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1、Unit One【词汇】1. bear 熊 2. forest 森林 3. there (与be连用) 有 4. house 房子5. soup 汤 6. room 房间 7. hard 硬的 8. soft 柔软的9. afraid 害怕的 10. her 她 11. beside 在旁边 12. between 在中间13. really 真的 14. then 然后 15. find 找到,发现 16. their 他们的【短语】1. in the forest 在森林里 2. What a beautiful house! 多漂亮的一座漂亮的房子!3. hungry and thirs

2、ty 又饿又渴 4. some soup 一些汤5. on the table 在桌子上 6. just right 正好7. too cold/ hot/ hard/ soft 太冷/太热/太硬/太软8. be afraid/ tired/ hungry 害怕/ 疲倦/ 饥饿9. three bears 三只熊10. in front of 在之前11. have a cold 感冒12. put on your coat 穿上你的外套13. have some cakes 吃些蛋糕 14. in the fridge 在冰箱里15. in the kitchen 在厨房里 16. find

3、 their cousin 找到他们的表弟17. a glass of milk 一杯牛奶 18. remember these words 记住(得)这些单词19. betweenand 在和中间【知识点分析】一、there be结构的用法1. there be 句型的基本结构为: There + be ( is , are ) + 主语+ 地点状语,表示“在什么地方有什么东西。”它与汉语语序的排列有所不同。Eg: There is an apple on the table. 桌上 有 一个苹果2. is 可数名词单数 / 不可数名词 there are 可数名词复数 如:There is

4、 some milk in the glass. (is后面加不可数名词) There is a book on the desk. (is 后面加可数名词单数) There are a lot of books on the desk. (are后面加可数名词复数) there be 就近原则: 如果there be 句型中有几个并列主语时,be动词的形式要与离其最近的一个名词在数上保持一致。eg: There is a pie and two hamburgers on the plate. There are two hamburgers and a pie on the plate.3

5、. there be 句型的否定形式:(1)找出be动词(is,am,are)。(2)在be动词后面加not,可缩写成(is notisnt, are notarent )。(3)句中如有some,要将some改为any。There isnt a/ an (单数). There isnt any(不可数).There arent any (复数) .如:There isnt a tree in front of the house. 房子前面没有一棵树。There isnt any milk in the fridge. 冰箱里没有牛奶。There arent two cakes on the

6、 table. 桌上没有两个蛋糕。There arent any beds in the room. 房间里没有床。二、关于感叹句的初认识 感叹句经常以how和what开头,表示对某(些)事物表示感慨,一般翻译成:多么啊!how后面直接跟形容词或副词,what后面直接跟名词。如:How beautiful the house is! 这房子多漂亮啊!How lovely the dog is! 这狗多可爱啊!What a beautiful house it is! 多漂亮的房子啊!What a love dog it is! 多可爱的狗啊!三、表示地点的介词小结in, on, behind,

7、 beside, betweenand, under, at, in front of【语音】c 发 / k/。舌后软颚爆破辅音。发音时舌后部隆起紧贴软颚,憋住气,然后突然分开,气流送出口腔,形成爆破音。/k/是清辅音,声带不振动。建议:告知学生该字母音标及其发音,同时让学生总结包含该发音的单词。Unit One单元练习卷班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听力部分(共30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)( )1.A. beside B. between C. behind( )2.A. forest B. front C. from( )3.A. h

8、and B. hard C. behind( )4.A. cake B. come C. cup( )5. A. fine B. find C. five ( )6.A. all right B. just right C. Thats right.( )7. A. cold soupB. hot soupC. nice soup( )8.A. in the fridgeB. in the kitchenC. in the room( )9.A. Bobby is hungry.B. Bobby is tired.C. Bobby is afraid.( )10. A. Theres a bo

9、ok on the chair.B. Theres a cup on the table. C. Theres a doll on the bed.二、听录音,选择合适的答句。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)( )1.A. OK. B. Im sorry to hear that.C. Sorry. ( )2.A.Theres a bed. B. Theres a fridge. C. Its a table.( )3.A.Its in the forest.B. Its on the table. C. Its in my bag.( )4.A.Yes, I do. B. N

