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1、词义猜测题专练A(2019蚌埠高三第一次统考)Within a matter of a few days, the vet confirmed (确认) what I feared: sweet Sally has a malignant (恶性的) tumor, now the size of a tennis ball, on her right front leg.The news is forcing me to consider the question I have never before faced:Should I put an end to her life?Sally w

2、as already 2 or 3 when we got her 12 years ago.For reasons Ill never know, she chose me as her owner, following me from room to room, refusing to walk with anyone else if I am around.Sally is the first dog Ive ever had, and she has certainly schooled me in the meaning of unconditional (无条件的) love.Th

3、e vet told me that the tumor is too big to be removed.“We can do further testing,” she said,“to find out exactly what kind of cancer it is.”After serious discussions with the vet and with my children, Ive decided not to put her through more testing, nor to take any extreme measures.Shes on anticance

4、r medication (抗癌药物) and painkillers, but Im going to stop_thereWhile I understand completely people who feel otherwise,I am simply not going to force her to “fight” a cancer battle that she couldnt possibly understand.So what does that mean, for me? It means that, armed with only the confirmed knowl

5、edge that Sally has more than weeks, but fewer than years, ahead of her, I will probably have a lifeanddeath decision, as I carefully monitor her quality of life.I am overwhelmed (压垮) by the terrible power over her life and death.I am heartsick at realizing she might soon be unable to climb the stai

6、rs to sleep under my bed.Watching her weak leg, I can already see that the moment may well arrive when ending her life would be a kindness.But I cant see myself doing that to her.I cant see myself failing to do that to her.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。作者的狗被查出患有恶性肿瘤,看着它每天遭受着病痛的折磨,作者决定不再让它接受进一步的治疗,做出这样的决定让作者感到痛苦不堪。1W

7、hat can we learn about Sally?AShe is unable to walk.BShe is in her early years.CShe loves the author very much.DShe has fought cancer for years.答案C细节理解题。根据第二段中的she chose me as her owner.she has certainly schooled me in the meaning of unconditional (无条件的) love可知,Sally教给作者什么是无条件的爱,这说明Sally 很爱作者。2What

8、does the underlined part “stop there” in Paragraph 4 mean?AKill Sally.BDo further testing.CStop using painkillers.DGive Sally no further treatment.答案D词义猜测题。根据第四段中的Ive decided not to put her through more testing,nor to take any extreme measures及I am simply not going to force her to“fight”a cancer bat

9、tle可知,作者决定不再让Sally接受更多的治疗。3What is troubling the author?AThe dog will die within days.BWhether to end the dogs life.CThe dog refuses to sleep with her.DHow to help the dog live a quality life.答案B推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Watching her weak leg.But I cant see myself doing that to her.I cant see myself failing to

10、do that to her可知,作者不知是否该终结Sally的生命,因此,非常苦恼。4What kind of feeling is mainly expressed in the text?AAnger.BDoubt.CSadness.DThankfulness.答案C推理判断题。根据全文及最后一段中的I am heartsick at realizing she might soon be unable to climb the stairs to sleep under my bed可知,作者的狗患有恶性肿瘤,能跟它相处的时日已经不多,这让作者感到很难过。B(2019秦皇岛质量检测考试

11、)While flatbread has a history that some dates back to ancient Egypt, real pizza (比萨饼)pizza with tomato saucewas invented in Naples, Italy.It is said that pizza margheritacovered with tomato, mozzarella (a white Italian cheese), and basil (a strongsmelling and strongtasting herb used in cooking), in

12、 the red, white and green of Italys flagwas first created by Naples Pizzeria Brandi to honor Queen Margherita of Italy during an 1889 visit.Today, of course, there are all kinds of pizza shapes, sizes and flavors around the world, but the original Neapolitan pizza is round, with a soft, thin center

13、and thicker crunchier (松脆的) sides.You should be able to fold it in four and eat it like a crepe (薄煎饼)And thats the delicious treat thats now up for protection as an irreplaceable piece of global human heritage (遗产):This year, Italy is putting “the art of the Neapolitan pizza maker”on the list of can

14、didates to become treasures of world heritage recognised by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)Universally recognisable,“pizza” happens to be the Italian languages bestknown word, but that doesnt mean its_a_shooin“UNESCO has never listed a cultural tradition

15、linked to food production,”Pierluigi Petrillo, who prepared the documents to be discussed at UNESCO, told The Local.In 2016, the European Union included pizza in its official list of “guaranteed traditional specialities”The list specifies that any pizza called “Neapolitan” must be no more than 35 cm

16、 wide,with bread of up to 2 cm high, topped with canned tomatoes, mozzarella from Naples Campania region, oil and basil.The pizza must be cooked in a wooden oven, and be soft.Italy already has more UNESCOrecognised cultural treasures than any other country.The final decision on whether pizzamaking m

