I (2) go (3) the party. :(4) ? :Because I (5) have (6) nice clothes. (7) shoes. :Let (8) help (9) .,六、根据课文内容补全下列对话。,are,cant,to,Why,dont,any,or,me,you,2.Cinderella (1) a good time (2) the party. :Sorry, I (3) (4) go now. :Hey, (5) shoe!,has,at,have,to,your,3.The

6、 prince (1) every house. Many girls (2) (3) the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella (4) it on. :It (5) !,visits,try,on,tries,fits,Unit 1Cinderella,Period 2Grammar time & Fun time,一、照例子写单词或词组。,例: cant=cannotcomecomes1.dont= 5.pick2.isnt= 6.take3.arent= 7.leave4.doesnt= 8.understand,do not,

7、is not,are not,does not,picks,takes,leaves,understands,1. are you so sad? Because I cant go to the zoo. 2. helps Cinderella?The fairy helps her.3. shoes are they? Theyre Cinderellas.4. are my shoes? Theyre under the bed. 5. does Cinderella have to come back? Before 12 oclock.,二、根据对话内容选择合适的疑问词填空。,Why

8、,Who,Whose,Where,When,1.Why (arent/cant) you go to the party?2.She (dont/doesnt) have any nice clothes or shoes.3.Why (are/do) you so sad?4.Many girls (put on/try on) the shoe.5.She (has/has to) go now.,三、选择合适的单词或词组填空。,cant,doesnt,are,try on,has to,四、单项选择。,( ) 1. She doesnt have nice clothes shoes.

9、A. any; and B. any; orC. some; or( ) 2.The prince a good time at the party. A.have B.haves C. has( ) 3.Finally, Cinderella it on. It. A.try; fits B.tries; fit C.tries; fits,B,C,C,( ) 4.My sister on the new shoes. A.puts; and B. put; and C. puts; or( ) 5. are you happy today? its my birthday. A. Why;

10、 So B. Why; Because C.What; Because,A,B,五、给下列句子选择正确的应答句。 (每个选项限用一次),C,E,A,B,D,J,F,G,H,I,六、根据汉语提示将下列句子补充完整。,1.在王子的房子里有一场舞会。 There is a party the house.2.我的衣服在哪儿? my clothes?3.我没有一些好看的衣服和鞋子。 I have nice clothes shoes.4.灰姑娘试穿新衣服。 Cinderella the new clothes.,at,princes,Where are,dont,any,or,tries on,5.我

11、的脚受伤了。 My feet .6.灰姑娘在舞会上玩得很开心。 Cinderella a good time the party.7.我不得不在十点之前回来。 I come back 10 oclock.,hurt,has,at,have to,before,8.这只鞋子不合脚。 The shoe fit.9.这些女孩试穿的是谁的鞋子? shoe do the girls try on?10.为什么你不能去舞会? you go to the party?,Why,Whose,does not,cant,Unit 1Cinderella,Period 3Sound time & Culture

12、time &Cartoon time,一、根据所给单词画线部分的发音规则,补全单词。,1. dress aw ink2. party h dp k3. why tr m 4. Mushroom mbrellalnch5. house m thab t6. bad bgsd,d r,d r,a r,a r,y,y,u,u,o u,o u,a,a,( ) 1.A.mushroomsB.gloves C.shoes( ) 2.A.eat B.go C.snack( ) 3.A.what B.why C.so( ) 4.A.them B.our C.us( ) 5.A.prince B.put C.f

13、airy( ) 6.A.come B.tries C.fits( ) 7.A.have B.drawing C.taking( ) 8.A.dont B.cant C.not,二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。,A,C,B,A,A,C,C,B,1.Do you have (some/any) snacks?2.He (dont/does not) understand.3.These mushrooms are bad (at/for) us.4.There arent (any/some) mushrooms.5.Cinderella (try on/tries on) the shoe.6.