10、o, I cant. C. Yes, I am.( )5.A. You can have some rice. B. Heres a coat for you. C. You can drink some juice.三、听录音,根据所听内容判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。短文读两遍)( )1. Jim is in his bedroom.( )2. There are three caps on the sofa.( )3. The brown cap is just right.( )4. Theres a table in

11、front of the sofa.( )5. Under the table, there is a football. 四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(共10个空格;每空1分,满分10分。每小题读三遍)1. There is a big dog in _ of me. Im _.2. The girl is in the _. She is _ and _. There is some _ on the table.3. There is a river_ the _.4. The girl is _ her brother and her _. 笔试部分(共70分)一、根据所给单词划线部分

12、的发音,将后面的单词填写完整。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. there th_ h_ 2. who s_p t_3. kite _old do_tor4. bed m_ny th_n5. room r_ler m_ve二、 英汉互译。(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)1. 在森林里_ 2. 一张硬床_3. 在冰箱里_ 4. 太柔软_ 5. 正好_ 6. have a cold _7. Help!_ 8. find their cousin_9. remember these words _ 10. What a beautiful house! _三、单项选择。(共10小题;每

13、小题1分,共10分)( )1. There _ any juice in the fridge. A. are B. is C. isnt( )2. Whats the matter? She_ a headache. A. hasB. haveC. is( )3. Mike and I_ in the forest. A. am B. is C. are( )4. Mike and Helen cant find _brother in the park. A. hisB. herC. their( )5. Theres _umbrella behind the door. A. aB. a

14、nC. the( )6._ a lovely doll! A. How B. What C. Why( )7. My socks are too small. Try _, please. A. theseB. thisC. it( )8. There_ some bread on the table. A. is B. are C. have( )9. This soup is just_. I can have it. A. hot B. cold C. right( )10. Liu Tao sits_ Mike and Yang Ling. A. on B. in C. between

15、四、用所给词的正确形式填空。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分)1. Theres an apple between the two _.(mango)2. _(who) room is it? Its _(Su Hai ).3. Can you draw _(they)? Sure. Its _(difficult).4. There _(be)some water in the glass.5. There are two boys in front of _(she).6. My cousin cannot see_(some) books on the table.7. W

16、here _(be)my trousers? _(its)under your schoolbag.五、根据所给情景,完成下列句子。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分)1. 你想告诉杨玲,森林里有一条河,你说:Yang Ling,_a river _the _.2. 妈妈让你过来喝汤,但是汤太烫了,你会说:_and have some _, dearOK, Mum. Oh, no! Its _ _.3. 你打开午餐盒发现,里面没有水果沙拉,你会说:I _ see _ _ salad in the lunch box.六、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) A Look,

17、 this is a picture of my new house. Its a big and nice house. The doors are blue. There are two bedrooms. The big one is for my father and my mother. The small one is for me. Near the big bedroom, there is a big sitting-room. Can you see the sofa in it? Its red. I like it. The kitchen and the study

18、are not big but very nice. In the study, theres a computer(电脑) on the desk. There are a lot of books on the desk too. There isnt a garden(花园) in my house. But there are some tall trees and flowers behind the house. I like my house very much. 判断正(T)误(F)( )1. The new house is big but not nice.( )2. Th

19、eres a kitchen near my bedroom.( )3. Theres a red sofa in the sitting-room.( )4. We have a big kitchen in our house.( )5. There are some trees and flowers in the garden.B This is a picture of twins house. The twins have a big apple tree near their house. A table is under the tree. Some red apples ar

20、e on the table. Look!Lucy is putting the red apples into a basket. Lily is playing games under the tree. You can see many apples on the tree. Some are red and some are green. Their mother and father are carrying (运) a basket of apples home .( )1 . The twins have _tree.A. a red B. an apple C. a green

21、( )2 . There is a table _.A. near the tree B. behind the house C. under the tree( )3 ._ is playing games under the tree .A. Lucy B. Lily C. the twins( )4 . There are _on the tree.A. some apples B. no apples C. some red apples and some green apples( )5 . Their father and mother are _.A. putting apple

22、s under the tree B. picking apples in the treeC. carrying a basket of apples home七、看图作文,用There be结构写一篇短文,至少五句(所给句子不计入)。(满分10分) 提示:别忘了介词in, on, under, beside, behind, in front of.This is my bedroom. There is a toy bear on the bed. _. Do you like my room? Unit One单元练习卷听力文字稿一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(每小题读两遍) 1.