17、akes one more will be announced in 2017, after discussion with all 193 UN memberstates.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。意大利将把制作比萨饼的工艺申报为世界文化遗产。5Why did pizza margherita get such a name?AQueen Margherita gave it the name.BIt was created for Queen Margherita.CQueen Margherita liked it very much.DIt was invented by Queen

18、Margherita.答案B细节理解题。由第一段中的pizza margherita.was first created by Naples Pizzeria Brandi to honor Queen Margherita of Italy during an 1889 visit可知,这种比萨饼最初是为玛格丽特王后制作的,因此得名。6This year Italy is making an effort to _Asell Neapolitan pizza all over the worldBpopularize Neapolitan pizzamaking artCmake Neapo

19、litan pizza known in the worldDmake Neapolitan pizzamaking art a world heritage答案D细节理解题。由第二段中的This year,Italy is putting“the art of the Neapolitan pizza maker” on the list of candidates to become treasures of world heritage.(UNESCO)可知。7What does the underlined part “its a shooin” in Paragraph 3 mean

20、?AIt is unpopular.BIt is very famous.CIt might be refused.DIt is sure to succeed.答案D词义猜测题。由上文的“pizza”happens to be the Italian languages bestknown word,but.及下文的UNESCO has never listed a cultural tradition linked to food production可推断,尽管“比萨饼”这个词在意大利语中非常知名,但是这并不意味着其世界文化遗产申报计划一定能成功。D项符合语境。8What is Para

21、graph 4 mainly about?AThe brief history of Italian pizza.BThe standard of Neapolitan pizza.CThe advantages of Neapolitan pizza.DThe increasing popularity of Italian pizza.答案B段落大意题。由该段中的The list specifies that any pizza called “Neapolitan”must.be soft可知,该段主要讲那不勒斯比萨饼的标准。CPeople have speculated (思索) fo

22、r centuries about a future without work.Some imagine that the coming workfree world will be defined (定义) by inequality:A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in a wasteland.A different prediction holds that without jobs to give their lives meaning, future people

23、will simply become lazy and depressed.But it doesnt necessarily follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with dissatisfaction.Such visions are based on the downsides of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment.In the absence of work,a society

24、designed with other ends in mind could provide strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure.These days, spare time is relatively rare for most workers.“When I come home from a hard days work, I often feel tired,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of I

25、reland, adding,“In a world in which I dont have to work, I might feel rather different”perhaps different enough to throw himself into a hobby with the enthusiasm usually reserved for professional matters.Daniel Everett, an anthropologist (人类学家) at Bentley University studied a group of huntergathers

26、in the Amazon called the Piraha for years.According to Everett, while some might consider hunting and gathering work, huntergatherers dont.“They think of it as fun,” he says.“They dont have a concept of work the way we do.”Everett described a typical day for the Piraha:A man might get up, spend a fe

27、w hours fishing, have a barbecue, and play until the evening.Does this relaxing life lead to the depression and purposelessness seen among so many of todays unemployed? “Ive never seen anything like depression there, except people who are physically ill,” Everett says.While many may consider work ne

28、cessary for human life, work as it exists today is a relatively new invention in the course of human culture.“We think its bad to just sit around with nothing to do,” says Everett.“For the Piraha, its quite a desirable state.”【语篇解读】本文是议论文。如果人们不再需要工作,那世界会不会变得很糟?一些研究者对此提出了异议。9Which of the following ca

29、n describe peoples predictions about the workfree world?AOptimistic.BNegative.CAccurate.DAlarming.答案B推理判断题。根据第一段中的the coming workfree world will be defined (定义) by inequality和future people will simply become lazy and depressed可以推知,大多数关于不需要工作的未来世界的猜想是消极的、悲观的。10What does the underlined word “downsides

30、” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?ARisks.BReasons.CChallenges.DDisadvantages.答案D词义猜测题。根据第二段中的it doesnt necessarily follow from findings.of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment可以推知,第一段中对不需要工作的未来世界的展望是以失业的消极面(Disadvantages)为基础的,而这样的消极面只存在于就业观念根深蒂固的社会中。11What might John Danaher

31、 agree with?AWork is the most important thing in life.BPeople dont know how to balance work and life.CPeople may live a charmed life in a workfree future.DHigher unemployment makes life tougher for workers.答案C推理判断题。根据第三段中的different enough to throw himself into a hobby with the enthusiasm usually res

32、erved for professional matters可以推知,John Danaher认为,如果人类不再需要工作,他们很可能会把原本投入到工作中的热情转向自己的爱好和兴趣,这样的生活将是美好的。12Why is Daniel Everetts study mentioned?ATo prove John Danahers opinion.BTo show a future life without work.CTo compare different opinions on work.DTo introduce a special group in the Amazon.答案A写作目的