14、Its cold. (Put on/Take off) your coat, please.,三、选择合适的单词或词组补全句子。,any,does not,for,any,tries on,Put on,7.Why (not/cant) I go to the party?8.Tom likes (read/reading) storybooks.9.You cant (eat/drink) too much meat.10. (What/How) a pity!11.Mary is (draw/drawing) a dress for her friend.12.He (picks/pick

15、) a big mushroom.,cant,reading,eat,What,drawing,picks,四、单项选择。,1.themweeatcant( . ) 2.snacksyouhavedoany( ? ) 3.understandnotBobbydoes( . ),We cant eat them.,Do you have any snacks?,Bobby does not understand.,4.mushroomsbadtheseforusare( . ) 5.picksredBobbyamushroombig( . ),These mushrooms are bad fo

16、 r us.,Bobby picks a big red mushroom.,五、根据课文内容补全下列对话。,in,Do,any,dont,are,eat,Bobby and Sam are 1. the forest. : 2. you have 3. snacks, Sam? : No, I 4. : Look! There 5. some mushrooms. We can 6. them. : No, Bobby! We 7. eat them. : 8.? They 9. so nice. : Because these mushrooms are 10. 11. us! : Oh,

17、 12.a pity!,cant,Why,look,bad,for,what,六、给下列童话作品选择正确的英文名。,1.,3.,2.,4.,( ),( ),( ),( ),C,D,B,A,Unit 1Cinderella,Period 4 Checkout time,一、英汉互译。,1.在学校 e back 3.去舞会 4.be late 5.脱下 6.a big mushroom,at school,回来,go to the party,迟到,take off,一个大蘑菇,7.试穿 8.hurry up 9.不得不,必须 10.leave behind,try on,快点,have to,留

18、下,丢下,二、给下列句子选出正确的应答句。,C,D,E,B,A,J,F,G,I,H,三、将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。,A. Let me help you.B. Yes, it is in my schoolbag. Thank you.C. No, it isnt.D.Liu Tao, why are you so sad?E. Is it in your schoolbag?F. Not at all.G. Is your pen in your pencil case?H. Because I cant find my new pen.,D,H,G,C,E,B,F,1.Cindere

19、lla has to come back before 12 oclock. (对画线部分提问) Cinderella to do before 12 oclock?2.He has some new jackets. (改为否定句) He have new jackets.,四、按要求改写句子。,What does,have,doesnt,any,3.There are some mushrooms under the tree. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) there mushrooms under the tree?Yes, there .4.Cinderella is sad be

20、cause she cant go to the party. (对画线部分提问) Cinderella sad?,Are,any,are,Why is,5.Cinderella tries on the new clothes. (改为一般疑问句) Cinderella on the new clothes?6.We can eat these snacks. (改为否定句) Weeat these snacks.,Does,try,cant,7.Many girls try on the shoe. (用Cinderella 改为 第三人称单数句子) Cinderella on the s

21、hoe.8.Mike likes reading fairy tales. (改为一般疑问句) Mike reading fairy tales?,tries,Does,like,五、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。,I have a cat. He is black and white. His name is Mimi. He has a long tail and small ears. His tail is black, but his ears are white. His nose is white, too. He has a basket. He sleeps in his

22、basket. He gets up in the evening. He goes out at night. He catches mice at night.Mimi likes fish and milk. He eats fish every day. He drinks milk every day. He does not like,dogs and the dogs do not like him. Mimi likes me and I like him. I often play with him after school.( ) 1.Mimi is a pretty gi

23、rl.( ) 2.Mimi is a black and white cat.( ) 3.Mimi sleeps on the bed at night.( ) 4.Mimi and the dogs are good friends.( ) 5.Mimi has fish and milk every day.,F,T,F,F,T,Unit 1Cinderella,Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, and the other is soccer (英式足球). In Chi

24、na many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular. But the Chinese people dont call it soccer. We call it football. There are eleven players in a team. And the ball is round (圆的).,Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands. The other players cant touch the ball with their hands. I

