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1、 Lesson 24 ,It could be worse,Discussion,Have you ever lost some money? Did someone return it back to you?,New words and expressions,manager 经理upset 不安sympathetic 表示同情的complain 抱怨wicked 很坏的;邪恶的contain 包含;内装honesty 诚实,manager n. 经理;管理人,shop managerhotel managercinema managergeneral manager 总经理His wif

2、e is a bad/poor manager他的妻子不会当家。,manage v. 经营;管理I want to manage my own company one day.management n. 处理,管理,manage a shop=run/operate a shop,manage a business/factorymanage money 理财,upset,(1) adj. 不安的;苦恼的;心烦的I have just lost 50 pounds and I felt very upset.He was upset for not being invited.,upset,(

3、2) v. 使苦恼,心烦意乱,弄翻,打乱使(肠胃)不适,意外击败upset-upset-upsetA terrible sight upsets me.The tall bottle upsets easily.高瓶子容易翻倒。He upset his stomach by eating too much rich food.他吃了太多油腻的东西,感到肠胃不适。Dont be upset by trifles.别为琐事烦恼,upset,(3) n. 翻倒,打乱(在比赛中)意外失败The fire caused an upset in the building.大火在楼里引起混乱。The new

4、s gave me a quite upset.这个消息令我心烦意乱。Their team suffered an upset.他们队意外失败了。,Sympathetic adj. 表示同情的,be sympathetic to sbbe sympathetic towards sbbe sympathetic with sba sympathetic looka sympathetic smilea sympathetic remark,sympathy n. 同情心,show sympathy to/towards sbexpress sympathy to/towards sbfeel

5、sympathy forShe never express any sympathy when I was in trouble.,sympathy n. 同感,共鸣,支持,一致antipathy n. 反感,厌恶,憎恶I have sympathy with his opinion.我赞成他的意见。,Complain v. 抱怨,(1) complain to sb about/at sthI dont like you. You are always complaining!Stop complaining!What was the weather like on your holiday

6、?I cant complain.Couldnt be better.,(2) complain of 诉说,(3) complain that 抱怨He complained that nothing came out the way he had expected.(4) complainant/plaintiff n. 原告,控诉人complainer n. 诉苦者,发牢骚的人complaint n. 不满,牢骚I have no complaint about my pay.,wicked adj. er, -est,1) 指人或人的行为不道德,缺德的,邪恶的 morally bad,

7、 evila wicked deed 邪恶的行为a wicked lie 邪恶的谎言That was very wicked of you.你干的事可真缺德。It is wicked of sb to do某人做.真坏,Wicked weather 坏天气Wick n. 蜡烛,油灯等灯芯表示坏的词Bad NaughtyMischievous 恶作剧的,恶意中伤的WickedEvil,Contain/hold v. 容纳,包含,内装,该词不用于进行时态Include 包括,该部分是整体的一部分,可分离出来Contain 含有,该内容是整体不可分离的成分或“容纳,内装”,There are 15

8、girls in the class, including me.The classroom can contain 500 students.The whisky contains a large percent of alcohol.Container n. 容器Include exclude 排除,不包括Including excluding,Honest adj.诚实的,Honesty n. DishonestyHonest dishonestAn honest boyIt is honest of sb to do某人做.是正直的It is honest of you to tell

9、 the truth.To be honest ,坦白说(通常位于句首),Honesty n. 诚实,真诚,公正,坦率Honesty is the best policy.诚实为上策。There is still honesty in the world.,Honestly adv. 诚实地I honestly dont know.Honestly 修饰整个句子,无比较级变化 老实说,坦白说Honestly, thats exactly what she said.honestly speaking 坦白说generally speaking 一般来说frankly speaking 坦白说,

10、language points,I enter the hotel managers office and sat down. enter =come into = go into 进入enter for 报名参加Take part inJoin inEntrance n. 入口Entrance to 的入口Entrance to this building,I had just lost 50 pounds and I felt very upset.Lose-lost-lost 遗失,失落,丧失Ive lost my keys.Ive lost 50 pounds.She lost her