23、between 2. forest 3. hard 4. cup 5. find 6.just right7. cold soup 8. in the fridge 9. Bobby is afraid. 10. Theres a cup on the table.二、听录音,选择合适的答句。(每小题读两遍)1. I have a cold.2. Whats in the bedroom?3. Wheres the house?4. Are you afraid?5. Im cold.三、听录音,根据所听内容判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。(短文读两遍)Hello

24、, Im Jim. Now Im in my living room. Theres a sofa. On the sofa, there are three caps. The blue one is big. The brown one is small. The black one is just right. I like it very much. Beside the sofa, there is a big table. There is a basketball under it. I cant play basketball, but my brother can. Can

25、you play basketball?四、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(每小题读三遍)1. There is a big dog in front of me. Im afraid.2. The girl is in the room. She is hungry and thirsty. There is some soup on the table.3. There is a river beside the house.4. The girl is between the three bears.Unit One单元练习卷参考答案听力部分一、BABCB BAACB二、FTFFF三、BBAC

26、B四、1. front, afraid 2. room, hungry, thirsty, soup 3. beside, house 4. between, bears笔试部分一、1. their, hair 2. soup, too 3. cold, doctor 4. many, then 5. ruler, move二、1. in the forest 2. a hard bed 3. in the fridge 4. too soft 5. just right6. 感冒 7. 救命 8. 找到表弟 9. 记住(得)单词 10. 多么漂亮的房子啊!三、CACCB BAACC四、1.

27、mangoes 2. Whose, Su Hais 3. them, easy 4. is 5. her6. any 7. are, Theyre五、1. theres, in, forest 2. Come, soup, too, hot 3. cant(cannot), any, fruit六、FFTFF BCBCC七、(仅供参考)This is my bedroom. There is a toy bear on the bed. Theres a dress on the bed, too.There are some flowers beside the bed.There are

28、two trees in front of the bed.Theres a TV between the two trees.Beside the TV theres a toy car/jeep.Theres a picture behind the TV.Theres chair beside a tree.Under the chair theres a football.On the chair there are some books.Do you like my room?(评分建议:至少五句,每句2分。如果多写并正确的,作为附加分奖励学生)Unit Two【词汇】1. stud

29、ent 学生 8. first 首先2. showaround 带参观 9. swing 秋千3. classroom 教室 10. push 推4. second 第二 11. heavy 重的,沉的5. floor 楼层 12. stop 停下,停止6. computer 电脑 13. high 高的7. third 第三 14. great 很多的,极大地【词组短语】1. a new student 一名新来的学生 2. an art room 一间美术室3. a music room 一间音乐教室 4. showaround 带.参观5. how many classrooms 多少间

30、教室 6. in our school 在我们学校7. our classroom 我们的教室 8. on the first floor 在一楼9. on the second floor 在二楼 10. on the third floor 在三楼11. a/ the table tennis room 乒乓球室 12. go and have a look 去看一看13. in the playground 在操场 14. on the swing 在秋千上15. push me 推我 16. so heavy 如此重17. go home 回家 18. too high 太高19. g

31、reat fun 很有趣20. a computer room 电脑房21. go and play 去玩玩22. Its time for dinner. 该吃饭了。23. play again 再玩一次【语法知识】一、Are there any computer rooms? 有电脑房吗?Is there a music room? 有音乐教室吗?How many classrooms are there in our school? 我们学校有多少教室?本单元学习There be句型的一般疑问句 Is/ Are there?和特殊疑问句 How many are there?及其答语。(