25、n America, football is not round. It is like a big egg. There are also eleven players in a team. All the players can touch the ball with feet and hands.,阅读短文,选择正确的答案。( ) 1. How many kinds of football games are there? A. Three.B. Two.C.Four.( ) 2. Do the Chinese young men like playing soccer? A.Yes,

26、they do. B. No, they dont. C. We dont know.,B,A,( ) 3. How many players are there in a soccer team? A. Eight. B. Twenty-two. C. Eleven.,C,( ) 4. Whats the shape (形状) of the American football? A. Round. B. Square. C. Oval (椭圆).,C,【名师点拨】写作思路:,【开门见山】 根据课文内容以第三人称的形式介绍一下灰姑娘的故事。,时态:用一般现在时。,CinderellaThere

27、 is a party at the princes house.Cinderella has no clothes to go to the party, and her sisters let her do a lot of work.Cinderella is so sad.A fairy comes, and she gives Cinderella new clothes and shoes.Cinderella can go to the party now.She has to come back before 12 oclock.Cinderella has a good ti

28、me at the party.,【妙笔生花】,But one of her shoes is left.The prince visits every house.Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit.Finally, Cinderella tries it on and it fits.,Unit 1Cinderella,一、给下列动词归类。,comehelpdrinkgo dostay pass jump watch havesing study fly carry teach,1.动词第三人称单数结尾加“s”: 2.动词第三人称

29、单数结尾加“es”: 3.动词第三人称单数结尾去“y”加“ies”: 4.特殊情况:,comehelpdrinkstayjumpsing,godopasswatchteach,studyflycarry,have,( ) 1.Who some eggs? A.haveB.havesC.has( ) 2.This mushroom so nice. A.look B.looks C.looking( ) 3.My sister English every day. A.studies B.study C.studys( ) 4.She up at six in the morning. A.ge

30、t B.getting C.gets,二、单项选择。,C,B,A,C,1. A fairy (help) the girl.2.Yang Ling (go) home before 10 oclock.3.The shoes dont(fit) me.4. She (like) (read) fairy stories.5. The prince (come) and (visit) every house.,三、用所给词的适当形式填空。,helps,goes,fit,likes,reading,comes,visits,四、选出句子中错误的一项,并在横线上改正。,A,watches,A,is

31、nt,A,does,B,go,Unit 1Cinderella,童话作家安徒生简介安徒生(Hans Christian Andersen, 18051875)是丹麦19世纪著名的童话作家,世界文学童话代表人物之一。他生于欧登塞城一个贫苦的鞋匠家庭,早年在慈善学校读过书,当过学徒工。受父亲和民间口头文学影响,他自幼酷爱文学。,11岁时父亲病逝,母亲改嫁。为追求艺术,他14岁时只身来到首都哥本哈根。经过8年奋斗,他终于在诗剧阿尔芙索尔中崭露才华。因此,他被皇家艺术剧院送进斯拉格尔塞文法学校和赫尔辛欧学校免费就读,历时5年。1828年,他升入哥本哈根大学。他毕业后始终无工作,主要靠稿费维持生活。18

32、38年安徒生获得作家奖金国家每年拨给他200元非公职津贴。,1875年8月4日安徒生病逝于朋友商人麦尔乔家中。安徒生文学生涯始于1822年。他早期主要撰写诗歌和剧本,进入大学后,创作日趋成熟,曾发表游记和歌舞喜剧,出版诗集和诗剧。1835年出版了长篇小说即兴诗人,该作品为他赢得了国际声誉,是他的成名之作。 “为了争取未来的一代”,安徒生决定给孩子们写童话,出版了讲给孩子们听的故事集。,此后数年,每年圣诞节都出版一本这样的童话集。其后又不断发表新作,直到1872年因患癌症才逐渐搁笔。他一生共计写了童话故事168篇。安徒生童话具有独特的艺术风格:诗意的美和喜剧性的幽默。前者为主导风格,多体现在歌颂