33、题。根据第四段中的They think of it as fun和最后一段中的Ive never seen anything like depression there等可知,这群不需要工作的毗拉哈人生活很美满,这与上文中John Danaher的观点一致,故正确答案是A。A(2019三明高三模拟考试)Akio Morita, cofounder of the Sony Corporation, was born on January 26th, 1921 and died on October 3rd, 1999 in Tokyo.He created one of the first tr

34、uly global companies.His strategy (策略) was so successful that Sony was recently chosen as the number one brand name by American consumers (消费者),ahead of CocaCola and General Electric.Morita had a comfortable childhood.He was the eldest son of a wealthy family from Nagoya.He trained as a physicist.Be

35、fore he celebrated his 26th birthday,he had started his own company with a partner,Masaru Ibuka.In 1949 the company developed recording tape and in 1950 sold the first tape recorder in Japan.In 1957 it produced a pocketsized radio and a year later renamed itself Sony.For the new name Mr Morita combi

36、ned the Latin word for sound, sonus, with the English expression “sonny boy” to give an impression of a company full of energy and youth.In 1960 it produced the first transistor television in the world.Morita moved his family to the USA in 1963.This helped him to understand Americans, their market a

37、nd customs.Many people believe this was the key reason for his global success.Sony launched the Walkman in 1979 after Morita had noticed young peoples love of music.Morita was a workaholic (工作狂), but he was also a playaholic.He loved art and music, and was a sports enthusiast.He also wrote a book in

38、 the 1960s called Never Mind School Records which argued that academic (学术的) achievements are not important for success in business.He is survived by his wife Yoshiko, two sons and a daughter.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了索尼公司的联合创始人Akio Morita。1What do we know about Sony?AIt topped some American brands.BIt ha

39、d a longer history than CocaCola.CIt failed to meet customers satisfaction.DIt had fewer customers than General Electric.答案A细节理解题。由第二段中的Sony was recently chosen as the number one brand name by American consumers (消费者)可知,索尼超越了一些美国品牌。2Why did Akio Morita rename his company Sony?ATo make the company ap

40、pear exciting.BTo break into the American market.CTo advertise his new products.DTo attract young customers.答案A细节理解题。由第三段中的to give an impression of a company full of energy and youth可知,Akio Morita把他的公司更名为索尼是为了给人们一种印象:这家公司充满了青春和活力。3What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?AMoritas

41、 family.BMoritas creativity.CAmericas lively market.DMoritas understanding of America.答案D词义猜测题。由第四段的描述可知,Akio Morita在1963年把家搬到美国,这使得他对美国人、美国市场以及美国的风俗有了深入理解,很多人认为这正是他在全球获得成功的关键原因;由此可推断,this指的是Akio Morita对美国的了解。4What do we know about Akio Morita?AHe was a productive writer.BHe was a low achiever in sc

42、hool.CHe once taught physics in a college.DHe was hardworking and enjoyed his life.答案D细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的Morita was a workaholic (工作狂),but he was also a playaholic可知,Akio Morita既是一个工作狂,也是一个会享受生活的人。B(2019泉州高三模拟考试)A sevenfoottall fighter stares across a grassy valley in the Andes Mountains of South America

43、.He flashes fierce jaguarlike teeth and watches the scene with his stony stare.The figure is made of, well,stone.Some 600 of these statues have occupied (占领)the area near San Agustin, Colombia, for more than a thousand years.But nobodys sure why they were builtor what the statues can tell us about w

44、ho built them.Scientists are trying to unravel the mystery.Some had a guess:the creators must have had magical powers.How else to explain the statues when the metal tools needed to carve (雕刻) stone didnt exist yet?In the 20th century, some scientists began digging the area.Their digging uncovered to

45、mbs (坟墓)The size of the tombs and the presence of their stone “guardians” led scientists to think that the richest leaders of this ancient communityand their treasureswere buried here.“Youd imagine these tombs would have personal treasure, but they didnt,” archaeologist Victor Gonzalez says.“We were

46、 surprised there wasnt any treasure inside.”The scientists realized the tombs werent for the wealthy members of the San Agustin culturethey were for the powerful ones.“We think the structures suggest that those buried here were believed to have unusual powers, such as the ability to influence the fo

47、rces of nature.” Gonzalez says.To find more information about the civilization (文明), the scientists had to get hightech.They found that the culture probably started 2,000 years ago and lasted for about nine centuries! But the mystery of how these people carved such stone statues still hadnt been unc

48、overed.After examining hundreds of statues, scientists realized most of the figures were made of tuff, a volcanic rock found in large quantities near the area.Tuff is hard but easily broken.Striking it with a harder rock can easily chip off parts.No magic needed!While the mystery of how the statues were made has likely been cleared up, sci


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