32、一)There be 句型变为一般疑问句,把be动词放在there的前面,be的首字母大写,句末用问号。如There is a /an/ some. 改成Is there a /an/any.? 肯定答语:Yes, there is.否定答语是No, there isnt. 例如:1. -Is there a music room in the building? 在这座大楼里有一间音乐教室吗? -Yes, there is one. 是的,有一间。 2.-Is there a tiger in the zoo? 在这个动物园里有一只老虎吗? -No, there isnt. 不,没有。如Th

33、ere are some.改成 Are there any.?肯定答语:Yes, there are.否定答语是No, there arent. 例如:1.-Are there any apples in the fridge? 冰箱里有一些苹果吗?-Yes, there are. 是的,有一些。 2.-Are there any books on the desk? 桌子上有一些书吗? -No, there arent. 不,没有书。注意:在疑问句中some要变成any.(二)How many + 可数名词复数 + (are there)? 有多少?回答为具体的数字。例如:How many

34、students are there in our class? 我们班有多少个学生?There are 42. 有42人。How many dogs can you see? 你能看到多少条狗?I can see three. 我看见3条狗。二、基数词和序数词Our classroom is on the second floor. 我们的教室在一楼。They are on the third floor. 他们在三楼。Its on the first floor. 它在一楼。本单元出现了三个基数词one, two, three的序数词分别为first, second, third,这三个基

35、数词是比较特殊的。教师可可以根据学生的学习情况,适当的拓展序数词4th至10th,教师可以补充这些序数词的简写形式,并鼓励学生归纳出4至10序数词后缀。例如:one first, two second, three third, four fourth, five fifth, eight eighth, nine ninth方法口诀:口诀解说举例基变序,有规律,后面th加上去。在数词后面加th。four fourth一二三,特殊记,后面字母t, d, d。one, two, three特殊变。first,second,third八去t,九去e。整数中的y要变成ieeight去掉t,nine去

36、掉e。twenty去掉y变成twentietheight eighth, nine ninthf 来把ve替。five和twelve的ve要变成f 。five fifth, twelve twelfth若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。两位数或两位以上数字只变个位。thirty-three thirty-third序数词前要加the 我们一定要牢记注:序数词在使用时,通常前面要加 定冠词the;但是如果序数词前出现 不定冠词a或an时,则表示“再.”,“又.”。例如:We live on the fourth floor. 我们住在四楼。Today is the first day of sch

37、ool. 今天是开学第一天。Well read it a second time 我们再念第二遍。Weve tried it three timesMust we try it a fourth time? 我们已经试过三遍了,还必须再试一次(第四次)吗?【知识点分析】1. This is Nancy Black. 这位是南希.布莱克。解析: (1)句式This is可用来介绍他人,意为“这位是”。例句: This is my brother Tom. 这位是我弟弟汤姆。 (2)句中的Nancy Black是一个外国人名,按发音译为“南希。布莱克”。其中,Nancy是名,Black是姓。我国的

38、人名是姓在前,名在后。例句:Hello, Im John Brown. 你好,我叫约翰.布朗。2. Can you show her around? 你能带领她参观吗?解析:句中的短语showaround意为“带领参观”,其中show后面一般跟人(人称代词要用宾格),around后面跟地点。例句:(1)Let me show them around our factory. 让我带你参观一下我们的工厂。 (2) Will you show Mr Green around the hospital? 请你带领格林先生参观一下医院,好吗?3. Push me, Bobby! 推我,波比!解析:push为动词,后接人称代词的宾格形式,me是人称代词I 的宾格形式。这是一个祈使句。英语中的祈使句经常以动词原形开头,其否定句则在动词前加Dont.例句:Open the blue box. 把这个蓝色盒子打开。4. You are so heavy, Sam! 你是如此的重,萨姆!解析:此句中的heavy意思是“沉的;重的。”它既可以形容人,也可以形容物品。前面的so是一个程度副词,是“如此;这样”的意思。例句:This bag


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