33、性的童话中,后者多体现在讽刺性的童话中。,安徒生的创作可分早、中、晚三个时期。早期童话多充满绮丽的幻想、乐观的精神,体现现实主义和浪漫主义相结合的特点。代表作有打火匣(The Tinder-Box)、拇指姑娘(Thumbelina)、海的女儿(The Daughter of the Sea)、野天鹅(Wild Swans)、丑小鸭(Ugly Duckling)等。,中期童话幻想成分减弱,现实成分相对增强。在鞭挞丑恶、歌颂善良中,表现了对美好生活的执着追求,也流露了缺乏信心的忧郁情绪。代表作有卖火柴的小女孩(The Little Match Girl)、影子(The Shadow)、一滴水(A

34、Drop of Water)、母亲的故事(Mothers Story)、演木偶戏的人(The Puppet Show Man)等。,晚期童话比中期更加体现现实,着力描写底层民众的悲苦命运,揭露社会生活的阴冷、黑暗和人间的不平。作品基调低沉,代表作有柳树下的梦(Dreams under the Willow)、单身汉的睡帽(Bachelors Nightcap)等。,Unit 2How do you come to school?,1.I come to school .2.Yang Ling comes to school .3. How do you come to school, Mike

35、? .,Period 1Story time,一、根据图片提示补全句子或对话。,by bus,on foot,By metro,4.Liu Taos father is a driver.5.I am drawing a .6.I go to the park .,taxi,plane,by bike,二、根据汉语提示将下列句子或对话补充完整。,1.迈克喜欢他的新房子吗? Mike new house?2.我的房子离学校不远。 My house isnt my school.3.你是怎样来学校的? do you come school?,Does,like his,far from,How,t

36、o,4. 你住在哪里? 我住在阳光小镇。我坐公共汽车来学校。 you live? I Sunshine Town. I come to school .,Where do,live in,by bus,1. Su Hai lives on . She comes to school bus. Mike Town. He to school_ (乘地铁).,三、根据图片和汉语提示补全句子。,Moon Street,by,lives in Sunshine,comes,by metro,Liu Tao (住在) Park . He comes to school .4. Yang Ling sch

37、ool (住在学校附近). She comes to school .,lives on,Street,by taxi,lives near,on foot,1.She (live/lives) in Sunshine Town.2.Helen (come/comes) to school by bike.3.How (does/do) you come to school?4.Mike (do not/doesnt) come to school on foot.5.I (have/has) a good time at the party.6.Many girls (try/tries)

38、on the shoe.7.Does Yang Ling (like/likes) her new bag?,四、选择正确的单词填空。,lives,comes,do,doesnt,have,try,like,五、根据课文内容给下列句子选择合适的答语。,F,D,A,B,C,E,Unit 2How do you come to school?,Period 2Grammar time & Fun time,一、按要求写单词或词组。,1.live (第三人称单数) 2.go (第三人称单数) 3.dont (完全形式) 4.bus (复数形式),lives,goes,do not,buses,5.c

39、ity (复数形式) 6.drive (第三人称单数) 7.try (第三人称单数) 8.does not (缩写),cities,drives,tries,doesnt,1.My uncle lives in Nantong. (对画线部分提问) your uncle ?2.They come to the party by taxi. (对画线部分提问) come to the party?,二、按要求写句子。,Where does,live,How do they,3.Helen goes to school by bike. (改成否定句) Helen to school by bik

40、e.4.There are some bikes near the house. (改为一般疑问句) bikes near the house?,doesnt go,Are there any,5.Do you like your new home? (作肯定回答) ! Its very big. I like it very much.6.How do you come to school? Li Mei and I come to school (乘地铁). (根据汉语提示补全对话)7.My house isnt far from school. (改为同义句) My house is s