11、 husband in the crowed.Lose all ones money at cards玩牌把钱输光了Lose ones job 失业Be out of work,Lose temper 发脾气Lose labor 白费力气Lost adj. 遗失,失落,丧失Recall ones lost youthMy wallet is lost./missingLoss n. 遗失Loss of bloodLoss of healthLoss of moneySuffer a loss Suffer a great/heavy,Be at a loss 不知所措,困惑She was at

12、 a loss for an answer.Be a dead loss 毫无价值Cut ones losses 趁早收手Loss leader 招揽客人的特价品,亏本抛卖的商品,I left the money in my roomand its not there now.-maybe it was stolen.Leave sth somewhereI left my homework at home.I left my keys at the office.,The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing.,he could d

13、o nothing无能为力Not any=noHe couldnt do anything.,Everyone is losing money these days.,用现在进行时表示不断重复或者反复发生的动作,带有说话人的主观色彩。You are always complaining.He is always telling lies.,He started to complain about this wicked world but interrupted by a knock at the door.,Start to do/start doingStart to complain/c

14、oplainingComplain to sb about sth 对.抱怨He is always complaining to me about his fate.,Well,.There is still honesty in this world.,(1)adv 好地 badlyHe did his job pretty well.(2)adv. 适当地,妥善地Do you think this color goes well with that one?(3)adv. 充分地,彻底地She doesnt know him very well.,相关短语,Be well off 经济宽

15、裕His family is not very well off.As well 也He sent me a letter and some money as well.Be well up in sth 精通Might as well do as do 与其不如You might as well throw money away as spend it in gambling.Well done! 做的好!,(4)adj. 健康的,健全的,安好的 反义词ill,sickHow are you?I am quite well, thank you.(5)adj. 妥当的All is well

16、that ends well. 一切顺利,皆大欢喜,(6) n. 水井,泉水An oil well 油井(7)语气词Well, thats true.Well, its time to leave.He passed the exam.Well, well!真好,真好!(表示感叹),Well,.There is still honesty in this world.,Still(1) adv. 仍旧,仍然Do you still want them?(2) adj. 静止的,不动的Still water runs deep.静水流深。Stand still 站着别动Lie still,Spe

17、cial difficulties,1.感叹句 what Howwhat+冠词+adj.+n.+主语+谓语动词How +adj. +冠词+n.+主语+谓语动词表示惊奇,愤怒,赞赏,喜悦等感情。What a wonderful garden (it is)!How wonderful a garden it is!,(2) 直接宾语与间接宾语Buy sb sth/buy sth for sbGive sb sth/give sth to sbHand sb sth/ hand sth to sb这类动词后加双宾语,sth 为直接宾语,sb为间接宾语。,(3) not any+n. 与 no +n

18、.There isnt any tea in the pot.There is no tea in the pot.(4)名词所有格有的直接加 有的加s,(5)相近词或词组辨析ReceivetakeBe made of可看出原料 be made from看不出原料Look for寻找-find找到Grow up-growThere is-it isExcept同类事物中除去一部分 apart from同类、不同类均可用Excited-exciting,Remind-rememberPut on穿上put out扑灭、熄灭Take off脱下、起飞、休假 cut off切断、砍掉、剪掉Knock

19、 off使减少、下班、杀死 knock over偷窃、弄翻On the way在路上 in the way挡路、妨碍Borrow-lend(6)介词的运用Up, off over, back, on, away, in,Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日所成。When in Rome, do as Romans do. 入乡随俗。,Exercise C,She promised a reward to the finder.Bring that book to me please.Ive order some soup for you.,Exercise D,

20、Have you any money?No, I havent any money.No, I have no money.,Exercise E,Whose umbrella is this?/GeorgeIts Georges.Whose are these uniforms?/The soldiersThey are the soldiers.,Whose poetry do you like best?/KeatsI like keats(keatss) poetry best.Keats 济慈,英国诗人 代表作当你老了,当你老了 when you are old,When you a

21、re old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you,An

22、d loved the sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.,当你老了,头发白了,睡意昏沉,炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌,慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和,回想它们昔日浓重的阴影;多少人曾爱慕你年轻时的容颜,爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心,只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂,爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹;垂下头来,在红光闪耀的炉子旁,凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝,在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步子,在一群星星中间隐藏着脸庞。,茅德冈,


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