41、chool.,Yes,by metro,near,1.She (live) in Sunshine Town.2.Helen (come) to school by bus.3.How (do) you come to school?4.Mike (do) not come to school on foot.,三、用所给词的正确形式填空。,lives,comes,do,does,5.I (have) a good time at the party.6.Many girls (try) on the shoe.7.She (can not) go to the party. Because

42、she doesnt have any nice clothes.8.Do you (like) your new bag?,have,try,cant/cannot,like,1.far lives school from he( . ) 2.gocan to I byschoolbike( ? ),四、连词成句。,He lives far from school.,Can I go to school by bike?,3.park in riding likes it he the ( . ) 4.always in he basket sits the ( . ),He likes r

43、iding it in the park.,He always sits in the basket.,1.Why does Su Hai go to school by bus? 2.Where does Yang Ling live?,五、根据课文内容回答下列问题,要求答句完整。,Because she lives far from school.,She lives near school.,3.How does Yang Ling come to school? 4.Where does Mike live? 5.What does Liu Taos father do?,She co

44、mes to school on foot.,He lives in Sunshine Town.,He is a taxi driver.,六、根据表格内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。,( ) 1.Ann lives on Sun Street. She lives far from school.( ) 2.David lives in West Town. He comes to school by car.( ) 3.Tommy lives far from school. He comes to school by metro.( ) 4.Ann comes to school by

45、taxi.( ) 5.Sue lives near school. She comes to school by bike.,F,F,T,F,F,Unit 2How do you come to school?,Period 3Sound time & Song time &Cartoon time,一、选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。,( ) 1.A.trousersB.dressC.tree ( ) 2.A.train B.travel C.drink ( ) 3.A.cake B.taxi C.traffic( ) 4.A.city B.live C.driver ( ) 5.A.

46、bus B.put C.mushroom,B,C,A,C,B,1.离远2.near City Library 3.乘公共汽车 4.too young 5.坐地铁,二、英汉互译。,far from ,在市图书馆附近,by bus,太年幼,by metro,6.in the basket 7.在街道上 8.a new bike 9.给看 10.on foot,在篮子里,on the street,一辆新自行车,show to ,步行,( ) 1.Bobby likes a bike in the park. A.rideB.readingC.riding( ) 2.Bobby wants show

47、 his bike Sam. A./; to B.to; to C.to; /,三、单项选择。,C,B,( ) 3.Helen is young. A.two B.to C.too( ) 4.Sam to school by bike. A.come B.go C.goes( ) 5.Sam sits the basket. A.in B.from C.to,C,C,A,1.go how Sam to school does( ? ) 2.so dad does think not Bobbys( . ),四、连词成句。,How does Sam go to school?,Bobbys da

48、d does not think so.,A.I live on Sun Street.B.Because my father is a taxi driver.C.Where do you live, Lucy? D.I come to school by taxi.E.Why?F.How do you come to school?,五、将下列句子重新排列成一段完整的对话。,C,A,F,D,E,B,六、根据合适的选项补全对话。,B,D,A,C,1.迈克喜欢在公园骑车。 Mike a bike in the park.2.波比想给萨姆看他的自行车。 Bobby to his bike Sam

49、.3.波比的爸爸不这么认为。 Bobbys dad think .,七、根据汉语提示将下列句子补充完整。,likes riding,wants,show,does not,so,to,4.他骑自行车去上学。 He to school .5.你现在住在哪里? do you now?6.你怎样去上学? do you to school?,goes,by bike,Where,live,How,go,Unit 2How do you come to school?,Period 4Checkout time,一、英汉互译。,1.骑自行车 2.a taxi driver 3.居住在 4.many ci

50、ties,by bike,一个出租车司机,live in,许多城市,5.来学校 6.get there 7.乘飞机 8.go to work 9.在一艘大船上 10.what about ,come to school,到达那里,by plane,去上班,on a big ship,怎么样,1.I (have) a new plane.2.Mike likes (read) stories.3.How (do) Su Hai and Su Yang come to school?4.Where (do) the twins live?5.Sam (go) to school by bike.6


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